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March 1, 2007 |
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Letters to the editor ...
Time for bypass is now
Editor, The Herald:
This is an important phase
of the Belfair Bypass process.
We've all had time to hear about
the $2-billion state budget sur-
plus for this year and this is as
good an opportunity as we're go-
ing to get in securing the fund-
ing for this LONG OVERDUE
Now it's important that peo-
ple make an effort to contact our
35th Legislative District repre-
sentatives - Haigh, Eickmeyer
and Sheldon - and the Washing-
ton State Department of Trans-
portation (WSDOT) leadership.
Get on the Web site for WSDOT
and look into the bypass. Look
at how much growth and traffic
has occurred in just the last ten
years. Try to picture what situ-
ation we'll be facing in five or
ten more years at that rate. How
about when the Tacoma Nar-
rows Bridge tolls start or when
the Hood Canal Bridge has clo-
sures? One bad mishap on State
Route 3 puts traffic at a stop, up
to the airport or worse. To "Shop
Local" requires Evel Knievel's
driving skills. Holding Easter
egg hunts alongside a state high-
way - that's crazy! United States
Congressman Norm Dicks lives
here, for crying out loud.
If these elected officials really
care about the elderly, children,
town life and the general voting
population, then there should be
one answer they'll have for us:
Safety First, Bypass Now. We
deserve an answer SOON. All
this care and concern fbr Hood
Canal, salmon, stormwater run-
off, etc., when the present State
Route 3 situation should come
This project can't wait to be
put off until a tragic accident
happens directly in front of a
school. WSDOT held a very im-
pressive presentation several
weeks back at the Theler Center.
Many state projects and agencies
are very clear on the opportunity
at hand with the $2-billion state
budget surplus this year. Don't
let this timing and these elected
officials slip by on this vital proj-
ect. Don't let it slide away into
artwork out in front of a state
Maybe we'll invite the news
channels out here to film these
unbearable conditions and high
rate of wrecks in this up-and-
coming part of North Mason
County. It's bottlenecked State
Route 3: what a showpiece,
"Shop Local" environment.
There's no hope of becoming a
Port Orchard with a Bay Street
or Old Town Poulsbo as it ex-
ists presently. Don't fall asleep,
folks, get the highway out of
town; it rules our town and lives.
If they've got money to build a
"new" ferry boat for an island
with 280 people on it, we sure
ought to be able to make this
Craig Mann
Get pets spayed, neutered
Editor, The Herald:
February 27 was National
Spay Day. To celebrate, many
rescue groups and shelters are
offering special low-cost spay/
neuter help throughout Febru-
ary and March.
Now is the time to get your
cat spayed or neutered. It will
add years to your cat's life and
will save other cats' lives.
Please spay or neuter now
before more unwanted litters
of kittens are born. For every
kitten born another cat will be
abandoned, abused, neglected
or euthanized because there are
too many.
Don't allow-your cat to have
even one litter. There aren't
enough homes for all the home-
less cats now. Don't add more
cats to suffer an unknown fate.
If you are feeding a stray or
feral cat, thank you! But please
act now to make sure they are
all spayed or neutered. Don't
wait until the kittens are born;
stop the overpopulation now.
There's no excuse not to alter
your cat. People who allow their
cats to have kittens are the rea-
son that cats are still being eu-
thanized for lack of homes.
Cats can be safely spayed
when in heat or while pregnant,
and kittens can be altered when
they reach two pounds in weight
(at 8 to 9 weeks old).
Please help the cats and spay
or neuter you cats now!
Linda Dennis
i i
Thursday, March 1
7:30 a.m., Allyn Community As-
sociation no-host breakfast meet-
ing, Lenrmrd K's, Allyn. For more
information call 275-9744.
8 a.m.-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition
Program, Mary E. Theler Com-
munity Center in Belfair; card
playing, dancing and lunch. For
reservations call 479-4874 or 275-
9 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1032,
Belfair Community Baptist
Church. For more information call
Noon, North Mason Rotary
Club, LakeLand Village Club-
house, Allyn. For more informa-
tion call 277-3282.
Noon, Mason Benson Club,
monthly potluck. For more infor-
mation call 427-0785.
1 p.m., North Mason Seniors
Association board meeting, Con-
ference Room 1, Mary E. Theler
Community Center, Belfair. For
mo'e information call 275-4898.
Friday, March 2
6 p.m., Victor Improvement
Club social hour, 7 p.m. potluck
and 8 p.m. meeting, at the Victor
Hall in Victor. For more informa-
tion call 275-8157.
6 to 8 p.m., Girl Scout Cadette,
Senior and Studio 2B, Mary E.
Theler Community Center. For
more information, call 277-0540.
Saturday, March 3
10 a.m., Humane Society of Ma-
son County, at the QFC upstairs
meeting room. For more informa-
tion leave message at 275-9310.
Sunday, March 4
North Mason invites you to wor-
ship at the church of your choice.
Monday, March 5
3:40 to 5:30 p.m., Brownies and
Junior Girl Scouts, Mary E. The-
ler Community Center. For more
information call 277-0540.
6 p.m., Lower Hood Canal Wa-
tershed Coalition, North Mason
School District administrative of-
rices. For more information call
6:30 p.m., TOPS Chapter
1197, Belfair Community Baptist
Church. For more information call
7 p.m., Port of Allyn Commis-
sioners' meeting, Port of Allyn
Building, Allyn. For more infor-
mation call 275-2430.
Tuesday, March 6
8 a.m.-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition
Program, Mary E. Theler Commu-
nity Center in Belfair; card play-
ing, dancing, and lunch. For reser-
vations call 479-4874 or 275-4898.
8:30 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1357,
Prince of Peace Catholic Church,
Belfair. For more information call
Noon, North Mason Kiwan-
is, Belfair Community Baptist
Church. For more information call
Noon, Belfair chapter of the
Puget Sound Genealogical Soci-
ety, Belfair Community Baptist
Church. For more information call
6 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 513, Bel-
fair Community Baptist Church.
For more information call 275-
6 p.m., Spanish Club, QFC up-
stairs meeting room. For more in-
formation call 372-2613.
P.O. Box 250, Belfair, Washington 98528
Telephone 275-6680
Belfalr office open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday
News and advertising copy deadline noon Mondays. For your convenience
there is a mail slot by the door for copy. Office located in the Log Plaza.
KEVAN MOORE ..................................................................... Editor
HARVEY MORRIS ........................................ Advertising Manager
LIZ CASE .............................................. Office Manager/Reporter
Office Telephone (360) 275-6680
A section of The Shelton-Mason County Journal serving as the voice of Belfair,
Allyn, Grapevlew, Tahuya, Mason Lake, South Shore, North Shore and Victor.
7 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 513,
Belfair Community Baptist
Church. For more information call
7 p.m., Port of Dewatto Com-
missioners' meeting, Port of De-
watto Building. For more infor-
mation call 372-2755 or visit the
port's Web site at www.dewatto-
7:30 p.m., North Mason Eagles
Men's Aerie, Eagles Hall, Belfair.
For more information call 674-
Wednesday, March 7
9:30 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1321,
Allyn Baptist Church, Allyn. For
more information call 277-0362.
10 a.m., Tahuya Bridge Group,
Jimmy D's Restaurant, Belfair.
For more information call .275-
Noon, North Mason Lions Club,
Fiesta Restaurant in the Log Pla-
za in Belfair. For more informa-
tion call 275-8135.
4:30 p.m., Daisy Girl Scouts,
Mary E. Theler Community Cen-
ter. For more information, call
Thursday, March 8
8 a.m-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition
Program, Mary E. Theler Com-
munity Center in Belfair; card
playing, dancing and lunch. For
reservations call 479-4874 or 275-
9 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1032,
Belfair Community Baptist
Church. For more information call
Noon, North Mason Rotary
Club, LakeLand Village Club-
house, Allyn. For more informa-
tion call 277-3282.
2 p.m., Pacific Northwest Salm-
on Center Board of Directors, at
the North Mason Timberland Re-
gional Library, located at 23081
NE State Route 3 in Belfair. For
more information call 275-2763.
Serving anyone living or working
in Mason or Grays Harbor County
526 W. Cedar St., Shelton
2948 Olympic Hwy. N., Shelton
Page 2 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, March 1,2007
Obit ' " ii00!o00
usa]l t,. l Sho;[ t: 00er.ld
Former Belfair resident Susan Rose Mountain on June 8,19281 |'_llal""
Susan L. Owen
L. (Spitzer) Owen died of cancer on
Monday, February 12, in Tacoma.
She was 58 and had lived in Bel-
fair for 27 years.
She was born
on April 24, 1948
in Aberdeen,
South Dakota, to
Ervin and Leno-
ra Spitzer. She
graduated from
Sealth High
School in Seattle
in 1966.
She married
Eved Owen on
December 15,
1973 in Seattle. Susan L.
Mrs. Owen Owen
worked as ac-
counts payable lead for Davita for
eight years.
She was a youth soccer coach in
Surviving are husband Eved
Owen of Tacoma; sons Eric Owen
of Shoreline and Jessie Owen of
A memorial service was held
on Saturday, February 24, at An-
Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Mrs. Henrikson graduated fr
Saint John's High School in C |901 Y,
bridge. In 1948 she married W$* |ntl
llt av
ren Henrikson in Boston. .i) '
Mrs. Henrikson was a ine |Ph(
ber of Bremerton's Holy Tri |e,
• . , pl .lu,
Cathohc Church, Belfmr s _j |!
of Peace Catholic Church .,.|/
Shelton's Saint Edward s Cathl
Church. u12i r
She was a very active vol
with Belfair's Saint Vincent
Paul Thrift Store and alsoi I
Mason General Hospital in
ton. Mrs. Henrickson also
playing bridge.
by her
She is survived h
band; by her sons Thomas and
wife, Patricia, Stephen and io,,
wife, Terry, and Matthew; by h OU
daughter Julie Plageoles and iA
husband, Philippe; by her |uI
Charles; by five grandchildren.Pal
and by five great-grandchildre',:
A funeral mass was held earll;:
this month. Memorial donati0:1
may be made to Hospice
Center in Bremerton or Ma
General Hospital in Shelton.
hie Wright School, Raynold Cha-
pel, in Tacoma. Inurnment was [!
at Tahoma National Cemetery in
Memorial donations may be
made to Davita Village, in care of /I : _lffS
Tara-Lyn Poole, 1423 Pacific Av- /I 198ZllP, iStnce
enue, Tacoma, 98402.
Valerie McLeod,
Physical Thera
Theresa Henrikson
70 NE Medical Center Road
Former Belfair resident There- I1
sa Evelyn Henrikson died at her 2 7 5-43 52 H
home in Bremerton on Monday,
Topsoil. Bark * Mulches. Fill Dirt. Rocker] Rock • Crushed Rock. Washed Rock
Land Clearing • Free Estimates * Certified Scales i
• Accepting Stumps, Brush and Concrete
Belfair 275-3465 Mon.-Fri.: 74
HOOD.Cd0000 (360) 275-7903
Ifwy 3, BMMIr * Just north of the Hwy 3/Hwy 106 Intersection
p.o. Box 275 • NE 431 Yard RI. • Belfair, WA 98521
The Place To Take Your
Contractors Welcome
2711-0228 Please call for directions and more informationn
NO Plastics or Garbage PLEASE .... .
Quality companies at the
prices you need!
Come in and see Chris Ladner, Artemia Settle, and our team
of insurance professionals for all your insurance needs!
Arnold & Smith Insurance Agency
Phone: (360) 277-5300 • Toll Free: 800-633-4848
11 NE Old Belfair Hwy., Belfair, WA 98528
Letters to the editor ...
Time for bypass is now
Editor, The Herald:
This is an important phase
of the Belfair Bypass process.
We've all had time to hear about
the $2-billion state budget sur-
plus for this year and this is as
good an opportunity as we're go-
ing to get in securing the fund-
ing for this LONG OVERDUE
Now it's important that peo-
ple make an effort to contact our
35th Legislative District repre-
sentatives - Haigh, Eickmeyer
and Sheldon - and the Washing-
ton State Department of Trans-
portation (WSDOT) leadership.
Get on the Web site for WSDOT
and look into the bypass. Look
at how much growth and traffic
has occurred in just the last ten
years. Try to picture what situ-
ation we'll be facing in five or
ten more years at that rate. How
about when the Tacoma Nar-
rows Bridge tolls start or when
the Hood Canal Bridge has clo-
sures? One bad mishap on State
Route 3 puts traffic at a stop, up
to the airport or worse. To "Shop
Local" requires Evel Knievel's
driving skills. Holding Easter
egg hunts alongside a state high-
way - that's crazy! United States
Congressman Norm Dicks lives
here, for crying out loud.
If these elected officials really
care about the elderly, children,
town life and the general voting
population, then there should be
one answer they'll have for us:
Safety First, Bypass Now. We
deserve an answer SOON. All
this care and concern fbr Hood
Canal, salmon, stormwater run-
off, etc., when the present State
Route 3 situation should come
This project can't wait to be
put off until a tragic accident
happens directly in front of a
school. WSDOT held a very im-
pressive presentation several
weeks back at the Theler Center.
Many state projects and agencies
are very clear on the opportunity
at hand with the $2-billion state
budget surplus this year. Don't
let this timing and these elected
officials slip by on this vital proj-
ect. Don't let it slide away into
artwork out in front of a state
Maybe we'll invite the news
channels out here to film these
unbearable conditions and high
rate of wrecks in this up-and-
coming part of North Mason
County. It's bottlenecked State
Route 3: what a showpiece,
"Shop Local" environment.
There's no hope of becoming a
Port Orchard with a Bay Street
or Old Town Poulsbo as it ex-
ists presently. Don't fall asleep,
folks, get the highway out of
town; it rules our town and lives.
If they've got money to build a
"new" ferry boat for an island
with 280 people on it, we sure
ought to be able to make this
Craig Mann
Get pets spayed, neutered
Editor, The Herald:
February 27 was National
Spay Day. To celebrate, many
rescue groups and shelters are
offering special low-cost spay/
neuter help throughout Febru-
ary and March.
Now is the time to get your
cat spayed or neutered. It will
add years to your cat's life and
will save other cats' lives.
Please spay or neuter now
before more unwanted litters
of kittens are born. For every
kitten born another cat will be
abandoned, abused, neglected
or euthanized because there are
too many.
Don't allow-your cat to have
even one litter. There aren't
enough homes for all the home-
less cats now. Don't add more
cats to suffer an unknown fate.
If you are feeding a stray or
feral cat, thank you! But please
act now to make sure they are
all spayed or neutered. Don't
wait until the kittens are born;
stop the overpopulation now.
There's no excuse not to alter
your cat. People who allow their
cats to have kittens are the rea-
son that cats are still being eu-
thanized for lack of homes.
Cats can be safely spayed
when in heat or while pregnant,
and kittens can be altered when
they reach two pounds in weight
(at 8 to 9 weeks old).
Please help the cats and spay
or neuter you cats now!
Linda Dennis
i i
Thursday, March 1
7:30 a.m., Allyn Community As-
sociation no-host breakfast meet-
ing, Lenrmrd K's, Allyn. For more
information call 275-9744.
8 a.m.-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition
Program, Mary E. Theler Com-
munity Center in Belfair; card
playing, dancing and lunch. For
reservations call 479-4874 or 275-
9 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1032,
Belfair Community Baptist
Church. For more information call
Noon, North Mason Rotary
Club, LakeLand Village Club-
house, Allyn. For more informa-
tion call 277-3282.
Noon, Mason Benson Club,
monthly potluck. For more infor-
mation call 427-0785.
1 p.m., North Mason Seniors
Association board meeting, Con-
ference Room 1, Mary E. Theler
Community Center, Belfair. For
mo'e information call 275-4898.
Friday, March 2
6 p.m., Victor Improvement
Club social hour, 7 p.m. potluck
and 8 p.m. meeting, at the Victor
Hall in Victor. For more informa-
tion call 275-8157.
6 to 8 p.m., Girl Scout Cadette,
Senior and Studio 2B, Mary E.
Theler Community Center. For
more information, call 277-0540.
Saturday, March 3
10 a.m., Humane Society of Ma-
son County, at the QFC upstairs
meeting room. For more informa-
tion leave message at 275-9310.
Sunday, March 4
North Mason invites you to wor-
ship at the church of your choice.
Monday, March 5
3:40 to 5:30 p.m., Brownies and
Junior Girl Scouts, Mary E. The-
ler Community Center. For more
information call 277-0540.
6 p.m., Lower Hood Canal Wa-
tershed Coalition, North Mason
School District administrative of-
rices. For more information call
6:30 p.m., TOPS Chapter
1197, Belfair Community Baptist
Church. For more information call
7 p.m., Port of Allyn Commis-
sioners' meeting, Port of Allyn
Building, Allyn. For more infor-
mation call 275-2430.
Tuesday, March 6
8 a.m.-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition
Program, Mary E. Theler Commu-
nity Center in Belfair; card play-
ing, dancing, and lunch. For reser-
vations call 479-4874 or 275-4898.
8:30 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1357,
Prince of Peace Catholic Church,
Belfair. For more information call
Noon, North Mason Kiwan-
is, Belfair Community Baptist
Church. For more information call
Noon, Belfair chapter of the
Puget Sound Genealogical Soci-
ety, Belfair Community Baptist
Church. For more information call
6 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 513, Bel-
fair Community Baptist Church.
For more information call 275-
6 p.m., Spanish Club, QFC up-
stairs meeting room. For more in-
formation call 372-2613.
P.O. Box 250, Belfair, Washington 98528
Telephone 275-6680
Belfalr office open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday
News and advertising copy deadline noon Mondays. For your convenience
there is a mail slot by the door for copy. Office located in the Log Plaza.
KEVAN MOORE ..................................................................... Editor
HARVEY MORRIS ........................................ Advertising Manager
LIZ CASE .............................................. Office Manager/Reporter
Office Telephone (360) 275-6680
A section of The Shelton-Mason County Journal serving as the voice of Belfair,
Allyn, Grapevlew, Tahuya, Mason Lake, South Shore, North Shore and Victor.
7 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 513,
Belfair Community Baptist
Church. For more information call
7 p.m., Port of Dewatto Com-
missioners' meeting, Port of De-
watto Building. For more infor-
mation call 372-2755 or visit the
port's Web site at www.dewatto-
7:30 p.m., North Mason Eagles
Men's Aerie, Eagles Hall, Belfair.
For more information call 674-
Wednesday, March 7
9:30 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1321,
Allyn Baptist Church, Allyn. For
more information call 277-0362.
10 a.m., Tahuya Bridge Group,
Jimmy D's Restaurant, Belfair.
For more information call .275-
Noon, North Mason Lions Club,
Fiesta Restaurant in the Log Pla-
za in Belfair. For more informa-
tion call 275-8135.
4:30 p.m., Daisy Girl Scouts,
Mary E. Theler Community Cen-
ter. For more information, call
Thursday, March 8
8 a.m-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition
Program, Mary E. Theler Com-
munity Center in Belfair; card
playing, dancing and lunch. For
reservations call 479-4874 or 275-
9 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1032,
Belfair Community Baptist
Church. For more information call
Noon, North Mason Rotary
Club, LakeLand Village Club-
house, Allyn. For more informa-
tion call 277-3282.
2 p.m., Pacific Northwest Salm-
on Center Board of Directors, at
the North Mason Timberland Re-
gional Library, located at 23081
NE State Route 3 in Belfair. For
more information call 275-2763.
Serving anyone living or working
in Mason or Grays Harbor County
526 W. Cedar St., Shelton
2948 Olympic Hwy. N., Shelton
Page 2 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, March 1,2007
Obit ' " ii00!o00
usa]l t,. l Sho;[ t: 00er.ld
Former Belfair resident Susan Rose Mountain on June 8,19281 |'_llal""
Susan L. Owen
L. (Spitzer) Owen died of cancer on
Monday, February 12, in Tacoma.
She was 58 and had lived in Bel-
fair for 27 years.
She was born
on April 24, 1948
in Aberdeen,
South Dakota, to
Ervin and Leno-
ra Spitzer. She
graduated from
Sealth High
School in Seattle
in 1966.
She married
Eved Owen on
December 15,
1973 in Seattle. Susan L.
Mrs. Owen Owen
worked as ac-
counts payable lead for Davita for
eight years.
She was a youth soccer coach in
Surviving are husband Eved
Owen of Tacoma; sons Eric Owen
of Shoreline and Jessie Owen of
A memorial service was held
on Saturday, February 24, at An-
Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Mrs. Henrikson graduated fr
Saint John's High School in C |901 Y,
bridge. In 1948 she married W$* |ntl
llt av
ren Henrikson in Boston. .i) '
Mrs. Henrikson was a ine |Ph(
ber of Bremerton's Holy Tri |e,
• . , pl .lu,
Cathohc Church, Belfmr s _j |!
of Peace Catholic Church .,.|/
Shelton's Saint Edward s Cathl
Church. u12i r
She was a very active vol
with Belfair's Saint Vincent
Paul Thrift Store and alsoi I
Mason General Hospital in
ton. Mrs. Henrickson also
playing bridge.
by her
She is survived h
band; by her sons Thomas and
wife, Patricia, Stephen and io,,
wife, Terry, and Matthew; by h OU
daughter Julie Plageoles and iA
husband, Philippe; by her |uI
Charles; by five grandchildren.Pal
and by five great-grandchildre',:
A funeral mass was held earll;:
this month. Memorial donati0:1
may be made to Hospice
Center in Bremerton or Ma
General Hospital in Shelton.
hie Wright School, Raynold Cha-
pel, in Tacoma. Inurnment was [!
at Tahoma National Cemetery in
Memorial donations may be
made to Davita Village, in care of /I : _lffS
Tara-Lyn Poole, 1423 Pacific Av- /I 198ZllP, iStnce
enue, Tacoma, 98402.
Valerie McLeod,
Physical Thera
Theresa Henrikson
70 NE Medical Center Road
Former Belfair resident There- I1
sa Evelyn Henrikson died at her 2 7 5-43 52 H
home in Bremerton on Monday,
Topsoil. Bark * Mulches. Fill Dirt. Rocker] Rock • Crushed Rock. Washed Rock
Land Clearing • Free Estimates * Certified Scales i
• Accepting Stumps, Brush and Concrete
Belfair 275-3465 Mon.-Fri.: 74
HOOD.Cd0000 (360) 275-7903
Ifwy 3, BMMIr * Just north of the Hwy 3/Hwy 106 Intersection
p.o. Box 275 • NE 431 Yard RI. • Belfair, WA 98521
The Place To Take Your
Contractors Welcome
2711-0228 Please call for directions and more informationn
NO Plastics or Garbage PLEASE .... .
Quality companies at the
prices you need!
Come in and see Chris Ladner, Artemia Settle, and our team
of insurance professionals for all your insurance needs!
Arnold & Smith Insurance Agency
Phone: (360) 277-5300 • Toll Free: 800-633-4848
11 NE Old Belfair Hwy., Belfair, WA 98528