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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 1, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 1, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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At00North Mason ¸¸:17 High School: students earn a spot on the honor roll Mason High School re- announced the names of achieving honor-roll sta- first term of the 2006-2007 year. The students worked to maintain a grade- of 3.2 making the list JoAnna Sprouffske, Tyler Joshua Toohey, Mitchell Fortner, Sheela VanRees, Maria Theres Fujiye, Jeanelle Ward, Maggie Gill, Cameron Weeks, Ariel Gower, Lauren Wightman, Jayda Greco, Maloupu William- son, Duane Guetschow Jr., Lau- ra Wing, Rebecca Henry, Amber Zeedar, Hannah Hicks, Jonathan Heft, Jacob Holmes, Kristen Hud- dle, Samantha Hull, Maci Hunt, Amanda James, Tyler Jankunas, Alden Johanns, Shelby Johnson and Mackenzie Kocher. Freshman students that made the grade included Tessa Alto, Emily Anderson, Skyler Jensen, Haley Angstead, Jennifer Jones, Casey Bartell, Katelyn Kaye, Hei- di Bonn, Zachary Kissler, Zach- ary Both, Ryan Kuhn, Heather Colson, Tia Lacijan, Dean Cordy, Joshua Lopez, Michael Douglas, Jewelissa Lowe, Brittni Dowler, Dart Merrill, Mikle Eash, Nathan Merrill, Elizabeth Ewing, Sean Palmer, Nikia Frohlich, Shawna Rinehart, John Fullington, Ash- ley Rowland, Michael Gasper, Johnathan Rowling, Anne Gower, Zenith Savary, Katelyn Graham, Lacey Schauberger, Maurean Gro- gan, Kevin Shinkle, Nicci Hall, Megan Shobe, Dylan Hannafious, Brett Skogstad, Manuel Hernan- dez, Craig Spurlock, Samantha Horkey, Cooper Thompson, Caleb Huxford, Candace Twiss, Loretta Velaochaga-Klugger, Nicole Wal- ter, Megan Weatherwax, Karissa Weber and Timothy Winslow. group formed Hawkins activities Teacher, Student As- (PTSA) group has been support Hawkins Middle The group has scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on the third of every month in the school library. event is planned 21 and will feature guest Charlie Heft on the subject to send your kids to college free. For more information on and its activities contact at 275-0494. g old cell and ink-jet es in Belfair phones and ink-jet cartridg- now be recycled in Belfair. Phones themselves contain at least eight toxic chemicals, and if discarded in a landfill each one can potentially contaminate up to 34,874 gallons of water. Recycling is sponsored through Belfair&apos;s Pa- cific Northwest Salmon Center and several local businesses have drop- boxes for used phones and ink-jet cartridges. For more information call the Salmon Center at 275-2763. Library calendars celebrate 40 years, support programs North Mason Timberland Li- brary is selling art calendars in celebration of its 40th anniversary. The calendars feature pen-and-ink drawings of local landmarks and a brief history of the North Mason Friends of the Library group. The $10 price tag supports library activ- ities, including reading programs. For more information drop by the library, located at 23081 NE State Route 3, or call 275-3232. Shannon E. Aries has joined the Ehresman Family Center in Belfair. She says she provides a type of chiropractic experience, learned through 20 and practice. Contact her at 275-4401. EdwardJones MAKING SENSE OF INVESTING .V.P.: Hunters can enter c[rawing Deer and elk hunters have until March 31 to enter their names in a drawing for this year's multiple-season hunt. Applicants who qualify for the drawing will be eligible to purchase a special permit allowing them to participate in archery, muzzleloader and modern-firearm general hunting seasons for deer or elk in 2007. Those selected must follow all rules in effect for each season. Hunters can apply only once for each species and are limited to harvesting one deer or elk. In April, the Washington Department ofFish and Wildlife (WDFW) will randomly draw names for 1,500 multiple-season deer permits and 500 multiple- season elk permits. "This is a great opportunity for hunters to extend their hunting season this fall," said Dave Ware, game manager for WDFW. Hunters can purchase a multiple-season permit application at an authorized license dealer by visiting httpd/ or by calling 866- 246-9453. The permit application is $5.48 and a hunting license is not required for application. Washington State residents selected for the special permits must purchase a $164.25 multiple-season tag, along with a regular hunting license, to participate in the special hunt. For more information visit WDFW's Web site (listed above) or call 360-902-2464. Cushman opens for oyster harvest The sport oyster fishing season at Cushman Park opened March 1 and will remain that way until fur- ther notice. According to the Washington De- partment of Fish and Wildlife, last year's oyster season ran only one month. Recent surveys indicate that the oyster population will support an extended season. Also, WDFW has negotiated with the Skokom- ish Tribe for a portion of their oys- lunteers are sought wide variety ,of jobs Retired and Senior Volun- Services (36339) and Faith in Ac- meal deliveries at the Mary E. The- BIANCHI'S BARK AND GRAVEL 5419 GRAPEVIEW LOOP ROAD ler Community Center (47794). * Youth mentor/tutor: Help tutor youth in reading, writing and math or teach them new hobby skills at The Boys and Girls Club in North Mason (36533). * Literacy tutors: Tutor North Mason adults in reading, math, and writing, GED or English as a Second Language (ESL) for Mason County Literacy. Past experience as a tutor is not needed. Excellent training is provided (36585). tion-West Sound (47315). • Gardening or handy work: The tranquil Harmony Hill retreat cen- ter in Union is looking for volunteers to assist two or more hours a week to keep this healing resort beautiful for cancer patient retreats. Garden- ing (.36512) Handy Work (36451). • Senior nutrition assistant in Belfair: Help the senior nutrition program staff prepare and clean-up after the Tuesday and Thursday se- nior lunches and homebound senior has several volunteer for North Mason resi- interested in helping 360-426-3405 for infer- referring to the numbers at items listed below. care assistance: Help and physically chal- remain independent in their by assisting with light yard maintenance, or transportation to appointments. CCS Chore ter share, allowing an extension through December 31, 2007. This extended season was approved by the Fish and Wildlife Commission at its February 3 meeting. Fishers must have a current Washington fishing license. Check the WDFW "Fishing in Washing- ton" rules pamphlet for details on fishing seasons and regulations. Fishing regulations are subject to change. Call the WDFW Fishing Hotline for the latest at 360-902- 2500 and press 2 for recreational rules or check the WDFW Web site at httpd/ for details on fishing seasons and regulations. Poi..nq INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Chad, owner • Licensed 10 years experience 1-360-277-9241 Cell 1-360-401-0048 HOODCCP979NN HAVING MORE RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS IS NOT THE SAME AS HAVING MORE MONEY. There can be risk in having muhiph' retirenlenl aceounLs. Without a single fl)cus, it can lie ditli( uh to keep track (if your iBv('slm(q11.s alid lo s('c if you're m()ving toward your goals. At tlw very least, muitiph a(('ounls usually mean muhil)h, 5cs. 'lb learn why consolidating your retirement accounts to Edward Jones makes sense, ('all today. David M. Hawley Jr. 23781 Itwy. 3,#101B B(,ltair, WA 98528 (36()) 275-7177 Member SiPC • Driveway Gravel Custom • Bark (U-haul) ...... *9, • River Rock • 25 Ibs. to 1000 Ibs. FREE • Topsoil • Compost • Cedar and Alder Chips CLAYS * U-HAUL BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 275-6698 1-800-690-BARK dealing with alcohol is- ay note the following Anonymous (AA) Belfair Highway 9 a.m., noon, 5 p.m. noon, 7:30 p.m. ay: noon, 7 p.m. Step r: noon, 7:30 p.m. noon, 7:30 p.m. Big noon Step study, 7 women, 9 p.m. candle- 9 a.m., noon, 7:30 meeting. A potluck at 6:30 p.m. on the last of every month. View RV Park Senior park located in quaint community. Sound views. alk to shopping and beach. 275=3120 Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Allyn Historic Church State Route 3, Allyn Sunday: 7 p.m. Survivors Friday: 7 p.m. Men's Stag, Big Book study Al-Anon 42 Old Belfair Highway Monday: 7:30 p.m. Narcotics Anonymous Fiesta Restaurant 23730 NE State Route 3, Belfair Wednesday: 6 p.m. More information on AA is available at 275-9868 or 275- 4395. For A1-Anon, call 275-3833; and for Narcotics Anonymous, call 432-0542 or 731-5051. KEEP MORE OF YOUR MONEY! Dennis Slmone AI ". ' , ' i21 :'; i iiii': :?:' @ Individual & Business Taxes Time to Ge) Ready for Taxes Come By for a Tax Organizer 24090 NE State Route 3 Suite l Take our FREE, no-obligation hearing test'- and take the first step toward a better quality of life:" If hearing loss has become a concern for you, your spouse or a dose friend or relative, you're not alone. One In 10 Americans -.- more than 31 milli<)n pet)pie -. cxi)erience st,the degree of hearing loss. Bnt because it can happen so gradually, most people don't notice anylhing' wrong until il's be- come painfully obvious. But you don't have to suffer in silence. With our FREE hearing test,* we can identify any loss you or your loved one may have. If a Miracle- Ear hearing aid can help, here's more good news: I :Two AudioChoice'hearing aidsl ' FREE Ear Canal Inspection: | I Using a miniature video otoscope camera, we'll painlessly J. for the price of I one. I | look ins=de your cot canal end show it on o 1V monitor-and I I VBik=tfticllOtl/,gMjtleE=lOc=tHfl  Llmlt¢ouixogr I I you can watch al0ngl I €.  ma m u* m   mm mm  ma ma m m  me JI IL m  m mm mm mm mm m,   ,m   m  m J I lurryl ()fli,rs end 03/00/07 SHELTON LACEY Miracle-Ear Center Sears Hearing Aid Center 1718 Olympic Highway N. South Sound Center (Across the street from A&W) 651 Sleater-Kinney (360) 427-3187 (360) 923-0464 Sears Hearing Aid Centers *Heeling test s tlltlv tree Not a l e, Au)oeoetrlc test to errrlifle ooly npi+tl;hol) need only. * * Haerm g ds do not tort)ore natutal helring Indedua( exo*rnco vty dtlng of rae¢l y t)l hlltitlE Io). :*;utl'y ot tWIUmIOL ooor fit tO 1360) 27-119 or (360) 552.6699 td'glltytolKl=rtoa)tfc.mJonAMnCl.Eet  ..................  .............. ....... gt,t, ...... ,' .... , ...... Thursday, March 1,2007 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3 At00North Mason ¸¸:17 High School: students earn a spot on the honor roll Mason High School re- announced the names of achieving honor-roll sta- first term of the 2006-2007 year. The students worked to maintain a grade- of 3.2 making the list JoAnna Sprouffske, Tyler Joshua Toohey, Mitchell Fortner, Sheela VanRees, Maria Theres Fujiye, Jeanelle Ward, Maggie Gill, Cameron Weeks, Ariel Gower, Lauren Wightman, Jayda Greco, Maloupu William- son, Duane Guetschow Jr., Lau- ra Wing, Rebecca Henry, Amber Zeedar, Hannah Hicks, Jonathan Heft, Jacob Holmes, Kristen Hud- dle, Samantha Hull, Maci Hunt, Amanda James, Tyler Jankunas, Alden Johanns, Shelby Johnson and Mackenzie Kocher. Freshman students that made the grade included Tessa Alto, Emily Anderson, Skyler Jensen, Haley Angstead, Jennifer Jones, Casey Bartell, Katelyn Kaye, Hei- di Bonn, Zachary Kissler, Zach- ary Both, Ryan Kuhn, Heather Colson, Tia Lacijan, Dean Cordy, Joshua Lopez, Michael Douglas, Jewelissa Lowe, Brittni Dowler, Dart Merrill, Mikle Eash, Nathan Merrill, Elizabeth Ewing, Sean Palmer, Nikia Frohlich, Shawna Rinehart, John Fullington, Ash- ley Rowland, Michael Gasper, Johnathan Rowling, Anne Gower, Zenith Savary, Katelyn Graham, Lacey Schauberger, Maurean Gro- gan, Kevin Shinkle, Nicci Hall, Megan Shobe, Dylan Hannafious, Brett Skogstad, Manuel Hernan- dez, Craig Spurlock, Samantha Horkey, Cooper Thompson, Caleb Huxford, Candace Twiss, Loretta Velaochaga-Klugger, Nicole Wal- ter, Megan Weatherwax, Karissa Weber and Timothy Winslow. group formed Hawkins activities Teacher, Student As- (PTSA) group has been support Hawkins Middle The group has scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on the third of every month in the school library. event is planned 21 and will feature guest Charlie Heft on the subject to send your kids to college free. For more information on and its activities contact at 275-0494. g old cell and ink-jet es in Belfair phones and ink-jet cartridg- now be recycled in Belfair. Phones themselves contain at least eight toxic chemicals, and if discarded in a landfill each one can potentially contaminate up to 34,874 gallons of water. Recycling is sponsored through Belfair's Pa- cific Northwest Salmon Center and several local businesses have drop- boxes for used phones and ink-jet cartridges. For more information call the Salmon Center at 275-2763. Library calendars celebrate 40 years, support programs North Mason Timberland Li- brary is selling art calendars in celebration of its 40th anniversary. The calendars feature pen-and-ink drawings of local landmarks and a brief history of the North Mason Friends of the Library group. The $10 price tag supports library activ- ities, including reading programs. For more information drop by the library, located at 23081 NE State Route 3, or call 275-3232. Shannon E. Aries has joined the Ehresman Family Center in Belfair. She says she provides a type of chiropractic experience, learned through 20 and practice. Contact her at 275-4401. EdwardJones MAKING SENSE OF INVESTING .V.P.: Hunters can enter c[rawing Deer and elk hunters have until March 31 to enter their names in a drawing for this year's multiple-season hunt. Applicants who qualify for the drawing will be eligible to purchase a special permit allowing them to participate in archery, muzzleloader and modern-firearm general hunting seasons for deer or elk in 2007. Those selected must follow all rules in effect for each season. Hunters can apply only once for each species and are limited to harvesting one deer or elk. In April, the Washington Department ofFish and Wildlife (WDFW) will randomly draw names for 1,500 multiple-season deer permits and 500 multiple- season elk permits. "This is a great opportunity for hunters to extend their hunting season this fall," said Dave Ware, game manager for WDFW. Hunters can purchase a multiple-season permit application at an authorized license dealer by visiting httpd/ or by calling 866- 246-9453. The permit application is $5.48 and a hunting license is not required for application. Washington State residents selected for the special permits must purchase a $164.25 multiple-season tag, along with a regular hunting license, to participate in the special hunt. For more information visit WDFW's Web site (listed above) or call 360-902-2464. Cushman opens for oyster harvest The sport oyster fishing season at Cushman Park opened March 1 and will remain that way until fur- ther notice. According to the Washington De- partment of Fish and Wildlife, last year's oyster season ran only one month. Recent surveys indicate that the oyster population will support an extended season. Also, WDFW has negotiated with the Skokom- ish Tribe for a portion of their oys- lunteers are sought wide variety ,of jobs Retired and Senior Volun- Services (36339) and Faith in Ac- meal deliveries at the Mary E. The- BIANCHI'S BARK AND GRAVEL 5419 GRAPEVIEW LOOP ROAD ler Community Center (47794). * Youth mentor/tutor: Help tutor youth in reading, writing and math or teach them new hobby skills at The Boys and Girls Club in North Mason (36533). * Literacy tutors: Tutor North Mason adults in reading, math, and writing, GED or English as a Second Language (ESL) for Mason County Literacy. Past experience as a tutor is not needed. Excellent training is provided (36585). tion-West Sound (47315). • Gardening or handy work: The tranquil Harmony Hill retreat cen- ter in Union is looking for volunteers to assist two or more hours a week to keep this healing resort beautiful for cancer patient retreats. Garden- ing (.36512) Handy Work (36451). • Senior nutrition assistant in Belfair: Help the senior nutrition program staff prepare and clean-up after the Tuesday and Thursday se- nior lunches and homebound senior has several volunteer for North Mason resi- interested in helping 360-426-3405 for infer- referring to the numbers at items listed below. care assistance: Help and physically chal- remain independent in their by assisting with light yard maintenance, or transportation to appointments. CCS Chore ter share, allowing an extension through December 31, 2007. This extended season was approved by the Fish and Wildlife Commission at its February 3 meeting. Fishers must have a current Washington fishing license. Check the WDFW "Fishing in Washing- ton" rules pamphlet for details on fishing seasons and regulations. Fishing regulations are subject to change. Call the WDFW Fishing Hotline for the latest at 360-902- 2500 and press 2 for recreational rules or check the WDFW Web site at httpd/ for details on fishing seasons and regulations. Poi..nq INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Chad, owner • Licensed 10 years experience 1-360-277-9241 Cell 1-360-401-0048 HOODCCP979NN HAVING MORE RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS IS NOT THE SAME AS HAVING MORE MONEY. There can be risk in having muhiph' retirenlenl aceounLs. Without a single fl)cus, it can lie ditli( uh to keep track (if your iBv('slm(q11.s alid lo s('c if you're m()ving toward your goals. At tlw very least, muitiph a(('ounls usually mean muhil)h, 5cs. 'lb learn why consolidating your retirement accounts to Edward Jones makes sense, ('all today. David M. Hawley Jr. 23781 Itwy. 3,#101B B(,ltair, WA 98528 (36()) 275-7177 Member SiPC • Driveway Gravel Custom • Bark (U-haul) ...... *9, • River Rock • 25 Ibs. to 1000 Ibs. FREE • Topsoil • Compost • Cedar and Alder Chips CLAYS * U-HAUL BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 275-6698 1-800-690-BARK dealing with alcohol is- ay note the following Anonymous (AA) Belfair Highway 9 a.m., noon, 5 p.m. noon, 7:30 p.m. ay: noon, 7 p.m. Step r: noon, 7:30 p.m. noon, 7:30 p.m. Big noon Step study, 7 women, 9 p.m. candle- 9 a.m., noon, 7:30 meeting. A potluck at 6:30 p.m. on the last of every month. View RV Park Senior park located in quaint community. Sound views. alk to shopping and beach. 275=3120 Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Allyn Historic Church State Route 3, Allyn Sunday: 7 p.m. Survivors Friday: 7 p.m. Men's Stag, Big Book study Al-Anon 42 Old Belfair Highway Monday: 7:30 p.m. Narcotics Anonymous Fiesta Restaurant 23730 NE State Route 3, Belfair Wednesday: 6 p.m. More information on AA is available at 275-9868 or 275- 4395. For A1-Anon, call 275-3833; and for Narcotics Anonymous, call 432-0542 or 731-5051. KEEP MORE OF YOUR MONEY! Dennis Slmone AI ". ' , ' i21 :'; i iiii': :?:' @ Individual & Business Taxes Time to Ge) Ready for Taxes Come By for a Tax Organizer 24090 NE State Route 3 Suite l Take our FREE, no-obligation hearing test'- and take the first step toward a better quality of life:" If hearing loss has become a concern for you, your spouse or a dose friend or relative, you're not alone. One In 10 Americans -.- more than 31 milli<)n pet)pie -. cxi)erience st,the degree of hearing loss. Bnt because it can happen so gradually, most people don't notice anylhing' wrong until il's be- come painfully obvious. But you don't have to suffer in silence. With our FREE hearing test,* we can identify any loss you or your loved one may have. If a Miracle- Ear hearing aid can help, here's more good news: I :Two AudioChoice'hearing aidsl ' FREE Ear Canal Inspection: | I Using a miniature video otoscope camera, we'll painlessly J. for the price of I one. I | look ins=de your cot canal end show it on o 1V monitor-and I I VBik=tfticllOtl/,gMjtleE=lOc=tHfl  Llmlt¢ouixogr I I you can watch al0ngl I €.  ma m u* m   mm mm  ma ma m m  me JI IL m  m mm mm mm mm m,   ,m   m  m J I lurryl ()fli,rs end 03/00/07 SHELTON LACEY Miracle-Ear Center Sears Hearing Aid Center 1718 Olympic Highway N. South Sound Center (Across the street from A&W) 651 Sleater-Kinney (360) 427-3187 (360) 923-0464 Sears Hearing Aid Centers *Heeling test s tlltlv tree Not a l e, Au)oeoetrlc test to errrlifle ooly npi+tl;hol) need only. * * Haerm g ds do not tort)ore natutal helring Indedua( exo*rnco vty dtlng of rae¢l y t)l hlltitlE Io). :*;utl'y ot tWIUmIOL ooor fit tO 1360) 27-119 or (360) 552.6699 td'glltytolKl=rtoa)tfc.mJonAMnCl.Eet  ..................  .............. ....... gt,t, ...... ,' .... , ...... Thursday, March 1,2007 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3