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Thursday, March 1, 2012
-- Week 9 -- The Voice of Mason County since 1886 Published for Mason County and Marvin Leichty of Shelton --- $1
Commissioners approve pay hike for whichan increase called for in
interim director of utilities, waste
ed debate.
Mason County resident Mary
Jean Hrbacek commented on the
agenda items early in the meeting.
The Mason County Board of "The county in general seems Steve
Commissioners heard four re- to be piecemeal bumping up pay," Bloomfield
quests for salary increases during she said. from $6,690 per•
its regular commission meeting Commissioner Steve Bloomfield month to $7,744 per month.
Tuesday night, setting off a heat- asked to remove agenda item 8.5, Bloomfield, agreeing with Hr-
pay for Public
Health and Hu-
man Services
Director Vicki
Kirkpatrick from
salary range
39 to 45, Step
D. This would
patrick's salary
bacek, said the county should not out of the ordinary -- it's extraor-
consider one salary increase at a dinary. I would vote no on that,"
time. He asked that the county Sheldon said.
postpone the item for 30 days until Bloomfield and Commissioner
the county has a clearer picture of Lynda Ring Erickson voted to re-
state budget cuts in 2013. move the agenda item.
"I know this is one part of a big- However, the commission unan-
ger problem," he said. "We need to imously voted to approve a salary
identify all the step increases." increase for Tom Moore, interim
However, Commissioner Tim director of utilities and waste
Sheldon said the commission management, to Step A of Range
should vote on the item, because 45, giving him $6,686 per month.
it had already voted to adopt the The commissioners said they
"I think a 20 percent.increase is See Salary on page A-5
Journal photos by Aria Shephard
From left, the Mason County Forest Festival court: SHS junior Jacob Johnston as Smokey Bear, SHS junior Alyssa Castro as Princess of Douglas
Fir, NMHS junior Emily Grimmius as Princess of Cedar, NMHS senior Brianna Eddy as Queen of the Forest, SHS senior Harley Sweitzer as
Princess of Spruce, SHS junior Jordan Crossan as Princess of Hemlock and SHS senior Mike Bowman as Paul Bunyan pose after coronation on
Saturday, Feb. 25.
New Paul Bunyan, Queen of the Forest
among those selected at annual contest
By ARLA SHEPHARD Mike Bowman. Eleven Mason County Forest Fes-
tival hopefuls vied for the top titles at
the 2012 Forest Festival coronation last
After weeks of anticipation MasonSaturday, Feb. 25, at the Shelton Per-
ounty has its new Queen of the forming Arts Center.
orest and Paul Bunyan- North Since the end of January, students
Mason High School senior Briannafrom Shelton and North Mason high
Eddy and Shelton High School senior schools have been practicing choreo-
graphed dance moves, poise techniques hers, who will go on to represent Mason
and public speaking skills to be ready County at Forest Festival and parades
for the competition, all across Washington.
The program honored last year's pag- Shelton High School junior Jacob
cant winners before announcing the JohnSton received the honor of Smokey
2012 winners. Bear, while SHS junior Alyssa Castro
"Just because of this one program, became Princess of Douglas Fir, SHS
my life has changed," 2011 Queen of senior Harley Sweitzer was crowned
the Forest Allyssa Cervantes said. "It's Princess of Spruce, NMHS junior Emily
turned me into a community member. Grimmius was selected to be Princess
I'm so proud of where I live." of Cedar and SHS junior Jordan Cros-
Contestants performed a dance num- san ascended her throne as Princess of
ber together, answered a question on Hemlock.
stage and gave formal speeches before
judges selected the scholarship win- See Fesival on page A-5
The Washington State
Auditor's Office released
a draft report of its 2009-
2010 audit of Mason County
Emergency Comnmnica- 2009, the organization had
tions (MACECOM), which a $520,103 general fund
raised "significant concerns cash balance, but today, its
regarding its financial sus- reserves amount to about
tainability." $80,000.
Specifically~ the draft au- "The center is at risk of
dit report shows that since not being able to meet its
2009, MACECOM has used financial obligations at cur-
reserve funding to balance rent service levels. This
its budget, could pose a risk to public
In 2010, MACECOM's safety if emergency services
expenditures exceeded
revenues by $286,443. In See MACECOM on page A-5
Disrict holds two public
forums regarding education
The Shelton School District (SSD)
held two open forums, hosted by Su-
perintendent Wayne Massie, for par-
ents to discuss their feelings about
education in the district.
The first meeting took place in De-
cember at Bordeaux Elementary, and
the second occured on Thursday, Feb.
r parent input
23, at Mountain View
"The conversa-
tions are pretty rich,"
Massie said. "You get
some good insights
into directions the
district should look
At the forum, he
asked parents four Wayne
questions and en- Massie
couraged them to
write down answers in small groups.
The answers included: "How can
See Schools on page A-5