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Journal DnOIO By Natahe Johnson
In a special meeting on Monday, Feb. 27, the Mason Transit Authority
Board approved a purchase of these two lots on Railroad Avenue for
By NATALIE JOHNSON son) to sign the closing documents," he said.
nata],~ The resolution gives MTA General Man-
.......................................... ager Brad Patterson the authority to buy
two lots, Nos. 530 and 536, on Railroad Av-
The Mason Transit Authority (MTA) enue, for $146,469.50.
board approved a resolution to formally ac- The MTA board initially expected the
cept a proposal to purchase two lots of land land to cost up to $156.000.
in downtown Shelton in a special meeting The land includes an optometry clinic
Monday, Feb. 24. and a vacant lot located behind the MTA's
The board had previously approved the Transit Community Center, formerly the
land acquisition, but did not sign a resolu- Shelton Armory.
tion on the matter until Monday. The MTA board directed Patterson and
MTA attorney Robert Johnson said he Johnson in January to order environmental
advised the commission to sign a resolution testing on the lots.
out of "an abundance of caution." "We did the soil samples," Johnson said.
"The title company would like some sort "The preliminary report was okay. We're
of written authorization for Brad (Patter- not anticipating anything major."
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Journa[ photo by Natalie Johnson
Mason County Sheriff Casey Salisbury invited members of the public
to attend his monthly Law Enforcement Breakfast to honor successful
high-school students.
Sheriff honors teens at breakfast
By NATALIE JOHNSON Bracken Budge for improved been shown in most driver's
nata[,ie@rn, test scores at the school, the education classes around the
Shelten girls' rugby team and state," SADD club Vice Presi-
many others, dent Jenny Monnier said.
Mason County Sher- "I see a lot of law enforce- The SADD club, ranked as
iff Casey Salisbury invited ment here. It's like teachers, one of the top 10 SADD clubs
members of the public to help we're always out there work- in the nation, plans to go to
him honor the county's youth ing but we don't get a lot of a club conference in Minne-
at his monthly Law Enforce- thanks," SHS teacher Roger sota in April and to another
ment Breakfast this past McCausland said. in California in June, said
week. Lt. Cmdr. Tom Thien, SHSadviser Gerald Apple.
'%Ve have great kids doing senior naval sciences instruc- Salisbury also recognized
great things in our commu- tor, introduced two members the success of youth sports
nity," he said. "I think we've of the SHS NJROTC pro- teams including SHS wres-
lost a sense of work ethic. I gram, Amanda Thompson tling, swimming, bowling,
have found some kids in our and Shad Johnson, who re- and the Shelton girls rugby
community who are bringing cently were each awardedsevens team, which recently
that back." $180,000 scholarships to at- competed in an international
Five years ago, Salisbury tend college because of their competition in Las Vegas and
created the breakfast to bring time spent in the program, won the Washington state
members of the law enforce- "I'm really proud of these competition in 2011.
ment community together, guys. It warms my heart that "I love Shelton, you guys
Not long after that, emergen- these guys will be driving the are all about supporting your
cy service providers such as ship someday and flying the kids," rugby coach Kasey
firefighters and EMTs start- airplane," Thien said. Robbins said.
ed attending as well. Despite the successes ofThe breakfast's $10 cost
Normally the breakfast is the SHS NJROTC program, went toward Squaxin Island
only open to law enforcement it's in trouble. Last year the tribal programs, Salisbury
and emergency service per- Navy put the SHS NJROTC said, to thank the tribe for
sonnel, and includes a guest program on probation forhosting the event at its Little
speaker at each event, failing to meet recruiting re- Creek Casino.
On Friday, however, quirements. If SHS does not Salisbury said the break-
Salisbury took the opportu- have a minimum of 100 ca- fast celebrates the spirit of
nity to celebrate the talent dets enrolled in the program, cooperation between law en-
and hard work of the coun- the Navy may disestablish forcement agencies in Mason
ty's youth, particularly those the SHS NJROTC. County.
attending Shelton High After Salisbury recognized '~Ne are so unique in Ma-
School (SHS). the NJROTC and other stu- son County. Nobody works
The sheriff recognized dent groups, the SHS Stu- together like we do," he said.
several student groups and dents Against Destructive He also took the opportu-
teams from SHS at the Decisions (SADD) Club gave nity to ask for additional sup-
breakfast, including thethe main presentation atport for law enforcement in
high school's Navy Junior the breakfast, showing an the state,
Reserve Officer's Training award-winning video it made "Right now, for law en-
Corps (NJROTC), SHS state about the dangers of texting forcement and emergency
wrestlers, Oakland Bay Ju- and driving, services, we should be adding
nior High School principal "For the last year it's to the budget," he said.
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Shelton-Mason County Joumai LThuisday, March 1,2012-Page A-3