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March 1, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 1, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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JOURNALEDITORIAL .os to M The Mason County Youth medical bills. From the outset, inside the 40 et 8 veterans club Foundation has closed up the foundation was committed to in 2005, when a group of friends shop. But the group, which providing temporary assistance for decided to help a neighbor. From often flew quietly under the radar, out-of-pocket expenses to any Ma- there it grew to include other mem- helped several kids over the years son County family in which a child bers of the club, Sons of the Ameri- and is going out with a bang. was involved in an accident or trag- can Legion, Toys for Kids Plus, Boy The foundation recently donut- edy. The large gift to Oakland Bay Scout Troop 110 and the Shelton ed $27,892.79 to Oakland Bay Pc- Pediatrics will ensure that mission Nimrod Club. diatrics in order to help struggling moves forward. With a huge assist from Shel- families pay for their children's The foundation's genesis came ton attorney John Bonin and nford Shelton CPA Michael Wittenberg, the group took on a more formal structure, raised money and in- vested wisely. The group struggled, though, to find kids and families that needed or were willing to ac- cept financial assistance. As such, it unanimously decided to turn the money over to Oakland Bay Pediat- rics to continue the work of helping those in need. The folks involved in the founda- tion for the past seven years are our friends and neighbors, but they are also local heroes. We salute all of them for quietly and consistently doing the right thing for local kids with little or no fanfare. They have truly made a differ- ence. LETTERSTOTHEEDITORTM Abandoned missioner and our senator, impossible.) when you are ignoring our The fact that marriage is voice and our needs? An- a solemn uniting of two in- by Sheldon swer: because you hoped dividuals in the eyes of your • we would remain ignorantGod is not necessarily cor- to your true motives. Sena- rect in the eyes of other re- tor, we are disillusioned, ligious beliefs. You advocate only a marriage between by Haigh MarichaLeCount a man and a woman. Ican Mason County Youth 'Nunderstand this. I advocate Action freedom of choice -- you Editor, the Journal should understand that. I My name is Maricha stated that what a person LeCount. I volunteer with Writer isnt does to his or her own body • -- is not the concern of others. the Mason County Youth 'N Action (YNA) group. • You read this as something Yesterday was Youth ,,,In touch other than what was said. Prevention Policy Day at Your response to my opin- the capitol. Four members with l ity ]u icrou ,o ivi ua, of the Mason County YNA re a who deeply care for each group, including myself, at- other regardless of their tended the convention held Editor, the Journal sexual orientation should be in the atrium of the main Katie Groves really needs allowed to dwell together, capitol building. We then toreturntorealityaftertaking either in a legal marriage had two meetings set up thelibertyofinsertingintomy (in the eyes of the law) or in after the convention, one opinion, words and phrases a legal cohabitation. There with Wasington state Rep. thatwerenotthereinthefirst exists no single sentence Kathy Haigh and one with instance.Thereisnomention where I stated anything wasington state Senator ofsame-sexmarriageasrela- concerning your sense ofab- and Mason County Com- tiontotheFoundingFatherssolution. Please do not for- missioner Tim Sheldon. of our Constitution. I stated get that there exists more We accomplished a great that all government officials than seven billion people on deal for our community's must swear an allegiance to this planet. You stated that youth during our meeting supporttheConstitutionand 33 percent of the world's with Rep. Haigh. She was those concepts laid down by population are Christians ~flpportive of our goals and theFoundingFathers.Istated and 85 percent of them are offered ideas and contacts that the primary concept be- in the United States. You so we could make a differ- ing that of freedom of choice are incorrect. The popula- ence for Mason County's and freedom of thought as tion of the United States youth. YNA is proud to say well as freedom of religious cannot handle 85 percent Kathy Haigh represents us. beliefs, there is not one in- Christians due to the ability We cannot, however, say stanceinmyletter didI state of these Christians to cause the same about Sheldon, the Founding Fathers ap-chaos and havoc through We find ourselves disap' .... provedofsame'Sexmarriage: electronic record keep- ing? Have you been asked questions, such as, what is your mother's maiden name, or had your picture taken even though you've been going to the doctor for years? The answer is that our government has put up $19.2 billion to stimulate doctors off paper records and onto electronic sys- tems. They want a few questions answered and pictures taken along the way. The government is paying each provider medical care stimulus money in the amount of $44,000 in Medicare in- centives and $63,750 in Medicaid incentives to go electronic. Wait a minute wasn't stimulus money to help the economy and create jobs? contract must include the following elements; an of- fer and acceptance between two prudent parties with terms and conditions over a specified period of perfor- mance for consideration (a promise) in a form required by law. Therefore, no contract can be established with a minor or incorporate illegal acts. The statement made in Katie Groves' letter that civil unions and legal docu- ments have every right that any married couple has without this title is not true. Fact: State civil unions, domestic partnerships and other legal documents do .not give same-sex couples the same property and inheritance rights to pensions, social security benefits and spousal IRAs their ability to misinterpret pointed in our county!s : Ms.Groves'abilitytoreadinto the word of God withinOh, yeah, the doctorsthat heterosexual couples commissioner, a i~tter w0rds that were not their book Cali~d th~h01y '' ' ~; .... : have to buy loCs of comput- are entitled to under the ' Knowing it was an ira- stated,showsthatshedoesn't Bible. The majority of these ers for each of their offices, law. portant day for us and for have the ability to compre- 33 percent of world Chris- so that creates jobs, right? Fact: The federal law our community, we had hend the importance of those tians reside in areas other Please note that I don't entitled "Defense of Mar- scheduled a meeting with freedomsthatwe(collectively) than the United States, i.e., faultthemedicalindustry,but riage Act (DOMA)," passed Sheldon prior to Presidents have in this country. Israel where the fighting I do resent the government during the Clinton Admin- Day. We were to discuss Nor did I state anythingbetween the Christians and intrudingonmyprivacyany- istration, denies same-sex the same issues with Shel- concerning polygamy or every other religious group more than they presently do. couples equal rights to don as we had discussed incest nor did I state any- is portrayed in the nightly For more information property and inheritance with Haigh, such as drug thing concerning your idea news on a constant basis. Google "stimulus for dec- rights. and alcohol prevention, of marriage of underage I am not advocating tors." Fact: Marriage equality gang violence prevention children of the same fam- against your religious does not impinge on or in and the support of some of ily members. You have beliefs, I have merely ex- Richard Reinemanany way threaten hetero- our community's' resources, read the letter and madepressed an opinion that our Shelton sexual marriage. I am sad to report, how- an interpretation that is government is not at liberty Fact: Marriage equal- ever, that we never got a contrary to the opinion ex- to control the sexual orien- Jt~st the ity does not infringe on chance to voice our con- pressed. Please feel free to tation of mature adults. I Religious Rights. Churches cernswith the commission- rejoin reality at your conve- do not advocate pedophilia, facts pl er, for he chose not to make nience. The premise of mar- incest, polygamy or prosti- e a s e tohaVerefusealwaySto performhad theanyright an appearance. We spoke riage being a ceremony be- tution. I expressed my con- marriage ceremony. instead with his intern, tween a man and a woman cern over the government's Editor, the Journal Upon discovering that is also in error. Marriage is ability to choose the thought Shame on Katie Groves Sandra Cyr Sheldon had blown off our considered, by those Chris- patterns of individuals re- for alluding to marriage Union meeting, our first reaction tian believers (and I believe siding in society. Your inter- equality as "leading us was "Aren't we important? you are one of them) as pretation of my opinion let- down the slippery slope" 'mmora'"*",,,,x Don't you care about your being a bonding of two for ter leads me to believe that toward polygamy, incest, constituents?" We found purposes of propagation, you will be entering public pedophilia and illegal drug ourselves feeling angry, However, I remind you that office very soon, as you have use. i s ram pant hurt, frustrated and most civilization is no longer in acquired the ability to read Her interpretation of the of all, abandoned. Aban-biblical times, that society into a written document rule of law is mean-spiritedSh It doned by one who is sup-has advanced concepts that thoughts and statements and grossly misstated. The i n e o n posed to support our needs you are unable to com- that are not present and Founding Fathers formed as a community. As Shel- prehend due to your biasargue for the rejection of the the constitution as a sepa- Editor, the Journal don's constituents we have toward all who would share original opinion based upon ration of church and state. Yes, I am old-fashioned the right to discuss issues an opinion that is contrary your interpretation of the The rule of law issue isand probably in the mi- of relevance that affect our to your primary beliefs. In- contents thereof. Ms. Groves with civil rights, not reli- nority but it hurts me to community with him. deed, freedom of religious please return to reality, gious rights, see the immoral standards Yesterday we realized beliefs is very much a part Fact: The Constitution of our county, the laws Sheldon does not care. He of this country, you have Thomas McKee guarantees equal protec-that are allowing and could have done a great the right to believe as you Olympia tion under the law for all encouraging our young deal of good for his commu- wish, but your beliefs are its citizens, people in ways I never ex- nity's youth, yet he chose not necessarily shared by Fact: The church cannot perienced. others who also occupy the Stimulus issue a license to marry; to absent himself from a I have in my memoirs meeting that, not only had United States. Should you only the state has that au- the original sheet music he made a prior obligation desire to return to biblical __fn doctors thority, of"God Bless America" to attend, but one that times, that is your choice, r Fact: Marriage is not de- written by Irving Berlin would have made a differ-however, I beg you not to fined as a ceremony; it is a and performed by Kate ence in the lives of his con- force me into a pigeonhole Editor, the Journal civil contract that is solem- Smith on Armistice Day stituents, whereby I must also return Has your curiosity been nized by a religious or civil 1938, probably one of the And now I ask you, Shel- with you (which is both aroused as to why your ceremony, most vibrant singers ever. don why are you our corn- physically and materially doctors are switching toFact: By definition, a When we sang that song The Shelton-Mason County Journal recently ran incorrect information re- garding the upcoming time change to Daylight Saving Time. The actual time and date for the switch to Daylight Saving Time is 2 a.m. Sun- day, March 11. The Journal regrets the error. we did it with vigor. We loved our country and would have defended it at any cost. I want our country to be once again respected by the entire world. I want the moral teachings and standards back in our schools. I don't want home and family values to cease. I want to see parents who want their children and will love them. But, I am likewise grateful for the many who have reached out to help and encourage them. I could say so much more, but I just want Shelton to know that there are a few of us left who would like to see our city blessed by God. This is my country and this is my hometown. Doris (Hickson) Myers Mason County's free taxi Editor, the Journal Four dollars a gallon for gas don't, worry. There is a free taxi service in Mason County. It is available to all of us at no charge - kinda. With Dial-A-Ride, there are no eligibility requirements. Anyone wanting the service can ride for free. Maybe you have seen Dial-A-Ride in your neighborhood and didn't know that you neighbors use the service. Well you, too, can ride for free. Does it work? You betcha. Want to go to Walmart, the Log Cabin, the casino - no problem: Don't feel like driving to work or school, still no problem. They will get you there and back and the best part is there is no charge - at least not to you. What does the service cost taxpayers, Mason Transit Authority (MTA) doesn't really know? But no worries, plenty of taxpayer money. For your free taxi service call MTA at 426-9434. Jim Shepherd Shelton ii; SheltoniMason County Ioerm~e.~, .... ......................... ..... ...................... ~ ............. - ' Sleight, publisher Shelton Mason County Journal is a member of Karl USPS 492-800 Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association. Jesse Mullen, general mgr. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Shelton-Mason County Journal, P.O. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584. Published weekly by Shelton-Mason County Journal, Inc. at 227 West Cota Street, Shelton, Washington Mailing address: RO. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584 Telephone (360) 426-4412 • Periodicals postage paid at Shelton, Washington Advertising: Dave Pierik, Sr. Acct. Executive Composing room: Harvey Morris ad representative William Adams, graphics SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Newsroom: Sharee Miller, ad representat ve Koleen Wood, classifieds/legals $37 per year for Mason County addresses, Kevan Moore, managing editor =,,,.,, ,,w,.o. Becky Corr, typing $51 per year in state of Washington but outside ArlaShephard, Noah Masonl [)on"nal~innaird, bookkeeper Pressroom: Mas n C env~ronmem, reporter o ounty. $61 per year out of state. ~+~,.. ~.~... ....... .+.~. Margot Brand, circulationKelly Riordan, production manager ~m~,T.l~nson.~s'~"reDorter Cricket Carter, mailroom Travis Miller press operator Owned and published by ~,daYm R'~dnic(q c~opy e~or supervisor Shelton-Mason County Joumal, Inc Page A-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 1, 2012