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The Mason County 40 et 8 Vulture
135 was packed Saturday afternoon
with veterans and their families to
celebrate the veterans club's 90th
George Radovich, Chef de Gare,
or commander, of the 40 et 8, rec-
ognized several members of the vet-
eran's club, as well as organizations
within the club, for their service over
the past 90 years.
Speakers at the event included
Georgia Blair, president of the La
Societ~ de Femmes, Gene Strozyk,
who organizes the 40 et 8 and Shel-
ton-Mason County Journal Christ-
mas basket program each year and
40 et 8 publiciste Harvey Farrimond.
Radovich particularly recognized a
member of the military who recently
Journal photo by Natalie Johnson
George Radovich, Chef de
Gare, or commander of the 40
et 8, kicked off the organiza-
tion's 90th birthday Saturday
by honoring veterans and
volunteers who make the club
what it is.
returned to Mason County.
"One most important item --
we want to welcome home Trevor
Dodge," Radovich said.
Dodge, a National Guard Staff
Sergeant E6, returned to Mason
County from his third and final de-
ployment to Iraq on Wednesday,
Feb. 15.
He plans to retire in one year.
"It's been a wonderful career and
it's been an honor to be a member
here (at the 40 et 8). I look forward
to serving in this vulture for years to
come," he said.
Dodge joined the Army in 1992 and
was on active duty until 2000 serving
a tour of duty in Bosnia.
Since 2000, Dodge has been an ac-
tive member in the National Guard
and has made three deployments to
After taking two months of paid
vacation, Dodge plans to stay in Ma-
son County with his family and look
for a local job,
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Sal would increase the salary of for two years.
---.] a clerk in the Mason County "Ifsomebody's working out
Continued from page A-1 Sheriffs Office. The posi- of class, we have to correct
tion is included in the union this," Sheldon said.
unanimously approved the I.A.M/Woodworkers Lodge However, Ring Erickson
motion because Moore is per- W38, and the salary increase voted against the increase.
forming duties under two job was approved by the Mason "I think this is every bit as
titles, both as the interim di- County Civil Service Com- piecemeal. Everybody wants
rector of utilities and waste mission, raises. As we give raises, that
management, and his former Sheldon and Bloomfield will mean additional reduc-
job, deputy director of the de- voted in favor of the increase, tions in our staff," she said.
partment, because the employee had"I'm deeply troubled by this.
The commission also dis- been working"out of class" or It's like, you like somebody,
agreed over item 8.7, which was being paid less than the they get a raise. If you don't
amount of work warranted, like somebody, they don't get
a raise."
The commission unani-
mously approved another
item, 8.9, to approve the in-
terim appointment of county
engineer Brian Matthews to
public works director as cur-
rent director Charlie Butros
retires in March. Matthews
will also still do the duties of
The commissioners ap-
proved a pay increase for
Matthews to Step C of Range
45 to $7,555 per month.
Festival Cedar Brianna Eddy with the title of Star Lions and the Shelton Kiwanis.
Queen of the Forest. For more than six decades, Mason
Continued from page A-1 "I'm proud to represent North Ma-County has celebrated its timber-town
son," Eddy said. "I'm the first queen roots at Forest Festival, with live en-
SHS senior Mike Bowman -- in addi- [from North Mason] since 2003." tertainment, a parade, a carnival and
tion to receiving the Best Essay award Eddy, Bowman and Johnston re- more.
and the Friendship award, an honor be- ceived $1,000 scholarships, sponsored Pageant winners go on to complete
stowed by his peers -- was selected as by the Shelton Rotary, the Skookum community service activities.
this year's Paul Bunyan. Rotary and the Phyllis and Duane "I'm really proud to be here now,"
"I feel honored," he said. "I'm really Guenther Memorial Scholarship Fund. Johnston said. "I'm looking forward to
excited to do some community service." Each of the princesses received $500 working with everyday else that has
Judges crowned Former Princess ofscholarships, sponsored by the Morning won."
MACECOM about to fall from under our
feet," Bakken said.
Continued from page A-1 Because the MACE-
COM board expected about
are not available," the draft $600,000 in sales tax rev-
audit report states, enue in 2009, it decreased
Beau Bakken, MACE- user fees to agencies like
COM Governance Board fire districts, ambulance
Chair and Mason County companies and police de-
Fire Protection District 2 partments.
Chief, said the financial is- "In 2009, the (MACE-
sues of the district go back COM) board adopted rates
to its inception, for emergency dispatch ser-
In 2008, MACECOM, vices to participating agen-
which is governed by a nine- cies and a private ambu-
member governance board lance service provider that
-- five of which make upwere below the actual costs
its legislative board -- was of service," the draft audit
formed from the combina-report states.
tion of two existing dispatch However, the district ac-
centers in Mason County -- tually collected less than
SHELCOM, ran by the City$500,000 in sales tax reve-
of Shelton, and FIRECOM,nue in 2009, the start of the
ran by Mason County Firerecession.
Protection District 5. The MACECOM board
"There was no need to chose to use reserve funding
have two independent dis- to balance its budget and
patch centers," Bakken said. "prop up the organization,"
That year, voters ap- Bakkensaid.
proved a one-tenth of 1 MACECOM intended to
percent sales tax to fund a use reserve funds to bal-
dispatch center that func- ance the budget for a year
tioned as a separate govern- at the most, but the econo-
ment entity, which became my didn't improve as fast
MACECOM. as board members hoped,
"What [was] happen- and the organization ran
ing in the background that its reserves down to about
we [were] not as cognizant $80,000, triggering the state
on [was] the economy wasauditor's finding.
g~ ..........
Bakken said MACECOM
was "spending them (re-
serves) down to a very dan-
gerous point."
However, today, he said
MACECOM is well on its
way to correcting the prob-
"We're estimating a sur-
plus for 2012 of $70,000,"
Bakken said. "An audit
looks at a period of time in
the past. There's not a sur-
prise here. We very much
agree with the audit find-
MACECOM's funding is
three-pronged. It is divided
three ways, with funding
coming from user fees, state
funding and sales tax mon-
In the 2011 budget, user
fees accounted for $454,331,
state funding made up
$730,260, and the one-tenth
of 1 percent sales tax col-
lected $525,000 for MACE-
In 2012, the organiza-
tion approved a $1.8 million
budget, which increased
user fees. In the 2012 bud-
get, MACECOM expects to
bring in $597,733.37 in user
fees, $571,135 in state fund-
ing and $500,000 in sales
tax money.
In 2012, user fees should
bring in $143,402 more than
in 2011, a 31.5 percent in-
"While that was painful,
there will be an increase
again in 2013," Bakken said.
However, the draft audit
report questions whether
measures taken by MACE-
COM will be enough.
"The board has adopted
a rate increase for 2012,
but it is insufficient to meet
expenditures," the draft
report states. "The center
also has no formal written
plan to address its financial
condition due to the lack of
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agreement on rates and al-
MACECOM Director Jill
Evander said the organiza-
tion is working on creating a
written plan for the future.
"One of the things that
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the budget committee is
looking at is doing a five-,[A Family
year plan, just to make sure ___
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In addition to raising / .Soils. Plants I
user fees, MACECOM also . Olympic M0untain Ice Cream ~
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Evander said this should / Winter Hours: Fri-Sat-Sun 9am-5:3Opm I
also save the district money L j
in the future.
Sch 1 Major said the program includes an Parents at the forum also discussed
GO S anti-bullying component, the burden of standardized tests on
Continued from page A-1 "It's also getting the parents and both school district staffand students.
the family to want to be connected," "Once they (students) hit the high
my school ensure my child feels con- McCausland said. "There's myriad school our counselors are so overbur-
nected and valued? What do you want ways of encouraging kids to do better." dened ... as far as guidance counseling
for your children? What should our Several parents had concrete ideas -- they don't have the time to get to
schools do to encourage students to do about how to make children and teen- know students," Vernon said.
better academically? What would help agers more involved with their studies. One group of parents also discussed
you as a parent to support your child's "I am a total believer that we need whether schools should offer incen-
education?" those vocational programs -- not all tives to students to encourage good
SSD school board member Sue Mc- kids will go to college," said parent grades.
Causland attended the meeting, and Cindy Vernon. "I have a problem with incentives,"
answered the questions with two oth- Vernon, who has six children, four parent Helen Thompson said. "If the
er members of the board, Chair Gene of whom are currently enrolled in Shel- expectation is clear, then that's the ex-
Crater and Vice Chair Brian Major. ton schools and two SHS graduates, pectation.,
"We as board members know how particularly hoped that SSD would of- About one dozen people attended
we want our children to feel connected fer programs to prepare students for the forum and all were parents of chil-
and valued," McCausland said. work as well as a higher education, dren in the district, but many were
She said the SSD ensures that Parent Jenna Coots also said chil- also employees of the district.
through a program called "I Care," dren should lean concrete skills in Massie hopes to have at least two
which stands for Integrity, Commu- school, more forums, which have yet to be
nication, Accountability, Respect and "Teaching to the test is such a waste scheduled, and hopes to draw more
Equity. of time," she said. groups of parents.
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Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, March 1, 2012 - Page A-5
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