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Waging war on European slugs
"t is time for all garden-
ers to begin thinking
l about waging war on
European slugs in our gar-
dens. Many gardeners get
satisfaction out of murder-
ing these slimy creatures
that leave sticky trails
behind them. I have heard
many different methods
of committing "slugicide"
by gardeners, but in this
article I wilt give you some
practical advice for keep-
ing damage from slugs to
a mini-
I/ mum.
be con-
fused by
ton's own
slug. It is
By JEANNE far more
REHWALDT (perhaps
it's scarcer) than the
brown, spotted or black
lumps of ooze that creep
about our yards. The ba-
nana slug differs in appear-
ance from the European
slug. These large, often
colorful slugs have a keel
along their back. They can
often be found with a slime
plug or caudal pore with a
mucous plug.
You can purchase tra-
ditional slug bait in home
garden sections of your lo-
cal store, but these chemi-
cals contain metaldehyde,
which is very toxic to dogs,
who may ingest it. Newerof good beer). Emptying the
slug baits are available saucers in the morning can
and they contain iron phos- prove to be a nasty chore.
phate. These baits are a What I do (get ready for
wiser choice if your goal is this, as it may offend those
to poison the beasts. Please with weak stomachs) is cut
be sure to read the direc- them in half with old prun-
tions carefully and then ing shears. The worst part
follow them exactly. Each of this is they leave a mess
brand is a little different in on your concrete sidewalks,
its formulation, and then the slugs that are
But don't think chemi- still alive come and eat up
cals are the only avenues the mess. (Yuck)
to a slug free (or almost) Mary Robson, retired
garden. You can try to ex- area extension agent for
clude them with barriers WSU prefers to hand-pick
of copper, diatomaceous them. With the help of dis-
earth, gritty sand, crushed posable surgical gloves, she
oyster shells or wood ashes, goes out and picks them
Barriers work best if you up to dispose of them once
have a very small popula- and for all. Some "pickers"
tion of slugs and can corral drown them in soap or ker-
them. No barrier is 100% osene, but Mary finds that
effective. Barriers have not a ziplock bag works fine.
proven very effective in At the end of each search,
my garden, and it is even she just zips it shut and
difficult to keep them out places it carefully in the
of pots on a concrete patio plastic-lined trash bin. To
with no easy access to soil. make her pickup job easier,
Because we have so many she sets grapefruit rinds on
areas in Mason County the ground every few feet
that are perfect habitats for throughout her vegetable
slugs, it is a never-ending garden. Slugs like to gather
battle, in a rotting grapefruit rind
Another option garden- and this makes them easy
er's talk about is trapping prey. Sometimes she just
them with saucers of beer. throws out the whole mess.
Slugs do love beer and Boards will also work as
come willingly to drown slug-shelters. Or, you can
in it. A problem that can go out at night with a flash-
happen with this method is light to pick when the slugs
that dogs and other wild- are actively feeding.
life can quickly develop a Start your battle against
taste for the brew, so the slugs early, so you can pre-
saucers have to be refilled vent them from producing
regularly. (My dad always more slugs. Good luck and
toddlers, birds and others thought it was just a waste happy hunting!
United Wayof Mason County
announces 2012 grantcycle
United Way of Mason
County has announced
that it ~s inviting non-
profit agencies to consid-
er applying for available
funds generated through
workplace giving' cam-
United Way accepts
applications, which seek
funding in one of three spe- or groups can call United
cific impact areas which Way at 426-4999, or visit
organizers believe are the www.unitedwaymasonco.
building blocks for a good org, click on funding and
life: education, income and then "apply for grant," to
health, receive an application.
United Way Executive Greater Olympic Pen-
Director Tamra Ingwald- insula Combined Federal
son said while the final Campaign applications are
amount of donations from due to United Way of Ma-
workplace and individual son County by March 15.
giving this year is not yet Citizens interested in
known, it is already time working with the United
for agencies to begin apply- Way Board of Directors
ing for funds, to review agency applica-
The application is due tions and distribute this
March 30. year's Community Fund,
Funds are available on may also contact the Unit-
an annual basis for agen- ed Way office at.the above
cies and programs serv- number or email Tamra at
ing Mason County resi- tingwaldson@unitedway-
dents. Interested agencies
sharing the li/egi,,ing I.v¢ of Jesus
• r h co- .s:
Grace Baptist Chu e _. ......
for the faith of the gospel ~ po Box 1025, Shelton+ WA 98S~4
Ilmes OI Services:I~ ~ ...... E-marl: i),~stor@gllcshdtoIl,olg
Sundav School ........................ 10 a.m. ~~ wwwghcsh~lt0n0~g
Sunda} Mor ring Worship ...... 11 a.m. ~: ~ .....
................ " ' m .... :~' Listen on
Sunday Evening Worship ........ 6 p.. ~~"£ ..........
~ KMAS 1030 AM
............... Wednesday Prayer Meeting..... 7 p.m. ~~ ~
............... ~ Sundag 9 30 10 OOam
Agate Grange Bldg. on Agate Loop Rd. iii¢? : " :
Sunday ~ ; Railroad Ave.
CrossPoint ServiceTraditional Service .......
that bo,