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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 1, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 1, 2012
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TOBACCO FACTORY OUTLET * 360~426-5254 m is COMPLETE TR ITIIINS #~:,~!~ !~: ~ 100% ADDIIIVE-FREE STILL OFFERING FACTORY 2NDS SALE ON COMPLETE & TRADITIONS!* SaJ~i c#~!~ ~;d en Comp/ete FU8 Fisvor 7 dOS & E gh A ¢ ~ 00~ ~P,d e'n 7?sdiiiV;~S AdditP,,~-F? ~'e Fbfl FiavO~ 100~ & H;(//~ Ai,~ I 00S ASSORTED PEPSI 12 PACKS BREAgFAST! Come check out our new selection at KTP o e, at South Sound's Fresh Local Seafood Proudly pic ed, shucked O packed by ba.d AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE AT KTP STORE LOCATIONS ° OPEN LATE FOR KTP - Intersection of HWY 101 & 108 • Open 6am daily KTP Express - 3850 Old Olympic HWY Steamboat - 6233 Steamboat Island Rd. • Carton sales only, while supplies last YOUR CONVENIENCE! SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Smoking By Pregnant Women May Result in Fetal Injury, Premature Birth, And Low B rth We ght. Sheriff - Casey Salisbury SEX OFFENDER INFORMATION BULLETIN LEVEL 3 NOTIFICATION OF RESIDENCE Date: Felmuury 28, 2012 Prepared by: Detective William Adam Bulletin#: 12-04 'l'he Mason Counly Sheriff's Office is releasing the lbllcwing infornmdon pursuant to RCW 4.24.550 and the Washington State Supreme Court decision in ~, which authorizes law cn tbrcement agencies to infbnn the public of a sex offenders release when; in the discretion of the agcl cy, lhe release of intbmmlion will enhance public saf;zty and protection. The individual who apl~ears on this notification has been convicted of a sex oI'fi~nse that requires rcgislration with the Sheriff's Office in the county of their residence. Further, their previous criminal history places them in a classification level which reflects the potential to re-tilt'cod. This sex ofli:ader has served the sentence imposed on him by the courts and has advised the Mason County Sheriff's Office that he will be living in the location below. HE IS WANTED BY TIlE POLICE AT TIllS TIM E. rills NOTIFICATION IS NOT INTENDED TO INCREASE FEAR, RATHER, IT IS OUR BELIEF TIU, V[ AN INFORM El) PIIBLIC IS A SAFER PUBLIC. The Mason County Sheriff's Ot]fice has no legal authority to direct where a sex offender may or may not li~e. Unless court ordered restrictions exist, this offende)" is constitutionally free to live wherever hC chooses, Sex ofl'elIders have always lived in our c0nlnlt|nities, but it wasn't until passage of the ColrllBunlty Protection Act Of 1990 gB'hich manda/e.s S~V c~[/~/tddr ~'r~A'tr~ltaol0 that law elat'orceBaent even knew where they were living. In illauy cases, law enR)rcement is now able to share that intbrmation with you.. C zen ab se of this intbmmtion to threaten, intimidate or harass registered sex ofl?enders will not be tolerated. Further. sucb abuse eoukl po~tentially end law enforcement's ability to do community notilieations. We believe the only person ~htl ~,ins i f coilln~tll~ily ilotitqcation ell~ds is the sex of Tellder, since sex ot'fi~ndelN derive their power throBgh secrecy, If you have any informa~tion re~arding current criminal aetivilv of this or any other offende~: olease call 911, For other sex o "re de," nfonnation, I.t[B1;~&o_~.~#Jg.~,.~,)2g,,tt&/. and go to: ::. ~;;o~,;~:: ANGELO WILSON RIVERA NATIVE AMERICAN MALE DOB: 08/29/1967- 5 -11 - 200 LBS. FLYONTHESIDELINE BLACK HAIR & BROWN EYES Angelo RIVERA has recently moved into a new residence and is required to register as a sex offender for nmltiple sex convictions. On 11/23/1992, R IVEIL'~ was convicted of Rape 3'a Degree, Mason Couuty Superior Court cause #92-1-00010-5. This conviction stems from RIVERA at age 23, raping a 17 year old girl. On 08/21/1997, RIVERA was convicted of Crime on Indian Reservation-Abusive Sexual Contact with a Minor, Tribal Court case #09579085. This conviction stems flom RIVERA at age 29, entering the home of a 10 year old little girl and sexually assauhing her. On 10/04/1989, R1VERA admitted to being arrested by the Squaxin Island Tribal Police for Criminal Trespass where he crawled thorough a bedroom windowoffi'iend's sister and exposed himself He was 22 years old at tlm time of this arrest. According to a DeN. of Corrections report, RIVERA admitted to past instances of voyeurism by peeping into female's windows. RIVERA has an extensive criminal history including multiple counts of Failure to Register, Robbery, Burglary, Theft, Assault, etc. RIVERA has been assessed as a L el3 , ~ This is the highest level given to a Sex Offender, meaning that the sul~ject is at a HIGH RISK to re-offend. NOTE: RIVERA is on WA State Department of Corrections Supervision, RIVERA has given his address within Mason County as: Within the 100 block of W. Birch Journal photo by Emily HansOn Mary M. Knight senior Linda Cook puts up a shot under pressure from Northwest Yeshiva at the Regional 1B Girls Basketball Tournament on Saturday, Feb. 25, at Timberline High School. By EMILY HANSON the Lady Owls lost to North- players." emi~y@ma,soncou~b,,(:om west Yeshiva 54-30 dur- During the first half, the .................................................................................. ing the Regional 1B Girls Lady Owls kept up with Basketball Tournament atNorthwest Yeshiva, down Postseason play ended Timberline High School in 11-6 going into the second for the Mary M. Knight Lacey. quarter and 21-15 at the girls' basketball team at the "I think we played hard," half. regional tournament •last head coach Lance Valley : In the third quarter, week: said. "They were a gOod ..... On ::Saturday, Feb. 25, team with two very good 5eeLady Owls on [Jage £:8 Goodbye gyms, hello fresh air With winter sports ~.~.,, ,•,~, that is. Another bonus for spring now officially over, ~ Yes, ' sports is that most of them it's time to do one spring are free to attend so hope- of my favorite things: say sports fully more people will. goodbye to gyms. mean freshThere's more noise in- Until next fall, I will not air and terference outside -- cars, be confinded in a gymna- natural horns, sirens, wind -- so sium for hours on end and light but there needs to be a larger I'm actually pretty excited they also crowd to make more noise about that. By EMILY mean in support of our High- Not only are gyms too HANSON down- climbers, Bulldogs and stuffy and oftentimes too pours, Owls. Street, Shelton, WA loud, but they are also ari- days that So get your blankets, • ~ ~----- diculously hard place to get sometimes still feel as cold raincoats, umbrellas, boots, decent photos, not a good as winter, day games that hats, sunglasses and sun- situation to be in when all run over into early evening screen ready and come out ~~ i winter sports take place and more pollen than myto enjoy some spring sports : :_.~. i::i&i i:i:~: i~:~ indoors, sinuses prefer, in a couple of weeks. i~i@iiiiiiiii~For all of the spring But I'm still pretty It might even be a good ~iii~iiiiiiiiii::i::i~~~ sports season, I get to be stoked about it. Mostly idea to bring all of that to ~NtT~il!i~~ .......... .,~ .~.o outside, breathing the fresh because I know that, even- allgames -- here in west- ~:~:..~ air and using natural light tually, the sun will shine, ern Washington, you could for my photos -- when the the temperature will rise have a day with rain, snow Washington weather de- and after I get sunburned a and sun. That's just the cides not to pour buckets couple of times, I ll get a bit joy of Washington in the of rain down on everybody, of a tan. spring. 11 m ..~- m m Sauna/Steam Room, Personal Training 0 Zumba Toning , Zumba Classes • Weight Training • Swimming, Aerobics Classes , Tae Kwon Do Classes Every Saturday at 11:00 a.m. FREE with membership o Kettlebell Classes Now in progress- See schedule at o Racquetball, Tanning o Cardio • Massage Just South of Downtown Shelton on Highway 3 Stop in today at 707 South First Street Call 426-1388 or email us; Check us out on the web at Hours: Mon-Fri 4:30am-9pm, Sat & Sun 7am-3pm ~C Page C-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, March 1,2012