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Sydney Sortor, left, Meghan Hagstrom, center, and Taralyn Sortor kick high during Clan Jacobs'
Shelton Athletic Club.
Journal photos by Emily Hanson
MMA class at the
Sefo Nansen will compete at Cloverpark Technical College in Lakewood
By EMILY HANSON school and high school as well as full-
cmily(qma, grown adults. One student was the mother
of another student.
Julia Kerkes, 16, is a junior at North
A local man will compete in his second Mason High School and one of the most ex-
mixed martial arts (MMA) fight this week- perienced fighters in Jacobs' classes, hay-
end. ing studied with him for nearly two years
On Dec. 3, Sefo Nansen, 24, won his de- now.
but fight at 185 in Port Orchard. Nansen "I had one fight at the very end of last
will fight next at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, year," Kerkes said. "I did lose but it wasn't
March 3, at Cloverpark Technical College an even match. It was a good experience
in Lakewood. and I'll hopefully get another fight soon."
"My fight in December went well," Nan- Kerkes said she enjoys MMA because of
sen said. "I had no skills, then, just boxing, the adrenaline rush it provides.
but I did my best." "MMA is almost therapeutic," she said.
Nansen said he was surprised to win "It gives you a place to calm down and get
because the man he was fighting was a lot out extra energy."
heavier than he is. As a teen girl, Kerkes said people are
"March 3 is going to be awesome," Nan- surprised when they learn she is an MMA
sen said. "I'm ready for it and I have more fighter.
skills now." "A lot of people tell me it's unexpected,"
Nansen has been learning MMA for she said. "But a lot of people say it,s re-
about five months with Clan Jacobs, an ally cool and that more people should know
instructor who runs an MMA class at the how to do MMA."
Shelton Athletic Club. As one of the most experienced students,
"The main purpose of this class is to most of Kerkes' sparring ~oartners are full-
teach a sport that is for kids, teens and grown men but she said this doesn't intimi-
adults," Jacobs said. "It's one of the fastest- date her.
growing sports and the interest is because "I grew up around boys and so this class
of the different skills involved." isn't intimidating," Kerkes said.
Jacobs said people who want to do MMA Jacobs said Kerkes started studying
need someone to train them and that is with him knowing nothing about MMA.
why he started his class, which runs in the "Now, people think she's been training a
evenings on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sat- long time and she helps instruct," he said.
urdays for $50 per month. Another student who helps to instruct
In the class held on Friday, Feb. 24,
Jacobs had students who were in middle
See MMA on page C-8
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 1,2012 - Page C-5