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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 1, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 1, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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t 3 Shelton senior Robert Crawford lifts a 135-pound squat during training necessary. on Monday, Feb. 27, while senior Jagger Reeve stands by to Journal photos by Emily Hanson assist him if [] ( k By EMILY HANSON At the White River meet, Crawford e~ni[:y~!i~'r~,a.~on, c~n,, took first at 114 with a total of 565 while ................................................................................... Micas took first at 123 with a total of 700 and Reeve took fifth at 181 with a total of The Shelton powerlifting team has com- 690. peted well at two tournaments so far this The White River meet was the first meet season, for Reeve along with Jadon Miles, who took On Saturday, Jan. 14, the Highclimbers 14th at 148, Alan Medina, who took seventh took third place at the White River High at 220, Garry Smith, who took third at 242 School meet in Buckley, Wash. and on Sat- and Paige Roberts, who took third at 132. urday, Feb. 11, the team again took third At the Northwest Christian meet, Craw- place at the Northwest Christian meet in ford took first at 114 with a total of 530 Lacey. while Reeve took third at 181 with a total For each competition, the team -- which of 775. practices independently for the most part- The team has one meet roughly every sent six powerlifters, three weeks and will be hosting a home "There's not a set group of people who meet on Saturday, April 14, in the Shelton compete because people say they will and ' Mini Dome. then they don't show," Robert Crawford "I think they should space the meets out said. more so there's actual improvement," Micas He added that as long as lifters come in said. "Three weeks isn't enough time." to the weight room to train, they are eligible Since powerlifting is such an indepen- to compete, dent sport, the lifters set goals for them- Crawford, a senior and third-year lifter selves. has taken responsibility for the team, help- "I want to get my bronze dead lift and ing to keep it organized. Physical education bronze squat and to take first at state," department head Lorna Martinson oversees Crawford said. "That's my g0al, though I Crawford and advises the team as well. could get overtaken by some young punk." "It's pretty good that we've taken third Micas said he also wants to be a state when we only have six lifters while oth- champion this year while Reeve said he er teams have a full lineup," sophomore wants to earn a bronze in the bench press. Jayden Micas, a second-year lifter, said. Though each of the boys said there are Micas, along with first-year lifter and se- days when they don't feel like training, they nior Jagger Reeve, was training with Craw- continue with powerlifting to reach their ford on Monday, Feb. 27, preparing for a personal goals. meet in Yakima this Saturday, March 3. "Powerlifting is who I am now," Craw- "I think we'll take second at Yakima," ford said. "I want to go to the Olympics in Reeve said. powerlifting later on in life. With my heart At the competitions, lifters compete and mind, I think I can at least rank." in weight classes, doing squat lifts, bench The adrenaline of competition, watching presses and dead lifts three times each. The each other compete and personal goals mo- highest weight lifted for each of the three tivates the team, the three said. categories is kept and then added together "I think all of us have days where we are for a total. The highest total is the top lifter tired but we keep going because we have to for each weight class, reach our goals," Reeve said. !iii!ii!!!~i; il ii~i! i~ii!';!ili, i ii!iiii!!iiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!;iiiii!i:~iiii;ili:!iiil;!iil ii:i!ili! i iii!iil;iiiiiiii!i!ilili!iii!iiiii:!iiiiiiiii!iiiiii:ii:!ii:iiii! i!iiiii!i!ili!i!iiii i iiiiiii!i!ili!iiii!iiiiiii!iiiiiii!ii;ililiiii;iiiiiil;i!ii!i !iiiiiii!!;!iii!ii~ii!ii i iii!iiii!iiii i!ii;!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i ii!iii!iiiill !iliiiiii! i~i! i iiiiii i iiiiii!;iii! i iiiiiiii;i;iiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiil i!iiiiiiiil;ii i i i! i iiii!i!i!i ii !i!i!i!iiiii!iiiiiiiiiiii i iiiiiii!ii;iiiiiiiiiiii i iiil i i!iiii i!iii!iiiii!ii i li!!ii !iiiiii i iiiiiiiiil;iiiiiiiiiiiil i iii i lilili i iii !i i iiiiiii i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i iiiiii i il i iiiiiiiiiiiiii i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiii;iiiiiiiiiiill e|gh{~ N~m ~ Bench Pr~ ~ ~ ~ ~c Page C-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, March 1,2012 Shelton senior Robert Crawford spots for senior Jagger Reeve while training for an upcoming powerlifting competition on Monday, Feb. 27. S~ R t( g il t] L tl a a p L B T