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March 1, 2018     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 1, 2018
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Page A-2 - Shelton.Mason County Journal - Thumday, March 1, 2018 ro I over pu II Legislators frame bill as win for open government; opponents hope for veto from Gov. Jay Inslee By JOSH KELETY WNPA Olympia Bureau Following last week's rap- id-fire vote on a bill to exempt the state Legislature from state public records laws, law- makers are going into damage control with public backlash mounting. The bill, SB 6617, explic- itly exempts lawmakers from the state's Public Records Act, and applies immediately and retroactively -- meaning that existing records going back to statehood would be off limits to disclosure requests. The legislation allows disclosure of lawmakers' calendars and communications with regis- tered lobbyists, but only docu- ments created after July 1, 2018. preme Court, where the liti- gation is ongoing. Public outcry over the bill was immediate. On Tuesday, 13 daily newspapers across Washington state published front-page editorials con- demning the bill, and the Se- attle Times reported that over the weekend, Gov. Jay Inslee had received over 500 emails from citizens criticizing the legislation. On Monday, his office received 200 phone calls from people opposing the bill, according to the report. Sen. Jamie Pedersen, D- Seattle, who voted for SB 6617, said in a phone inter- view that he hasn't received any constituent emails that support the bill. Now, some lawmakers are going into damage con- ter is private, they wouldn't have the confidence to do it again," Sheldon said. Sheldon said he's heard negative comments from some of his constituents on the bill's speedy approval. "I think the process was a very short timeline, which is hardly seen in Olympia," he said. "I don't agree with that process and I apologized to people for that process." MacEwen, R-Union, wrote in an email that Lanese's rui- ing would have required each legislative member to employ his or her own records staff. "That simply wouldn't have been practical; nor would it have been an efficient use of taxpayer dollars," MacEwen wrote. Griffey, R-Allyn, wrote in an email that each legislator would have their own public- disclosure rules and policies. "That's simply not doable, and it would stall the-legisla- Introduced on Feb. 21, the bill was rushed at break- neck speed to a vote Feb. 23 in both the state Senate and House. It passed both cham- bers in 20 minutes with wide margins and no floor debate. "In my 18 years in the Leg- islature, this is by far the fast- est I've ever seen a bill pass, from beginning to end," said Sen. Mark Miloscia, R-Fed- eral Way, who was one of the seven state senators to vote against SB 6617. He called the bill's quick turnaround a "world record in my book." The last-minute introduc- tion of the law and the rush to enact it comes after a January ruling by Thurston County Superior Court Judge Chris Lanese, who determined that the Legislature is subject to public records laws. The decree was prompted by a lawsuit brought by the Associated Press, the Wash- ington Newspaper Publish- ers Association (WNPA) and other regional papers against lawmakers who denied a re- cords request that journalists made last year for lawmakers' internal communications and information on incidents of sexual harassment. The Shelton-Mason County Journal is a paying member of the WNPA. Lawmakers have appealed the ruling to the state Su- trol over the backlash. Since tive their vote on Friday, legisla- tors who supported the bill began issuing press releases and statements on Facebook and other platforms defend- ing their vote, fram- ing the legislation as a win for both con- stituent privacy and government transpar- ency. Mason County's three elected legisla- tors from the 35th District -- state Reps. Dan Griffey and Drew Sheldon MacEwen, and Sen. Tim Sheldon -- all voted in favor of the bill. Sheldon, MacEwen and Griffey touched on similar points when asked to com- ment on the bill. Sheldon, D-Pot- Griffey latch, said in an in- terview with the Shelton-Mason Coun- ty Journal that he voted in favor of the SB 6617 because of his constituents. He said many of them have very personal is- sues, such as marital, domestic violence and health issues that they're dealing with. "If a constituent doesn't feel that their meeting or let- MacEwen process and ultimately cost taxpayers more," he wrote. In a Feb. 23 statement, Sen. Manka Dhingra, D-Kirk- land, said that the bill balanc- es the privacy of constituents with transparency, "I am happy that we are moving in the direc- tion of more transpar- ency," she wrote. The . same day, Rep. Sharon Wylie, D-Vancouver, pub- lished a statement on her website in which she slammed media coverage on the issue: "Media reports that claim this is a way of avoiding transpar- ency and bypassing a court decision are in- correct," she wrote. Rep. Gael Tarleton, D-Ballard, argued in a Sunday blog post that while the process by which the bill passed was "flawed," she thought it was nec- essary to counteract Judge Lanese's Janu- ary ruling. She wrote that the ruling would impose "obscene" fi- nancial costs to leg- islators to administer records requests and "paralyze the ability of legis- lators to properly represent their constituents." Additionally, several House members circulated a defense of the bill authored by Sen. Pedersen, with largely word- for-word similarity. Pedersen said that he had shared his message -- which was origi- nally published in The Stand -- with the Senate Democrats communications staff, who then passed it over to House Democrats' staffers, who dis- tributed it among their mem- bers. In the essay, Pedersen said that the bill has been "widely misunderstood." "There's no real attempt to have any. balance in the reporting," said Pedersen of media coverage on the is- sue in a phone interview. He also characterized the nu- merous newspaper editorials as an "unprecedented use of resources by the plaintiffs in the lawsuit to try and stir up opposition to the bill." The press and open govern- ment advocates were quick to fact-check the messaging from lawmakers. Seattle Times Ed- itorial Board member Melissa Santos argued Monday on Twitter that health informa- tion and many personal de- tails are already exempt from disclosure under the Public Records Act, contrasting with claims from lawmakers that SB 6617 is needed to protect constituent privacy. Sean Robinson, a reporter for the Tacoma News Tri- bune, slammed legislators' characterizations of both the bill and media coverage of it on Twitter: "The media cov- ered it truthfully. You guys ran a deceitful, abusive pro-- cess that prevented scrutiny, cut out public hearings and denied your own members the chance to speak in dissent. Own it and be honest," he wrote on Feb. 24. "For the most part, what we're hearing the legislators saying is not true," said Mi- chele Earl-Hubbard, the at- torney representing the media organizations in the lawsuit. In response to criticisms of the bill's rushed passage, Pedersen claimed in his es- say that the bill needed to be pushed through at the end of the legislative session be- cause Judge Lanese's ruling came in late January and he "refused" to suspend his or- der until the case had gone through the appeals process. "If the ruling had come in Oc- tober, we could have done this differently," he wrote. Earl-Hubbard countered that lawmakers never re- quested a stay from Lanese. "It's not true that they asked him to stay his order and he turned them down. They nev- er asked him," she said. Following the January ruling, attorneys represent- ing the legislators filed for a stay with state Supreme Court, but the court has yet to rule on the request, according to Earl-Hubbard. Miloscia said that the bill was rushed to passage within three days due to its strong support among lawmakers and the likelihood that it would garner public opposi- tion. "When there is complete and utter agreement among a vast number of legislators on a bill that people will get upset over, those bills go ex- tremely fast, as fast you can make it, and that's exactly what happened," he said. Miloscia said that the bill "basically says the politicians decide what the people have the right to know," and leg- islators "knew exactly what they were voting for." As of Tuesday afternoon, the bill sat before Inslee, who could choose to sign the bill, let it pass without his signa- ture, or veto it. He had until today to make a decision. During a Tuesday appear- ance on MSNBC, Inslee said that, while he thinks the bill is a "bad idea," he can't veto the legislation because law- makers passed the bill with a "veto-proof majority." He add- ed that he doesn't "have con- trol ov " over the legislation. When asked if the governor would veto the legislation, In- slee spokesperson Tara Lee wrote in an email that the of- fice is "reviewing it." The governor has vetoed legislation that has received super majorities in the Leg- islature before. Last year, Inslee vetoed an across-the- board manufacturing tax cut that was passed by both chambers. Journal Editor-in-Chief Adam Rudnick contributed to this story. I '0 I Ncw t J[~J~u~ ~raiw [ DENTAL Shetton Dental Center is truly a full-service dental office for the entire family. We provide implants, oral surgery root canals, veneers, crow as, bridges and more. Have )'our dental work done right here in Shdton and save the driving for the weekend. L~" a~*7 " ~ ~ ~'~ ~. ~. . "Z : :';' :," ; . : i ":'"'.'""~ . - - - "