March 1, 2018 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Thursday, March 1,2018 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-11
DRIVERS NEEDED now! with children. No court2507 (S 2/15-3/8) JOEL'S LANDSCAPING 11-5, Sat. 12-3. Text or call: WANT TO rent room, studio,
No CDL, no credit? No appearances. Includes
problem! Start a new career property, bills, custody,ENJOY EMERALD Lake & full yard maintenance,360.790.3976 (S tfn) or 1 bedroom apartment
with Swift's job placement!! support. Complete fish on the peaceful water paver flagstone patios, in Downtown Shelton. Call
Call now! 855-816-4207 (A preparation of documentS, filled with trout, over 3/4 of rock block retaining walls,
2/8-3/1) Legal Alternatives, anacre, for $30,000. MLS# sod, sprinklers, fences, SPORTING GOODS (360) 522-1654(D2/8-3/1)
503-772-5295. www. 1229016 Shelton Land & installation, fall cleanup & WANTED
brush & tree removal. Year-
}lEAfING & AC Homes LLC 360-426-5555
(W 3/1) . or Bryan 206-966-0250 (S round services. Bonded GUN AND knife show,
2/.15-3/8) & insured. JOELSL938N7 March 10th & 11th,
360-432-1900. Free admission $7, Centralia ONE OF the Journal's
estimates. (J 1/25-4/12) Fairgrounds, Saturday20,000 readers might
ARCH MECHANICAL No paid operators, just real 9am-5pm, Sunday 9am- have something you want.
affordable. Refrigeration, people like you. Browse Lots for only $8,000 each. 3pm. 503-363-9564If there's something you
cooling, heating, foodgreetings, exchange Develop-able, Level &
service equipment repair, messages & connect live. dry! Two lakes & saltwater Dependable with quality in wesknodelgunshows.comcollect or are looking for,
Heating, air conditioning, Try it free. Call now, 844- access! MLS# 1238307 & mind. Working 30 years in (K3/1-3/8) try running an ad under
refrigeration. 360-229-628-9573. (W 3/1) 1238332 Shelton Land & Mason County. Discounts ,Wanted." For 20 words it's
Homes LLC 360-426-5555 for Seniors & all Vets. RANDOLPH BRAND, just $10.35 per week and
2139. Licensed, bonded, or Pat 360-490-2507 (S Licensed, bonded, insured, t unsm!m. Hepags,15 per word over 20. Run
insured. EPA, PTCS, nation's largest senior living 2/15-3/8) #BIGSKP831C4 360-968- cusmm zmg, renmsnmg
Frymaster certified, . 3 weeks, get the 4th week
NW Ductless "Master referral service. Contact 9845, 360-463-8251. (B Monoay- amroay u:uu free. Call (360) 426-4412,
Installer," WA Contr. Lic. our trusted, local experts 12/7-2/22) - 6:00 PM. Shelton, WA, you can olace your ad bv
ARCHMMI902MN, www. today! Our service is free/ bdrm septic, power/water. 360-427-0767. (B tfn)phone (J ffn) " - " (A tfn) no obligation. Call 1-866- Live in RV for 6 mo. while
916-7507. (W3/1) you build. 2 lakes & sw engine repair, classic boat |
access. MLS# 1234701 and fiberglass repairs.
Engine overhaul, electrical, !i
HOUSECLEANING Shelton Land & Homes lowest labor in town. (360)
your prescriptions! Save! LLC 360-426-5555 or Pat
Call our licensed Canadian 360-490-2507 (S 2/15-3/8) 358-8261,1939 W. Railroad
SHELTON HOUSE and International pharmacy, Ave. (B tfn) a
Cleaning, Satisfaction compare prices and get $25
guaranteed, free estimates, OFF your first prescription! for a quick sale? We have
residential,commercial,Call 1-855-543-2095, cash buyers, seeking 3 Landscaping 100'/o green
bdrm 2 bath homes, w/ 2 installation, restoring,
consultation, creative
Promo Code CDC201725. car garage. Call today to list designs with photos,
new construction. Move in, (W 3/1)
move out, weekly, monthly, your home! Shelton Land &
one-time. Lidia Masligin MORTGAGES Homes LLC 360-426-5555 staging, pruning, high bank
360-463-2884. Lic. or Jodie 360-589-9694 (S restoration. 360-426-4598
UBI604111759, Bonded & 2/15-3/8) QUEENA10440R. (P tfn)
Insured (S fin) OFFERING HOME loans CALL US at eXp Realty to BAVARIAN WINDOW
and mortgage services:list with Aerial Video! We've Cleaning "Experience
LANDSCAPING Peninsula Credit Union, got Mason County covered, a brighter world!" 360-
Thomas 'TJ' Bracken, Real eXp Realty: Blair Humes 701-0644. Licensed,
Estate Loan Officer NMLS - North Mason 253-778- insured, www.
#669886, 360-426-1601, 9216; Lisa Calkins- South bavarianwindowcleaning.
ZJ LANDSCAPING, ext. 3161, tbracken@pcfcu. Mason 360-931-5516. com. Windows, gutters,
Excavating & Tree org * 521 Realtor, NWMLS, Equal skylights, solar panels. Free
Services Brush cleaning,
edging, thatching, hauling, W. Railroad * PO Box 2150, Housing Opportunity. (E tfn) estimates. Residential &
commercial. (B tfn)
lawn mowing, drainage,Shelton, WA 98584 * PCU
weeding, pruning, bnckNMLS #401239, Equal RED HOT
laying, patio, moss housing opportunity. (P fin) roofs, gutters, windows.
removal, painting, bankIMPROVING EVENTS
clearing, gutters, roof since 1992. Cello soloist -
cleaning, pressure from Bach to the Beatles.
washing, retaining walls, Acoustic light rock, jazz
sprinklers, housecleaning,and classical for weddings,
concrete pouring and more. special events, receptions,
Licensed, bonded, insured, and dinner parties.
Residential & commercial, Enjoy nostalgic melodies
general contractor without drowning out your
#ZJLADLK848DC. Free conversations. Call Dave
estimates, call or text,
find us on Facebook.
Zacharias 360-463-4834,
zj .yard m ai nte n a n ce@
gmail,com (Z tfn)
at (360) 490-4695 (cell) or
email davepierik@gmail.
com for available times and
dates. Visit www.cellodad. for more
information. (D 4/1 TFN)
$100 REWARD. Black Lab
with white feet and white
chest, missing on Deer
Creek Road Feb. 25 at
noon. Call 360-490-4877.
(M 3/1 )
FOUND: CANE with pink
floral patterns, downtown
Shelton near Journal office,
around 2/16.360-426-4412
(J tfn)
LOST IT? Found it? Call
426-4412 for an affordable
listing here. Did you know
the Journal will run found
pet listings for free? It's
true! (J tfn)
County. Cats and kittens
available to indoor only
homes. Website kittenresq.
net, contact 360-584-0594
or 360-426-2455. (K 5/23
IS THE care of an elder
loved one leaving you
frazzled and keeping you
up at night? Does the health
care system and finding
solutions overwhelm you?
Don't know where to start?
Alpine Way can help you
sort out your options and
walk you through a solution
that fits your situation. No
hard sells, only answers to
hard questions. Call Trudy
or Aubrey at 360-426-2600.
A (8/3-tfn)
separation, $155. $175
TOO LATE to classify ads,
also known as the Red Hot
Classifieds, are located
in the A section of this
newspaper, with the main
news. Special Red Hot
deadline: Tuesday by 3pm
(Classified section: Monday
by 5pm). Remember to look
for a few more classified
ads in the A section! (J fin)
downsize? Upgrade? Start
a new adventure? Your
home is in high demand!
List your home today with
the professionals at Shelton
Land & Homes LLC for
service with hometown flair!
Call 360-426-5555 or Jodie
360-589-9694 (S 2/15-3/8)
NEW LISTING!! Beautiful
view property! Park like
YOUR NEW roof for as low
as $50 per month O.A.C
The Roof Doctor, "We make
house calls." 360-427-
8611 1131 W. Kamilche
Lane, just off Highway 101.
ROOFDI*168N8 (R tfn)
Company LLC. Residential
and commercial
roofing specialists. Lic.
Gonzales - Celt 360-515-
6065, Dennis James - Cell
360-515-8733. Office: 360-
868-2730, Fax: 360-868-
2625. 1800 Olympic Hwy
S Shelton WA 98584 (A
setting. Water spigot on PROBLEM TREES?
the land already! $22,000. Free estimates! Logging
MLS# 1238848 Shelton & excavation, confined
Land & Homes LLC 360- spaces to large parcels.
426-5555 or Pat 360-490-
2507 (S 2/15-3/8)
7.5 ACRES OUT in the
Boonies for only $40,000.
Motivated Seller, must sell!
15 yr old re-prod & more.
MLS# 1238932 Shelton
Land & Homes LLC 360-
426-5555 or Pat 360-490-
Site prep, demolition, land
clearing, stump grinding,
stump & brush hauling.
Cash or percentage. Log
documentation. Tobin
Bros. - we love small lots,
call us today at 360-239-
0510. Licensed, bonded &
insured #JIMT0B-907MT
(T tfn)
Misty Clark 360-229-8300
thewaterfrontwindows@ (W tfn)
Services. Topping, chipping,
stump grinding. Licensed,
bonded and insured Lic.
#JAYBUT5053 R2. Call 360-
426-4663. (B fin)
- Sewing needs? Just ask
me! Sew Now Studio, we
help you make it your
own. 321 South First Street,
Downtown Shelton Tues-Fri
21, likes this week and 1.2 million page views.
J6 Fnal
or stop ha ~ar ot~ce,~ ~l ~ We~ C(~ in Sh~