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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 2, 1944     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 2, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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EaggFflr I ‘Shelton Music Study (‘lub .Holds February Meeting The Shelton Music Study Club had a most enjoyable evening of study and music at their Febru- ,ary meeting last Wednesday cVé- lning' at the home of Mrs. Alfred Killlner. Shelton Dance (‘Iub lxecutiw- (‘omlnittee Meets The executive committee of the Shelton Dance Club met Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kilnbel. The committee is com- posed of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Holt, Mr. and lvll‘S. A. A. Lindroth, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Burgoyne, Mr.. _,, .. I.“ . The meeting was opened with and Mrs. Crib Frisken and Ml. and I the singing 0]. “Alumna... Mrs- A. iL. Ferwerda, president, extended Mrs. Kimbel. ‘. lowed. AT FIRST 1' Arrangements were completed “a of A0 D for the. members who planned to attend the westside conference of the Washington State Federation. 666 TABLETS. SALVE. NOSE DROPS of Music Clubs to be held in Seat— tle, February 25. Mrs. Clive Troy gave a most interesting paper on Bizet and his well known opera “Cal-men." Recordings of the opera were used Iby Mrs. Troy to illustrate n; composer's work. ‘i Charles Lewis gave a pa— Iper on music for children. WE MUST vi " News briefs Were given at this time by the members in answer to roll call. Delicious refreshments were. served by the hostess bring- ing“ the evening to a close. H G s f The Women‘s Circle of the Bap- tist ’Churc'n held their meeting ilast Wednesday in the evening, so the husbandscould attend and heard 'reports of the women‘s work. A short business meeting Women's Circle. Holds Evening Meeting Because of the,short- age of hangers we are lnumbers. ll Reverend O. Bovee led the 'dcvotions and Mrs. Bovee review— ' ed the work of the Home and , Foreign Missions. asking that you bring-V or send hangers in with your-cleaning order- I Delicious refreshments were V iserved to 33 members and guests 1by Mrs. Roy Eells and Mrs. Orin tif was carried out in the table Thank You For Your decorations- Cooperation Mrs. Gruvcr Improving Mrs. Warren Earl received word IthlS week from the hospital at Salinas, Calif, saying her sister, ,Mrs. Joe Gruver, was recovering ‘nicely from an attack of scarlet fever. Mastm County Steam Laundry and Dry Cleaners Altar Society Meeting Tonight The Altar Society will meet this evening, March 2, at the home of Mrs. S. I. Nichols. Ilia-Tested Advice About Chest Colds' 0 time it starts to work 2 ways at Once —-and keeps on working for hours to relieve coughing spasms and conges- tion in the cold-clogged up r breath- ing passages, to ease muscu al- soreness or tightness. It invites restful sleep. And often by morning most of the Grandma Was Right ‘ Time Has Proved It Toda , the first choice and family standby for relieving miseries of col 3 in millions of homes is the same home- remed grandma used . . . Vicks misery of the cold is gone! Try it. Vapo ubl What better recommenda- tion could a product have! Approved c K 5 When you rub time-tested VapoRub By Two Generations VAPORUB on the throat, chat and back at bed- Effective At Once I N 0 Empty Tubes Required When Buying Cream 1 or Tooth Paste Kindly bring in your old tubes—They are still needed for the war effort. Tooth Paste Values 50c IPANA ........ _. 50c FORHANS .................................... _. 39¢ 50c KOLYNOS .. 39c 40c PEPSODENT .................................. ._ 33¢ 40c COLGATE .. 37¢ 50c onus ............................................ _. 29¢ Z—MILK MAGNESIA PASTE .. 33¢ McKesson’s 39¢ From Sea to ‘ Seaforth Shaving O The liver of the halibut is one of the richest natural sourceoofvitamin D known to man.We stock this product known comm ~rciall as Hal- a i . r nd iver Oil) in liquid and capsule ’ form. This is just one of the. S many modern vitamin 'con- ccntrates you will find on our shelves. “'0 recommend the ABBOTT line. because of the fine reputation of this pioneer producer. Bring prescriptions here for careful compounding. Toiletries PHO'NE' 303 WE DELIVER a cordial welcome to the guests' ,present and routine business fol-I the I i was followed by several musical ' Park, hostesses. The patriotic mo— dl lSlleliun (iarden (‘lnb 'Ilolds Moulth Meet g One of the. most interesting meetings of the year was held iMonday by the Shelton Garden Club at the home of Mrs. Win- ston Scott. Mrs. Eber Angle, chairman of the committee which is working with the city towards the improve- I Ilnent of Kneeland Park, gave. a report of the progress made. She explained the reason for taking out several trees and shrubs was the fact they were broken down and of inferior quality. These are to be replaced by mower and healthier varieties as lscon as possible. The club agreedl A delightful tea hour follmved.’ to stand back of whatever sug- gestions the committee might make to the city. Mrs. Guy Hutchinson, president, reported on the plans suggested I by the County Post-War Planning ‘Council, of which she is a mem- lbcr, to rehabilitate members of 'the armed forces as they are dis- charged. They meet on the last Monday of each month at the court horse. Anyone wishing'may attend. It was voted to donate $5.00 to the Arboretum Foundation. For the program Mrs. Walter Kullrich' and Mrs. Angle read, “The What, When and Where of Vegetable Seed Buying” by C. L. iVincent, associate professor of agriculture at Pullman. Another paper, “Planning for Next Year's Garden," was given with each Imember reading a paragraph. Mrs. Kullrich brought clever sketches made by her brother-in- law of a Men’s Garden Club Show she recently attended in Oak- land, all of which was very hu- morons. They will be on display at the library soon. All the members were happy to welcome back Mrs. Vernis John- son, former officer of the club, who has been working in Bremer- ton. Mrs. Hal Olstead and 'Mrs. Falkland F. Warren joined the another new member was‘ unable : to attend. I Sandwiches and tea were served "by Mrs. Scott after the meeting was closed. An attractive arrange- iment of helleborus niger (Christ- mas roses) and orchid heather, ;brought by Mrs. George Drake, icentered the table. Attend Music Conference ‘1 At Seattle February 25 Mrs. A. L. Ferwerda, Mrs. Don~ ‘v John L. Westside ovan Palmer and Mrs. Dotson attended the conference of the State Federation of Music Clubs Friday in Seattle. The meeting lwas held in the Gold Room of i the Mayflower Hotel, starting th a luncheon. Many state officers were pres- ent and a constructive and in- ,‘formative program was planned [for the delegates. I A string ensemble quartette Igave all four movements of Moz- lwi Iart's Concerto in D Minor. Lt. IMiddleworth, WAC, gave the .WAC interpretation of “Paper lDoll. The members who attended ‘brought home many new ideas for future use. I iMrs. Lillian Norvold Inonored Guest. at Party ‘ A surprise birthday party for ers. Lillian Norvold was cleverly? lcartried out Monday evening fol- ilowing the regular practice of Ithc Chorus. Mrs. Norma Spring ldetal’ned Mrs. Norvold, While Mrs. lFlatner, hostess, and other mem- Ibcrs of the Chorus went to the 3 Flatner home to quietly hide until Mrs. Norvold opened the door, a signal for all to start singing i “Happy Birthday.” The evening was spent. in com- lmunity singing and listening to il‘ecordings. The lace covered re- I freshment table was centered with rl‘resh spring flowers. Mrs. John L. Dotson presided at the um and EMrs. Norvold cut the cake. The ‘Chorus, presented the honored guest with a lovely gift. I ,‘ 0.E.S. Social {Club Will Meet , The Order of Eastern Star So- cial Club will meet Tuesday, :March 7 at the home of Mrs. :J. H. Frisken for a 1:00 o’clockl iluncheon a‘nd afte can of cards. LILLIAN WARREN. Society Editor club and Mrs. Laura K. Plumb,‘ Washington wele PHONE 100 USA). Parties are lReccnt‘. (lala Events Two palties held at the USO. 1recently, which were outstanding , 70 service men and junior hostess- es each evening, were the big Pancake and Waffle Feed and the February birthday party. The pancake and waffle. feed, ireminiscent of the early Mason county logging days, was in ‘charge of Miss Harriet Meehan, ichairman. Chairman of decora- Itions, Miss Vera Rowe. had the hall cleverly decorated in ever- greens to create the desired out- ldoors effect and the small tables about the hall were gay with their brightly colored cloths and con- terpieces of greens and candles: Mrs. Ollie Cleveland and a |group of junior hostesses pre- I sented a skit entitled “Pistol Pack- in’ Mama.” The, colorful plaid shirts and slacks of the junior ,hostesses also added to the gay jatmosphere. The senior hostesses ‘were from the Shelton Woman’s Club. Five large birthday cakes, fur- ]nished by the P.E.O., senior host— Iesses of the day, were cut and ,served at the party Sunday eve- :ning. All service men and junior lhostesses with February birthday :anniversaries were the honored 5 guests. Dr. Louis Keyser showed mov- ing pictures and Mrs. John L. ,Dotson played the piano for the community singing. ,Navy Mothers Club !' Reports Activities l' The Navy Mothers Club this Aweek reported their past year's activities which included sending birthday and Christmas cards to .all the club member's sons, mak- ing four complete layettes for Navy wives, sending a dozen I pairs of slippers and a dozen surg- ical gowns to Bremerton hospital, furnishing a day room at the N. A.A.S., donating $50 to U.S.O., $25 towards the electric organ for Seattle Naval Hospital, and $10 per month to Bremerton hospital. The mothers also served as hostesses at the local U.S.O. The club‘s main source of reve- I I nue is their Tag Sale held in July. This is a national affair. I Then, one night a month the Eagles turn the Shelton Valley dance supper concession over to the Navy Mother’s Club for ben- efits. ’Roberta Irene Anderson , Celebrates Birthday On the occasion of her daugh- J'ter’s, Roberta Irene, first birth- day, Mrs. Robert T. Anderson, as- sisted by Mrs. Robert C. Springer, Roberta’s grandmother, entertain- ~ed Saturday afternoon, February 26 at her home. A pretty cake with white frost- ,ing and pink trimmings adorned iwith a white rose bud and one Iwhite candle was served, with ice lcream to: Dennis Moore, Barry ‘Allen Odom, Pearl Gale Mitchell, Jacqueline Miller. Mrs. Otha lMoore, Mrs. William‘Austin, Mrs. Harry Hurst, Mrs. ers. Melvin Mitchell, Mrs. Frank Adair, James Houston, Frank {Houston and the hostesses, Mrs. fAnderson and Mrs. Springer. The honored guest received gmany lovely gifts. .Attend Meeting 1 In Tacoma ‘ Mrs. LeMaster, Mrs. Jean Bcn- fnett, Mrs. Stotsbery, Mrs. Roy ‘Eells, Mrs. Hansen, Mrs. Bovee, iMrs. Charles Chase and Reverend lBovee attended a luncheon and meeting at the Tacoma Baptist Church on Wednesday. Mrs. Bovee “led the devotions and Mrs. Chase ,gave a talk on the Tabernacle. Reverend Bovee attended the Covenant Beach Bible Conference ,during the afternoon. a. lCamp 3 Women’s Club Schedules Meetings The last meeting of the Camp .3 Women’s Club was held at the iUnion Hall instead of the home {of Betty Hulbert as scheduled as Betty is teaching school for a few days. 1 _March 4 a card party will be held at the Union Hall. Several prizes will be given, including a. grand prize for the highest total and luncheon will be served. March 18 the last in the series of the card parties will be held I events, gathering between 60 and. Fred Odom, ,SHELTO’N-MASOIECOUNTY’ JOURNAL,“ I cations showing that Federation Lake Isabella Club Holds Meeting Mrs. B. C. Combs was hostess! to nine members of the Lake 1521- I bella Club when they met last week, February 23. Each memberl answered roll call with a verse about George Washington. Mrs. Charlotte Gardner won the penny drill and the. story telling contest was won by Mrs. Combs. Mrs. Vern Westcott was guest of the club. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Cora Drake, March 8th. At this meeting each mem- ber is to bring a story of a dog, what Red Cross sewing she may have done the past year and White lCross bandages to work on. lNavy Mothers Club l Schedules Meeting l I The Navy Mothers Club will meet this evening, Thursday, March 2, at the home of Mrs. Von Borgen at 8 p. m. for a regular business meeting. last week’s story of the club‘s installation the name of Mrs. Bert Rau; guest pianist for the ceremony, was accidentally omitted. Mrs. Rau also accom- panied Mrs. Bertha Lord in the singing of the club song. W.C.T.U. Slates Local Institute The Shelton Woman’s Christian Temperance Union will hold a lo- cal institute this Friday, March 3, at the home. of Mrs. W. M. El- liott beginning at 11 a. m. A potluck luncheon will be served at noon. The afternoon ses— lsion will begin at 1:45. A good 'program has been arranged. All members are asked to be present and a cordial invitation is extended to other interested women. St. David's Guild Will Hold Weekly Meetings , During Lent the St. David’s Guild of the Episcopal Church will hold weekly meetings~ for a .Lenten study course and to‘com- lpletatheir. Lent sewing for the Missionary box. Last Thursday ;they 'met at the home of Mrs. ‘Grover Brewster, at which time they made plans for an oyster dinner’ to be held at the Method- ist Church, March 23. The Guild will meet this week with Mrs. Hanson Berg, 205 Har- vard St., at 2 p. m. I l I In From Colfax Mrs. W. F. Rudolf of Colfax, Wash, is here _visiting her moth- er, Mrs. Bclle Hopkins and her two sisters. -‘ Sunday Mr. and Mrs. T. R. er5- Glenn La“ ers Will be co‘ and a Planned P0tIuCk lunCheon Rowe entertained for Mrs. Ru.- hostess. l , Shelton Woman’s Club To Meet Monday I Monday afternoon, March 6, the .S‘nelton Woman’s Club will meet lwith Mrs. w. A. Witsiers at 1:30 fp. m. for a regular meeting. Mrs. iW. C. Batchelor will be in charge 'of the program “Study of Bra- zil.” Tw.s.o.s. Slates 3 Wednesday Meeting l The Women’s Society for Chris- ;tian Service will hold a regular imeeting in the Methodist church ‘parlors at 2 p. m. on Wednesday, March 8. ; Mrs. Walter Elliott will have 'charge of the program and Mrs. .H. H. Crary and Mrs. Harvey ;Hale will conduct the devotions. Tea will be served following ,‘the program by the hostesses, SMrs. R. W. Maulden and Mrs. 1 Paul Hurst. ‘Couple Married at ,Daley Home Recently ‘ Effie L. Telling and Andrew Tabor were married February 25 at the home 01' Mrs. V. Daley. The bride is the daughter of William ,Forman of Spokane, Wash. The Reverend R. W. Mauldcn iperformed the ceremony at 3:00 ‘ p. m. Madge Whitener and Wesley Whitener attended the couple. Both the bride and her attend— ant were dressed in blue and wore corsages of carnations and gar- , denias. A reception followed with only relatives present. The couple will make their home at 2121 South will be served following. The Hus- band Dinner Party is scheduled for March 28. The next Club meet- ing will be held at the Union Hall [with Mrs. Sylvia Johnson, hostess. lers. Wilfred Jackson Honored with Party Mrs. Wilfred Jackson, Shelton resident now living at Paso Robles, Calif., near where her husband is stationed with the U. S. Army, was honored with a surprise birth- day party, February 25. Mrs. Robert Farlow of Denver, Colo., were hostesses. The buffet. luncheon table was centered with a beautiful cake, lighted with 26 candles. The group visited the San Miguel Mission fol- lowing the luncheon. Guests included Mrs. ,Mallows, Mrs. Christina Vig and Miss “Boots” Ballowe of Shelton, .Mrs. William Duffney of Tulsa, Okla, and Mrs. Albert Quimby of Bellingham. Mrs. Jackson Fred Kunsman of Seattle and Mrs. ,lovely gifts. received many Bernice Stewart Entertains Circle Bernice Stewart entertained Cir- cle No. 3 of the Woman’s Society ,for Christian Service on Wednes- Iday, February 23 at her home. ’A 1:30 dessert luncheon was serv- ed by the. hostess. A short busi- ness meeting followed and a de- lightful afternoon was enjoyed by la very good attendance. ' District Nurses Slate Meeting ' The District Nurses Association William ' [44th St., Tacoma, where the groom will hold a regular meeting this : is employed with the Northern Pa— Monday, March at 8 p. m. at] cific Railroad Company. the Nurse's Cottage. c dolf with a family dinner. Guests l were Mr. and Mrs. Fay Hopkins, Richard and Paul of Tacoma. From Shelton were Mrs. Belle Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer 'Bradbery. Mr. and Mrs. Charles, ROWe and son Tommy, Vera and Ruth Rowe and the hosts. Visiting Daughter Mrs. A. S. Viger, who is visit- ing her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. 'r William R. Levett and son Step- !hen William, of Napa, Calif, will' ,leave for her home, March 6. The baby was born February 22 at the Victory Hospital, Napa. Christian Science Societ or y Shelton, Washington WELCOMES YOU SERVICES Sunday ........................ .. 11 a. m. . Wednesday ..... .. .... .. p. m. Sunday School . 9:45 a. m. Reading Room at the Church 302 Alder Street Open Wednesday evening 6:45 to 7 :45 Friday 2 to 4 p. m. R" I Sunday, March 5 “MAN” Christian Science Literature 3- vailable at all times at the Church'or on request by mail. Branch of The Mother Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist Boston, Mass. l l l l I I l Woman’s Club Sells War Mrs. Carlton L. Hillyard (Hazel K.) of Seattle, War Service Chairman for the Washington State Federation of Womens Clubs, presents Mrs. Grover L. Thornton, president, Kelso, with certifi- months have sold more than $1,000,000 in E, F and G War Bonds .for purchase of a $350,000, B-17 Flying Fortress to be named , “Washington SFWC.” Shelton Woman's Club sold nearly $8,000 in War Bonds as their part of the drive. ‘will meet this evening, Thursday, ,Hoodsport Club iPlans Dance Hoodspov't, Feb. 28—Don't for- , get the dance. and card party spon- sored by the Hood Canal Woman‘s Club to be on Friday, March 3rd, at the Hoodsport school. Cards will start at o'clock and dancing at 10 o'clock. Music will be furnished {by the Radtke orchestra. Door 'prize, Admis‘sion 50c. This party is on the same order as the one giVen in January which was Very well attended. Mr. and Mrs. Neudorfer and ifamily visited over the week end with Mrs. Neudorfcr's parents atl Chimacum. Mr. Dean was home. from Le- Grande, Ore., over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilcox and Eson Howard of Bremerton, were, vSunday guests of Mr. and Mrsl , Fred Bechtold. i I Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Shapley and 1 iMrs. Myrtle Doomis, spent thel I Bonds SWeek end in Elma. , Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lunt and lson Bob of Centralia were week; end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will ‘ , Lunt. l } Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Keating, ‘Mr. and Mrs. \Villard Hilligoss of , [Tole-do. Elizabeth and William l nHilligoss of Shelton, were Sunday I guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph i l I l Hilligoss recently. Mrs. Keating and Willard Hilligoss are sister and brother of Mr. HilligoSs. Mrs. Helen Swart is improving after quite a long illness. ‘ Mrs. John Cushing, of Florina, :B.C., is visiting with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Nance. Mrs. Eva Simmons visited with 'Mrs. Elva Price of Shelton on iSunday. Mrs. Price was a visitor iat the Nance home. on Saturday. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Osmun and daugh- ter Lucy were in Bremerton last week for a few days. , The Ryan and Miele families were in Tacoma over the Week end. members in this state in two U.S.O. Hostesses Hostess Organizations for this week: 0 March 3——V.F.W. Auxiliary March 4—Camp and Hospital l Visits Here 0. D. Pederson, of Puget Is- land, visited Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hatch this past week end. V.F.W. Schedules Friday Meeting The Veterans of Foreign Wars committee will meet this Friday, March Maren 5—506’31 Secunty De‘ at the Memorial hall at p. m. I partment ' March 6—Hill Sewing Club March 7—-American L e g i o n Auxiliary March 8—Bordeaux P.-T.A. March 9—-Lutheran Church March ill—Hostesses at Large March ll—Eagles Auxiliary Schedules Meeting The Oakland Bay Club will hold , Ia meeting this Friday, March 3,] .with Myrtle Lindsey. There will‘. ibe a 1:30 luncheon and regularl business meeting. Oakland Bay Club~ I {To Stewart’s Island Mrs. Louise Kilnbcl, \le been visiting her plrellt. and Mrs. Roy Rector, re ESuntlay to Stewart‘s Island. liner husband, Robert Kilnbel Inahnan 3c. Mr. lwns tl'an Kimbel re viewed from Bell‘ui Say It WITH FLOWERl They Bring Comfort] and Happiness FUNERAL DESIGNS A HOSPITAL BOUQUET Delivered anywhere, an Travis Floral Sh Shelton Hardware Bid. Phone 232 R A II A , THEATRE . Thursday - Saturday I “Don Ameche, Ann 3 l Rut herford “HAPPY LAND” Sunday Monday Tuesl Cary Grant, John Garfil “DESTINATION TOKYO” ——————_dt W’ednesday Thursday I I Dick Foran, Joan Davll “HE’S MY GUYl Neighbors of Woodcraft 9 Will Meet This Evening The Neighbors of Woodcraft I SHIP YOIIII BY sou FAST FREIGHT SERVICE March 2 at the home of Mrs. Lew- is Wiley at 8 p. m. I Visits Sister Mrs. Mary Millard left Monday . for her home at Estacada, Ore., l after spending a week visiting her , sister, Mrs. Lewis Wiley. I From DuBois . Mrs. Thomas Wright of Du- Bois, Pa., is visiting her son at, the N.A.A.S. She is staying atl the Earl Johnson home. 0.E.S. Past Matrons , Will Meet Thursday The 0. ES. Past Matrons Club will meet for a 1 o’clock lunch-l eon at the Angleside home of! Mrs. L. H. Jacobsx Thursday,1 March 9. i Tacoma Freight via Sir... Leaves Tacoma daily, exce change into a Animate your suit with lively spring blouses of fine rayon crepe in sunny pastels or gleam- ing white. Add a smoothly tai- lored classic for day-long serv- ice, a bow-tie or frilly style for dress-up charm. Sizes 32 to 40. 0 Convertible collar classics 0 Bow-tie “beau catcher” O Daintin tucked tuck-ins 0 Pretty ruflle-jront styles Seattle Freight should be routed via Str. Indian, Ferry PUGET SOUND FREIGHT LINES M’ng ."l'"? .. v. . FREIGHT ‘— 1 WITH DOOR DELIVERY IN SHELTON' ‘ Doclv Skookum Chief,'Minaukee Dockl i No. 2 Time Schedule as follows: ( pt Sunday at 5 p. m. for Olympia and Shelton Arrives Shelton daily, except Sunday 5 CLARENCE CARLANDER, President \ l I l 3 I I S your suit wardrobe fl.