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Page Six . SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL] p ,. Thursday, March 2 d? M
Published every Thursday morning
Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers’ Association I
, Farmer’s Incom Ito“ AV:
sTaX Meeting VS Noll
' s. r e l
Farmers will have a last thelifigqg‘qm
,to have help on their inco son, mpg“
Ireports at a meeting to I Farm mural
Sat the court house on n Kmpkmd
,Malch 7, states County nd Mrs- DH
at the High
National Advertising Representative
NEWSPAPER Anvmnm SERVICE. INC. Sent by Scribe
(an affiliate of line
"Smoke-Jumper Training Wings
National Editorial Association) By Nellie Rossnlaier
N. A. S. Saturday night, March 4th, will
Ibe the regular meeting of the
'Grange. There is to be a silver'
l88W.Randolph-—ChicagoLill. - OFFICES - HolbrookBIdg.,SanFrancisco.Cal.
.offering taken up at this time
ito help out James Green’s fam-
ily. Also the Red Cross chapter
Subscription Rates.
to give a talk and showI
$2.50 per year in advance; months $1.50; outside Mason County $2.75;
ipictures. Everybody welcome. Pot-
Canada and Foreign $3.50; Special Service Men’s Rate $1.50 per year.
and National Editorial Association.
Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at Shelton. Washington
Servin America's Advertisers and the Home Town News a ers
GRANT C. ANGLE, Editor J. EBER ANGLE, Manager 9 V p P
Richard Watson, News Editor
. One group will start at K .,
A. M. and another at 2:00 F Eséland 5‘
Everyone wishing as‘gl.e so“ ..tra
I should be on hand at eith. , Oments Vi
or 2:00 o’clock for it is J Wffloke laSt
, easy to handle 12 or 15 pe n 0;. "9119“
lone time as it is to han. so. farm V
These meetings have been "a free-
several communities and ,. Games A~ (
worked out verv effectivel e1, 5:102}: 13M!
Farmers snould come 6 elt .~
with all figures so the . griléngugi
can be completed at the ight “nest “
This will be the last . 0f 34,. an,
held as the reports are and nea'r M-
March 15. This is your 3": R F Gm:
portunity, farmers, so be a Iter'Hgimah'
and let’s get that report c andI.MrS VI
'90“ 0f Mud Ba
V w i at the ht
‘ Auburn Golden Flak ' A. Shafe
' BUTTERMI “if’i‘nfiiuiir
« ’now static
gallaparents, ll
. edge, durin
" Ina Fort o
.BINNS Fran and Mrs. F:
luck lunch.
Polls will be open from 1 to 8
p. m. Saturday, March 4 for school
,board election. Candidates run-
ining are Warren Kingery and
'I Roger Spalding. Outgoing school
,board member is P. J. Nordwell.
3 Mr. Green, father of J.
The tempest which was raised over the taxation mea-
sures in which President Roosevelt demanded ten billions
in new taxes and the Congress voted but billionsfplus, Green, left for his
home in View
and repassed the measure over his veto With a rush, elmply toria Friday
after Spending two :
proves the division between the executive and legislative _ ,l ,
TaAVELsenoo ;weeks here with his son and,
branches of government and between the old-line Demo-y
"TSvL'EE‘SAV‘NG G0 . Igrandson. Forrest Green. 1
crats and the New Deal variety, which has come to a head. Deckerville Club
met at the
. 'home of Mrs. Alma Nye Thurs—
Although these groups asserted themselves in the Su-I Iday‘ Potluck
dinner was served
preme Court an e 7 ‘ast measures, In noon. Visitors present were:
this latesf -‘ '
~ it Wmci, ILillian Portman and Augusta
.. 1...}: OWL IPortman; members: Rachel Val-
""“ “"‘ Iley, Alice Larson, Lottie Ford,
gMary Ferris, Edna Lovins, Alma
fNye and Nellie Rossmaier. Next!
:meeting will be at Mary Ferris’
,on March 9th.
Mrs. Margaret Bishop spent the I
week end at her home in Camp 3.
i in. L0. _,
to chss came AND HOSPITAL .
mu Ill THE. us. on IN 53 ‘ Mr, and Mrs, Lynn Roderick bignd Mr.
1 . OUNTRIES AND ISLAM DS OVER- and sonsv Mr- and Mrs- Ed vane), U.
s..ron:s*r ssnvlc: PHOTO. .‘ sslfrfiigf C
i Aififfsi‘ifiifiw' 3:111eyraeriafibgfiiéfnihfiggi “A
smoke-jumper” gets training on the “let-down rig” c d F' h H‘
A- Wills:
I “V4, ‘- Saturday. Margaret
at Seeley Lake, Lolo National Forest, (near Missoula, Mont. Magnoch
This jumper has on complete uniform except for gloves. °¥’S%nd Mrs
The pocket on his right trouser leg contains a length of with $5.5?
rope so the “jumper” can let himself down, should he land . . 00 late
in a tree. He carries also a two-way radio. U. S. Army or Broncnml
Irritation Due J. A. R011
I This New Amazing. Roles, who
~medical officers are among those assigned to Seeley Lake I By far the
large“ 59111“
for parachute training. Trained “jumpers” are to be kept I
éfii¢ \ Gilbert Kuhnle is spending a
:few months here with his father,
THE RED CROSS lN HOSPITALS OF OUR A large group of farmers here
APMED FORCES IN A SINGLE i attended the machinery demon-
WERE SHOWN CONSECUTIVELY THEY lstration at Brady Tuesday.
WOULD RUN DAV AND NIGHT ‘ Albert Winkleman and son Bob
visited his daughter, Mrs. William
IHarris, in Montesano on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Nye spent
Sunday at Rochester visiting rel-
, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Nye left
Monday for Olympia to visit their
Idaughter, Mrs. Doris Adams. Son
William returned home with them
after spending a week visiting
there on Tuesday.
, 6:225" WW4
l . .. 3" In , r r
in U. S. A. Compounded fr‘ Wan
Canadian Pine Balsam (by 1,I Togrfll' M
process) Buckley's is entirelfll my (
ent from anything else ', “111 and l
tried. It's extra fast for Guerin
rt Carl 1
l 011. were i
We afternm
.. 21112112.: 0?“; a" "2715-9. «:1. "ii-l".
..ti,l' from real war needs. At any rate much unpalatable!
medicine in all Canada is B ghfrom C01
CANADIOL Mixture now bei Stanley
on yearlong duty for rescue work. .,
up... .
truth will come out of the friction. J \ é-
gentle and mild for Mother
,little ones. Get a bottle tod
a sip or two then swallow
instantly you feel its power!
live action spread thru th
and bronchial tubes. Coughi a
eases. Right away it loosens
choking phlegm —— opens up " and bai
Grange Meeting IOyster Case
At Skokomish Taken to Court
The death of Senator McNary of Oregon, vice pre-
sidential candidate with Wilkie in 1942, and a balance wheel Mr. and’Mrs.
L. Rossmaier and By Mrs Vauey In a federal court action Started
pgxonfiltialpxtggg'sS—filgirgfi egg}: Wednesday
between the parties as well as between Congress and theI fiddle"
called at the home Of The Skokomish Grange No. 379 last week against
Rayonier In- first class drug stores. ‘1 Mrs. Cha
President will be felt not alone by his party and the North- I“ and
Mrs' James Green Mon‘ held their regular grange meet- ; corporated,
L. A. Allen, Mason; ngd Mrs.
- ' ' . . 6 recent
west, but as well by the elements which have been fighting Mrs. V1v1a
Jacobson and Mrs. with Master Jess Thomas. Dur.;court order to prevent the
com- H hot his b
for sound and safe leglslatlon fOI' the natlon- Real States‘
:figgiréispggdmain were She‘ton ing the lecture hour a First Aid ;pany
from emptying certain chem- fildehey 1
O rare in Washin ton nowada S. r ' team from Shelton, Woody Jones,
licals detrimental to his oysters A I . aliforn
men are all to g y Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Portman Jim Pauley and Mr. Roush,
gave Iinto Puget Sound. field was stz
spent the week end at the latter’s
several demonstrations in first aid Allen also asks fof. $2,250 to
About the only sure thing about the postwar_world is I Mr- and Mrs. Ward,
in Ta- after which Mr. Andrews showed , cover damages he says had been n W
Mrs. Fl
or three ears: some interesting pictures .on Red d t h's h If- 0 t b d.
‘, ere sup]
that the b9ys Who come home after tr") d .11 b yk t] The P-fP-O- was
well attended Cross work. At the close of thel one 01 .1 3 {acre ys.“ e ,
at the ho:
overseas Will not be able to recognize 1 , an w1 e ep Friday night. The
basket SOClal meeting a very interesting talk‘ He calms that Rayomer
111001“ . M- d 1 eWey Bennl
busy ever after paying up old bills Wished on them. brought in $29-50 for
the senior was given by Attorney Charles 'pomted fall“! to keep a“
agree' . lxe EXaCt y f. 1““Bsular n
class. The evening’s entertainment Wright on “How the Red cross
:mentfnatle Severalfi'ears. ag‘? that ‘ 9 Will be he
C l was Skits, singing and music by is helping in the Present War... finly
white water, which Is not I I as Ordered eek’ March
For small blessmgs let us be thankful, that .ongress the Glee Club. The
supper committee served ap_' angerqu t0~0ystem would be Frank W3]
lassed the billion tax bill over the Pres1dentlal veto, -— pie pie a la
mode and coffee. ‘dumped “to the sound‘ ‘1” house 1
lather than the ten billions demanded in new taxing byI Mrs Chester Valley
entertainedI The OVSter bed is Situated in No MESS _ No WAS tt' Sr of
the d inistration the w_c'T.U. last Tuesday at 1:30 ‘ the tide
waters of Little Skookum .z, at the nor
a m H 1d M t. Potluck luncheon was' served. Six .Bay- ‘ . 1
tee/‘1’, Mrs. I
, members were present with two’ M ._ Peeny of
best method of getting rid 7 F5 shafer Of
T " gave a short reading. ‘ of 1 d . sLlnday at
The WOmens 01"" met 0“ Mrs Don Miller of Seattle ,1 323’s
5m}, final 5 t9 fapply PRODUCTS 0 '
. . . . . . . . , , I. 1 V
Now that the infantile paralySlsldrlve 1s over and has, gilgfigageg‘fig
spent last week end with her par- Inga, Aniatisafhctlrhg‘ bail; 13):
513:2 7': Seventh'St Bria filings. .191
as usual, been quite successful in raising a cons1derableI in charge of
Mrs. W. R. Spooner, engbrlgr.£rvlig in small gardens should contain ;_j
PHONE; 123 'gvg‘fISI-leltt
' who read a paper on Bolivia. Mrs. m metalrlehyde- - nmg W‘
fund for the purpose of investigating and treating this un-
‘ Seattle last week end and en ‘0 ed
known and dread disease over the country, it IS not recalled J - .
a visit with her parents, Mr. and —* w— a . M lihrnes A. C
', p. for Bright
Will Spooner assisted Mrs. Reeves
day eVening. [mg Friday evening, February 25 lcounty oyster grower, asks
for a
with refreshments. The next meet- I
ward economy in c 19' eff overtime 1‘... J.
Hing for thousands I
land for repair of ‘i
l‘fl. attaching the:
' lands. wilichl
he Navy Yard toE
v~ 1:1 at the.
place and assisting with the work
I there and at the St. Charles Win-
The school club held its regular I
term election last week and thol
following officers were chosen:
1 president, Leah Needham; vice-
that the public has much information on the financial end. in . Mrs. Harold
Hunter. .;
. . g Will be on ‘March 23 at the - I .
Begun some ten years ago for the benefit of an m- home of Mrs. E. L.
Merritt, Mrs. lMgfiCIkggnpgfig 5§§10fi24rh $112, ‘ gigoughl-
stitution in Georgia sponsored by PreSldent Roosevelt, and E. Peterson
assisting. Mrs. L. from the hospital; whére he was, I Ag Mr. gnaw/iv
striking popular favor by his name, there must be a con—
hafiincfilgggl‘grgf gepfirlggllgglnfin W1” confined with pneumonia.
, ' 1%,? longer
siderable fund held somewhere over and beyond what the Mr. A. A. Stratford
has‘ been engayiirflélfieiqymgd 111;; ptar- ‘. tn DeRos
Georgia home needs, and it is presumably being devoted to called to Casper,
Wye” to advise I 0‘76}. the.week ens}, au un er, ‘ p i“ 0:, Sthité
aid elilseWhere‘l th t S' t K Australian nurse $3311.53;
liriaittlfiiigoini light??? I Mag-(1931M ngfl-d Arthug Johggon STEAK,
- 0W we earn a Is er enny’ an . tion with the’r a'r’ b H
"111 a ay par y on rs‘ . F ‘ = I. y at th‘
who seems to have found a hopeful treatment, is gomg be gone a weék o;
twfe' 6 W1 {fidtfiigngfitfigasmltm 0“ WaSh‘ 1 ' 00D DINNERS
home for lack of funds to carry on her work; this is ‘0 Anglther real
estate transaction g '._L , I .‘ . gigglgymg
recen was th h f th l r
be_ regretted smce She has done something that medlcal’ Here is first
published view of hu e Eight-Column Feed Prefrac- Pete Dyavis plac:
InyrcMzifeCcharle: PAGING PAUL BUNYON in; Farm 1
50181108 has nOt reaChed as yet, and there ShOUId be amPle tionation and
Solvent Extraction nits, part of vital toluene pro- Somers. What Were
believed to be the1 - '
funds to encourage every promise of research and rellef' duction plant
of Shell Oil Company, Incorporated at Wilmington, Mrs. Bus Borgford came
frOm largest timbers ever cut in the,
for infantile paralysis sufferers. CalifornlazFrom plants employing the
Shell process comes over half Seattle last week with Mrs. Bill PaCifiC
NorthWBSt were Ship?“I I
of the nations toluene, basu; ingredient of T.N.T., high explosive Somers
and spent two or three from National, WaSh-n 1a5t Week! "2
used in blockbuster bombs. Ida s visitin friends who are al. on government
order to San! . , ADQUA
NAVY YARD CUTS SUNDAY WORK 'wayys glad tg see her, a ain Diego. '
Until Further Notice
. Miss Julia snatrorf of Port- 14Tlfie tilrgberr. 128 feet long andI .
P land, has been visitin her rand- y inches through. were =‘ .
The Pu et Sound Navy Yard has drafted new labor ALL THAT MAI H A5 GOT ..
arents for a few dags_ g loaded after much maneuvering on. DANC'NG FROM
9 P. "1- V
b d 1 h" h el' i ate th Sunday work nd also muchI // Ip Mr and Mrs
H KM u d three flat cars with the middle F s ' I P t' c l 0
SC e u es 1c 1m n e a ‘ . . . ug errl an A -. or poola ar Ies al Shelton
400 or H d t
of the night shift, which is planned to improve the effic-‘ To BE
RETURNED CAUSE DINGITH S dagghtflr Marilyn Spent the Week fégd used as a
Spacer for the °° 89°" and
ien y of the workmen on the whole and expected to carry on 7 \s‘ ITS NOT
ADDRES’SED LOTTA POOR I enMXVlangnijffirefifih M CGI othlin i __ ’
" " W “I
production and repair jobs as usual: it gould operate to- V RIGHT/ll
SOLDIERS ARE ar-e living on the Charles Somers - _- _
president, Paul Wren; secretary-I
librarian, Wayne Palms. Plansl
. were made for a party at school
I on St. Patrick's Day. I
.vixrn'ttvwrrumwme WM. ; m. .. ,x u». -<
. k.
« “shy . ,
"f‘ 7 Vii/deb is! I M d M c 1 N d
14.; 7 '2. 1 r. an rs. al‘ elson an I
” r 1 "he Egntlng l’ iLeonard, of Bremerton, were, '
-.‘ :LC: they ' Zguests of Mr. and Mrs. GeraldI
1. of , :r'll'n' L" .
Needham last week end. I
Min-and Mrs. Kenny Crawford, 1
—-. plan
‘Mr. and Mrs. B. Bloodgood, andI
Miss Gwenn Dittman were guests
of the L. McGraw family lastI
I . . 5‘ ' V I .
I 0T0 yew?“
" ‘ '" “ *" ” "“' ‘ " 'e0 5
‘- »‘ I r 721.3112} “TIM:"211216in (.l' 8 my y~ .
Live. 7 or, lambs: holding; in the Olympics, \E'l'licph I
I". Junlors
had been set aside by an act of the legislatures for a , k d
sustained yield program, to the production of airplane mos an e
spruce. The state law was not abrogated, but a govern- Hogwam junior hi 1,
ment agency overrode it. It is well to get that background within two
points of goofing a
before reporting on what has been done since the state’s shutollt 35 it
trounced Shelton.
forests in the Olympics were Opened. 35’2’ itliiogujam 13“ week‘
Shel' I
In a year and a half,'36,706,394 feet of airplane spruce, {33g cslilot
eby “179mg; lone goal' a
cut in selective logging. have came out of the state’s Oly-i Pacing the
Hoquiam Cubs to
mpic holdings. for use in the war effort. No tree was allow: 3 their first
Win this season was ‘
ed to be cut that did not produce a specific amount of air-3 I-J‘m
Nelson' Who garnered 10
I points. The Cub second team won
plane stock of the highest grade. There has been no mo the opener from
Shelton, 27-13. I
discriminate “cutting and slashing,” for the, trees to be Hoquiam (35)
(2) Shelton?
removed have been marked and none but those so marked Mylo“? Hoyan‘l
could be taken. Trowbrldlgoe. 4 ..F‘... .. Baum I
When this operation began. logging facilities were , “fig” ~
1 kin . The state land office i ts tha . o ' I . 4 ......... .m
""" ' ' ' ' - -
‘Ziartgd from scratch” and til: rload); 1:and bridgesphtazhtlctg I By
Bum“ of P b” R I I 013325: Hoqiiiagiliéorseii ‘
msggfietfgfigjfic‘al catCh your eye m the 3313119655?)th giftr‘ysald
. , “ ° 8‘ m Clary 4, Leverton 4. F' k 11 1, ‘ . ' ' . .
seam. 8-4970 11110” 065mm")!
be built or repaired. The state has received $286,451 for U- 3' W"
“‘9'” “3"” D' 0- I spanich, Baldwin,
LawrelllicreShcl- Sure dld. article here telling It’s been
tried in this country 47 times ir1
the timber logged. ton—White, Angle, Bechtold, Gm. about prohibition in
India being written the last 33 years and discarded everywhere
This operation contrasts with the government oper-I - (la v ' ham
Deffinbau l1 05b th M d ' '
i . _ ' .3 out of our llmlted supply by y e a ras government as a
dismal except in three states. ’ e w
atlon 1n the Tongass nat10nal_forest in Alaska whlch has smaSh G350hne
lorgallized burglars, counterfeitel-si - failure after athree-year trial.
They found failure and abandoned irézrfgggdfigngaw
produced .15 milllon feet of dlfferent spruce at a cost of fBlack Markets
laid l'a‘i‘keleters flsufiol’bmhg 3“ £01? _ “Poisoned air.
may accumulatc out that enforcement was ineffective and Sweden, Finland and
Russia too 1
five mllhon dollars! It supports every argument made ’ Egan}; 02.13
ssmpcrc asmarg].1 t) g; f3?el.§051300%03£318§g 29:21:): that there was a
steady increase in boot- “samethinghappensevery’ soon.
that the goverment should use its own timber resour‘Ces price
Administrator Chester whole gasoline distribution sys- lower a
lighted'candle, him}, 011 leggmgandmher viol‘inl’lSOfthelaWWhiCh
=15 legalliquorisvotedoutrbooilegliquorwiw'
in the Olympics rather than divert logging material and Bowles in a.
special message has tem." Bowles declared. ,a live chicken in first.
If the light
much neede manpower to Alaska in order to satisfy east- 31le “3011 t3:
moiorists :10 111ch 1 BOW“? lefids 0“; 3» {lfilti‘lnl‘fidfi
£005 Outtor the chicken is killed,
. , . 'sa -ou rivo osnias back (rive o ccimaxe wi ac cc don't on er
until ventilation is
egg. zeallom £7130{,,‘} “If; m the fOlympic markets in
gasoline. of gasoline ration books begin- provided. Fresh air may be'
n lone. par sbou sacrl 1c or t e war of ort. “The, gasoline siphoned
every , nlng March 6. Iin by the blower on a lid filler.
increased penalties failed to check. its crime and corruption moves right