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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 2, 1944     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 2, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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March, 1944. H; _ - 77.- SHELTQNyMAN ,OUNTY, J OURNAL, Page Seven . . I n . .3 lton ‘1“ "AA . -* - ‘Njohhlvz; [ S “com VS V ey (enmihili‘xgnpii one) [ National Forest “mum aetlng 0 =95 ’ TN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE A I V‘ 4 'fi 1... I l and equalize taxation. lie also gave I "ubflr l 01 bd‘lt’ ' Roy Dean. Defendant. l STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR! .s. Frank Gordon and daugh- figures illustrating the advantage Sealed bids will h0 received by QT TF 0 W QHI T N t p i i A 2 F A.. Ni} O n _r-y P.._m _Wm-.-n____m _..... RNAL WAN—TADS , -vs.~ } MASON COI'NTY I Ll‘Dl’fl. Dean, Plaintiff, V111 hfifiefilasg £18 Misses Call and Helen to be gained: 51ml the Park “1“ the Forest Supervisor. BOX 187. D0 D113. t. ) on 811' Inc on. of Shelton, visited at state would play in control ol the i Olympia Washington, up to and 333', a; $1.3}: summoned ,0 appear : mm WV" ' vvvvvvv'v V’VW‘ Classified Service For Sale I I l meetmg to ' Farm one edeiling last week. schools. not later than 10:00 A. M., March wil‘nin sixty (60) (lays after the date MAAM—a— 't house on , . , ., _, . . . . . n ’ a. r ‘ S t ldt‘ll ( OOd- " , r ~ . . . v. .- . or first publication of this summons. ltates County ' kmjltmd m Shelton mm (‘mmty “pmm El 1 1" lgH' 1‘" ‘1” “"1 1"" L'mbm to-wit. within sixty days after the designated for cutting. and all 20m day or January, 1944, and defend l'ilel't-hnntable dead timber located the above entitled action in the above - j , 4 . ,- entitled '~ourt and answer the call. ,, . . . . . Witth thi- Lunmg boundalles 0“ plaim of the. plaintiff, Leora Dean, [arid FOR RENT: 3 room llllflll'lllSllOd“‘CHARIS," ideal garments lor FOR SALE: spring-filled daveli- parent 0H0” 10 bring all th“ all area embracing about 130 acres serve. a copy of your answer upon the house. Has kitchen range. In— every figure type. Phone 372R port. and chair, leatherette clav- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 20 words or less '(minlmum charge) 3 weeks $1.00. 1 week 500. Lower rates for larger ads and mi IVII"S_ Dewey Bennett ms. pastel: while not opposing consol~ at the Highlands with Mrs idations as a rule, critized tlle feat— ? Will Start at Kneelahd Saturday evening ,ure of state control and the ap- nother at 2:00 . . wishing aSFQIfdson tractonandfnrm- I AMMAMAAAAA A AA‘MAA‘ .A WM“ 1 hand at eith ‘. Plements Were' del’ivered'to Sal‘o‘flg mid-:1: Stat? _do‘nlm‘at‘m; Win“? Section-“5 and 6::_T-'23 quire ‘628 Arcadia. N342'—»ltl'- for appointment. .Corsettierc , eiio-bed and chair, complete bed 31%" gnsertiotxls- rd , , . reach 1 t k h- h h ,thlough the z,lantmg 01 ielllsal 0 R. 4 \V., Willamette Melidian, Bier . . . . , . ,, , _,,1__. ,_L,,,,_ P . ,, I st ,, ,t 3 16 at fl , l ., , 1,. d ea, or no ices 3c per wo . 00k for It 15 J ; c as wee , w 1C 9 , ‘ , I; j I H , , h and in caso of 30].“ failure so to do| _ ielllice .. eual . .- --~«o . W] l {.01 splings, tab ts an 750 mmimum elmrge on each notice. lle 12 or 15 pe V W‘ll relieve somewhat the State Illlldb. llanddlnttmtgtaily fbmc‘ C1195} Wittelvrzlhecli]. Oltymplc Fatlgllé .iudglaifnt willube genderféd afggilnsl ,Vou iFOR RENT: furnished 2-room I other miscellaneous articles. Card of Thanks, 756' original , , n of f . , .k hi 1, 1 ing the sum CT is ric s o a an- ,a ores , as ing on, es ima e 800,01" Hg 0 19 Oman 0 .9 901W } a». Amad'q Road See John p. .1 J R ., p, . 992 poetry 50¢ per inch-' classified : it is to hand], ~ mm “01 “ ’9 9P . . . i— plaint which has been filed With the mu‘“ “ ' gFWING MENDIN'G LTF 5. ‘4‘“ 0y. L ~. Mk . . schools and tlans art to b* 1,6.)0,000 feet B.M., more or s . . w . -- r v U . A Ah display rates on request. ngs have been . “Wee. do“ the” 5 p ‘ Clerk of said court. Cole. ROUte 3. BOX 148 (Al I INC and repairing at my home. 3'2'“1t' Advertisements accepted over the telephone from phone subscrib- and .: James A_ Cunningham was all their children to a central less of Douglas-fir. 440,000 feet The object of this action is to secure cadia Road). 3—2tfn. l rlmunities . , . . . ~. verv effective] " est of Mrs. Dick McGee school. While this may have its B.M., mote or less of Western a diiorce on grounds of desertion and, 610 Pine' gamma-V Dior“ ers. Cash should accompany all non-support and to secure custody of . _—_‘—‘ . - H" mother Mrs, L, w, in advantages it means a loss of the hemlock. 90.000 feet B-M.. more m. . , e .. reg ‘FOR RENT: 2-room modern, fur- D3'2‘“3‘30“1M FOR SALE- drag 53‘” Wlth “V” other Orders or Payment made be‘ would come 6 elton, “my. R last contact of the people with the 01' less of Western redcedar and 3.13.8?“ mm “I W n or “‘9 pa h nished house, Phone‘ 218,11, l"‘""""""""""""*““"“‘f“"W"’— blades one Dev“ Bl)" 53‘” “1311‘ £332 gggenfggsgffiflfigg, mulling: {ures so the ‘ Signe Kneeland was an democratic control of their schools 20,900 Wet B'M'i more 0" less or 1.1.[X‘r'leqlta'A'IIlé‘1ylt'ff L3-2-~—1t. One. large oil heater. Special ‘1’?" Inqmre 1018. gummy“ charge 0‘ 100 Will be Fade When 9leted at the iElli; guest Wednesday at the land creating a powcl'fUI bureau of “111,139 Pme- N0 bld Of less than 0m“; 3,153.55 (321-(13512165 ———————————————-—-——————~ .$98.50. Ration certificate required. Dnve after 4 p' m‘ 3'2‘16~°t' bmmg 1" I‘lfffgié‘fiy'lw be the last . Of Mr. and Mrs‘ Wallace Official educators. along the hues $ per M_feet for Douglas-fir Shelton, Wash. m _ FOR RENT: twa clean coxnt‘ol‘t- Hillcrest Hardware. Phone 499. A #91391“ are 3nd near Mill Creek. of many other powers 10st to the and White 131118- $335 P” M feat _1'20‘2“2‘3‘10'1“‘31—3'2‘m able cabins, furnished, showers, 3.2-15-3t, FOR SALE; baby's Coat. 19g. This IS your “‘ R. E, Gx-enbei-g and little people in their own affairs. He 10" weStem 1191711100" and Other No_ 4345 ———- gings and bonnet. Blue wool. toilet, wood and lights. $25.00 unmers’ SO be ante" Hannah of Shelton and ointed out that the old law still SpeCieS Will be COHSidered' Bids SUMMON’ F PUBLICATION month- 14 miles from airport. Size l-vear. Phone 148W. t that report c andMrs. val Shenkie’ and iioids and that several districts in “sulfates 1“ excess 9f those P?!“ ‘IN THE SHEERign COURT OF THE Restwhile Park, 21,4. miles north I FOR PLUMBING giffigjfl‘v’, H3.2_1t, of Mud Bay were visitors Mason County are planning miSSible under Maxmlum Price STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND Hoodsport, Wash. ~ h _ - I 1-.- , R2-24r.—3-9——3t. ‘DRE-SS FORM S MADE To] Red and white kitchen step WANTED: care of small children order by your Specific meals_ ,stools. Special, $3.25. Hillcrest ‘ by day or hour in my home. . FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON. _— Et the home of Mr. and changes. but the vote of the small- Regmauon 460 “"11 be reduce‘i to G. E. DeRosier, Plaintiff, rn Golden Flak ' A. Shafer. Mrs. Shenkle er districts is the controlling [W— FOR RENT: 3 1'00!“ 1101159. seven urementa $3 each’ Phone 33ng Hardware. Phone 499. Can give good character refer- fm. appointments. L3_2_30~,1M . ences. Phone 227R. F3—2-16»——3t "m Wanted ~ ‘AAAAAAAMMMAAALAAW ale allowable maximum in making _vs,_ ““sin of Mr and Mrs Sh,” factor e award. Bidders desiring to bid R. DeRosier. Defendant. . ‘ v . STATE OF WASHINGTON TO i . ;°n-ln-IaW. Lt. Howard L. Prof. Loop of the city schools ageing/awe S‘a’ffgl‘l’?‘ late: 3193’ THE SAID CLEO R. DeROSIER. De— “"165 out .Matmk highway. .now stationed in En 13nd «up - «09 . _ , 9 91' S 61 mg “1 e 1" fendant: Partly furnished, garden plot. ,. I g pom ed out that District 3 lep the bld 1. e 1 f . h Y h b. d t . _‘ na Fort of Tacoma visit- t d th 1~ f v, . p “3 ;C_° um“ 01 9,30 2“ .3”. ‘3.” summone 0 al" $15 month. Inqmre J. W. Moran, ‘ gall 1. parents Mr and Mrs E resell; ed. e conso idation o maihy spemes‘ In addmon to the pmces gear Wfltlfiln sfiktyt' (60%].days aft? tthho Route Box 93 (Bayshorel - - -' ‘1 . a e o e l. n o ' hedge, during the week end. coun y lStllCLS, all made With t e bld for Stumpage a cooperative de_ irs, 1 103 10 IS 2-17_3_2_3t. 1 ‘3-2-16—3t. arrived. Hillcrest H a r d w a r e. each, 25 er 1,000. F'lbert $ p 1 Phone 499. 3-2-167—3t. summons, to-wit: within sixty (60) Road). A trees under 3 feet 20c each, N ‘ over 3 feet 30 each. Herman FOR SALE: loganberry plants 3c New shipment enamelware just i . . . ‘ Ian A iconsent Of the dlstrwts taken m' POSlt 0f $.25 per 3M feet B.M., to (lays after the 20th day of January, , _ _._,- m , _______ ___ 1H1 —__ ,_ 3 825 Fran n ailing/[r]:i Fran; IY/[Varidlell of and some twelve buses were need- cover the Cost of tree planting, 1944, and defend the above entitled'FOR RENT; modem cottages, 3 . D ,t S V . t v, ,d 101/ WANTED: rider to accompany me m _.binson Oflbgll‘; Tillie “2;; 9d 1h transportétion, in part sup‘ Seed sowing and timber stand im' SfiiiTngiEei-tiife gdjig‘pfiaifiiltdtfledlie (sight: roomsv Partly mmiShed' MOSt 6“1w;2':«ls‘tmpfmgheltmey:I 'All'lv2 Bremm‘ton on 4:30 swing Shift’ 4 Sunday at ghe home of Ported by “Oll'hlgh taxes in WhiCh Provement work, and $.05 per M l tiff and serve a cppy of your answer desirable place on Hood Canal, . 1,2133 gumogouth :1; slim 03:: Charles Loitz, Route 3, Box . H. A . the outSide districts stood part of feet B.M., to cover cost of brush ‘ “99" .3119 “New {16d attorney 10F Navy Yard bus service, 17 miles 48 l . ‘ 9 p 165, Shelton. 3-2-16—x-3t. l» Mérwlf‘sfr-M L M. the costs; that Shelton had been disposal, on the area cut over, for ghfinfiflcgg gflsygufilcfhilfifile°zo 5.2,“33- from Bremerton. Call Bremer- S‘gn' 3'2“3”4t' . , , n Maggéihe CMggn‘ Hajj ! fortunate in having its high school the total cut of timber under the judgment will be rendered a ainst yoii ton 15. After 6:00 o’clock call FOR SALE. chick broods; 5 {0 WANTED: gll‘l's blcyde- Phone y» and“; Mrs "Leonérd Tm practically donated and that its terms of the agreement, will he.ggggginghlghtllgédgrgggdglgd glfihcqrgé Belfair 272. sz-17--3-16~_5t.l J. L. CATTO 6 hundred, electric_ new, phone 148W. H3-2—1t. 9lehelton spent Sunday eVe~ fac‘m‘es were 0"“ to 3” Mas‘lreqlmed' $990000 must be de' Clerk’or said Court! —"“_"T_"P‘7'——ci_~_ HardWare 4F5- P3-2-16—3t- WANTED-_le with Mrs Sigma Kneeland lon County on a voluntary basis, pOSited With each bid, to be ap-_ The object of this action is to 013- FOR RENT- furmShed "10 91'“ _.. _ _. -_ infant Ma gm 933 Cascade T00 late.f0r last week) . but he alga stated that no pressure plied on the purchase price, I.e_ltain from the plaintiff an absolute cottages on Hood Canal, two |FOR SALE: on heater, electric Shane-n y Y- 03-2—1"; . . , , . . . ’ ' ,. . . thy ' - Irritations Due . J. A, Roles and son. Lt. was used to bum in outside dis- funded. or retained In Part as 11- gibcdrncds gig? tlisiwplgiifdilfd 82.1331 ggfend: rooms and bath' I‘ghts' water' range, studio couch, complete I I :w Amazing Roles, who was home on tricts and several gtill operate their quidated damages, according. to ant have lived separate and apart gas C°°kingi 0“ heat incmdedlCHOOSE YOUR SURE-BERRY! bed, springs and mattress, ta- [WANTED; woman to héTp wgffi largest sellinz gh from Colorado, and little §pwn grade 50110015 although with- I conditions of sale. The right to from each other for more than five at $40 Per month- 16 miles; EngliSh 1101137 tree from 100 59' ble and chairs and miscellan-l house cleaning one day a week igtfgnafoaw lie .w Stanley Carlson, Mrs. .111 reach, He added criticism of the reject any and all bids is reserved. , (5) °°"593%3fiNygflrgAlgitfi’f‘st- £2212] Shelton Airport Liniwaup eous. Phone 1331. Mrs. R. D. Write Box H, JournaL Compounded fr Wandeu, Mrs, Lyle Bassett power of the state committee Before bids are >9me“th fun in- I Attorney for Plaintiff Sevgflfigmenfigel‘nfl‘ommy of Shelton, Mrs. [which Conld will; Pressure forifgrmation. .Concerning the timber' giflgelfiggrafr’lgit lgddidfnéddressz FOR 2 rod}; modern fur- choicest berried trees in the iyt'hing else yuerin and baby son Jacky'dl_Stht ‘Teorgamzatlon thl‘Ough ' S g 0.0“.d1tlonfs big Sale’ and the Shelton. Washington. ,, nished cabin. Mill Creek Cabins. , ma mt f” hH' Guerin Of Black Lakev w‘thhom‘.”g funds f0" their Sup‘ tu' mdssf}?n 0th 1 Slit-mid be Ob' ——————-1‘2°'27”2‘3'10'1——"24-3'24t‘ Phone 466M after 3 P-m- 0118 now Price $100 er foot Phone in Phone 5F3 or 2 03-29—21; and Care Of invalid m “we” lgtd flimltvfighggd l‘s. Car] Bassett, Sr” of port, which he terlned as burea- gme 10m 6 pigtmct Rangerv N , . mile south on Olympia hwy, 817.14 H E ‘Pelgerson 'Gra e_ g' 5" I ’ _V ient home in Olympia. Three r l oodsport. Washington. or the 01‘1"“ A2-10tfn. view‘ ’ ' 2_24;3_9_’§t FOR SALE: portable electric adults Starting salary $50. ,. l‘ton - t‘ . . .. 0 then swallow . i were VISItors at Echo Ora 10 government. . . Not ce . here van that T - feel its powert. one afternoon last Week. 1 Forest SuperVism, Post Office huya‘Rive‘: bhdg'gywfi be closed 3, Singer sewing machine, $8000 Phone 395M Shelton for further M2-24—3-9—3t. pread mm thr. Building, Olympia, Washington. all traffic between the hours of 10:00 MV‘WVV‘N" . .. an . ~ “$3383 REESE and“ $533116; £23153; Tides of the Week 3-2-9*2t. aim- to 2=00 p-m-v for aways be- Real Estate lect trees ranging from 4 to ft. 2-3—3-2—«1M in height. These trees are lay- Stockwell, 7th and Wyandotte, H2_24_L3-9_3t. Southside—Angle. 3-2tfn. __——_L 1. _ WANTED: woman for housework ered stock from some of the holly orchard. Plant holly FOR SALE-Thick eg's for hatch- cash. Airway Vacuum cleaner, informatiOn. ' F .- d ' ANYONE WISHING To HAVE all attachments, ood condit'on, rm -— opens “P 'm and baby were dinner gmnmg ebmary 17m W4 urmg g 1 WANTED: girl for office and eriod of r bu'l . . zs—makes breath ‘2 P e ldm V. E. PA L, i Q‘OA‘A‘A‘AA‘“M l plowing dOne, contact F. E. Og— h. 1 Ch , . 5 , Computed for Oakland Bay NOTICE $80 Gas 36 ev coupe' store work who is not afraid Wednesday at the home of ., 1 M den phone 14W. 2-17—3-2—3t 0 ' 4 ash. 4 H . [i2 Egg. sme ‘ ‘1 Mrs. Charley Baker. (Hood Canal tides are one hour ,DEMPTIQgFOFPg'gFWI‘“ 31$}ng g: TRERCCIRIRENN ‘WANTED TO BUY: 4 or 5-room gagg (El’riJSllofleogvg'. (3237-2—32. to work- Requirements: good wand Mrs. Pete E. Bloom- 3‘ 55 mlnutes earner) lggfiflgggggNAfifiICXfTfi}; REV“- Board of. County Commissioners house on Hmcrest or downtown, ,PERMANENT WAVE 59c, D0 handwriting, aptness with fig- ere recent visitors at the SEN‘TATioh’ AND Q’I,R]I{‘I,.N%I§.I§ROF§’ M35011 county, Wilmington Must be in good condition have [ our own Perm”;th 'with WILL TRADE: 350 feet 11,4 inch ures, willingness to learn an in- , .Of his brother, George High 2:31 a.m. 12.0 ft. 8%)}! BONDS. ‘ fifi‘fffiy DEYETTE, cement basement with fdrnacel éharm_Kurl Kit C omplete I mesh beach seine for good teresting business. Please state leld, They had just return- Thurs, pr 7336 am, 65 ft. , tho%TE}CEJI§MI§I§§E€V§S££V§§ tlilalt Auditor 'ot' Mason County and l or other means of heat. Notifyi V equipment, including 40 curlers round bottom boat about 16 ft. salary expectedwhile learning, m California where Cpl. ,Malch2 Hi h 1.00 p.m. 12.6 ft. A .1 . go w: . Ex Officio Clerk of the Board P 1;. R t 2. Ted Rauschert, GrapeView. age and education in filst let- ield was stat'bned at Campl Low 8-29 m 10 ft iSSiqigiii‘i-nl' daiq’ p'aShalnd “wee!”- 3“ ‘ 2'17-24—3-2'94t Mrs' “1 Arms ’Ong’ 0“ e and “amp” Easy t0 d0, abs” 2-24—3—2—2t 1 ter Address Box 567 Shelton ’ I V ‘4 p. i I was and. 13:33: “gridi- “sonar i or Phone 13% 33*“. lutely harmless- Praised by ' wt... ' 2-2m . . _ . dated April 1. 1941; in the r'n ' i ‘- ‘mw . "* thousands including Fay MC- FOR SALE: rewar foldin bab ' _.. __., .1... ‘ Mrs' Frank Bennett I: a.m. ft. anlount 01", $4,7'000'00- and nglhbcéggd ’ aniliIgtallceelegioiiebi‘bSSchgib‘lerDisflildt 3 rec!“ house’ Kenzie, glamorous movie star.’ carriage condition.g PricZ ! H , at ere supper guests Sa - ri ay .ow . a.m. 7.0 ft. frth 4 to 00 incluswc. E4;; of Mason County, State of Wash- new fence. 619 Arcadia. Inquire Money refunded if not SatiSfied- $15 Mrs, Alfred Lee Star Route 4, - aPPy the home of Mr. and March3 High 2:05 p.m. 12.1 ft. b do owners and holders of saldllngton, _will be held at the Middle 1119 Cota. J2-24—~3-9—3t. Fir Dru store 2_3_5_11_15t - i crowd in Hoodsport gym for eWey Bennett. Low 9:32 p.m. 0.9 ft, 1 bonds 3,” Called FPO“ to. Present such l Skokpmish school house in said school M ________ g - 1, Shelton, Box 155, Phone Un- cards and dancing. Auspices ed Exacuy 1“Euler meeting of the ' ognsieltgnthgvlghiiiléofmét {$635335 5 215%“; ggglggecg glgc,3gg‘g;gh»scfi’ggi m—m ion 286 (Nancy Farm)- Hood Canal Woman’s Club', Ad- Ordered eWill be held Thursday of High 5:09 a.m. 12.9 ft. i E33191: ngfltggldPXft-‘iginngégg. i d3istrict'_director for a term of three FOR SALE | i ' 2-24-—3-9—3t. mission 50 cents_ 2.24_3_2_2t .; fikr MaTCh 2' , [Sat- 110w 10:25 a-m- 7'0 ft-i Interest “on said bonds. numbered ( )Posl’lgmi'ill be open between the waterfront home on Lake 153' ’ HARLEY-DAVIDSON motorcycle ‘WANTED- gfifijwheel trailer rank Wandell of Shelton March4 High 3:17 p.m. 11.8 ft. 14 to 50 inclusive, shall cease on April 1, f i, t t -7_ The accepted, natural method - _ f , , , . ‘1‘ house guest Mrs. Carl Low 10:30 p.m. 0.8 ft '1- 1954- by Ol‘del' 0f the Mayor and ours DB.mSI§dlndfOsN 'mc'lerk bella’ l/zdacres’h 3 racds' m of shorthand. No new charac- f(-)r-Sale' $150” Inqmre 628 Ar 6'00 X 16 t‘res' Wlth or Wlth' '5 _ No WAS tti Sr., of Bremerton, visited! 0f the City 0‘ Shelton was” School District NO- 43 o Egggrugigdergaraggseéttaghled? ters to learn. Beginners take cad‘a‘ R2-24fla-9—3t' out box' Write Box S: C“) Jour' Litat the home of we form- High 6:21 a'm' 13'3 ft' ' Datea tyisLls%g%§i,O°f Mara": 1944- ———~——————2:37_’_-3w_,2t' sméu chick’en house and fence,- . ' gigéa tIiJO‘IKl, 80-188 wpm, in FOR SALE: set of trap drums. n81. 52-24—3-29—3t. 81', Mrs. H. A. insor. Sun. LOW 11: 9 a.m. 6.6 ft. ' -. No. 39376 ' - P' _IA AR- URSE in Ludwi , In uire at Daviscourt WW“ . - cIv‘eeny of Fort Lewis and March5 High 4:24 p.m. 12.7 ft. ’dfifiln‘gfigfi‘e cm, or Shelton “ME? gEfiRil‘éfi‘h‘ém E3535? gigchellandlemleiipgielgdx 8' WEEKS- New Class begins Baker; H-qE- Mi193~ walNgagomifiigiEfeeiglgdgsg ' pl shafer 0f Sheuon Were LOW 11:20 P-m- 046 ft- ALMA K- CATTO. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE cent’rif u gal ,pump; 5-piece Feb' 1' N0 preVious know‘ 2"24"3'9""3t- ' haul. Phone 92W. ’N CRETE . slmday at the J. A. Shaf— Acting Treasurer,“ the City STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND lumbing septic tank Large ledge of shorthand necessary. BZ_24_3_9”3t DUCTS C l. ‘; . High 6:41 a.m. 13.6 ft. 5 M.,... M Sham“ Wafihmgton FOR THE COUNTY 01“ PIERCE . p. dows {mth fine vie“; of lake. 0 LYMPIA SECRETARIAL FOR SALE: thriving restaurant - . , Mrs. Joe Townsend and Mon. Low 12:17 p.m. 6.1 ft. ’ A. ,K. AMcCAMP‘BELL. ofInANiS’IE"agglgéfah§mgumfibadi§iig b3; dock. Oill 31/2.miles from ‘. "SCHOOL, 411 gapit‘fl wayi busi’less in CUb Gig.” Store‘ WANTED: typing Of an kinds to nth St. Bridge ' of ~sl.,elton’ visited Sgt- Mavens ,High 5:18 pm. 1L8 ft. Cl‘erkbh the City of Sh lion, Incm1petm.‘ ’ - Shawn sohé g he from mpg; rarelympia, Washington. Leavmg town. Inqlm'e Lorna . do at my home. ReaSonable 'HONE 123 éVening with Mrs. Sime Wdhhmgtm‘ (S AL.) Notice is hefieby given that lIn com-v 1-13tfn. White. 0111) Cigar- ‘ l"‘- rates Inquire 919 Fairlnont ’-,,, ° Low 12.05 a m 0 6 ft _3‘2‘9'16‘23*30—5t- pliance with the order of court entered ment- An Ideal home for 2-24—3-9—3t. ' E2_17_3-2;_3t .11, w__ flames A. Cunningham left Tues. High 7214 anti: 13:8 ft: NOTiCETQEESAfiE§g§ STATE I:1];rggenodbggargiéglegllfagd genitali- $4’000’ term: FOR SALE. blond Labrado'r WEE Y; 2 1 *1 gyfofr Brigham. Utah. after March7 Low 12554 pm. 5.5 ft. norm-n is HEREB‘Y GIVEN. r1... 315.39.“,nlzlestf page; glass; 5:? Concord Beach tract on Pick— N E W T E R M m, snapgm coma... Wm, only 3 ngc mag, 523mm 33333; 63?); ‘ urlough. Mrs. Cunning- High 6.06 p.m. 12.0 ft. on Tuesday. the 4th day of April. 'scribed rope ty located .in Mason ering Passage, with 4-room Beginnin and brush-u courses once, Cost 25 will sell for 17, d b 1944 g P $ $ 321 Route 2 Shelton ‘ aby wlll Stay wlth her _ . commencmg at ten otlock County. ash, ‘gton' “PW”; 1. . . . _ , . . r to in the foreman of said da i fr t . modern house and anot ler in all Busmess Subjects In uire Journal, 2-24—3-9n3t. l _ _, _ ' 811d MTS- Dewey 393' LOW 12131 a-m~ 0-6 ft of the main entrance dob} Ito file ughgoiiifigigiwgiiagginféni313“?’39:? small house; a 5-acre tract . .. . .. q i' _ 17 3,2 St‘ ‘ 15,3, 10515;? Pime- h . .t d fled-118 gig” 733,} am: 13-9 ft 181231133 cggddtyng‘fSEMgoéhesgg gg Elon’ i2. Township (21 North, Range with 25 acres additional ad- Olympia secretarlal ADMISSION TICKETS 50 cents, Good Stock prewar ,nsia'e ah}; ‘ ts 131 osmd iii” V2381 %' are Hog (15:47 pm. 12'; ft‘ Washington. by the County Auditor 5 Sigripr ig'n'daciségcribeu as follows- jomingl gmd garden land' SChOOl for dance and gar-d party’ 1°“tSide Paint Hmcrest Hardware- iel, » r- an F5. . - lg . P-m- ft-Iof said county, the following describ- Regulung at the southeast , come; plenty of wood. Good road to Hoodsport gym, Friday March phone 499, 3-2-16~3t. 0f Shelton while on fur- :N ‘zflom California, was a visi— , “day at the home of his RS kn; Signe Kneeland. , monthly meeting of the' h. Wing Club will be held '3 Farm next Thursday, nday7 HEADQUARTERS cc 'HdtwRANGES “fTP'EATERS BROTHERS , \ 30- 2nd Phone 334 l; . I l —- i l“MESH MEATS FRUITS i - , f'NEs-r poops AT 1 BEST .PRICES HOODSPORT ,é,Nmnos MARKET! i itch PUBLICATIONS? No. 5 NOTICE OF HEAlelNG 0N FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR .DISTBIBUTIgg IN-THE SUPERIOR CO T OF THE “STATE OF' WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY, IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of John C. ,Va‘lley, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that i William S. Valley Executor of the Es— tate of John C. Valley, Deceased, has filed with the ,Clel‘lg of the above entitled court his final report and petition for distribution. asking the court to approve and settle the same. distribute the roperty‘tdthe persons thereto entitle and to dlscharge the said Executor. NOTICE IS FURTHER. GIVEN that said final report and petition for dis- tribution Will be heard on Saturday, ‘the 11th day of March, 1944, at the hour' of 10 o'clock. in the forenoon, in the court room. in the court house in Shelton._Washington. , Dated this 5th day of February, 1944. . ESTHER ROLES, Acting Clerk of Mason , County. Washington. (SEAL) CHAS. R. LEWIS. Attorney for said Estate, Suite 1 Lumbermen's Bldg. Shelton, Mason County. Washington. 2-1047-24—3-2—4t. No. 555 iNOTICE 0F .KE ING ON. FINAL ACCOUNT, REPORT AND PETITION 0F ADMINISTRATOR. FOR SETTLE- MENT, DISTRIBUTION AND DIS- CHARGE. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNT 0F MASON. ' IN PRO ATE In the Matter of the Estate of Inez o nson Miller. Deceased. NO 10 IS HEREBY GIVEN. that H. L. Miller, Administrator of the above estate. has filed. his final ac- count, wort and petition for settle- ment a distribution of the estate of the deceaSed, wherein the Court is asked to approve said account and report, and make distribution of_ the fstilte, and discharge the Adminis- ra or. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that in accordance with an order of said Court made and entered on _the 5th day of February, 1944, a hearing will be had before the Court on said final account, report and petition on Sat- urday, the 11th day of MarCh. 1944. ed state tide lands, together with the improvements situated thereon. will be sold at public auction to the high- est bidder therefor. to-wit: , NOTE_.—No one except citizens of the. United States, or persons who have declared their intention to be- come such, can purchase state lands. ‘Application No. 10681 All tide lands of the second class, lying below the line of mean low tide. owned by the State of Wash- ington. situate in front of that por- tion of lot 1, section 24. township 24 north. range 3 west, W. M., lying south .of the north linevof lot 1 of adjoining section 23. produee‘d east across said lot 1, section 24, with a trontage of 6.59 lineal chains, more or less. appraised at $32.95: also All tidc lands of the second class, owned by the State of Washington. situate in front of. adjacent to or abutting upon lots 1 and 2. section 23. township 24 north. ran '9. 3 west. W. M.. with a frontage of .17 lineal chains, more or less, appraised at $3273.50. lxccpting those portions of the tide lands above described included in a tract deeded by the State of Washington as oyster lands to John All]. August 7. 1901. under Application No. 8102. and also covered by State Revei-sionary Right deed issued to Haniu Hama Logging. Company, April 15. 1930, under Application No. 9093, said tract being described as follo'WS: Beginning at _the meander corner to fractional sections 23 and 26, Own- ship 24 north. range 3 west, and: running thence S 48° E 4.22 chains. N 85° 25‘ E 17.96 chains, N 29° 30' W 15.11 chains. N 32", 45' W 5.75 chains. S 44°.W 10.00 chains and S 10° W 6.00 chains to a point from which the corner to sectioris 22, 23. 26 and 27 bears S 75° 20' W 37.22 chains distant: thence S 35° 30' W 4.30 chains. to said point of begin- ning, containing 22.626 acres, more or less. Application No. 10674 All tide lands of the second class, owned by the State of_Washington, isituate in front of, adjacent to or i abutting upon the east 100 feet of the ,west 300 feet of lot 2, section 20, ltownship 22 north, range. 2 west. W. M., with a frontage'of 1.52 lineal more or less. appraised at l . I Said lands will be sold for not less "the the appraised value above stated ,an upon the terms and conditions following: Not less thanone-tenth of the pur- chase price must be paid at the time of sale. The purchaser, if he be not the owner of the imprOvem'ents, must forthwith ay to the officer making the sale 1: e fun amount of the ap- praised value of the improvements. as above stated. One-tenth of the pur— chase price must, be, paid annually thereafter with interest on all defer- of the Northeast quarter (NEIA) of the Southwest quarter (SW14) of Sec- tion 12. Township 21 North, Range 5 West, W. M., and running thence North, along the. line of said forty, 100 feet; thence West 33 rods; thence South 100 feet: thence East 33 rods to, the place of beginnin ; also, Be inning 409 ‘feet est of the‘ Sout east corner of the Northeast quarter (NEl/Q) of the Southwest quarter (SWI/q)‘0f Section 12, Town-r ship 21 North, Range 5 West, W. M.;l run thence South 210 feet to the center line of the County Road; thence in a Westerly direction. along the center line of said road, 153 feet; thence North’ 126 feet to the Southl line of the ortheast quarter (NElQ‘ of the outhwest uartei- (SW14) ofl said Section 12; t ence East, along said South line, 135.5 feet. ‘more or less. to the point of beginning; also Beginning at the Northeast corner of the Southeast quarter. (SE14) of ' the Southwest quarter (SW34) of Sec- tion 12, Township 21 North. Range 5 West, W. 11.: running thence South. on the East line 490 feet to the center: of the County Road; thence in ail Northwesterly direction. along thel Center of said road, 448 feet, more or less, to the lan conveyed by Otto T. Aubol and one Aubol. husband and wife, to William McDowell by‘ deed recorded in Volume 36 of Deeds, page 179. records in the office of the County Auditor of Mason County. Washington: thence North 210 feet] to the North line, of said Scutheast’ quarter (SE21) of the outhwest quar-l ter (SW14) of aid ection; thence‘ East on said _orth line 409 feet, more or less, to the point of begin— ning. Excepting from. all of the above public roa rights-of—way. Also, all interest in. and to all water rights and contracts in relation there- to and appurtenant to the above de- scribed real estate. at private sale at Room 607, Puget Sound Bank Building, Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington. All'bids for said property must be in writing and ad'- dressed to the undersigned guardian and delivered to him or his attorneK at the above address or filed wit the clerk of the above court at or before noon of the 19th day of March. .1344: the bids shall specify the terms of the offer. V The aforesaid property is owned by the community consisting of. the above named Ward and GEOR E HEINBIG— NER. her husband. whglhas consented to join with the guardian in Said sale and in the conveyance of the title to the purchaser; and any bid will con- template the transfer ’of the fee title to said property at a sum not less than ninety per cent (90%) of the appraised value. the, appraised value of said tpgoperty being in the sum of $5,000. . property. A year-round Water- front home. Priced at $4,250. See M. C. ZINTHEO, Realtor Phone 157 Shelton, Wash. WATERFRONT FOR SALE: one quarter mile waterfront on Big Skookum, near Arcadia. Low bank, creek, springs, good soil, 25 acres. Terms if desired. Price $2500. Write Ray C. Gruhlke, :.Gapitol Theatre Bldg, Olympia, Wash. 2:24—3-16—~4t. FOR SALE: 40 acre farm. 30 acres under cultivation. 4 room house, barn, chicken house, milk house, small orchard. $500 down, balance terms. J. D. White, 423 Bellevue St. 2~17—-3-2——3t. FOR SALE: 5 acre tract, level, lights, good well, chicken house, assorted fruit trees, berries. East off Cascade on Dickinson. Could build either end. Close to industries. Fine berry and gar- den soil. Nice location. Sacri- fice for quick sale. Terms or cash. Write Mrs. Ann Fredson, Route 7, Box 953, Portland, Ore. 12-9—3—9—3m. FOR SALE: Hillcrest lot 50 x 125. East off Cascade. On corner Mason St. Cheap. Mrs. Ann Fredson, Route 7, Box 953, Portland, Ore. 12-9—3—9——3m. FOR SALE * 3-room modern home with built- ins and gas equipped. Also large stone fireplaCe. Located about two miles from Shelton on the Bay. Fine spring on the prop- erty with about 50 feet of wa- terfront. Good garage. Nice garden tract. ' 3-room home on the Bay with good spring and about 50 feet of water front. Nice‘ garden I411 Capitol Way, Olympia, Wash. 1-13tfn. FREE! If excess acid causes y pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indi- Heartburn, Nausea, gestion, Belching, Bloating, Gas Pains, get free sample, Udga, at Fir 1-6——4-13—15t. Drug Store. FLOOR SANDER AND EDGER By Day or Hour J. L. CATTO HARDWARE Used Cars {FOR SALE: ’33 Buick sedan, 4 good tires, good battery. Needs new head gasket. As is $75. Kammerer, Potlatch. 3-2-16—3t. FOR SALE: 1930 Model A Ford in A~1 shape.I Owner A. H. Atkins, Apt. 5, Mill Apts. Home after 6 p. m. 2-24—1t. Chas. sedan. Motor FOR SALE: 1932 Ford V-8 coupe. Good tires. Fair condition. Heat— er and ’44 license. Kenneth Dll- lenburg», Hoodsport, Wash. 2‘l7'24’2t' GOOD LOCAL BALED» HAY for FOR SALE: ‘36 V-8, heater, good tires, good condition. Mrs. Vin- cent Adair, W 14041/2 ay. ' Olympic 2-10-24-—3t. 3. Door prize. Hood Canal Wo- man’s Club. 2-24—3-2——~2t. FOR SALE: New Hampshire Red setting eggs. $1 per setting. In— quire Lunt’s Store, Hoodsport. G2o24—3-9-—3t. WANT Toy};U§7_ha—y_rakéf‘éf Skene, Star Route, Gig Harbor, 2-17—«3-2——3t. HEMSTITCI—IING: 404 Franklin. Mrs. Martha Jacobs Wash. Z-ltfn. FOR SALE: dry alder and maple slab and edging's. Fine for range. $11 dump load lots. Post- card or letter. F. M. Nagle, Route 1, Box 116, Shelton. 2-10——3-23———5t. FOR SALE: rabbits, young does With litters and bucks. Victor A. Johnson, Route 3, Box 206. Phone 3F24, Shelton. 2-17—3-9——4t FARMERS ATTEvTION: if you haven’t bou ht your drain tile for your fiel 5 yet better hurry, as it will soon be time to begin plowing. See your county agent about AAA drainage payments which amount to 2124c to 5c per foot. We still have a. fair stock of Drain Tile but it is moving fast. Write us or call at our plant for further information. Ch-ahalis Brick and Tile 00., Phone 69, Chehalis, Wash. 2-17—3-9——4t. FOR SALE: 3 Jersey heifers, 2 to i 8 months. E. Olund, Route 1,‘ Box 204, Shelton 2-24—3-2—2t. HAY FOR SALE: phone Union. 286. "Bud" Lee, Skokomish Val- ley. 2-17~3-2—3t. sale. $32 per ton delivered. Phone 215R3. 2-17—3-2—3t._ FOR ” WOOD phone— Hemenway, l 473W. - 2~17tfn. j FOR SALE: 1929 Model A Ford sedan. Good condition. Good pre- war tires. $150. Olympic Garage. Hoodsport, Wash. S2-10-24—3t. FOR SALE: 50 tons good local baled hay. Charles Cache, phone 5F3. 2-17—3-2-—3t. ATTENTION FARMERS: You can qualify for AAA soil build- ing payments by installing drain ‘ tile in your fields. Payments run WANT TO BUY: old horses for Mink feed. Phone 391.] or write Andy Hansen, P. O. Box 223. 1-1tfn. Wv‘ v~ov9' PROFESSIONAL CARDS vv V'WV‘lvv‘vW REGINALD SYKES ACCOUNTING and: INCOME TAX SERVICE 123 Railroad Ave. Phone 30 ALDEN C. BAYLEY ATTORN EY AT LAW Title Insurance Building Opposite First National ’Bank Phone 23 - Shelton INSURANCE HERBERT G. ANGLE Office at Angle Building ELLIOT B. SPRING Accounting Tax Services Bookkeeping Systems 123 4th St. Phone 565 WITSIERS Dated at Tacoma; Washington, thisl tract (Plenty of wood on at 10 o‘clock, A. M., on said day in I red payments at the rate of six per f F b‘ruar‘v. 1944. 1 ' the Court Room of said Court in the l centum per annum: Provided, That 25 day OHENRY HEINIGNER, beaChl- from 2 2 cents to five cents per F UNERAL HOME H O M E Court House at Shelton, Washington. . any purchaser may make full pay- Guardian, These tWO homes are adjOined 811d V foot for drainage' Increase your ‘ ' L 193mm this 5th day of February, [gent 19f printcipai, intterest 33d Sgt? HUGO MhTzéEhii . . i can be purchased together or yield per acre as well as getting Licensed Embalmers . ry ees a any me an 0 am Attorney or ua ian, i- our cro s in earlier due to bet- W A Witsiers Pro ESTHER ROLES. Id (1. Th haser f l d - - . separately They W111 make fine 3’ .P ' ' p' . O A N S Acting Clerk of the Superior ee 8 pure an comm" Office and my Office Address' close in year-round homes with I ter dralnage- ConSl-flt your 10031 Phone 180 ' Shelton- WaSh- I ing timber or other valuable materials ‘616 Puget Sound Bank Building,r Court for Mason County, is prohibited by law from cutting or Tacoma 2, Pierce coun'ty.'Washington nice beach with all the fire- county Agent for further in‘ removing any such timber or mater- - ALDEN *‘fi‘fli‘fi? 3‘2‘9‘16"3t' wood supply for picking it up formation or contact us. We ofinvenient e s glélorriiey l'Qr Adfini'péstlgtor, lof tthethCorprfiissionegtofngplic Lands. """ ""' """ ' on the beRCh- 30th ~f9r $4400 h'ave % derompltei;e 34:01le dOfCIan ll A . . “n 1 "sum"? ‘1 m ' lull] ‘3 u amo.“ 0 e Dllrchase .~ ' or will sell separately 2550 Sizes 0 ain ie on an . 'le- . 531d tune and Shaun“ WaShmgton'2_10_17_24 3_2 4t lp‘ffi’ 1:38:93? gfié‘tiea’fgnggegréssgfiie and $1850. ' halls Brick and Tile Company. Late Model each, with terms. Phone 69. Chehalis, Wash- ATTORNEY AT LAW 'ials without first obtaining consent subject to the reservations of oils. Wmna¢daamano . i . l lesnolfimhtbfl" - , . - onable Rates . V gases. coal. ores. minerals and f‘ 5915 -27—-3‘-2—-6t. V y 47 “mes , NOTICE 01“ 30M? (“gilt th ‘of every name. kind and descrié’fion. LOST: black leather billfold con- —.-_.______...1 Suite 1 L M 31d id everywher N0 9 fogggicrfg 'sUtilietryebyBofiggn Series 0? Siting Sifsc’iiégfi‘i’i‘ialseéiiflsaagfdcfigni taming important papers. Re- COAL FOR SALE: lump coal, 4 sh It w hlii ' g. . 0 8.5011 oun , as .u ' ' ‘ ' - - _. 0n ' ada, Norway, 1 called for paymelr'lt at the office of terSralisd' lgggdmgl’lsbeaigldresgggeféo?sfig?. Johnson. 3 2 9 2t. 8 nge 3 coal, 4 ton load $10.85 er ton, pea coal, 4 ton load $9.45 per ton. Load is single delivery. No load delivered less than 2 tons. , Less than 4 ton load $1.00 more Ford Sales and Service ; per ton. Sack coal (not deliv- 5th and Railroad Ave ered) 100-lbs. sack, 80c (Shel- ton prices). A. F. Hemenway, _ I. the Treasurer of said county and that ch t 12 f the Sess~ _ , ' " too ._ the interest on said Bonds Will cease . 1921171? iglaatihgoto easemenégnfoi‘wgshtgf LOST' on HfllcreSti Beuevue St'l NOTICE time assoon; C - on April 10 1944 of wa - b1 k s'lk h db 'th hite - - -~~ _ , . , v, -, , .. y and the carrying of timber. 30 1 an 3g W1 W , Notice is hercb e that a lrca- A H b M leg liquorwflrb savulgs Public Utlmy DXSUIC‘; NOW} Utlhpf stone. minerals and other products‘ zipper. Containing purse .with ' tion for purchaseyogl‘a‘d’lx Title pBands l l y srightin .. an Association fimfivinscfilsgge of 1935, “um 81”“ ob , over the flag? TAYLOR bet-“men ten and fiftEen dob indsale NO. 22 will be accepted up to , . , hrs. List of magazines on en_ an including Saturday. March 11th. 1 ; r PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Commissioner HARRY DEYETTE « m NO- 1 01'“ MASON—99111371375- By FRANK YATES. velope. pair manicure scissors. Clerk of the Board of RICHARD F. Envy. Licensed Public Accountant Notary Public .. J. F u, I . .. rnsunance- Bldg. vw'AsgINGTUN" ' - . v 5mm“, . By R. E. .Jorn§§%N23 3 5 assisfigtflmmm °f Pub Relwfig Offered: Inquire 230?;- §€ufi§§of°3£§€$nm PHONE 16 Phone 473W. Orders for wood 325 Railroad Ave. Phone 115 M““‘*,59‘”t....-__1":,;.;...0_.l'.'.5572‘9-19-23:30+5l-:.,.;.... . “a 9 193', _. B37 " -_ 3-2-9—2t. accepted. K; 12-9tfn. - .,