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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 2, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 2, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i r ,,i County-City COUNTY COURT on the docket in Justice Court be- Glenn Correa during week were : State Patrol St. lt. 1, Box negligent driving, D. Chesterfeild, 45th, Seattle, no vehicle Shelton, speeding, $12 Mary LeGarde, Rt. 1 Shelton ,driving while $81 fine, five days ayed, $12 forfeit; Box 42, Allyn, vehicle license display- license on per- forfeit; Ray Doyle, 1324 Shelton, speeding, $12 Mrs. James Booth reported near or befow normal. Harvey C. Beeker , she found a tire. Quileene speeding $1, • ' , Mrs. Bill Walberger reported Wright, Rt. 1, Box three white face cattle missing. no valid vehicle It- The Valley Center Service was $12 forfeit; AI- entered and $85.40 cash, pocket Rt. 1, Box 562A, knives and cigarettes taken. failure to stop at stop forfeit; Rodney Bou- A1 Coleman reported two bat- 12th St. Bremerton, teries taken from a mobile crane. $29 fine, $195 A school bus at Hood Canal suspended; Ste- School was entered and a fire Cottrell, 416 N. 12th, tinguisher taken. defective equipment, Ray Walker reported an at- Louis Jolliff, Rt. 1, tempted break-in at the Golf Club. .... McCleary Man Weather Taken By Dea÷h  Boyd Teagle, a resident of . Mccleary since 1898, died in the liigh Iw Precip hospital there Sunday at 71. He SHERIFF'S OFFICE Fehruary 23 52 32 .01 was born in Fern Hill, Oct:. 15, February 24 55 32 - 1895. Roy Enbly reported cabins en- February 25 50 39 .09 The funeral service was held tered. February 26 55 33 .01 at 1 ll.m. Tuesday in the Me- George Blake reported he hit February 27 51 30 - Cleary Methodist chureb. Mili- a oug with his car. February 28 59 39 .42 tary honors were accorded by M:arch 1 ,t7 33 .55 McCleary VFW at the MeCleary Mrs. Edna Metcalf reported a cabin entered• : Readings are for a 24-hour per- Cemetery. ted ending at 8 a.m. as reported Surviving are bis wife, Mrs. Lloyd Hicks reported his dog by the Rayonier, Inc. weatber Sybil Rutledge Teagle, McCleary; hit by a car and killed, station, one son, Robert B., of Sekiu; Three cabins at Mason Lake FIVE-DAY FORECAST.... . ...... one daughter, Mrs. Pat Jenkins, were reported broken into. Temperatures Thursday t hru of Mk,Cleary, and Charles, of Reuben Bindara reported two Monday to average near normal Shel'on; and four grandc.hildren. guns taken, with highs in the 40s and low 50s. Oliver Petty reported vanda- Lows to be mostly 35-45. A few lism to a tractor, rainy periods with total am'rants Rites Sa÷urday For Essie Kinney SHELTON POLICE New Arrivals found open. .i..)xe _w Lawrence E Dick, b92, Shelton, defective plle2::^$L2 fine, $7 suspend- z- " ancnez Rt 1 Be ,d;helton dru: • X 'l • • ' ,menness, two ,0;_ Jm!; Margurite Krise, }, ux 130 A, Shelton drunk- th:eitand disorderly conduct, e!i EP&RTMEN T .................... . 25, 2;25 a.m a fire in ed by Re:" a ,,25 7.- _ oert Hagara. ::the J'ivr,P_ 'm', a chimney _.., "" ueyette residence. .tnfoad Ave. t th'e 7j4o2'd, a chimney :2111 W umiston resi- ashington St SHELTON (;ENE-'AL HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Cam- bell, P. O. Box 942, a girl, Fel)- ruary 24. Mr. and Mrs. Everett McCoy, Route 1 Box 36, Olympia, a boy, February 25. Mr. and Mrs. Iwis E. Sytsma, Jess Daniels reported three es Office tires taken from his garage. Mtl Baggett 5930 SE 15th, Bruce Daniels reported an in- Star Route 1 Box 85, a boy,  i ju red duck in a water stor age Februa ry 25. area on Cascade St. Mr. and lVIrs. Arthur L Tracey Jerald Eby reported an air Jr., 2314 Jefferson street, a cleaner taken from his car. girl, February 26. Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Green- Marie Aldmanden reported a wood, Route 3 Box 440D, a boy, N . purse lost. February 27. Robert Dillenberg reported a Mr. and Mrs. (;erry I:,ll, Route POLl car taken. It was later found 1 Box 329, a girl, February 28 ! CE COURT' in the IWA parking lot. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Manke, ring on the docket in The side door to the National 40 West "G" street, a girl, a Police Court March 1. .}' Roll a ,, before- Bank of Mason County was .... halbert Monday • The funeral service for Essie 1Vae Kinney, 64, will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday in the Batstone Funeral Home followed i)y bur- ial in Shelton Memorial Park. Rev. Robert Haven will eo,nduct the rite. Mrs. Kinney was' born March 13, 1902 in Fort Worth, Texas. She had liwM in the t:kqfair area the past ?,1 years and was a mem- I)er of the Methodist church there. She died Tuesday in the Shelton General Hospital. Sm'vivors include her husband, Orville L. Kinney, Belfair; three daughters, Dorothy A. Taylor, M;mlo Park, Calif., Doris M. Fea- therstone and Lois J. Gibbons, both of Seattle; three grand- children; two sisters, Mrs. Ella L. Hoke, Kansas City, Me., and MYs. Nora E. Arminlroul, Har- risonville, Mb.; and lhree bro- thers, James H. Arnold, Butler, Me., Clarence C. Arnold, Kansas City, Me., and Ira W. Arnold, Cole Camp, Me, PVT. VERNON J. B;4chanan has recently graduated h'om his basic combat training at the U. S. Army Training Center, Fort Lew- is. He is currently taking his advanced individual training at Fort Leonard Wood, Me. The 19-year-old soldier is 'a graduate of Mary M. Knight IIigh School, where he was Salu- tatorian of his class. He is the son of Mrs. Irene John- ston, Elma. Buchnn'n i to take his ()CS t.ramm ,d: Fort Belvior, Va. Legion Hears Americanism Speaker Here I Efficiency should be Mrs. Evelyn Roald's middle name. The Centralia lady made fiw , talks during her visit to Shelton Tuesday last week in her volun- teer role as a preacher of ' 'Americanism". Her Shelton visitation was cli- maxed in Memorial Hall at the joint dinner program of Fred B. Wivell American Legion Post and Auxiliary, extenders of the invitation to apt)ear in Shelton for the Legion's "Americanism" t)rogram, always featured in February, which is designated as "Americanism Month". Mrs. Ronald spoke on "Our Heritage of American Holidays" Prior to appearing before the Legion she had spoken at the Washington Corrections Center lind the Bordeaux, Evergreen and junior high schools. She had spoken on a somewhat similar sehedule a year ago on the sut)- ject of the American flag. She is a member of World War I Veterans Auxiliary in Lewis County who told her listeners "I hope to fight Communism with my last breath'. She sketched briefly important dales to remember as tradition- lilly Anerican, starting with New Years Day as one on which to make a few "sensible, useful resolutions and stick to them". Another January dale she men- tioned was the 30th, birghdate of Franklin D. Roosevelt and the founding of the March of Dines. February draws its designa- tion as "Americanism M0nth" from the fact that it contains the birthdays of George Wash- ington and Abraham Lincoln, men of extreme opposite back- grounds who rose to the presi- dency of tiffs nation and exerted extremely important influences on its history llnd development. March this year will be mark- ed lay the presence of Easter, one of the important religious holidays in America. March is also the birth-month of the A- nerican Navy, while April brought the founding of the U,S. Army and the beginning of World War I. May, lVIrs. Ronald pointed out, is imtx)rtant for Armed Forces I)ay (the tbird Saturday) on which the one-time separate observations of Navy, Army, Marines, and Coast Guard days bare been consoli- daled. May also features I_z)yal- ly Day, originated hy the Veter- ans of Foreign Wars, Mothers' Day (second Sunday), and Me- morial Ibay (the 30th). which, slip exi)lained, was begun after one of the great t)attles of the Civil War and is designated for decorating the kwaves and me- morializing det)arted velerans of till American wars. June 14 annually is set aside as Flag I)ay, the birth dale of the Stars and Stritxs, which, in- cidentally, have been changed 26 times in lhe intervening years since the original 13 states, Mrs. Ronald pointed out. Also in June comes Fathers' l)ay (third Sunday), wlfich was founded many years l:)efore Mothers' Day, she said. July ,i is the sole big holiday of tim seventh month and sig- nifies the signing uf the l)ecla- ration of Indelxmdence in 1776. August now contains V-J Day, on the 14th, the day ,Yapan sur- rendered in World War II. Three holidays of significance fall in Septeniber --: Labor Day (the first Monday and in reality the only legal, holiday of the year, all others, being by proclama- tion, Mrs. Pnald declared), Constitution Day the 17th (date of ratification of the comstitution by the 13 original states, and Gold Star Mothers Day on the 24th to hozmr all mothers who lost sons in war. Colmnbus Day and Teddy Roowelt's birthday are the tro- t)errant October holidays, 12th and 27th respectively, while No- vember is marked by Armistice Day (the 11th), general election day on the even numbered years, and Thanksgiving Day. Decem- ber features Pearl Harbor Day (the 7th), one of the infamous (lays of American history when Japan hmnched World War D" in 1941 vAth a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, and its diametric ot)posite, the world-wide, relig- ious holiday, C'hristmas. "Rem emln" your rights as American citizens, don't let Ihem go by the lx)ards," s. Ronald concluded. After her tk the Legion group sang a number of [mtriotic songs. Ith the L,gion and its Aux- iliary wiil hold their separate l)usiness meetings next Tuesday al 8 p.m. in Memorial Hall. Eagles Hear Sfafe Head • 'illiam Hays, Longwiew, Pre- Scientist Services Regular *1.09 the extra rich liquid shampoo Larry Goldsby reported head- sidenl of the Washington State  "lan" is the subject for this Al 1€ lights and the windshield of ''r mu."o00;'e Home +o+ Association, was the prin- week's Lesson-Sermon to De NOW U  his car damaged by vandals. City a--roves cipal speaker at the Shelton read in till Christian Science The door to Ralph's Serv-U Moose Lodge, Feb. 18. In honor churches Sunday. was found open. of the State President's official The Golden Test is from Jere- Edward Kneehmd reported a visit, the Shelton Lodge enrolled miah: "Blessed is the man thai drum stand taken. Gene Geist reported a 1964 Dodge automobile stolen some time early Tuesday morning. FERRY RECEIPTS Receipts from the Hars'ino Island Ferry for the week end- ing Feb. 25 were $212.20, accord- ing to the Mason County Engi- neer's Office. SUPERIOR COURT • Quality Hardwood Floors Inc, Y BUILDING PERMITS for the estate of Roy B. Dowling against John B. Troune, trustee ,ding Permits a'lprov,d-!by Ca. and Jim Taylor, doing bust- 0: on C°unty.Commiss heSS " ittting lr_ "ion"at as Taylor Made Cabinets, l./old -::,muay were to Wil- lein forclosure: p ^: WOOd cabin, $1,200; I'. "-uerson, cabin, $3,500; atson, garage $500 Ingel, cabin -' ; H. ' Park a " $3,000; Rest Sixth Grade 'g, $297'. ATUwt° existing R, $300.' -' • Robinson ; 00o00u0,00on00 Panhandle ;, Ood cabin, 57,400. Tour Planned Park Regulation Ordinance .The Shelton City Commission gave its final reading to an of dinance regulating mobile home parks in the city and prel)ared to issue its first permit under the new regulations when it met Tuesday night. The commission voted to ac- cept the recommendations of the city planning commission to all- prove an application for Paul Bigley for the rezoning of l)ro- petty at the end of Cola St. from Residential to Mobile ltome Re- sidential. a class of 19 new members in the Moose Hall at the Shelton Also approved was a request airport. from Police Patrolman Richard Other out of town visitors in- Booth for a six-month leave of absence for medical reasons. James and Bud Pauley of Jim Pauley Inc. and Pauley Motm's appeared to disc, uss sl)ecifiea- lions for two pickups for which the city advertised for bids last week. eluded Beryl Bcardslee, Olym- pia, District Vice President, Mrs. Beryl Beardslee and Mrs. Hays. The new members enrolled were Frank Minor, Wayne Wol- cott, Jim Vercher, Jr. , Jerome Cermak, Kenneth Wolden, Ken- neth Stone, Ralph Sollock, Jam- es Middleton, James Bennett, Stanley Dyson, Robert Keir, H. Street Superintendent Bob Ten> Paul Middleton, James Tingstr- ple reported that the storage shed ore, Edwin Hurd, Virgil Miller, at the city well was broken into Otis Smith, Rohert Mendenhall, and about 12 gallons of anti- Albert LeGault, ,h'. and Gary lreeze taken. , Deyetlx.. ). . ; trusteth in the Lord, and whoso hope the Lord is." Mr. Realy State says, /7 ' ,,J"|u,ving or Sell|rig" ee HIMLIE REALTY 426-3369 SEARS APPLIANCE SALE! Values ThatAre LOWER Than (atalogPrice! SEARS DRYER-MATE with SOFT HEAT Just put in clothes, set time, push a button. The Soft Heat takes over. Exclusive air freshener, Sprinkler ball, full-width Load-A-Door, Safety shutoff switch, Top-mounted lint screen. SEARS KENMORE WASHER Choice of 2 speeds, 3 cycles and 3 temperature combinations. 3 water levels. Lint filter. Off- balance signal. 6-vane agitator and Safety lid switch'. .ow 0012900 .ow 001649s Many, Many More Appliances To Choose From OLD SAFEWAY BUILDING IS e • 1St &Railroad ars lO . 5.30 Dally - 1o . 9 p.m., Friday HURRY! Sale Ends Sat., March 4 FAMILY SIZE SECRET SPRAY DEODORANT R egu lar $1.49 Now '1.29 Regular Size CREST TOOTHPASTE Regular and New Mint Flavored Regular 79¢ Now 69= LILT HOME PERMANENT SPECIAL Sl.69 • The annual Mason Count',, Sixth Grade Conservation Tour will be held this year April 21 on the, 4-H Panhandle Associ- ation Tree Farm north of Shel- ton. Participating will be represen- tatives of the U.S. Forest Ser- vice, Del)artnent of Natural Re- sources, Douglas Fir Christmas Tree Co., IVson County Chrisl- mas Tree Co., Simpson Timber Co., Rayonier, Inc., State Game Del)artment, Soil Conservation Service, Shelton School District and Mason County Schools, and extension services from Mason and, Gray's Harbor Counties. Last year 422 sixth-graders from all Mason County's schools participated in the tour. Stu- dents are instructed in nine as- pects of forest conservation, dur- ing stops of 12 minutes each. The 4-H Panhandle Associ- ation Tree Farm. is owned by the 4-H members of Grays Har- bor and Mason counties. It has a total of 470 acres, which is used Ibr both educational and recreational purposes. A cleanup party will be held at the tree farm one w(k be- fore the tour, April 14. LAMps ARI ARer- Thoughts • • • and they ahould never be. GOod light- ing in YOur home Calls on your lamps to Work as hard as else _ harder than SPeeializ( reading, sewing, other activities• ,. mraps should m themselves, ,Uld COmplement Lgs, create an in- here, throw light ting, brighten a e lightingSeri°us first thoughts needs. Prefer. to. - ,€ l Side, be- over. eonarnon , "* gg, V '^do a better ob f d-;eel( erall gnerl e area illum- ;eP, s ometimes seem ex- t00at the Wise transform an  .set °einarj^.= tting, -uU €_, iOrmal :a. -o^., , e;ltire too ' t; a I m. L-findm be in atria'amP style Will a bauti "Ps, fw, , f chome , in ou.'megazlt to in- le po,,u'  U lsplay, tnclud- v ar hart 12 !k You'ro _, gi g chatn to eorae  , awa_ys Wel- Yti e aU,.,,a_ (1 browse en lhlrni- eL4. N ., 4th  Cot& ERNIE BELCHER  JOE HADLE FAST ACCURAT SERVICE Yes--even bor- row o loaner watch without charge while yours is being repaired , Accredited experts wllh long experience and vory newest electronic-age equlpman! assure oependoble work ond fast service. NEW WATCH GUARANTEEI Norol¢o - Schick ( __ly.,?y_ 7_ s u.?oam__l 121 Railroad---SH E LTON 119 East 5thOLYMPIA On the "MALL"--LACEY Family Size Scope Moufh Wash Reg. $1.39 tt¢ NOW 11 Queen Size Max Factor Spray A Wave Reg. $1.25 ID ..... \\;x. ":ve00greem Phone 426-3456 or 426-4456 Thursday, March 2, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3