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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 2, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 2, 1967
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w ..... h ...-. .... • " 00urmp H[llO €:ookin&apos;? Ur,.Connolly / / SOUR CREAM SALAD is the re(:ipe we are adding to our file this week. Mad=line lLae, shown allows, with l]er in- fant son, gave us this re=illS using lime gelatin, sour cream, 1lineal)pie, nuts and maraschino <'berries. Pineapple, Lime Jello And Sour Cream for Yummy Salad Sour Cream Salad, as made by Madeline tLae, combines lime gelatin with sour cream, pine= aPlfle, nuts and maraschino cherries for a de-e-elicious salad to fancy up any meal. Madeline is active in Mr. Olive Lu|heran ehurctl where she is a m,mh,r of Lydia Ruth Circle and l,utlmran Wom('n's Mission- ary lxmgue. She and husband Gene are members of Couple's Clul:). Madeline is also active' in the Dnnnie J. OrlhoIxdic Guild. Her hol)hy is h(,r lamily. The recent adoption of Russell (;en(, Jr., now one month old, has been fun for Mad:,line and Gene and th(,ir four daughters, Debbie 15, Dawn, ]2, l)ale. 10, and l)iana, five and one-tialf. SOITR CREAM SALAD 1 l)kg. lime gelatin I cup I)oiling, water Mix and cool then add: ] lJint cu]lured sour cream l COl) crush(.d pineal)pie i/ cup chol)ped nuts t/ (:tip (!hol)Ped mwaschino cherries Pour inlo n]oh] or f]al I)an and (:hill. Serves six Io ('ighl. FORMER SHELTON RESIDENTS Mr. and Mrs..Jack Den- nis were honored with a sm'prise celebration in Port Townsend recently honoring their 25th wedding anniver- sary. The couple, both Shelton High school graduates, were married here Valentine's Day 1,942. Mrs. Derails is the former Rosalie Dion, daughter of Mrs. Selma B. Dion, and sister of Omer L. Dion Jr., both of Shelton. Mr. Den- nis has a brother, William E., living in Shelton. His mother, Mrs. Rose Dennis, formerly of Shelt0n lives now in Tacoma. The I)ennis' daughter I)iane flew home from Brigham Young University for the event. ROAD SHOW ENGAGEMENT Begins Wednesday, MARCH 15th AT THE RIALTO Theatre, TACOMA WINNER OF 6 ACADEM YAWARDSi METR0-OOLDWYN-MAYER ,EsEN,s A CARLO PONTt PRODUCTION DAVID LEAN'S FILM : Docm00/; ZHIVAGO IN PANAVISION* AND METROCOLOR iiii!!:: Performances: Evenings 8:00 p.m. (except Sun_7100 p.m.) Matinees 2:00 p.m. -- Prices Including All Tax -- Fri. and Sat Nit=s, Eves before Holidays & Holidays, $2.25, Loges $2.50 Sun. thru Thurs. Nit=s, Sat. & Sun. Matinee, $2, Loges $2.25 TICKETS ON SALE NOW! Rialto Box Office, MA 7-0385 -- Open Daily noon till 9 p.m. Also at raser's -- 910 Broadway --- TICKETS in ADVANCE or AT SHOWT!ME .... ONLY THEATRE CAPACITY SOLD FOR EACI-I PERFORMANCE! Mail Orders Givtn Prompt Attention: Send check or money order with stamped sclf-addressed envelope giving day, date, and performance you wish to attend, also alternate date, to Rialto Theatre, Tacoma, Washington 98402. • Mrs. V.T. Connolly has been named by the Mason County Society Editor Marj Jacobsen Phone 426,4412 Chapter of the Anrican Can- cer Society to serve her 18th year as Memorial Chairman. Part of Mrs. Connolly's respon- sibility includes receiving Can- cer Society memorial contribu- tions and sending cards to the next of kin, notifying them that a contribution has been made to the Cancer Society and the name of the donor. The amount of the contribution is held confidential. For those wishing to make memorial contributions enve- lopes are available at the post office, Batstone Funeral Chapel, and from Mrs. Furlong at the Seattle First Nationa Bank, or a check payable to the Ameri- can Cancer Society may be mail- ed to Mrs. Connolly at 328 Laurel Street. Last year in Mason County M:errarial Contributions of $666 benefited the Cancer Society fund for education, research and service. Iofans To Mee÷ Af The Timbers • The Timbers restaurant will be the site of the Iota Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Society, women teachers international ho- norary meeting Saturday. Mrs. Robert LaDue, president, will conduct the business meeting at 11 a.m. Following a noon luncheon No- rika Lounsberry will speak on Creativity in Adult Education. Mrs. Sidney Tindall will be in (.barge of the musical program. Members Of Zonfa Club Fete Mrs. Simpson • Zontians who did not attend the February 16 potluck dinner me2ting in the Memorial hall missed an evening full of sur- prises. Elizabeth Simpson was on a "This Is Your Life" pro- gram honoring her 20 years as a Zontian. With Mary Smith playing the role of Ralph Edwards, friends of long standing, former Zon- |tans and members of Mrs. SimUson's family appeared to make it a memorable evening for her and fellow Zonta mem- bers. Chaz Reeder wrote a special song in her honor which was sung by Charlene Smith accom- panied by the composer. Mrs. Simpson opened nmy gifts while Grace Pardee presented a reading. The committee for the evening ine.luded Mary Smith, chairman, Merna Mifflin, Alice Morrissey, Peggy Copp and Edith Hess. Langevin-Gardr,er Marriage Ceremony Is held In Yakima • 1V[iss Suzanne Patricia Lange- vin and Bruce David Gardner were married February 4 in a nuptial high Mass in St. Paul Catholic church in Yakima. Rev. Andrew J. Squier, uncle of the bride, Tacoma; read the double ring ceremony. Parents of the bride are Dr. and Mrs. William A. Langevin, Yakima. The bridegroom's par- ents are Mr. and Ms. Richard D. Gardner, Shelton. The bride, given in marriage by her father, vore a gown fa- shioned of French silk antique jacquard with imported white peau trim. She wore a single choker strand of pearls, a gift from the bridegroom. Her cha- pie length silk illusion candle- light veil was caught to a Ju- liet cap of French silk antique jacquard with a Dior bow of sa- tin peau She'carried a white molher of pearl prayer book top- ped with a white orchid with baby rose streamers. :iV£iss Dianne Langevin was her twin sister's maid of honor. She wore a gown of French blue crystal peau with true blue deep lustre satin trim and carried a nosegay of white glamelias with trailing sala leaves. Misses Denise and Carolyn Gardner, sisters of the bride- groom, Miss Judith Langevin, sister of the bride, and Mrs. Pat- rick O'Halloran were brides- maids. They wore gowns of azure blue crystal peau with Venetian blue deep-lustre satin trim. They carried nosegays of white gla- mellias with trailing sala leaves. The bride's mother wore a pink jacket suit of pink wool and silk peau. Mrs. Gardner wore a coat suit of lime green em- bonded crepe and lace. Both had corsages of lavendar cattleya orchids. Geral D. Rodgers was best man. Stanford H. Johnson, Da- vid Syford, Andrew Langevin, brother of the bride, and Pat- rick Langevin, brQther of the bride, were ushers'.' Altar boys were Brian Langeln and Don- aid Gardner. Following a reception in the Yakima Tennis Club, the couple left on a honeymoon trip to the coast. They will make their home in Madison, Wis. where he is stationed with the U. S. Air Force Office of Accounting, Tru- ax Field. RELAX... with an Electric Laundry! ::: .:.: :.:, :i:i :::: i:i: :q, :::1 :!:i :q, q,: :!:i Your electric laundry gives you new washday freedom. Your auto- matic electric washer ends the worry and work of old-fashioned wash day. Your automatic electric dryer ends back-breaking lifting, ends weather worries. • With both the electric washer and electric dryer, you set it and forget it... more time to relax, or take care of other important chores around the house. • A complete electric laundry is just another way your magic servant, Electricity, works for you all year 'round! I ii :'POWf"R Harold W" Parke5 I iaSO '" -,'//r Vice President t ,..oun., Manager [ . -, .... NO. 6 I Page 6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 2, 1967 Auxiliary To See Slides • Mrs. F.W. Bishop will lecture and show slides of her African safari at 8 p.m. March 17 in the Evergreen auditorium. The Shel- ton General Hospital Auxiliary is sponsoring the event which will be open to the public. There will be a silver offering at the ' door. Mrs. Tim Smith is in charge of the tea table. There will be a door prize. Mrs. George LeCompte has re- signed as scholarship chairman. This position will be filled by Mrs. Harold Cramer. The Auxiliary Gourmet Cook- books are ready for sale at 50 cents each. Anyone interest- ed is asked to contact Mrs. Art Mell at 426-6239 or Mrs. Bern- hard Winiecki at 426-3104. WCTU Mee÷ing Is This Friday • The Woman's Christian Tem- perance Union will meet at 1 p. m. Friday in the home of lVrs. W. H. Snelgrove, 1220 West Birch street, for a dessert luncheon and regular business meeting. Plans will be made for a rum- mage and baked food sale to be held March 9-10 in the PUD auditorium. OES Social Club • Welcome Chapter, OES Social Club will meet next Tuesday in the home of Florence Taylor for a 12:30 p.m. luncheon. Tran- sportation will leave the Maso- nic temple at noon. Rachel Knot÷ Has Meeting Friday • The Rachel Knott Orthopedic Guild met for its monthly lunch- eon February 17 in the home of Mrs. S.W. Vander Wegen with Mrs. Charles Allisan as co-host- ess. The president, Mrs. Glendon Ferguson, presided at the busi- ness meeting at which a discus- sion of the Penny Drive was held. Mrs. Ferguson announced all of the guilds have been asked to participate in "A Cavalcade of Style" to be held the eve- ning of October 12. She appoint- ed Mrs. Harold Nordeng to rep- resent Rachel Knott. CELEBRATING FIFTY years of marriage and Mrs. Clark Colvin, 635 Bellevue street. were married March 2, 1917 in Moscow, Idaho in Potlatch, Idaho for most of their married] moved to Shelton about 12 years ago and Mr. ( elnployed by the City Water DeI)artment u]til ment. Mr. and Mrs. Colvin have one son, las, Tex., and two daughters, Mrs. Ceorge man, and Mrs. David Montgomery, of Palouse. eight grandchildren. The Golden Wedding pir: no special plans to celebrate the event today, spend the Easter holiday with their daughterS, families. Grapeview Or÷hopec • The Sarah Eckert Orthopedic Guild of Grapeview met Febru- ary 17 in the home of Mrs. Aus- tin Hicks, president, with Mrs. Edwin Grigg as co-hostess. Officers elected for next year include Mrs. Clem Holl, presi- dent; Mrs. George Lewis, vice- president; Mrs. H. H. Retzman, treasurer; Mrs. William Staudt, secretary; Mrs. Charles Oak, to the Mary dic hospital in Easter donation. The guild will rick's Lenten cial in the Gra starting at noon public is invited. be $1 which prize, and games. et sales must be in I: Call Mrs. Battles Instead of the meeting March sunshine chairman; and Mrs. CR 5-2606 for Robert ]ttles, mart chairman 17, members will go to Seattle They'|ieptem, tions. to have ,lunch at ,the Orthopedic,,, The' next hospital followed by a tour of be{ .......... "='? .......... ....... ::at'.ia.m. March the hospital. Members voted to ..,$,.P!. $100 view fire hall. Mason County Community Concert A;:;©,€¢ 1967 - 1968 Memberships Available March 6 - 11 ONLY HEADQUARTERS at DEAN'S STUDIO -- 413 Railroad MON. - FRI. 10:00 - 5:00 SAT. 10:00 - 12:00 Phone 426-3090 LEE EVANS TRIO Pop-Jazz Group $ CONCERTS including MICHAEL RABIN Violinist PLUS Concerts presented by affiliated organizatibns in Olympia, . Bremerton, Centra/ia-Chehalis, Aberdeen-Hoquiam ADULTS $8 SUSTAINING $10 STUDENTS 1 Secure Your Membership a÷ Headquarters or from Your Neighbor whose Name Appears Below: Membership Chairman: Mrs. Lawrence Starr Co-Chairman: Dr. George Radich Captains: Dr. Romeo Conca Mrs. R. E. Johnson Mrs. Percy Kennerley Mrs. R. W. Norvold Mrs. Thelma Maxwell Dr. Berwyn B. Thomas Mrs. Henry Hansen - Hoodsport Mrs. Pat Jenkins - McCleary Mrs. Jean Moore - Union Workers: Mrs. James Barrom Dr. Andrew Beelik Mrs. Donald P. Brown Dr. Ronald Casebier Mrs. Louella Cowles Mr. Gordon Craig Mrs. R. J. Flakus Mrs. David Hartrnan . Dr. Herbert Hergert Dr. F. W. Herrick Mrs. Ralph Horton Mrs. Carl Johnson Mr. Clyde Knight Mrs. B. E. Kreger Mrs. Roy Lamont M_. Charles Lentz Mr. Harold Lovgren Mrs. William Lucke Dr. William Lucks Dr. Frank Maranville ': Mrs. Warren Me= Mrs. Anton Mroz Mrs. Peter 0verto Mrs. Dean Palmer Mrs. Ronald Ring rd Mrs. Ronald sanfo . Mrs. Ernest TlmP p'pi Mrs. Ralph WaI Mr. Bernhard Mrs. Frank Wolf Mrs. Archle Calah Mrs. Stephen Hale Mrs. R. L. Schwal? Mrs. Dorothy Je tlF 8pa©e Courtesy Simpson Timber Comany