March 2, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 2, 1967 |
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_ ____.__. __&-"ROUND THE d W00i+ers SIc00t"e Club Mee+ing 00oCWfyANO. Kamilche:B ketball Teams Play At Pioneer"
b "Wilat Makes a Wriler?' is The amateur writing group is as
Tg!llllml" the iopic chosen by Mrs. C.R. sponsored by the fine arts de- War.
l)ugger, hosless for next Thurs- parlment of the Hood Canal We- V,y NORMA A. TAYLOR Civil ': Sunday, M. and
day's meeting of the Wrile,'s man's Ch,h and welcomes non- Baby Care Class The upper grades will all be Simmons motored
Workshop to be held in her Sko-
TIfESI)AY, MAH,('ll 7
' komish Valley home at 1 p.m.
Kiwanis Club hmeheon, noon,
Timbers restaurant.
Cily commission meeting, 2 n[)rleac/co/(,rs
p.m., city hall.
gummage sale to supplement
Christmas seal sale, 9 a.m.- 4
p.m., PUD auditorium.
DPW, 1:30 p.m• home of Pearl
Navy Mothers Club, 7:30 p.m.,
PUD conference room.
Yacht Club business meeting,
8 p.m., clubhouse..
Rotary Club luncheon, n:)on,
Ming Tree Care.
WCTU, I p.m., home of Mrs.
W.H. Snelgrove.
Rummage sale to supplement
Christmas seal sale, 9 a.m.- 4
p.m., PUD auditorium.
Drivers license examiner, 1.0
a.m.- 5 p.m., court house base-
Delta Kappa Gamma, 11 a.m.,
Timbers restaurant.
Shelton churches invile you to
attend the church of your choice.
PUI) No. 3 commission meel-
ing, 1 p.m., PUI) (.onference
County commission meeling,
10 a.rn.; courl house.
Shellon Bridge Club, 7 :.",0 I).rn.,
PUD audilorium.
SRA card parly, 8 p.m., Me-
morial hall.
Southside PTO, 7:?,0 p.m., al
the school.
Frct B. Wivell Post 31, Amer-
ican Legion, 8 p.m., Memorial
Lions Club dinner meeting, 7
p.m., Taylor Towne Care.
Job's Daughters, 7:30 p.m.,
Masonic temple.
Salvation Army truck in town.
Phone 426-2405 for pickups.
Jaycee dinner meeting, 6:30
p.m., airporl Clubhouse.
Voice of Opportunity Club, 1
p.m. PUD auditorium.
Welcome Chal)ter OES Social
Cluh, 12:30 p.m., home of Flor-
ence Taylor.
Drivers license examiner, 10
a.m.- 5 p.m., court house base-
Soroptimist Club, 8 p.m,, PUD
conference room.
Tops Melt-A,Weighs, 7-9 p.m.,
old Health Depl. office in court
house annex.
TllIltSI)AY, MAR(.2t 9
Toastmasters Club, 10 a.m.-
5 p.m., Tinfl)ers I{eslaurant.
(leiden A!ge Club potluc.k, noon
Memorial hall.
Girl Scoul htad(.rs meeting,
.9:::0 a.m., home of Mrs. S.W.
Vender Wegen.
SI. Edward's Wornan's Club,
7;:;0 p.m. hoard m(,('ling; g l).m.
r(,glllar rne(tlinV.
l{olary Cluh luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Cafe.
Meet Next Week
• The next meeting of |he Beach-
combers Garden Clut) will be
held next Thursday in ttl(, Grape-
view fire hall. Mrs. Mildred Gae-
tana an(l Mrs. Velsa Reynolds
will he hoslcsses. Presidenl, M,rs.
Elma Anderson, will conduct (he
business meeling.
The l)rogram will he a l)anel
discussion on Garden Pesls and
Diseases conducled hy Mrs. Cl-
aire Lopriore. Plans will be con>
pleled for the Dish'ic( rot!cling
and luncheon it() be held April lg
in the Gral)eview fire hall.
Nexl week-end lhe firemen will
plant several shrubs around lho
hall which were donaled by lhe
Garden Club as earl of a pro-
vranl offered by the Sears Foun-
dalion Fund.
"4-H" Club News I
Wedding Bells
For Miss Buechel
• Mr'. and Mrs. Richard ,Jos('ph
)hlt'ehei, Union, i|nn()tln(:(' Ill(,
inal'riage Of lheir (latllller, Mar-
var(q Ann. (o Marlin Arl},tlr
Hawk, son oI Mr. md Mrs. Arlhur
1`'. Ilawk, Y;d¢irn;t. The newly.
&'('(]'; ilrC l,lilkin lh(,iv hem(' in
Irenlerl:)n wlwro ho is slalione(]
wilh lhe IT. S. Marines.
members who are i'nleresl(,d in
At the February meeting held
in lhe home of Mrs. I)onovan
Palmer lhe l)rogr)m fealured an
inleresling comt)inalion of lal-
ents. Mrs. Palmer had arrang-
ed music for a,Christmas Verse,
"The,'e is This", wrillen hy an-
other member, Mrs. F. W. Moore.
Mrs. Pahner sang lhe compost-
lion Io her own piano accom-
Slides Shown At
Luncheon Meet
• Mend)ers of ihe Shelton (liar-
den Club were guests of lhe Dirl
Dubber Garden Club for a Feb-
ruary 14 luncheon. Slides of lhe
Inlernalional I," 1 o w e r Show
whi(:h WCTO shown al 1he New
York Worlds Fair were enjoyed
by all aHending.
The nexl meeting o17 lhe Dirt
Dobhers will l)a hc'ld March 14
at 10, in the PUI) audih)r-
Offered Nurses
• An Inslruclor's COLU'Se in
"M(}lh(!r and l{al)y Ca,'e" will
bc given by lhe American Na-
lionel Red Cross in Olyml)ia he-
ginning, nexl Thursday a( fl:15
Professional regislered nurses
v*ho citn serve ItS v()lunleer ill-
structors fOF (.Olllnlunily classes
are (qigible lo lake lhe course.
I1 will Ix' held in lhe Red Cross
Chapl(q" Hous(, al 1407 Capilol
Way March 9-14. There will he
n() charge.
Those inleresled are asked h;)
phon(, the chal)ler house in Olym-
i)ia, 352-8575, lor addilional in-
tel'ilia I ion.
Sale Slated
• The I'UI, I llHV(' sale s]aled
March 1() by Mason Cotmly Sa-
lon No. 508 will b(, I1('1(I in the
ium. Phms of lhe Mar. 17 Food- 5g(,mm'ial hall rllher lhan lhe
Sale h) be held al Safeway will PUI) au(iil,)riunl as previously
he made. reporled.
Leaders Meeting
• The Tall 'rimbe," Girl Scoul
Neighborh()od rouneil me,'ting
will be }l('ld al 9:30 nexl
Thtlrs(ia 3 ill lhe honle of Mrs.
S,W. Vanfh,r VreRen.
All h,ad(,rs and Iroop cookie
salt' (.hail'l,lOn lifo urged h) he
presenl as cookie sale lrainin
'ill Ix, given.
To Attend Meet
• M),tvin D. l-eard(,n, slu(h,nl,
;H,(I Iruce l':. Kreg('r, l('wher
al Sh(qlon lligh school, ],lI\\;'t' [)('on
s(qe(.le(I lo alh'n(l a Junior Sci-
ence lind l hlnlarfilies Sylnp()s-
iuln al lhp Universily of \\;V;IM>
inhm, March 22-25.
• KAMILCItE .... The Kamilche
lblskelhall teams will play their
lasl game of lhe season Friday
al Pioneer. Kamilche lraveled
lo Mary Knight last Tuesday
and suffered defeat in I)oth
games. They played Belfair here
lasl Friday and Belfair was vic-
lorious in bolh games, with a
24-18 score 1or the firsl learn
and a score of 23-11 for the sec-
ond leanl.
In conneclion wilh (he Sixlh
(;rad(, social sludies of early
Spanish limes, lhe ut)per room
enjoyed ll,e fihn, "A.n Early
SI)anish Village" this week.
Their unit on Chile is being eom-
pleled (his week.
The Eighlh Grade is sludying
lhe history leading up to lhe
ESA February
Social Meeting
• The Fehruary 22 social of
El)silon Sigma All)ha, tela Zela
clmpl(,r was held in lhe home of
Mrs. Bob Wolden with 26 nlem-
hers and guesls allending. The
occasion was a Whie 1`'lephant
sale. 1`'ive Kuosl."; f{'Ol,1 Tacona's
Omi('ron Chal)h,r were l)reserd.
Pllt IlS vo,'e I1] t I (l(" to ill lel,d
Iho I.]&sh, rn t{(,Kional nleeting to
I)o held March 11-12 in Yakima.
The ll(,Xl meelinK, a business
a)l(I (,(lu(:ali(mal, will be held
n(,xl W(,(1)n,s(lay in the home of
Mrs. Bill Kimbel.
traveling to Olympia March 9
for the last in the series of Jun-
ior Programs, this school year.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Maki of Se-
attle were weekend guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mar-
l:in Otto. Sunday, lhey joined
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson for a day
of beachcombing at Westport•
A sm'prise birthday celebra-
tion was held for Jerry Burke
at his home Thursday with
friends and relatives in attend-
Lake to visit their
and family. In the
men wmlf to the .,
clams f0r a feed
The regular meeli
milchc Ladies Club
day was postponed
could attend the sl
ing with Miss peg
the PUD.
There will be a!f
day night at Progl
• b
Hall with mumc ,
Toppers of Shelton' I
Me+hodis÷ Women To H
Correc÷ions Cen÷er Off
concern to hear h 0
resl)eeted ins(ituti0l
munily is linking
wilh pcrspiraton 0
months or years
more lhan me,'e P(
Powell's answcrs
/ions posed hy Yl,rs
also those from the
serve to explain
lhe term "Correcti
Anymm in the
welcome to share
which will be held
side Room" in the
ist Church at Kin
Mr. RealY
• March 8, at 1 p.m. the Wo-
men's Society of Christian Ser-
vice of the Methodisl Church
will present a program entitled
"Perspiration and Inspiration",
headed by Mrs. John Ragan and
featuring Floyd Powell, Associ-
ate Superinlendent of Cuslody at
the Washington Stale Corrections
Center. Preceding lhe program,
Mrs. David Thacher will lead a
devolional service based on the
l.14th Psalm.
Powell's long years of service
in correclional work have given
him both breadth and deplh of
experience, and It rare synlt)a-
lhy and undersl.andin.< of lhe
factors that have made inslilu-
lionel care a necessily for a eon-
siderah]e seln(?nt of our hulnlln
1emily. It will he mosl wduable
lo all lhose who have a genuine
, February has been a busy
monlh for the Lilfle Egypt Wran-
glers 4-H Cluh. Sewing memhers
have heen meeting a( the home
of Mrs. I)onna Comhs, Clolhing
Lmder, to work on tx)l!h their
sewing and the demonslrations
that they are going to give at
County Demonstration Jreet on
March 17.
The whole' club reel February
2 and again on February 16 in
the conference room al. Mason
County Fairgrounds. Al the first.
meeling, Jr. Imader, Ik've)'ly
Brown showed the group how (o
give a demonstration. Plans were
made to giw, a bake sale in
During the February 16 meet-
}OX?" av(, US all idea whal t'
would need Io be ;, seam.slress.
Sondra McCalhm showed ways
Io make hems, in her demon-
sl.ralion : "i"l's Sew It U I)!'' Ani-
la. Schinschal and Velda Ander-
son each gave denonstrations
on "lh)w To Pull a Thread."
Alvin S(,iv()rl gave lhe "Parls of
]?,(,of," a n d 1i[(?.,,' McCallum
lgav(' ;i demonstralion on feed-
ing heef (:alv(,s.
Pou]|ry Projecl illenlh(!rs reel
al Mrs. Cliff Evans honle |o sel
eggs },l an incubator. Members
conlributing eggs lo lhis projecl
were Ken Evans, Phillip Ander-
son, li,verly P, rown and Frank
Brown. Ken gaw" a demonstra-
lion "flow Io Can(lh' Eggs." The
entire club met again February
ing further plans wer(, made for to conlinue preparation for Coun-
the bake sale which will be held Ig, l)emonslra(ions and to make
in two local ion,,on |.he same day ..... final phfll.q for thr, Bakt' .d n/ ::i :I"¢",4 .` £' ....... " ' " '
Tile. b()ys will 'oml,te wilh the March 4. ' "'
girls and lhe losers will lrea| 13(,v(,)l,,{.,)wn ' r ':
...... SecI;et)iry,
the winners.
Alice Schimschat gave an in-
formative demonstralion called
"Let's Cut It UI)" in which she
showed the group several kinds
of scissors and explained (heir
uses, Jed I)augherly's demon-
stralion was enlilled "Grooming
Equil)n-tenl for l:h,ef Callle." His
sister, P;llly, called her demon-
stration' "Knolly, Knnlty!" She
showed the Prol)er way to lie a
knot in lhread.
T e r r y Seiverl's demons(re-
lion, "Whal's in Your Sewing
• The 1`:vergreen Wranglers
4-I[ Cluh held a meeting Feb-
ruary Ig. The trail ride coming
Ul) this summer was diseussed.
Some of |he nlelllbers gave
lhc'ir ])raclice demonstralions
afler which a movie, "Parasites
in Horses" was shown.
The next mee|ing will he held
al 1 p.m. Salurday a| the fair
Carol Scolaham, rel'mrler
Dir÷ Dobbers Are Gues÷s Of
The Shel÷on Garden Club
I The Shelton Garden Cluh held Tea was s('rv(,d by Mrs. lh)no-
its February 20 meeling in lhe van Palnwr. Mrs. Orville O1)-
Dobbers Club as gues|s lo hear assisled )y Mrs. Cr,jx Fliul.
W.E. Whitney, noted hybridizer Mrs. V.T. Connolly and Mrs.
of rhododendrons ,I,, i,,us,,,,,,,d .,,y poured ::i!iiiiiiii::
his talk with slides. The door prize, a l)Ol of I)ink
Mr. Whitney said in phmtin lulips, was won hy Mrs. Richard
to dig a hole eight inches deel)(,r 13axler, lhe gu(,sl of Ma's. Percy
and twice as wide as the real
system and .to wash off some
of the dirt on the reals. If pos-
sible, add barnyard manure,
peat moss and leaf mold. Make
sure the crown is on top of the
ground then mlch with (we or
three inches of hemlock or fir
sawdust. Mr. Whitney welcomes
visitors to his gardens during
the blooming sea,on.
Kennerly. Mrs. Baker furnish-
ed several boxes of camellias
which we}'e given to the guests
and nl(,rnhers.
For the Mrrch 20 meeling
}tarold Van De Riet will show
how to propagate euIlings and
prelmre planls for sale,
,-- -- ..... lIB II I
School Menu
Menus for Shelton Elementary,
$cheols and 8helton Senior
High ohooi
Week of March 6 - 10
Monday--Browned beef gravy
over mashed potatoes, mixed
vegetables, peanut butter
sandwich or bread and but-
.ter, fruit cup and milk.
iTuesday Hot dog on but-
'teredbtm, mustard, potato
chips, peas and carrot, Ap-
ple Betty and milk.
WcdnesdayTexas style rice,
easoned green beans, carrot
eticks, pplesauce cake, and
Thursday Fried chicken,
buttered tmttoes, tosed
green lad, hot biscutts with
honey butter, orange and
Friday Tuna noodle cas-.
serole, cabbage salad with
gree pepper, sandwich, fruit
wedge, cookie and milk.
Supplement your ohild's
diet with Plenamino from
Prepp's Rexall
t31 R.R. Phone 426-442
Should your
oil heat
feel smug? i{iii!ii!ii
It's a temptation. Last year
oil heated twice ee many
homes in Washington as
electricity and gas,., put
together !
Sl off
PLUS 1 combines the full-fecding of I t,RI. It'l OIR with
moss and fungus control. Keeps grass in the good health
it must havc to bc thick, sturdy and vibrantly green.
FAMILY br,nd, for years
the all-purpose favorite,
nlakes a good looking, good
wearing lawn in sun or shade.
f, 1.95
'.: t, 4.95
S,000 sq It gS 5.95"
Also save $2 orl 10,00(3 sq ft bacl ]-2 95 l0 95"
Sl off
PLUS 4 does practically everything. It breaks the an-
nual bluegrass cycle at the same time it gives a full
TURF BUILDER feeding. Controls other weeds and grubs
too. All fronl a single application.
2,500 sq it 8.95"
Also save $2 on 5,000 sq tt bag 1.7-95 15,95"
219 Sou÷h Is÷
i Build00
In ftizt
Rmerica's favorite
lawn fertilizer
TURF BUILDER. thc Trioni=ed lawn fcr-
tilizer, actually inakes grass multiply itself.
Gr()wsdceper roots in any soil kccps grass
greener longer. Apply it any day now for a
better than erer lawn this year.
S,O00 sq ft 4,9S
10,000 sq It 8.95
(LASSIC with Bcnt is
blended to produce an ele
gant rich green lawn in the
Northwest. Contains Astoria
00,ooo f, 1.95
2,s00 rt 4.95
s5 oil
!iii!ii!ii!{ Comes potted guaranteed ready to bear
Sturdy SCOTTS SPREADI-R has !!ii!iiiiiii
dial-a-matic rate selting. Full Send $1 and oval from any Scotts
18 inch spreading width. Ncw product, with your name and address to
rust-resistant tinish. Scotts Orange Tree, P O Box 1768, Ft
Myers, Florida 33902.
wth any
14.95 s00olts
Cooke's Feed Store
Page 8, Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 2, 1967 ; ,