March 2, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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WINNERS were presented their awards in a poster con-
test sponsored by the Mt. View PTA and the Shelton
Moose Lodge as part of their "Project Protection"• The
program is designed to establish block homes in each block
in the' area to which youngsters can go for help. The
program is a plan to protect youngsters from childmoles-
ters. Grand prize winner was Steve Rice, fifth grade stu-
dent at the school. First prize winners were Mitrilyn
Kahny, third grade, and David Mills, first grade; second
place winners were Danny Sunderman, sixth grade; Jan-
ice Simpson, second grade, and Iri Klokkevold, fourth
rade; honorable mention, Alfie Savage and Linda Vander
Wegen. With the youngsters, left to right, are Jerry Wat-
ters, governor of the Shelton Moose Lodge; Mrs. William
.Fox, co-chairman of the project, and Bill Selby, chairman.
Grange Holds Meeting Post poned By Power Outage
By C'ARMEN YATES The pot Luck supper was dis- Ella McAuliffe was an over- helping tie u'p the canes for this
HARSTINE ........ Harstine Grange
held its February meeting last
week, one week late due to the
wind storm which left most of
the county without lights and
phones. Not enough members
braved the elements that: night
pensed with in order to have
more time for the meeting and
much needed'practice and also
a Lecturer's Program. Coffee,
cookies and doughnuts were ser-
ved afterwards. '
Mr. Glenn Diess of Tacoma,
who recently purchased some
night guest of her good friend,
Mi-s. Kay C. Wright of Bremerton
Florence Jerrells is wearing
a happy smile these days. The
reason: a brand new granddaugh-
ter, Lea Pilar Jerrells. Her pa-
rents are Nell and Julie Jerrells
year's berry crop. After the ber-
ries were finished more helping
bands assisted in etting the
grapes vines fled, too.
Noticed Kay Bragget and her
husband busily clearing and bur-
ning as I drove down to Island
Sewage Disposal To Be Subject Of Meeting Mttrch
UNION .-- The. Hood Canal
Improvement Club will meet
March 7, 7:30 p.nL at the Hood
Canal Junior High School. There
will be a discussion by a panel
of experts about sewage dispo-
sal for this area. The panel will
consist of men from the State
Health Department and the State
Engineers Office. This problem
is of vital importance and very
mpach hope all interested people
from all areas of the Canal will
The Union Ladies Civic Club
will meet March 9 at the Com-
munity Hall. Hostess will be
Nrrs. Bill Timm and Mrs. Rollie
Waiters as. co-hostess.
Feb. 19, Frank Dean turned
77 years young. He celebrated
by attending a dinner in his hon-
or at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Perry Dilworth. Other mem-
bers of his famMy to help him
celebrate were Mr. and Mrs.
Leo Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. Ken-
neth Pearce and daughters, and
Mr. and Mrs. Max Dean and
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones re-
turned home las. week from vi-
siting Mr. Jones' mother, Mrs.
Ernestine Jones, at a rest home
in Laguna Beach, Calif. On the
way home they stopped and vi-
sited Mrs. Jones' sister in Palm
Mrs. Nina .Miller and Mrs. Ani-
ta Dugger, Legislative Chairman
of the Hood Canal Woman's Club,
attended "Federation Day at the
Legislature" Feb. 15.
Mrs. Salvini, President of the
State Federation of Womens Cl-
ubs, and many members from
many Federated Clubs met. in
Committee Room No. 2 where
they were WelComed by Olym-
pia Club women and heard spee-
Ches by Gov. Dan Evans and
others. After lunch served from
the cafeteria, they visited the
House and Senate and from there
to the Supreme Court where they
heard an address by Judge Mat-
thew Hill and arguements by two
lawyers who were trying a case
fore they moved to Hadlock two
years ago. Les graduated from
Chimacum-.High School in 1966.
His wife, Linda Jo, is the dau-
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Stickney of Quilcene and the
couple will make its home in
The Zonta Club load a potluck
dinner Feb. 16 at the Memorial
Hall in Shelton. Those attending
from Union were Mrs. Randall
Updyke, Mrs. Dick Bueche'l, Mrs.
H. H. Blake, lVlrs. Harry Hess, Pat' Nilsen, Mrs. Paul Jon-
es and Mrs. Harry Spieth,
Saturday evening 1Vr. and Mrs.
Pat Nilsen, Mrs. and Mrs. Ed
iVretzler, 1. and Mrs. Warren
Edinger, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bue-
chel, Mrs. Ann Gratten and Mrs.
Dorothy Aldrich attended the
Student Body dinner at North
Mason High School.
Jerry Cheatham, is home on
furlough for about • three weeks
North Mason School:
Honor Sociefy Sla÷es Benefi+
]INORTH MASON -- If you want
to see some real live excitement
you won't want to miss the bas-
ketball game being sponsored
by the North Mason Honor So-
ciety March A. At 6:30 p.m. the
women of the community will
be playing the girls team and at
8 p.m. the men of the community
will challenge the faculty. With
the addition of the Kiwanis team
performing at half time, it pro-
mises to be an evening full of
food, fun, and mass excitement•
The prices are $1 for adults,
$.50 for students, and $.25 for
The students of North Mason
High School would like to extend
their thanks and appreciation to
the community for their support
of our Student .Fund Dinner of
last weekend.
The money made from this
event will go entirely to help
pay off our large football light
debt: At least 650 people were
served at the dinner last Satur-
day night and the line even ex-
tended out the door of the cafe-
teria for quite a ways. Thanks
are also due to our hard-working-
over-all chairman, Mrs. Alice
Harris, dinner chairman, Liz
. Hunt, decorations and publicity,
Linda Duffield, dance chairman,
" Becky Lehman, the cooks, and
the many hard working students
before the court. The ladies were ' who served and washed dishes.
nities for attending Olympic Col-
Plans for the new school, which
should be open next fall, are
really underway now. The ground
has all been leveled and. the JU-
ior high play field is now being
prepared. The football field was
resurfaced last week and Tues-
day after school a formal work
party was formed to pick up
rocks and sticks before the field
could be replanted. Although the
very loud tractors and bulldoz-
ers are not very conducive, to
study, they did provide a little
nature study when they scared
a big doe out of the woods right
on 'to the grass in front of the
classrooms .At least we can say
that things never get dull around
The' "Ironmen" are sponsor-
ing a smoker which will be held
on March 10. There will be box-
ing, jude, and wrestling. The
feature wrestling match will be
between Daring Dillenburg and
Powerful Pruitt. The prices are
$1 for adults, $.50 for students
and $.25 for children.
Be sure to prepare yourself
ahead of time for the big faculty
play coming up March 16 and 17.
It is being directed by IRon An-
gus, and the title is "Ten Little
Also remember it isn't too late
to sign up with Mr. Merrill if
you are interested in being in the
'i) ! i
then got.,;
t will
• seas assignmen
. !..: The Pinochle
Thursday at the
R011ie Walter.
were Mrs. Karl
Ann Grattn, l,:.h
man, MXS/: Evelila l'
John e'dman al' 1
Besset: High sc0¢e.
Mrs. Sherma n and [a-
won by Mrs• Whita,nil
Cage ®i
April. The play y
chosen yet. but it ,.
be two one-act p la. m
be directed by vi
A bus load of . Ms,
very profitable a e
al trip to our state
20. They were take!
tour of the capit0 ix
Olympia and intra 0
young Senate page r
ed the duties of a i
you go about be th
by a Senator. Thd t,
ticipated in an t
tion and answer se g
Daniel Evans tP
introduced to St [o
Conner and state n
Sandison from port -
The Red Cross r,
assembly Feb. 24!
speaker was steve t
Senior from WeSt
in Bremerton. He
ledge' of attendl nq
Beautification Co a
shington D. C, last l r
was also ' chosen f w
of 500 delegates tt
coast for a retLlr, rc
Johnson ranch in I
Christmas vacati0', n
some very intere# t
his trips and alSO ,
on the in/portance,72
fion to today's stl€
GIANT, v.shaped 1
now being tested_h,
and paper cok
t°Ih°ldtiaemeefin' en tars n ha, ' asked to land next to the Shurman Buf- of Calif.'and she weighed 8 pounds Shores last Saturday. After the entertained at the State Library The Lettermen's Club put Mike All School Play which will be put felled timber ovJt
inaccessible terral
• "" . " . - '. " fington house on the Ballow road 11 ounc s whe h was born on lovely weather we had last week here they enjoyed a social hour Stimac in charge of their Ham on sometime during the last of
hold the Frmndship meeting that ........... e .. n s e the brush had dried enough to in the Washington State Room. fund raising which was held dur- ,
nas ........... neen nela al Agate tie past was out rest weeKena taking ao- veruary ,: ....... burn well with the addition oI Mr. and Mrs. M:ax Dean and ing the dance after the dinner. [ |A 1 a'tmmm m41,,mm
" . vantage of the lovely weather .... . • : a few old tires to get the brush " 'y, , " " he lucky winners of two hams [
lu aria .tnel mgnam at eaz famil Herb Allen and Violet T mtmmv wmu vxun -,n,m ]
two years. It was decided to .( - . . , .
tie were me weeKeno guests at •
, . . . t) clO some clearing anQ ourn-
accept the Frmndship meeting .... ......... . piles generated. La Fond drove to Quilcene Feb. were Mr. Guidi and Mr Baselt. [ SPecial Attention to Beginners ¢
. . mg on ms new property. wo florence derrells last weeKeno. ....... 18 to attend the weddin*, of their ", 97 n-, :,€ .... n .... / ' - , 2 t,
to. be held. here . the. third., . Friday. friend. r'av^ ,-,,,u'":-"" ,,u--' D,U'^" NO doubt details of that new rne. tlasers,- tiugo ana t:ena , . ....... , .. ....... ,,u , v,,,- / t , , . • :
In April. ltarstme wld ne nest ......... -- '-- " ..... were the dinner guests a week nepnew and grandson Les Allen• mittee of professors from. Olym- l Pe [ ] kt
Grange to Agate Fair tlarbor ,mHen came along t9 neip cmar granoaugnter was me mggest ......... Les is the son of Mr and Mrs ic College -- • .... t. +^ I uvuuma vo o uu *,
topic of conversation . ago last unaay or Lm. ano mrs. . ...... o . _.. , ,. • ,- ........ v,a,, v l ' a
and Twanoh (;ranges on that a spot to put a small trailer ;, ,: .... ___ _,:'_ ........ B. Collier at their lovely Ar- toert uen el ..H.acIIOCK. rte at- North Mason Seniors about re- i fl. .nt,¢h MI,¢N L rs
an; o^;- .^ tenoea nelton igh School be- cational and academic on,rtu- - -- .........
night, house for weekend .use. the Jim Lohrers and George ,. ,, ,u,,, ,v,,t. . ,-,
Waites The Lenord Bridges family of ..... .____ __ A_ -:-- .... .,m.l. [
" .... , Aberdeen we ..... -tm------,--.--,------'---- ...... =- .... It:
Skok00mlsh: Harstme women s tmb meets re me turee say [
00o000.mi h G cje=00i 00HQs |f today at the home of Mrs. Mary guests ofTheChuckBridgesfam- O//r - " " "" ti00e
Baunsgard ily here last weekend. O 00HctnlBer$ kHew it tilt '
S rcnn ! S During the past two or three Gordon Sirr0ns spent Tues- • i .... . , O O g . :
t M ti cj Of e Ye, w.s 10is of Helen '30hnsons"day"night a Week ago --tmm..----.--.., ....... • ..... : .......... ; ......... t q ' '' '
Fir : Loganberryneighb°rs have gathered at her Mother, Jessie Rutherfordpatch to lend a hand Montesano. in .| / "" ' : ': ', ,: c' ....... . ' :LI_
s ee n r ; Now we've got = trophy
By;MAR VALI,EY. They will be getting ready for Hoodsport: -- 'I top
. . ," the County demonstration which rove it!
ISKOKOMISIt Thelirstmcet-wi' ...... " ....... .......... S P bl T B l
trig of M, tson County l omona ,.. - . -. ewer ro ems o e I
. . we are nappy to report mat
Grange this year was held at Ch t ..... OUR VANILLA
e ttosenoerg nas returnea S d Here. . I irtDl00'00U
, • • n'ome from the St Pemrs Nos-
Charles S.vage i,res,dlng. unch '' ..... " ...... $CU se
was served at noon and during px .ai. in uiympla om Wall be .t.a-
, lng li easy at home ior a Wnlle
the afternoon session Ed Tay- ' " By Lois PIERCE Mr. andes. Billl.:eske Mos: i t | t= U It ,M myra
lor spoke on P U D Those from the Valley who re-
Mr. and MJ-s." Rodger Mah- cently attended the Kitsap Dairy .............. sy rcock "'t d fri nas in taoou- y '
p tuuJJ'utl -- A panel ot • •
• sport Sunday. Mr. Lieske was
lendorf are the proud parents Association meeting and dinner experts from. the Thurston-Ma- em.l...n ..... I ,s €he
of a redhai(et baby daughter were Mr. and Mrs. Max I.,atzel; s • • v,- , ,, .......... •
on County health distract and n " e e i
, a d hved h r about eght years
named Michck. Sharing in the My. and Mrs. Don Ragan, Mr. the State Engineers Office will ao B@T I&l T
tmns arc the rand and Mrs Stanle Johnson Mr
• • --o--. v
congratula/ ." • * g " " * * ' " " Y ' ' " Mrs. Dvight Pierce returned D¢I
Drent detmls of a posmble s
parents, Mt •. and M_j's. Cet Re- and Mrs. Bill Hunter and Mrs. wage dispbsal system and treat-
senherg. Anita Dugger. ment plant with estimated costs from Alaska last Tuesday on the
Mns. Chester Valley accom-
panied by Mrs. Alvin Hulbert
of Shelton, visited the Legisla-
ture at Olympia on Monday: Mrs.
Hulbert's grand-daughter Lurine
Hulbert is one of the Pages at
the session and was the One se-
lected to present the flag that
day, Later they were joined by
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hulbert
of Randle, for lunch.
Mr, and Mrs. Ed Kortnik and
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hix of Bil-
levue spent the weekend at the
Bill Hunter beach home. Join-
ing them for dinner Saturday
evening were Mr. and Mrs. Ge-
orge Barkley and Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Hunter and family.
The Batchelor 4-H Club will
meet with their leader, Mrs.
Carol ttunter Mrarch 6 at 7 p,m.
Robins Are Back In Area
teer Fire Association meets ev-
ery month on tile third Monday
night at 8 p.m. at the school.
This Mnday night the committee
will meet .at Lacey .to learn more
about fire fighting.
MATLOCK ..... The Spring rob-
bins are back, so we are hoping
for an early Spring this year.
The Traveling Pinochle Club
will meet at the home of Mr.
and M/rs. I. C. Ford Saturday
Matlock Ladies Club held its
regular meeting Wednesday with
Mrs. Andrew McGarvie hostess.
Mrs. Bob Dawson and Mrs. Lu-
la Oien's birthdays were cele-
brated. There was. one visitor
Mrs. Louis Asche of Arcadia.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Nilsson
of Seattle were guests of their
brother and sister-in-law Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert ttelin Feb. 22.
Recently Mrs. Charles LaBrec
and her daughter Mrs. Widener
and children spent a couple weeks
at Prince George, Canada, vi-
siting their daughter and sister,
The Richard family.
Mrs. Childquist and Mrs. Her-
sehey of Seaside, Oregon, vis-
ited their brother and sister-
imlaw 1Wr. and ,Mrs. Max Cash
and took George Cash home for
a visit.
The Mary M. Knight Voluu-
i i . i i
Tetanus (lockjaw) is a deadly
diase which may follow even
"trivial" injuries! ..
Your doctor can give you years
of protection against this disease
with tetanus toxoid. If you arc not
immunized with toxoid, consult
• your physician about even "minor"
ptmcttire wotmds or abrasions. Tet-
anus immnne globulin (human)
give temporary immunity and can
be used (m even highly allergic
at a public meeting March 7,
at 7:30 p.m. at the Hood Canal
Junior High school. The meeting
will be presented under the aus-
pices of the Hood Canal Im-
provement Club. All interested
residents are invited to attend
the meeting.
The Junior Orthopedic Guild
held a meeting to organize Thurs -
day afternoon after school. The
Junior Guild is being sponsored
by the Tiny Tim. Orthopedic
Guild. Advisors are Mrs. Bill
McKasson, Mrs. Ron Goes and
Mrs. Tom Connally.
The next meeting to elect of-
ricers will be this evening at
Mrs. Ron Goos's home in Hood-
sport at 7 p.m.
P.N.A. and was met at Sea-Tac
by son, Gerald. Upon arriving
home she found her husband,
Dwight, had been released from
the hospital and staying until
her return at their son, Roy's
home in Hoodsport. Dwight is
now recuperating at home."
Mr. and Mrs. Al Crist, Oat<-
ridge, Ore., visited, last week at
the home of Al's sister and hus-
band, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sto-
len. The Cris['s are moving soon
to Southeastern Alaska near Ket-
chikan where A1 will be employ-
Hood Canal Garden Club will
meet today at the home of Mrs.
Edward Jenner. Potluck lunch-
eon will be served.
C€11 on Your BELTONE
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FREE - elec,niOown home,testff you°f yOUrwish.hearing lotto fight In ymlr
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:Mr. Reely Sta .ays, Nell's Plmrmmc¥, FRIDAY. MARCH 3rd, Bstwen 10 A.M. and Noon
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Page 14 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 2, 1967
for hi'
at the recent
Kltmp.Maoon Dulffmon's