March 2, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 2, 1967 |
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,on High S hooh
l itsf Preparing For Pin
;00sentaf,ons Next Week
p VALLEy did not boast such a 7a percent
0'IRJICLE WORKEll record, including the Jamboree
.,tL..;h 9, 10, and 1"1" ,lA Dec. 2, to which Shelton took a
'l Worker" thi .... " bus, there have been 11 away
d pall-school play -wiJ'' games. Four rooters' buses were
l. t, taken
a" "
= U,' uon fr the nroa,,,;. Tae reason for the small num-
J "t extensive ........ ber of buses is the sm]l amount
[te'iFnlght, for about two and of interest put out by the stu-
,:- h.o.ur.s, Anne Sullivan, dents.
n Whirl-wind, played b, Only 40 seats wei'e necessary
. nnolly,
,1 Carolyn Batstone to send a bus, yet seven times,
, AP Storks, has her own this number was not realized.
Yf Swat with Helen Keller, Congratulations to the team
who played hard all season and
• ".. wildcat played by
t wi out their equal share
ie, bruises, scratches,
teeth. Not truly, must
tte cover up the bruises,
:e.' must also wear knee
!, pads, and sh
,' ecrease the possibil-
,e alrther injury.
:,I,, Will give the appear-
e,tne different rooms of a
e conlrast with the usual'
!T' effe.cts, and stere
nu pes Will be used, along
!,a.nces will be nrese-t
e.d Auditorium next
}£' 'a' 8.. and Saturday
g,,d gown rnasurenents
dag noon, the Sag-
tempted to recla
! their in ....... "m
i: h,.. *.tmems in
b'l'e'n g a picture sale.
i sh -A" ,-o were can-
uts it fall and wa
tts an. . 'n-
:oh we - crab organiza-
i of - not Used in the
r toe aghalie.
-Wht,- an. as follows for the
two J7 Pictures: 15 cents
tor 25 cents.
rst. turnout for 'iro ,^-
held T ..... ° " =¢='"
, the gYm ,Smay after
-tsn are to continue every
active participants '
arrangements for must
d insurance, physi- '
r MOnday, Tuesda.
' ay at*^-- Y, and
nts make - : a group
gm."- melr way un-
the a--r
'P oxtmately
rs of RY" ,-- .-
lose rae'e,.lUb. The
.ly m,^ rship is pre-
' gdae. Is under IV.
eith Jackso ,
tary'treasurer is Lindna
ll6ald: .nOt hold very
e ueungs, but there
|_ projects being discuss.
$ates are -
r Presen,,.. being pre-
the uon to mem-
.awards as- - P at
;'ey are Wo-_e. rably"
Pict. ,-mg on get-
they wat to the Sagha-
es uy some
( EVEsaS
to the pep staff who put all
they had into their efforts at
every game.
As for the student body,
there's always next year.
Friday afternoon, two teams
and a company of spectators
joined forces at Loop Field for
the soccer rematch.
The climate was better this
time, however, the senior's suc-
cess wasn't.
The sophomore-junior team a-
gain trounced soundly over the
'All-stars', leading almost all the
way, and finishing with a 3-2
One of the highlight of the
game was the brilliant or des-
perate play made by an anono-
rebus member of the all-stars
when he kicked the ball into. the
bushes along the fence. Since
no time-outs are called, the
whole team had to scramble
over and recover the ball.
According the earlier agree-
ment, the captain of the senior
team will be pushing a peanut
around the gym floor during the
next assembly.
Saturday morning the juniors
taking the National Merit Schol-
arship Qualifying Test assem-
bled at the Angle library and
were tested by Chet Dombroski
from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Tuesday after school, the test
for the Oddfellow's United Na-
tions Scholarship Test was given
by Andy Tuson in R-17.
Dombroski has application
blanks for those senior girls who
plan to go into teaching and are
National Council of Teachers
of English Achievement Awards
were explained to the Junior
'Hoh0rs English classes.
These awards are for recog-
nition to outstanding English stu-
dents. The program is in its
tenth year, but this is the first
year Shelton has participated.
The award consists of a scroll
and recommendations at col-
leges that he should get a schol-
arship. Winners and runners-up
are informed along with other
people of the community.
State governors, local news-
papers, Congress, heads of all
College English departments,
the nation's college directors of
admissions, State Superintend-
ents of Public Schools are also
There are 436 winners and 436
Shelton's two nominees will be
chosen with regard to writing
ability, a standardized test score,
reading ability speaking and
listening skills, future plans--
should be eager to obtain a col-
lege education.
A strict schedule is part of
this Program. This includes
writing an autobiography; a
-r.get°o. e Activities cal- sample of his best work by
UOL, nnds the follo i
April 17 to My 1. Also, the
- neduled: • wing standardized test and a piece of
olly. be held after impromptu writing is required:
Winners will be announced
nate EXecutive Nov. 23, 1967.
aa 8 a m Board
b Asll o1. : :getlgd (More news In col-- 7 and 8,
Club .,L tuesday
,l.dnesday .= !.eet after
"|]mhorn o - . Presented
00orn- ---- ----
.]L 'ly ors in the :oy Taylor
ule . w u'le
, trmln
il" c o"£ ad the , ..--
b e ev: e bll r be
l',.. er Will be
Iand contest
ri "j mrday at t" " is
• aZad Sen; ..... ne Angle
l: Will be al:'._-rugh band
: g the vlsi- "He thinks it's a SLOW LEAK . . .
18 R]CA] P We find any trouble without de-
e basketball season
recently COnclude .
=vP.opriate ^_ d. the
'Y all the - -,,r a look
lea , , games and a
s:" me School an
aSon h,., . spirit.
-L bu, :.slgned
,n. that three
,,yey State aa,
1 . s ol. 8tlialr, , °:
: 4116-8889
i'm waifln' to sitS"
lIc" And you get F,4STER SER-
E also in buying gas, oil;
grease jobs, tires, batteries and
general repair work. Come in
and TIME US/
. s .
lo' inTown
CONSTRUCTION is getting started on the new multi-pur-
pose building being built at Southside School. The con-
tractor's building has been set up and material has ar-
rived and foundation work done.
gravel fill inside the foundation.
Here, a tractor levels
Shelton High School:
- WSC Symphonic" Band
Given Standing Ovation
EWSC BAND Wind, Bob. Bailey; Stev
At 9 a.m. Monday the Eastern Bruce Wilson; P e t e, Dot
Washngton State College Sym- Wright; Queenie, Betty Ruffil
phonic Band performed for the Parthy Ann I-Iawkes, Virgin
student body of the high school, Medley; Captain Andy, To]
plus ninth grade classes. Eastguard; ERie, TarS Lu Fi
This was the first stop on their chett; Rubberface, Don Donal,
annual tour. They had another son.
Concert scheduled for 11 a.m. at Jule, Diane Turner; VaUo]
Tumwater, so their visit was Tom Villines; Mmgnolia, Cinc
brief. Stentz; Joe, MAke Carper; Bacl
Tom Villines opened the as- woodsmen, Jerry Robertson an
sembly by leading the flag sa- Dave Gunter; Barkers, Rod Bri
lute, then Bruce Morehead, Shel- tel and Jim Coles; Landlad}
ton High School Band teacher, Barbara Hubbard; Jim, Mar
introduced the band and they Weston; Jake, Jim Stewar!
played Amparito Roca (Spanish Charlie, Carl Jagnow; Mothe
March) as an introduction. Superior, Carol Stewart; Ol
For the rest of the concert Lady on Levee, Jill Dickensov
Ron Santora was the master of Gaylord, Lucky Iutledge.
ceremonies and he added some The tentative date for the pr
wit as he introduced thc seven duction, a joint choral, dram
numbers included on their pro- tic, and orchestral effort, is fc
gram. the Forest Festival season, Ma
Students gave the Band a 24, 25 and 27.
standing ovation, and the as- Soon, such a musical hopefull
embly concluded at 10 a.m. will become an annual event.
William L. Maxson directed Williams, choral director, wh
the 55-member band. will also design sets and co.,
LEADS SHOWBOAT CAST tumes explained the nurnerou
Try-outs for the 24 main parts problems presented by this shog
of Showboat were held Monday, Since the time covers th
Tuesday and Thursday after- Gay 90's to the Roaring 20'.,
noons of last week. costumes especially, will be e
Monday afternoon the follow- tremely troublesorrte.
ing cast was disclosed by Bill The complete cast will includ
Williams: around 100, plus a stage ban,
Bal:e e
Is Plann, o
liD" DAYTON -- The Little Egypt
Wranglers 4-H Club will hold
a variety bake sale March 4.
The girls will be vying against
the boys to see who can sell the
most with the losers providing a
party for the winners. Boys will
be holding sway at Sears and
the girls at Safeway. Time is
9 a.m. to 3 p.m. so purchase
from your favorite.
]Ir. and Mrs. Ed Valley of
]Vatlock hosted the Traveling Pi-
nochle Club Feb. 18 with six
tables playing. High prizes went
to Lottie Ford and Lud Ross-
maSer. Low to Marian Booth and
John Irwin and traveling pin-
ochle was held by Lottie Ford
arid George Chapin. The next
meeting will be March 4 in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford•
The John Anderson family, with
the exception of Mike, spent the
"weekent in Everett with John's
sister and family, Mr. and Mrs.
with his grandparents, M2r. and
Richard Nelson• Mike stayed
Mrs. George Chapin of Lilliwaup.
Wednesday callers in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pearson were
M:r. and Mrs. David McGinnis
of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. A. T.
Swihart, Blaine, Mrs. Leah John-
son and daughter, Mrs. Jackie
Wiuff and her daughter, Brenda
of Tacoma.
Mrs. Allen Tibbits was sadden-
ed to hear of the death of her
sister-in-law, Mrs. Lindsy(Mabel)
Tibbits of Eagle Point, Ore. Mrs.
Tibbits and son, Keith, accom-
panied Mr. and Mrs. Willis Tib-
bits and Mrs Leonard Cochran
of Lost Lake to Oregon for the
funeral held ]V£onday. Our sym-
pathies are extended to the fam-
ily members.
frs. Jerry(Nancy) Bloomfield
was honored at a birthday dinner
on Saturday held in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bloom-
field. J e r r y Bloomfield and
children and Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Knutzen were also guests.
!ew =. =
Most powerful, festest-cuttinl XL.
Double fuel and oil capacities, auto.
matl¢" chain oiling, only 14½
pounds, Im bar end chain. You can
out through 15 hardwood In 10 see,-
ends, fell trees up to IS' in diameter.,
Try it - then take it |wNI
1to. on* h.¢ % I'
On Hilloret Ph. 426-4602
We, 8ervice What We @ell
SNO-OUEEN HARD WHEAT -- 10 lb. bag
10 oz.
STANWOOD FROZEN .................... ._-_-_-
I -lb.
AnDlr'c^00 Blue .Ribbon "7 303 $ |
Blended / Tins I
)11,-I Hillsdale, Free Stone A" 21/2 $ I
/ L.r'-t, I I L Salad Piece= -I1" Tins I
/"1/'/"13t kl Centennial A 2 lb. $ I
I'FII M Yellow or White =I' Size I
24 oz. ;$
FIG BARS Fireside 3 =,. !
Langendorf €
rl-Inr'r Crescent 2 oz. I 0€
r F F i1 r Black Tins I #
Honey Maid
.... Research . Cs. $3.95 1/$ I
MOTOR OIL Non-Deterent. QT. O |
Colgate €
TOOTHPASTE su.., o,,, 79
LJAID CDDAV Revlon Reg, 13 oz. KO¢
I--IJ"l I% ,J llXr'/ or Her o o ,,,,;it
d t H Id Tin
Men. thru Thurs.: .... 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Friday: ...................... 11 a.m.. 7 p.m.
Saturday: .................... 9 a.rn.. 5 p.m.'
"' " Thursday, March 2, 1967 - Sholton-Mason County Journal - Page 15