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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 2, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 2, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Taylor Gets Jaycee Honor • The Jaycees of Shelton an- notmced today that Robert Tay- lor has been selected for inclu- sion in the 1967 edition of "Out- standing Young Men of Ameri- ca". Taylor was nominated earlier this year by the 'Jaycee chapter and has been selected by a 14-man National Board of Editors for the publication. The Jaycees previously selected Tay- lor as the 1966 Distinguished Ser- vice Award winner and candi- date for the ten outstanding y otmg men of Washington. Doug Blakenship, past U,S. Jaycee president (1962-63) who is serving as chairman of the board, said that the men select- ed "have distinguished them- selves in one or more fields of endeavor to the point of being outstanding." The men chosen are between the ages of 21 and 35. "Outstanding Young Mn of America" is an annual biograph- ical compilation of approxi- mately 10,000 young n%en of out- standing rank throughout the country. Noninees for the book come from many sources. How- ever, the majority of the nomi- nations are made by Jaycee chapters and college alumni as- sociations. • A. NEW FEATURE that is becoming popular with visitors to Seattle is an underground tour conducted through musty catacomts below part of the , r - " es dis'rtct When - . IN THIS SCENE from the Miracle orker, to be presented by the Shel- for the other two performances. Each c these three roles has been ousm s [ . n much or ........ Seattle was destroyed by fire in ton tIigh School Drama Department at the Reed Building Audltormm at triple cast. Others who will he seen in the parts include Carolyn Bat- the 19th century, basements and 8 p.m. March 9, ]0 and 11, are Anne Connolly, who will portray Anne stone and Jan Starks as Anne Sullivan; Nancy Calkins and Betsy Wil- lower floors of many business , .... i _ " :* Sullivan, Debt Homan, who portrays Helen Keller; Pat McNeil, who per- lard as Helen Keller and Darlene Edmiston and Debbie Maranville as Duns rigs were coverea over to . ....... make way for new structures trays Kate Keller and ran Rme who portrays Aunt Ev. Miss Homan, Aunt Ev. Miss McNeil shares the role of Kate Keller wth Beth Quimby. Entry to these lower floors now Miss Connolly and Miss Rice will each appear in the presentation on The play is the story of the early years of Helen Keller, deaf and blind provide a unique and highly one of the three nights with other cast members taking over the parts from childhood. interesting tour.  Belfair: New ?ivil Defense NLason (ounty Contractors Busy On Work Warning System Star00ed | Business Directory " |j=e • • A change m .... Cwfl Defense al Warmng System or as deem-  -- For New School um,umu warning signals was announced ed necessxy by local govern- _. ,1.  . this week. merit authorities to obtain the uto Glass Income 'la ervlce By BETTY CRISS • BELFAIR --The busiest, noi- siest place in North Mason has to be at the Junior-Senior high school. Low bidders on the new high school building were offi- cially confirmed at the Febru- ary School Board meeting and letters of intent offered Sells Con- struction Co., Capitol Plumbing and Heating , and H. & W. Wir- ing. At the same meeting bids were opened on an elementary playground project which was awarded to Deno Brothers of Bremerton, whose bid of $3,725. 15 was low. With the awarding of these con- tracts, bull dozers, tractors and other earth-moving raaehines seemed to literally spring up out of nowhere. The new road to the high school site is completed and work was accepted by the Directors at the February meet- ing. In other business, the Direc- tors heard a report from Robert Larson on the Special Services Meeting which he and Mr. Rich- ard Burrell attended recently; passed resolution to pay bonuses to non-certified staff members in accordance with recent Legis- lative action; also passed resolu- tion designation intention of abon- doning the Chalet braiding as a classroom, facility as of Sept. 1, 1967; voted nmbership in North- west Regional Educational Lab- oratory. The Board read letter of re- signation from Mrs. Phyllis Coo- per, assistant cook, accepted re- signation and hired lrs. Iuise Corey as a replacement. They also were informed that Alfred Snell, due to illness, will be unable to continue as night watchman ,a position he has fil- led for a number of years. Mem- bers also approved sending let- ters of appreciation to Mrs. Fran- ces Rucker-Carlson for gift deed of land in order to relocate road to high school and to Phil Bay- Icy for his assistance. Board al- so voted to re-invest $100,000 in building funds in 91-day U. S. Treasury Bills, The Green Raiders, coached by Bruce Whitman and captain- ed by Mike Dillenberg won the Kiwanis basketball tournament held recently. Other members on Legal Publications the team were Earl Sande, Lyle Storm, David G u i d i, Kevin Turner, Bill Lehman, Tony Val- ley and Glen Landram. Each member of the winning team re- ceived a trophy and the coach was thrown in the shower. Rev. Wandell Harder, My. Havens and M]r. Gunn coached the other com- peting teams. All the boys re- ceived a letter K for their efforts. A new Friendship Circle of Wmlen's Missionary Society of the Community Baptist Church will hold its first meeting on March 3 at 7 p.m. in the Fire- side Room of the church. Mrs. Allan Sands is Heart chairman for this area and contributions may be forwarded to her at S. R. 2, Box 720, Belfair. The Student Fund dinner held last Saturday evening seemed to be it's usual success with a good turnout to enjoy a fine ham and turkey dinner. Seen arrng guests were Bob and Shirley Johnsen and children, former North Ma- son Supernntendent. The good weather over the weekend seemed to draw people out doors to do a little cleaning up in their yards. Clean-up fires were seen here and there. • An understanding of winter- time temperature changes can prevent many skidding acci- dents. Icy roads are slickest when the mercury climbs to just above freezing and the ice be- gins to melt. Legal Publications NO. 9377 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION IN THE SUPE1LIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE CUNTY OF MASON FIRST FTDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF ABER- DEEN, a corporation. Plaintiff, vs. ROBERT R. TANNLUND and DAISY TANNLUND, his wife, Defendants. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON to: ROBERT R. TANNLUND and DAISY TANNLUND, his wife Defendants.. YOU AND EACH 'OF YOU AR] HEIEBY SUMMONED to appear with- m sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit, within sixty (60) days after the 9th day of February, 1967, and defend the above entitled actton in the su- perior court aforesaid and answer the complaint of the plaintiff and serve a copy of your answer upon the under- signed attorney for the plaintiff, at his office below stated: and, In ease of your failure so to do, Judgment will be rendered against you according to the demands of the complaint in this action which has been filed with the clerk of said court. The object of this action Is to fore- close a certain mortgage executed by Robert R. Tannlund and Daisy Tann- lund, his wife. to the above nanmd plaintiff on real estate in Meson Coun- ty, Washington, described as: That part of the south half (Sa) of tte southeast quarter (SEA) of section thirty-one (31), townslIp nineteen (19) north, range six (6) west of the WillaJnette Meridian, de- scribed ns follows: Beginning at a point on the west- erly line of county road known as Sharer Park Loop Road 428 feet northeasterly, as measured along said westerly line, from its intersec- tion with the south line of said sec- tion 32 ; running thence northeaster- ly along said road 694 feet; thence north 45 ° 30' west, at right angles to said road, 314 feet; thence south 44 ° 30' west 694 feet; thence south- easterly 349 feet more or less to the point of beginning. RUSSELL M. LINDEL Attorney for Plaintiff Office and Post Office AddreM: Russell M. Lindel A:ttorney at Law Main and Broadway Montesano, Washington Date of First Publication: February 9, 1967. A three to five minute waver- ing tone on sirens or short blasts on horns or other devices re- peated as deemed necessary have been established as the standard attack warning signal throughout the United States by the Department of the Army, Office of Civil Defense, the an- nouncement said. UPOn determination by appro- priate national authorities at the Northern Air Defense Command that an actual attack against this country has been detected, the attack warning message will be disseninaed over the Nation- al Warning System to all states and local areas. Immediately upon receipt of this message the attack warning signal will be sounded on all public warning devices. The attack warning signal shall mean that an actual attack against this country has been detected and that protec- tive actions should be taken im- mediately. As a matter of national civil defense policy, the attack Warn- ing signal shall be used for no other purposes and have no other meaning. The attack warn- ing signal shall be repeated as often as indicated by the Nation- necessary response by the pop- ulation to the attack, including protective action related to the arrival of fallout. Public warning devices may also be used to get public at- tention in times of peace- time emergencies. The signal to be used will be different, how- ever, and shall consist of a three to five minute steady tone. This signal shall be known as the "attention or alert signal"; It shall be sounded strictly at the option and on the authoriy of local government officials and will be activated under such cir- cumstances, including "short fuse" type of disasters such as tornadoes, flash floods and seis- mic sea waves, as local officials may determine. In addition to any other meaning or require- ment for action as determined by local government officials, it shall mean to all persons in the United States, "Listen for essen- tial emergency information". Use of this signal should always be accompanied by public ex- planation and instructions to the public over local broadcast sta- tions or other means. The effective date of these warning procedures is March 1. Legal Publications No. 3798 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In Probate) In the Matter of the Estate of C. DELBERT ELSON, Ices.ed. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, Ruth A. Elson, has been appointed and Ilas qualified as Administratrix of the estate of C. Delbert Risen, deceased; and that all persons having claims against the said deceased or the said estate are tereby required to serve the same duly verified, with the necessary vouchers attached, upon the under- signed Admtnlstratrlx or her attorney of record at the law office of B. Frank- lln Heuston, Angle Building, Shelton, Washington, and file such claims to- gether with proof of service with the erk of the above entitled Court with- in six (6) months after the date of the first publication of this notice. to-wit; 16 February 1967. or all claims not so presented and filed will be for- ever barred. RUTH A. ELSON, Admlnistratrix Estate of C. Delbert Elson, Deceased. Address: 804 Turner, Shelton, Washington B, FRANKLIN HEUSTON, Attorney for said Estate Angle Bldg., ShelU)n, Wash. 2/16-23-3/2-9 4t NO. 37 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In Probate) In the Matter of the Estate of DEN- NIS DUANE DE%YELL, Deceased. Date of Last Publication: March 16, Attorney for said Estate 1967. Angle Bldg,, Shelton, Wash. 2/9-16-23-$/9-16 6t 2/9-16-28-$/2 4t NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned. Terry L. Dewell, has been appointed and has qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Dennis Duane Dewell, deceased; and that all persons having claims against the said deceased or the said estate are hereby required to serve the same, dLtly veri- fies, with the necessary vouchers at- tached, upon the undersigned Admln- istratrix or her attorney of record at the law office of B. Franklin Heuston, Angle Building, Shelton, Washington, and file such claims together, with proof of sere, Ice with the Clerk of the above entitled Court within six (6) months after the date of the first publication of this notice, to-wit; .9 February 1967, or all claims not so pre- sented and filed will be forever barred. TERRY L. DEWELL, Admlnlstratrlx, Estate of Dennis Duane Dewell, deceased, Address: at. 3 Box 375, Shelton, Wash.' B. ]PB.ANKLIN HEUSTON CALL FOR BIDS Sealed proposals will be re- ceived at the office of the City Clerk-Treasurer, City I-ll, Shel- ton, Washington, until 11:00 A.M. on Monday, March 13, 1967, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud for: The construction of the 12" Water Transmission Pipeline, "K" Street and North 13th Street. Plans, specifications and pro- posal forms may be obtained at the office of the City Clerk- Tretsurer, City Hall, Shelton, Washington. The City Commission reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive all informali- ties. CITY OF SHELTON ALMA I CATTO Clerk-Treasurer 3/2-9 2t Legal Publications No. 3729 ORDER SETTING TIME FOR HEARING FINAL REPOHT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of EU- GENE L. DORMAI, Deceased, IT APPEARING TO THE COURT that ALICE I. nORMAN as Execu- trix of the above entitled estate, has filed with this Court her Final Re- port and Petition for Distribution and among other requests has asked te Court to set a time for hearing the said Final Report and Petition for Distribution and direct the manner ,and time for giving notice of the hear- ing thereon. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HERE- BY ORDERED that the hearing on the said Final Report and Petition for Distribution be and the same is here- by set for Friday, the 24 day of March, 1967, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon, in the Court Room, in the Courthouse in Shelton, Washing- ton. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that notice of hearing said Final Report and Petition for Distribution be given by publishing notice in three consecu- tive weekly issues of the Sbelton- Mason County Journal and by mailing notices tothe heirs of the said deceas- ed as by Court Rule and statute made and provided. DONE IN OPEN COURT this 10th day of Februaxy, 1967, CHAS. T. WRIGHT Judge Presented by : GLENN E, CORREA Attorney for Estate 2/16-23-8/2-9 4t No. 3797 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In Probate) In the Matter of the Estate of IRENE M).E CHAMBERS Deeeased. NOTIC'E IS HE'REBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as the Administrator With Will Annexed of the Estate of Irene Mae Chambers, deceased; that all persons having claims against said deceased are hereby required to serve the same. duly verified, on the un- dersigned Administrator Vv'W'A or his attorney of record at the address be- low stated and file the same @ith the Clerk of the said court, together with proof of such service within six (6) months after the date of first publica- tion of this notice or the same will be barred. Date of first publication: Feb. 16, 1967. VERNON L. CHAMBERS GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Estate Bell Building 121 South Fourth Street Shelton, Washington 2/16--$/2 it • :Expert Installation JIM PAULEY, INC. 5th & Railroad Ph. 426-8231 i Auto Parts * Automotive Machine Shop * Parts for all cars and trucks * 24-Hr. Service on Parts Lea Fields Auto Parts, Inc. 2298. 1st St. 426-3351 Auto Repairing I • Major Overhauls • Brakes & Ignition • Welding & Tune-ups Special Winterizing ED'S SERVICE 142 W. Cota 426-3926 Bulldozing [ Land Clearing * Road Building | Excavating * Grading Terracing * Leveling [ DAVE'S BULLDOZING i Dave Dick [ 426-4360 * Shelton Draperies • Custom Made • Free Estimates • Work Guaranteed J. C. PENNEY CO. 305 RR Ave. Ph. 426-8283 i i Drugs • Helena Rubinstein • Cosmetics • Prescriptions • Hypo-Allergic Cosmetics NELL'8 PHARMACY 5th & Franklin Ph. 426.3327 $1ectrical • Fairbanks-Morse Pumps Electric Heating • Westinghouse Appliances SHELTON ELECTRIC CO. 419 Railroad Ph. 426-6283 Floor Coverings --'--" • Linoleum • Tile • Carpeting • Formica REX FLOOR COVERING Mr. View Ph. 426-2292 Paint I C and C Paints Co'-Ca-Wall e Co'-Ca-Namel A-Plex • Brella-Plex GRAYSTONE of SHELTON 7th & Park 426-3344 ........... jl ......... WATCH OUT FOR- THE OTHER GUY • Experienced Assistance • Prices Reasonable • 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Phone 426-4900 Landscaping • Lawns, rockertes, trees, shrubs • Free Estimates • Top soil, tilling, leveling SUNSET LANDSCAPING Herbert Baze 426.471g Masonry • Firla • All Brick and • Block Work MASON'$ MASONRY Phone 426-2278 Beauty ' • Complete Hair Care • Wigs - Wiglets - Switches • Merle Norman Cosmetics • Free Demonstrations ELAINE'S BEAUTY SALON 6th & Laurel 426-4582 Rental Service Almost Anything Anywhere Bulldozers - Loaders. Pumps Folding Banquet Tables & Chairs, Hospital Beds, Etc. LEW RENTS 2216 u. 4th, Olympia, 357-7731 Tire Service • New OK Tires • Recapping • Used OK TIRE STORE Mt. View Ph. 426.4832 ]:ravel • Air - Rail - Steamship • Bus - Hotels - Tours • No Extra Charge for Our Service Angle Travel Res. Center . 401 Railroad Ave, 426-8272 426-4134 TV Service • Radio - 'IV • Phonographs • CB 2-way Radio LEROY'8 TV SERVICE Mr. View Ph. 426-3172 i i ii Drive Defensively! : Pale 16 - 8helton-Mason County Journal. Thursday, March 2, 1967 ::!ii il pioneer: PTO Will Mee'l" On By NADINE RHODES  !.: Not advocati', club's aim is aJ of eating habiii ones. • ; ':'iit rS unneU :: clerk at:each  .... the members e be:the procedm,,:{. morning in the ,:,,: 9:30 a.m. ,:| There is roomJ| bers. Anyone • PIONEER-- Pioneer School PTO will have its regular month- ly meeting M.arch 7. The PTO Executive, Board will meet tonight at 8 p.m. at the school. A correction is in order from last week's column. Iren Pa- gel was the winner of a door prize at the Pioneer Father-Son night, not Art Pagel as reported. Also omitted was a special thanks to M:rs. Joyce Gillie for her real help that evening. The initial meeting of the Weight-Watchers Club was held at the home of Mrs. Ed Bunnell Monday. Nine charter members heard Miss Peggy Copp, County Extension Agent, speak on the various aspects of a successful group. join. 'I • wASmNOTON4 home of the gianl, nounced "Gooey-d that weighs a6 pounds and has a tends upwards tj: Diggers are all RELIGIOUS : .............  Rev. Robert *: 00iii!: Ph. 0026-3224, /!i: ,! [ Sunday Sch00! I 00o00ing i/ i:ii:  l Evang.-Servi l Mt. View I North’00 Alllance Church I Baptlst,00 Sunday School .......... 9:45 a.m. I W.,^i:o van l'il. Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m. I ""-87nda; $chOO'  A. Y. F..: .................. 6:00 p.m. [ --7:Yrmi;";0 Evening Service ...... 7:00 p.m; I ":;;iat, Prayer Hour {Wed.) 7:30 p.m. I S;ue '' , tll - 2nd Worship Service 11:00 a.m. /.o ,, ,, rl . A. FRIENDLY I-I.RCH ! Carl J. Carlmm, Pmr r]gui - - -,Bf0i FIRST BAPTIST CHu00:, Rev. John P. Turnbull, Interim Pastor r "' SUNDAY, MARCH 5, 196 r ! 9:30 a.m.--Bible School i 11:00 a.m.--"Flrst the Kingdom" h 6:00 p.m.--Youth Groups k 7:00 p.m,.-T'/Tw0 Gates and Two Ways" ' c SHELTON ASSEMBLY 1521 Monroe Street MASON YOUNGL' :k2 -- HEAR - EVANGEL/-sT-VERA' RU"THf:.' -%r-,e 9'45 am _ _ .... 11%0 a'm ....... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .......... r, HRIST, s AIII 6:00 p.m .......................................... j lrae .......... - I'hf: he WEDNESDAY ,.,. ]i ,Wa 6 " i 00MV' Christ' .xasador ...... • "')| ".'.'.:I" Thursday Bible Study and Prayer ..............................  ae Cooperative: Assembly of God St. David's 'Episcopal Four & Cedar, Shelton, Washingeo The Rev. Clarence A.. Lody, Priest The Church is always open for meditation 7:30 A;M.Holy Communion 9:30 A.M.Church School and Adtdt 11:00 A.M.Divine Worship THE Mk'rHODIST ' G & King 8treets ' REV. HORACE H. MOUNTS, MIN 8:80 and 11:00 a.m. Worship 9:45 a.m. Sunday School for all ages -- 6 p.m. FIRST OHUROH OF OHRlST, $0 Alder St., 8helton, Wash. .&! 1= Sunday School 11:00 a.m. -- Chul llJY, Wednesday evening testimony meeting s Reading room located in church. Reading room/: 4-ji 4 p.m. Mon. & Fri. Wed. evening 6:45 to "' :1 FIRST CHE00STLa_N ' Arcadia ar;ake Boulevard . :' Interim Minister fron P.get Sound College  "Bible School ........ 9:45 s.m,: Family ................ II :00 a.,n, ,: . Wednuday -- Bible . Child Care Service Available at FISHERHEN'S CLUB P  UM-SN&Cota FEBRUARY 8UNDAY, 26, 1967 Speaker: REV. ALEX MOTE8 Theme: "BLESSED IS THE KING" Program: DR. B. N. COLLIER Subject: "EXPERIENCES IN THE LIFE OF A DOCTOR"