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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 2, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 2, 1967
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Mary M. Knight School. Cast Is Selecfed For Senior Choir Opereffa Here By JAN GWINNETT AND RENE' PERKINS • The final cast has been select- ed for the operetta, "Mississippi Melody," which is to be tg, rform- ed by the Senior Choir. They are Tom Sawyer, Bob Watters; Huckleberry Finn, Bob Jeffries; Joe Harper, Terry Harkins; Ben Rogers, Bob Hollatz; Sidney, Lar- ry Harkins; Pudd'n-head Wilson, Bill Oien; Steamboat Sam, George Beerbower; Jim, David Crearrmr; Aunt Polly ; Cathy West; Mary, Rene' Perkins; Mrs Harper, Judi Springer; Susy Har- per, Jan Gwinnett; Becky That- cher, Chris Massey; Widow Douglas, Sandi Perkins; Mrs. Phelps, Patti Massey; Miss Wat- son, Cludia Beerbower; Ella Mac Phelps, Linda Miller; Mammy, Cyndy Iversen. Fran Trimble will be the accompan- ist for the spring production. Dick Endicott is scheduling a two-hour practice for one eve- ning after school each week. Tuesday afternoon the high school students attended a dis- play of spacemobiles at Elma High School. The affair is pre- sented by the National Aeronau- tics and Space Adminis'ation. Wednesday, those Juniors in- terested attended a College Con- ference at Grays Harbor Col- lege. March 3, Larry Aasness of Taylor Publishing Company will meet with the annual staff . March 6, the Juniors and Sen- iors will travel to Olympia to visit the State Legislature in session. The seventh and eight grade boys last week. The Owls won, 41-26. Ray Rothrock and John Miller shared scoring honors with 14 points each. The M.M.K. fifth and sixth grades won over Ka- milche's grade school team, 32- 22. Tim Trimble was high scorer for the Owls with 15 points. From the third and fourth grade room it is reported that Diana Cook and Lorri Trimble are heading a committee to form a choir. They are making plans for the next grade school talent show. The students are studying harmony. The new choir will be a mixed group of boys and girls. Cheryl Knipschield and Bev- erly Oien presented "The Great- est Show on Earth" last Friday played host to Kamilche for their classmates. Several of the children taking part in the play did various, gynmastic feats. For thelrspring project the class has planttl:seeds, in hopes that the plants will be in bloom for Mothers' Day. As a science project they are raising snails. Some baby snails can be found on display in their room. The first and second grades are preparing a play as a social studies project. It is entitled "Our N e i g h o b o r h oo d Play. ground" Each child will portray one character that helps on the playground. Each one will also write his• ovza part in the play. The six-week grading period will end lVlarch 6. Grade cards will be handed out, possibly March 8. BOYS received the highest Cub Scout award, the Badge, at the Pack 110 Blue and Gold banquet Shown during the presentation are Mrs. Dean and her son, Rick; Mrs. Ken O'Dell and son Ken; Bill Fox and his son Mike; and Mrs. Leonard Speece and son Mike. The Webelos badge climaxes the boys' Cub Scout training and they now go into Boy Scout troops. from. their win- almost five weeks. tour com- accomlations combined with and a know- English-spea. made the vacation tarted at Los An- visit in night was the second were much new hotel styled Six in City took an extra They returned COast route. ing on the advan- tour as a way the travellers they learned and the interest. visited to see the and silver work can craftsmen Their being " cramped in they report of leg room the bus and rotated in seat to have a ar- change each was no baggage wor- flways picked up Community Club en- players with Party last Dess Haines C. Edwards SSes and served re- after the evening of tuna Johnson and Jack first prize win- 1Vake and M' second; Mrs. Matt , and -s. Susan Schlang, door prl:" ,Henry Mou- =" ostesses for Couple ?escribe Bus Trip To Mexico CATTO. he next card party March 10 pital, where she went for X-rays Enthusiastic will be Mrs. Neil Vance and and care after a fall. Mrs. Ahl they saw and learned Mrs. John R. Aaro. The pino- fell on Tuesday of last week in tour of Mexico, Mr. chle party will start at 8 p.m. the kitchen of the Eldon home followin, a tl g Ix) uck supper and of her son Lon Webb, and was Arthur Pauly returned a business meeting of the club. hospitalized the following day. Coming home from the hospi- tal Monday of last week, Mrs. Roland Willson is improving in health, her friends will be in- terested to learn. Sunday dinner guests at  the home of Mr. and Mxs. Harold Sund were Rev. Ray Mainwar- ing and M:rs. Mainwaring, Alas- kan missionaries. The Mainwar- ings were speakers at the Hood- sport Community church Sun- day morning and again Sunday evening, When they showed slid- es. This was their second visit: t0 ,Washington during the past left years they have been work- ing in Alaska. Mrs. Mainwar- ing's parents live between Shel- ton and Olympia. :David Sund, Shelton teacher, came home to be present for the Sunday dinner. Son Larry is a student at Western Washington State College in Bellingham and the Sunds went up there to see him on Washington's Birthday. He can't be home often, as he is employed in Bellingham. A salmon barbecue dinner Sat- urday evening celebrated the eighth birthday of Bert Hill, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Catto. With his parents, Mr. and M's. Robert Hill, and sister Ei- leen, he spent the weekend at the Catto beach home. To help cele- brate the birthday, an uncle and aunt, Dr. and lyres. Mack Knut- sen, with their children, Carl and Karen, of Olympia were Saturday dinner guests, as well as a great grandmother, Mrs. Frank Robinson. Sunday the Hills went for a ride to see new property develop- ments north of Lilliwaup and paid a visit to the studio of wood- carving artist, Mark Westby, on the Harnma Hamma. Mrs. Fred Martin was hostess Wednesday to members of her bridge-luncheon group. Interest in the problems of wa- ter pollution has been keen in this local Hood Canal area. A number of residents were hop- ing to be able to attend the hear- ing Feb. 28 in Seattle under the auspices of the Washington State Pollution Control Commission. Another meeting on the pro- blem, concerned with sewage pro- blems in the lower Hood Canal area, has been planned for March 7 at 7:30 p.m. at the Hood Canal Junior high school. This is unuer the auspices of the Hood Canal !prven0ent ,Club wbicll Wili"ffesent a pnel 0f 'experts from the Health District and the State Engineer's office to dis- cuss possible sewage disposal systems. Several guests from Tacoma have visited Barney and Ruth Zahl recently. Wednesday of last week their visitor was Bill Gib- son and Saturday they enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. Larry Fad- ness. Their son Lee, who is em- ployed in Tacoma, was home for a visit Sunday and Mnday, and they also enjoyed a rare visit from Barney's brother, Bob Zahl of Seattle Sunday. Neff Vance was presented with his 25-year pin Saturday night when the carpenters union had a smorgasbord and presentation ceremony in the Carpenters Un- ion Hall in Tacoma. The Vances went in Saturday with Jim Burg, their grandson, from Tacoma and returned hrmnday, when Arthur Burg, their son from North Lake, brought them home. While in Tacoma they visited the hosptal where son, John Burg, is a patient, probably fac- ing a third operation for spinal disc troubles. Friends of ]W, rs. Allie Ahl, 99- year-old Mason county pioneer, were pleased to learn that she was expected home Tuesday from the Shelton General Hos- n÷h Grade To Give Plays For PTO RAy KRATCIA. Since Veta Holtorf is a mem- Bud Huss and daughter, Chris- Seventh gra- put on .u. March 6. Hickory,, when play is seven- seventh grader a honorary page Representatives teams with Pio- grade Was 22 to 18 in and sixth gr- Score was 22 to Southside. grade team for scored 16 Mike Webber, ber of the club, they bought a gift for Bobby Holtorf who is in the hospital. Members discussed their part in the State Convention in October, which will be held in Olympia. Time and place of the next meeting will be announced at a later date. • 1Vr. and Mrs. Ed Huss and son, Bob, returned home from a trip to California where they stayed a week and visited Mr. and Mrs. tina, of San Mateo and also vi- sited relatives. Ralph Bariekman, BOb Sny- der and Hap Bracy went over to Green Acres during the week to watch the practice play day for the Tennessee Walking horse. My. and Mrs. Verne Schuffen- hauer went to Gig Harbor Sun- day where Mr. Schuffenhauer bowled in the Bowling Tourna- ment. First Child Guidance Class Held • "It is not enough to publish statistics and lodge complaints about juvenile crime and delin- quency without inaugerating a system to prevent such evils," declared Pastor George Rasmus- sen in his opening address to the Child Guidance Class form- ed this week in the Shelton Seventh-day Adventist Church. The Pastor proposed that the solution to the alarming trend in youth delinquency is to be found 'in teaching and training parents for parenthood. He said such instruction should be made available to the community through the facilities of the church, inasmuch as it's pri- mary function is to promote proper character development. The instructor informed the class that they were expected to do considerable "home work" as he gave each student an as- signment containing 14 questions that were to be answered before the following session. The class is open to anyone as a free public service, made up of eight periods of study from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Wednes.. day nights. Children are pro- vided supervised care in an ad- joining room while parents at- tend class. Club Tuesday Krie- Shirley Bedell attending. on the she attended filled in for cub soou00, Ge+ Aword, O,nner • More than 150 Cub Scouts of pin; Steve Sergeant and Dwight Pack 110 and their fanilies fill- McKay, Boy Scout Den Chiefs ed the Mt. View School audito,'- ropes; Matt Wilson, denner; ium Feb. 20 for the annual Blue Gary Miklethun, Bear badge and and Gold banquet. Gold Arrow. Following the pot luck dinner A new den, led by lVl, rs. Ar- ....... rds eeremn,, ws held nold Andres was welcomed to 'IthW'le following receiving ertP:aeIn J nea2eom2 pare honors: ' , o , ' p- "" s Alvin Fr, is le's pas Scott Ritter, Robert New- rom Mr'. "l . U" ." ' • • ......... man Del Schmtzer and Crmg clen : dell" iVlCLree, flenner; lon  ' • . . awyer. Dmkmson, 2 year pm 2 gold • s ' Pack Master Fred McGee out- arrows, lined the financial problems Mrs. William, Fox's den: Webe- facing the Pack and announced ' , "  • ra'se in den dues front 10e to los awards to Ken O Dell MIke a 1 Speece and .Mike Fox; Jim 25c per meeting and asked that Thompson, 4 suvel alTOWS t - " - • etch Cub family contribute $2 Mrs. Donn Nelson's den: Rick to the Pack to meet current ob- Miklethun, Webelos, and 3 year ligations. Office Equipment E1 • Typ it ectrlc ew er Power takes the work out '137 of lyl,ing. Big 12-in. car- 88 riage. 4 rel)eat keys and ,i(I aulolllalic repeat spacing. Elite (;uar;,ntced 5 years. Adjustable Swivel Chair Padded seat and curved back. Heavy vinyl covering. 8188 Electric Adder with revolutionary "Credit Bahmce Window" tthat signals errors of subtraction. Adds 8 cohunns', totals to 9. Multitflies and subtracts too. s4788 1 $18 99 w.h lo00k Steel Suspension File Drafting Table Letter size. Four 25-in. deep Adjustable height and tilt. 24x drawers. With lock. 36" top of : in. pine. Withont lock ...... $39.88 i Steel Desk-top File About 9xl 5x11 overall dimen. SAVE $2 . .. Posture Chair with armrests .... $13.88 SAVE $5... Steel Desk with plastic top ....... $39.88 SAVE $7... Combination File/Storage cabinet $29.88 SAVE $4.. • File/Storage Cabinet with vauh . . $4,2.88 MARCH 2 - 8 SAVE $5... 30-Draver Steel Cabinet ....... $37.95 SAVE 17%... Horizontal Desk File ........ $ 4.88 SAVE 17%... Typing Table .. ............ $ 4.88 SAV E 20% ... Dual-track Label Maker ...... $ 6.99 1967 S ] ONE Week Only. Order by Phone or in Person at earsl CATALOG SALES OFFICE SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. Evergreen Squre @ 426-8201 Thursday, March 2, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17