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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 2, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 2, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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• ,'/ME Estate LAKE 3 bedroom large beautiful lot Phone evenings P 3/2-23. I baths. or Other terms. Phone 426-3188 aft- F 2/9-3/9 plus house with Co- through plus 600 main beach highway plus 29 acres in sec- timber a block cean. $100,000 @ $20,- cachland GE 8- 8-8653. S 3/2 CAPE and 8 2 unit motel on 200 ft. plus 3 home Will dder • qlent terms. 8-3896 or S 312 clatted on Copalis palls. Two blocks 38,000. Beach. or GE 8-3896. S 3/2 Lega I Pu bl Ications NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE is hereby given that a public hearing will be held at the City Hall, March 21, 1967, at 7:30 p.m. on the application of Wilfred T. Jackson and Stanley C. Phillips for a zone change from C-1 to C-3 of Lots 1 thru , 5 Blk. 22 Mountain View Addi- tion. PURL JEMISON, Chairman Planning Commission 3/2-9 2t INVITATION TO 'BID Sealed proposals will re- ceived for the following' project: Combination fire station and meeting hall. Mason County Fire Protection District No. 6, Union, Mason County, Washington. By: Board of Fire Commis- sioners, P. O. Box 113, Union, Wash. Time: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 15, 1967. Location of bid opening: Fire Hall, Union, Washington. Prime contractors may obtain plans and specifications from the District Secretary at the above address upon thd deposit of $10 or may be viewed at the Hood Canal Junior High School be- tween the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. The Board of Commissioners reserves the right to reject or accept any proposal and to waive informalities. HARRY F. COLES, Secretary 3/2-9 2t Mr. Realy State says:   1 "See • fhese selections today ! !" LOOK close-in suburban property today! Only acres--all fenced and mostly cleared. several outbuildings, excellent water setting. Only $22,500 on excep- LAKE nicest lake frontage, plenty of depth, and to 90' on the road. And yOU can be all or year round living with the 35' me- and attached cabana. $10,500 cash or terms. OM HOME--240' WATERFRONT- love With this beautiful 2 acre spot and on Little Skookum, Just minutes from is real cozy and comfortable, elec- rooms, and in such very good condi- A BEAUTY! 3 LOTSA 2 CAR GARAGE, $11,750. Everything is in A-1 con- top and bottom. And you'll ap-" in theull basement (that's . There's lots of F.H.A. !financing are we waiting for ? ARE MOVING FROM THE AREA -- beautiful Mt. View home listed for sale You can't afford to pass up. 3 bedrooms, fireplace, double carport. Take over of approximately $3,000 and assume a loan. VE ON OAKLAND BAY? rary 3 bedroom home with .65 feet of water offers you a unique and pleasing Your consideration. You'll appreciate the the picturesque view from the living partial basement and more. A real t BE IT fine home you're lookin, €or rtin at rOU,U ,_ .   . Sta g - mu a large covered entry, a roomy a beautiful fireplace wall. Next, there's area with barbeque, covered patio, kitchen. To add to the picture, you'll 2% baths, double garage and 3 Priced' right at $24,000. 't place to retire--this is it. Every- order and you can have immediate spic and span 2 bedroom home is well eP lot at the edge of Hillcrest. If you uroom home, let's get together and see "for this solid 1 bedroom home (plus up- 60' x 10ft lot in a choice Mt. View location. S. SFAMILY ROOM .... feaily, you will appreciate all the room Mt. View rambler. Most and there is a good sized family room an extra dining area. Large carport appraised at $18,250. RM with a half mile of blacktop road front- as a dairy farm, it includes a large 2 large barns and other utility a beautiful irrigating pond that $2,500 worth of irrigating stoCk--is $27,500 on con- Knauf for details. creek property you'll find 200 feet of highway frontage on Shelton. The rental units gross not include the 3 bedroom resi- rtY and rental units available. low terms can be arranged• A ;LAND LAKE site Just across the road from and levelan ideal spot for a trailer. Shelton and the price is so right at N LET-.. retirement investment spot. A real on 228' of low bank waterfront in acres bordered on two sides by year round stream, outbuildings, HIMLIE REALTY Olympic Highway N. Phone 426.3369 EVENINGS CALL: ICK KNAUF 426"8110  "SKIP" NE88 42t5-3049 !NcE H'IMLIE 426-6501 ._ DAVE THACHER 426-8635 Legal Publications No. 3541 Notice of Hearing Final Reportq and Petition for Distribution In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for the County of Mason. In the Matter of the Estate of ' 'NILMER HOI.AV£, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that Mildred Satran, Executrix of the estate of Nilmer Holm ,has filed in the office of the Clerk of said Court her Final Reports and Pe- tition for Distribution, asking the Court to settle, said reports, di- tribute the property to the per- seas thereto entitled and to dis- charge said Executrix; and that said reports and petition will be heard on the 24th day of M'Arch, 1967, at 9:30 A.M., at the court room of the Probate Department of said Court, at which time and p.'Ace any person interested in said estate may appear and file objections thereto and contest the same. Dated this 16th day of Feb- mary, 1967. LODGA KIMBEL Clerk of said Court' Presented by: CURTIS H. COONS Attorney for Estate 4-3 Harr'son Bldg. Brenl--rton, XVashington @8310 2/23-3/2-9 3t NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER FOR SALE, OLYMPIC NA- TIONAL FOREST, SOUTH FORk SKOKOMISH 1965 No. 3 SALE, located within T. 22N., R. 5W., T. 23N., R. 5W., par- tially strveyed; T. 22N., R. 6W., snd T. 23N., R. 6W., W.M., un- surveyed. Public notice is here- by given that pursuant to the provisions of Section 5 of Pub- lic Law 273, 78th Congress (58 Star. 132-16, U.S.C.A. 583-583i), and the CooperAtive Agreement 'for the Management of the Par- ticipatlng Forest Properties in the Shelton Cooperative Sustain- ed Y.ield Unit entered into bv and between the United States of America and the Simpson Timber Company, d'ted Decem- ber 12, 1946, an estimated 24,- 300 M board feet of timber mark- ed or otherwise designated for will be sold to the Simp- son Timber Company, Seattle, %ashington, on March 27, 1967. The minimum acceptable bid per M board feet is: Dougi,as-fir $28.51; western hemlock and other coniferous species $14.56; western redcedar $5.00. Addi- tional deposit required for slash disposal is $1.11 per M board feet for all species. If requested by the State of Washington or by Grays Harbor or Mason Counties, or by any person deem- ed to huve a reasonable interest in the proposed sale, or in its terms, a public hearing will be hcld'in',thb office of the Forest Supervisor, Federal Building, Olympia, Washington, on the 15th day of Maroh 1967 at 2:00 PM, PST. Requests for public hcring Will not be considered unless received in the office of the Forest Supervisor, Federal Bu!ldingl Olympia, Washington, on or before March 8, 1967. Dat- ed February 20, 1967. R. E. Wor- thington, Forest Supervisor, Olympic N'Ationai Forest. 2/23-3/2-9-16 4t Real Estate Amb  A  A  A Jmb ,vvvvv v vv i ANGLE AGENCY FOR THE SUBURBAN RANCHER 30 acres of good soil, mostly cleared with a 7 year old 3 bed- room plastered home. This fine home, which overldoks the fields and excellent year round creek has a full basement, hard- wood floors "and oil heat. There is a good barn, carport and work shop. Priced to sell for only $26,- 000.00. Make an offer today. LOST LAKE, DUPLEX Ideal situation for 2 family sum- mer home on choice Lost Lake. This well built duplex is ade- quate for year around living and has a dock and float and plant- ed yard. Offered at .a cashout price of $14,500.00. CLOSE TO TOWN 2 bedroom home on 2 acres of land located close to town. Drill- ed well, cement  block founda- tion and single garage. $4,000. DOWN TOWN LOCATION 2 bedroom home located in downtown area on large corner lot. Excellent starter for young couple or retirement location for someone else. $4.250.00 with contract terms available• NEW HOME ON ANGLESlDE 3 bedroom home 'with full base- ment, two fireplaces, future rec room and 2nd bath in basement. Home is under construction now and choice of finish and colors available. Selling price $18,500.00 on conventional terms. LOTS -- LOTS -- and LOTS of LOTS We' have a wide selection of ex- cellent building lots available in one of Shelton's better neigh: borhoods. Price range from $750.00 to $2,800.00. Name your own terms and select now for fu- ture building site. ANGLE AGENCY HERB ANGLE DICK ANGLE Real Estate & Insurance Evenings 426-4134 or 426-6188 401 Railroad Ave. Ph. 426-8272 1- ........ _ ..... Legal Publications NOTICE OF HEARING ON APPLICATION FOR FRANCHISE In the Matter of the Appll- cation of Tlmberlake, a Cor. poration, for permlsslon and authority to locate, construct, operate, and malntaln water distribution pipe lines under and across roads and high. ways in the County of Mason, State of 'Washlngton. WHEREAS, : :Timberlake, a Corporation, has heretofore filed with the Board of County Com- missioners of Mason County, State of Washington, under pro- visions of Chapter 187, Laws of 1937, an application for a fran- chise to use, cross, and occupy the roads and highways in the County of Mason, State of Washington, for the purpose of locating and constructing water distribution pipelines along, un- der and across the designated roads and highways in said County, described on the map submitted to the Mason County Engineer of Timberlake, Divi- sions Iqo. 1, 2 and 3, located in Sections 17 and 18, Township 20 North, Range 2 West, W.M., and by reference herein incorporat- ed; NOW, THERFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That a hearing will be held on such ap- plication by the Board of Coun- . ty Commissioners of Mason County, Washington, at their regular meeting place in the Courthouse at Shelton, Wash- ington, on Monday, March 20, 1967, at 11:00 A.M., or as soon thereafter as such hearing may be had. DATED at Shelton, Washing- ton, this 27th day of Feb., 1967. BOARD OF COUNTY COM- MISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON By RUTH E. BOYSEN Clerk of the Board 3/2-9 2t NO. 3802 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Superior Court of the .State of Washington for Mason County. (In Probate) In the Matter of the Estate of EINAR FERDINAND AKER- FELDT, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- "EN that the undersigned has been appointed and has quali- fied as the Administratrix of the Estate of Elnar Ferdinand Ak- erfeldt, deceased; that all per- sons having claims against said deceased •are hereby requtred to serve the same, duly verified, on the undersigned Administratrix or her attorney of record at the address below stated and file the same with the Clerk of the said court, together with proof of such service within six (6) months after the date of first publication of this notice or the same will be barred. Date of first publication: March 2, 1967. EDITH HALL ..... Administratrix  .... GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Estate Bell Building 121 South Fourth Street Shelton, Washington 3/2-9-16 3t NOTICE OF CLOSING OF REGISTRATION BOOKS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- EN: That the Registration Books for the Cloquallum Pre- cinct of Mason County, Wash- ington, will be closed for OR- IGINAL Registrations, on V[arch 13, 1967, and thereafter, until the day following a Spe" cial Election, to be held on Tues- day, April 12, 1967, to put be- fore the voters the quest:ion of forming a new school district in Grays Harbor County, compris- ing all the territory of the pres- ent Porter School District No. 116 and the Elms School Dis- trict No. 67. HOWEVER, Registrations will remain open for TRANSFERS ONLY, through March 28, 1967. Please register with the Offi- cer listed below. DATED this 3rd day of Feb- ruary, 1967. RUTH E. BOYSEN Auditor & Registrar for Mason County, Washington Cloquallum Precinct: HELEN MORROW Route 1, Box 292 Elma, Washington 3/2 It Timber For Sale CALL FO'R BIDS SEALED PROPOSALS FOR Timber Sale and Removal 1-67 and 2-67 Cushman District Mason County, Washington will be received for the purchase and removal of all marked, or otherwise described, Douglas Fir timber located upon land owned by the City of Tacoma lying within Section 20, Township 23 North, Range 4 West; Section 19, Township 22 North Range 1 West; Sections 23, 24, 26, 27 and 28, TOwnship 22 North, Range 2 West, and Section 2, Township 21 North, Range 3 West, all in W.M., Mason County, Washing- ton. Proposals will be RECEIVED UNTIL: 11:00 A.M., Monday, March 201 1967 at which time they will be open- ed by the City Clerk. Each bid must be accompanied by a Certified or Cashier's Check in an amount not less than 109 of the amount bid. Bids are to be submitted on forms provided by the City. De- tail information and bid forms may be obtained at the Public Utilities Purchasing Office, 2nd Floor, Public Utilities Building, P. O. Box 11007, Tacoma, Wash- ington 98411, or by phoning FUN on 3-2471, Extension 207. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES C. A. ERDAHL, Director "arch 2, 1967 Legal Publications • Legal Publications CALL FOR BIDS Sealed proposals will be re- ceived at the office of the City Cerk.Treasurer, City Hall, Shel- ton, Wasngton, until 11:30 A.M. on Monday, Mrch 6, 1967, .......... time they will be open- e=l and'read aloud by the City Clerk-Treasurer for: 1..Furnishing one 1967 threc- quarter ton pickup truck 2. 9"urnishing one 1967 half ton pickup truck Specifications md proposal forms may be obtained at the of- fice of the City Clerk-Treasurer, City Hall, Shelton, Washingtom CITY OF SHELTON ALMA K. CATTO Clerk .2/23-3/2 2t ORDINANCE NO. 759 MOBILE HOME CODE An Ordinance defining and regulating "Mobile Home and Trailer Parks" nd . "Mobile Home and Trailer Coaches" therein; requiring licenses for the operation of such parks; de- fining offenses and providing penalties therefor. BE IT ORDAINED by the City of Sheltoh as follows: ARTICLE I Definitions Section 101: For the purpose of thfs Ordinance, the follow- ing terms shall be deemed and construed to have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section unless from the par- ticular context it clearly appears that some other meaning is in- tended: Dependent Unit means a trail- er that does not have a bath- room or shower and toilet facil- ities. Health Department is the Health Department, or the Health Officer, the City Sani- tarian of the City of Shelton, or the State Health Officer having Jurisdiction over the City of Shelton area. Mobile Home mans any coach, cabin, mobile house, house car, trailer or other vehicle or struc- ture designed or intended for or .capable of human dwelling or sleeping purposes, mounted upon wheels or supports, and/or capa- ble of being moved by its own power or transported by anoth- er vehicle, whether sUch mobile home ts used or intended for year-round or transient occu- pancy. Nondependent Unit means a trailer that has bath or shower and toilet facilities. Person shall be construed to include an individual, partner. ship, firm, company, corpora- tlon, whether tenant, owner, les- see, licensee, or their agent, heir, or assign. Space means a plot of ground • in a trailer camp of not less than 2400 square feet of space designed for the location for only one automobile and/or one trailer. Trailer Camp means any park, court, camp site, plot, parcel or tract of land designed, main- talned, intended or used for the purpose of supplying a location or accommodations for more than two trailers and shall in- clude all buildings used or in- tended for use as part of the equipment thereof whether or not a charge is made for the use of the trailer camp and its fa- cilities. "Trailer Camp" shall not include automobile or trailer sales lots on which unoccupied trailers are parked for the pur- poses of inspection or sale. Unit means a mobile home or trailer unit. ARTICLE, II License Section 201 : (a) It shall be unlawful to op- erate a. trailer park without a license therefor. (b) Only those who comply with the requirements of this Ordinance and with the require- ments of the State Department of Health, Building, Plumbing, Electrical, Fire and Zoning Codes and/or Ordinances' shall be entitled to a license for a trailer park. Any such license may be revoked by the City Clerk upon the filing with .him by the Health Officer of a no- tice in writing that the prem- ises licensed or the fixtures or facilities used therein have be- come or are unsanitary, or that the same are maintained or op- erated in an unsanitary manner or condition or otherwise fail to comply with any provision of this or any other Ordinance which provisions shall be refer- red to in said notice: provided that the licensee shall be enti. tied to appeal to the City Com- mission within five (5) days aft- er notice of such revocations; whereupon a time for hearing shall be set which shall be not later than ten (10) days there- after at which time a hearing shall be had before the City Commission of the Cfty of Shel- ton or a committee thereof l hich shall confirm, modify or sapprove such revocation. (c) Application for a Mobile Home Park license vhall be made to the City Clerk upon a form provided by him setting forth the name of the applicant and the location by street, and the number of trailer coach lots for which he is applying. Such application shall be referred to the Health Officer, who shall in- spect the premises therein de- scribed and the fixtures and facilities to be used. If said premises, fixtures and facilities comply with the requirements of this and other applicable Ordi- nances, said Health Officer shall so certify to the Clerk who shall thereupon issue the license. Ev- ery Mobile Home Park license shall authorize the one named therein to operate a trailer park on the premises described there- in and to accommodate the num- ber of trailer coaches for which. the license is issued from date of issuance until, the expiration of the' license year which shall be the 31st day of the next fol- lowing December unless the li- cense is revoked for cause, as provided in this Ordinance. (d) At the time of making such application, the applicant shall deposit the sum of ten dol. lars ($10) to cover the cost of 'investigation of application. If said application be rejected, then the City Clerk shall refuse the issuance of such a license. Upon approval of the application, the minimum deposit of twenty dol- lars ($20) plus $1.00 per rental unit space as shown on the ap- plication shall be made with the City Clerk. Such annual fee shall be in lieu of any other business and occupation tax of any other Ordinances 0"f the City of Shel- ton. (e) A license shall be auto- matically granted upon applica- tion to any trailer camp in ex- istence and operating at the time this ordinance becomes ef- fective, subject only to payment of fees as set out in vec. (d) above. ARTICLE III 'Money to Treasurer Section 301: All monies re- ceived by the City Clerk as in. spection, permit or license fee, under provisions of this Ordi- nance, shall be paid into the City Treasury and placed in the Gen- eral fund. ARTICLE IV Caretaker and Registration Section 401: At least one at- tendant must be on duty at each trailer park for a sufficient length of time each day to maintain the same in a clean and sanitary condition. The li- censee • shall keep a registration record of all parties and such record shall show the dat.e of arrival of each trailer coach party, the number in the party, the name and permanent ad- dress of the owner of the trail- er coach and towing vehicle in which said party, is traveling and location and duration of stay at last {previous) trailer location;, together with the make, type and year of manu- facture of said trailer coach and towing vehicle, the. state in which they are registered, and the license number and year of its issuance. Such record shall be available for inspection at any reasonable time by the Health Officer or any duly auth- orized agent of the City, and shall not be destroyed until the expiration of thirty-six {36) months following the date of registration. ARTICLE V Requirements for Application • Section 501: Prior to approv- al of any application for a trail- er park license, a park plan con- taining the information required by Section 502 (el herein shall be submitted by the applicant to the Health Officer for inspec. •tion and approval and shall be retained in the files of the Health Officer; provided that such requirement shall not apply to existing traildr parks where a current approved park plan is on file with the Health Officer. Section 502: (a) A trailer park shall be lo- cated on a well-drained site suit- able for the purpose; shall have an entrance and exit well mark- ed and easily controlled and su- pervised; shall have surfaced roads not less than twenty (20) • feet wide, paved as specified by the City" Engineer, well-drained, plainly marked in the daytime, adequately lighted at night and easily accessible to all trailer coaches; walkways to the vari- ous buildings shall be surfaced and adequately lighted. Electric- al connections must be Provided at each trailer coach lot. (b) The trailer park shall pro- vide a trailer coach lot for each trailer coach, with boundaries to be indicated by corner mark- ers, with an area not less than twenty.four hundred (2400) square feet, and a minimum width of thirty (30) feet. Each trailer coach shall be located at least fifteen (15)feet from any building or other trailer, and at least five (5) feet from the property or lot lines. (c) Trailer coaches equipped with and using water flush toi- lets and showers shall be segre- gated in a separate area from other trailer coaches not having these facilities. (d) A recreational area for children not less than one thou- sand (1000) square feet in area shall be provided for each acre within the .trailer Park.. (el The park plan required by Section 501 shall provide an ac- curate description and map clearly setting out the following information: 1. The plan and area dimen- sions of the tract of land and land uses within 100 feet of the park, drawn to scale of one inch equals one hundred feet, and land orientation. 2. The extent and area tO be used for trailer park purposes. 3. Driveways at entrances and exits, roadways and walkways. 4. Designation of a specific area within such parks for trail. er coaches having their own wa- ter flush toilets and showers. 5. Location and number of trailer coach lots, with lot di- mensions. 6. Location and number of proposed sanitary conveniences; including proposed toilets, wash. rooms, laundries, laundry drying facilities and utility rooms. 7. Method and plan of sew- age disposal. 8. Method and plan of gar- bage removal. 9. Plan of water system. 10. Plan of electric lighting. 11. Location of children's rec- reational area and facilities. 12. Method and plan of heat- ing showers, laundry and toilet roolTls. 13. General landscape plans, showing location and mature height of plant materials. ARTICLE VI Water Supply Section 601: In each trailer park, a sufficient supply of pot- able water adequate in quantity shall be provided at each trailer coach lot. Waste from this sup- ply shall be emptied into a drain connection to an approved dis- posal system. A supply o hot water shll be provided at all- times sufficient for bathing, washing and laundry facilities. No common drinking vessel shall be provided. All drinking Legal PublicatiOns Legal Publications fountains, if.. provided,' shal be shall be placed in contravention of the .approved inclined Jet of the terms and provisions el type .......... any zoning code of he City o! ARTICLE VII l..Shelton. Facilities for Trailers with Toilets and Showers Section 701 : ThOSe trailer coaches equipped with and using water flush toilets and showers shall be in a segregated area and shall be prOvided with one common toilet, and lavatory for each sex for said area. The trailer park shall accom- modate all other trailer coaches by flush toilets in. conveniently located buildings. All such build- ings shall be well-lighted at all times, ventilated with screened openings and constructed of m0isture-proof material permit- ting satisfactory cleaning. The floors shall be constructed, of concrete or similar material, well-pitched to a floor drain. Toilets shall be enclosed in separate compartments, each compartment having a minimum width of two (2) feet, eight (8) inches. Toilets shall be provided for each sex in the ratio of one toilet for every fifteen (15) fe- males and one toilet for every twenty. (20) males. In addition, every male toilet room shall have one urinal for every twen- ty-five (25) males, but in no case shall any male toilet room be without one urinal. Twenty- five (25) inches of approved urinal trough may be computed as one unit. There shall be a minimum of two toilets provid- de for females. Toilet rooms shall contain one lavatory with hot and cold or tempered run- ning water for each three (3l toilets, but in every case not less than one (1) lavatory with bet and cold running water in every toilet room. " These accommodations shall be based on the total trailer park capacity according to the accepted plans and shall be com- puted on the basis of a minimum of three (3) persons to each trailer coach, with the sexes be- ing assumed Adequate heat00q00a00 in number all service buildings shall be provided. A ITICLE VIII Waste Waters and Facilities Section 801: Waste water from toilets, showers, slop sinks, kitchen inks, wash basins, and laundries of trailer coaches and trailer coach parts hall be dis- charged into a public sewer sys- tem in a manner approved by the Health Officer, or if no public sewer system of waste disposal, as approved by the Health Officer. All waste lines must be trapped and vented in accordance with the State De- partment of Health and/or the City of Shelton Plumbing Code. Waste water connections for toilets, showers, wash basins, and sinks shall be provided at each trailer lot. (a) Approved devices shall be provided to prevent the possi- bility of cross-connections be- tween the water supply and sources of contamination within trailer coaches and it shall be . the trailer park licensee:s re. sponsibility to inspect each trail- er coach and assure himself that no cross-connections shall exist, before permitting connection of such trailer coach to the water supply (b) 1. Each sewer lateral shall terminate with a P-trap which shall be extended above grade. Sewer ines shall be pro. vided with vents in such a man- ner that odor nuisance's will not result. 2. Extension through the ground, unless otherwise ade- quately Protected, shall be pro. tected by metal casing or con- crete mount. 3. Connection between the trailer coach and sewer shall be water and fly tight and arrange- ments shall be provided to tight- ly close the sewer outlet when not connected with a trailer coach. 4. Each outlet for trailer space shall be Provided with a flexible connector. Such flexible connector shall be so arranged as to readily clamp into the trailer coach outlet and the con- ARTICLE XH Electrical Section 1201 : An electrtca outlet supply at least 115 voltt shall be provided; for each trail. er C2)ach space. The lmd;allaUon shall corhply with all State and local  electrical codes and ordi- nanees. ARTICLE XIII Trailers, Street and Occupied Lots Section 1301: It shall be un. lawful to park or stand any Mobile Home or trailer coach or use or occupy the same on any lot or tract of ground except as may be provided or permitted by the City Commission or its au- thorized agent or as stated oth- erwise in ,this Ordinance; and no mobile home or trailer coach shall be parked on any street, alley, highway, or other public place for a period exceeding 24 hours; provided that a mobile home or trailer coach may be parked, used, or occupied on the premises of any occupied dwell. ing with the permission of the lawful occupant thereo for a period not to exceed fifteen (15) days, and provided that Such occupancy does not create a public health hazard or nuisance. Provided further that the provi- sions of this Ordinance shall hot govern the use and mtion of unoccupied trailers in sales Iota, public and private garages or enclosed storage. ARTICLE XIV Removing Wheels and Placing on Lots Section 1401: It shall be un. lawful for any person, firm, or corporation owning or operating a trailer or trailer coach to re- move or cause to have removed the wheels or any similar trans. porting devices from said mobile home or trailer coach or to oth- erwise permanently fix it to the ground in a manner that would prevent the ready removal of. said trailer or trailer coach lth. out first obtaining a permit to dO so, from the City Engineer of the City of Shelton. Any al- teration to any trailer or trail- er coach as above set forth shall be construed as removing it from the requirements of this Ordinance and converting it into a dwelling and it shall thereupon be subject to the requirements of the building, plumbing, elec- trical, health, sanitation and any other Ordinances now or hereafter enacted by the City of Shelton. ARTICLE XV Fire and Explosion Hazard Section 1501 : All trailer coaches equipped with oil and/or liquified petroleum gas burning and storage equipment to be in the park for more than sixty (60) days shall comply with the provisions of all State and City of Shelton Fire and Explosion Hazard Ordinances and as may be amended, relating to the in- stallation and maintenance of . oil, and liquified petroleum ga.: burning and sorage equipment. ARTICLE XVI Communicable Disease ..... Section 1601: It shall be the -''' duty of everyone operating any trailer park to immediately no- tify the Health Department of any communicable disease In the park. ARTICLE XVH Plumbing Section 1701 : All plumbing in- stallations, alterations, or re. pairs in the trailer park shall be done in compliance with the Shelton City Ordinances and/or State Department of Health standards, pertaining to plumb. in K . ARTICLE XVTII Building Section 1801 : All building con- struction shall be done In ac- cordance with the Shelton City . building Ordinances and/or City Engineer standards.. ARTICLE XIX Penalties 8eotlon 1901 : Any violation or nector so designed that in case fldlure to comply with any of ' of emergency, such as fire, the the provisions of this Ordinance trailer coach may be pulled out shall upon conviction thereof be and the connection automatical- puhished by a fine in a sum not ' ly disconnected without damage 'exceeding three hundred dollars to piping or trailer coach. ($300) or by Imprisonment for a ARTICLE IX term not exceeding ninety (90) Garbage and Refuse days or by beth such fine and Section 901: The trailer coach " imprisonment, and each day park shall provide supervision that anyone shah conUnue to so and equipment sufficient to re- violate or fail to comply vent litterLng the ground with .be considered a separate offense. garbage and refuse. Garbage and refttse containers of fly and water tight construc- tion, made of galvanized iron material, and Provided with handles and close-fitting covers of a capacity of at least twenty (20) gallons and not more than thirty (30) gallons shall be c0n- veniently located and sufficient in number to provide at least one (I) garbage and refuse et- tainer for every two (2) trailer coaches. Provided that other means of garbage and refuse storage may be used if approved in writing by the Health Officer. .Storage of garbage and refuse cans-shall be such that they cannot be upset by dogs, chil- dren, etc. Specific arrangements shall be Provided, to " Prevent garbage and refuse storage from creating a rodent harborage or nuisance. No burning of wet garbage shall be permitted. ARTICLE X The Health Department Section 1001: "/'he Health De- partment, primarily, shall en- force the provisions of this Or- dinance, and he may: (a) Fm. ter public or private property to determine whether there exists any trailer park to which this Ordinance applies. (b) Enter and insuect all trailer ar P ks wherever situated and inspect all accommodations, equipment and paraphernalia used in connection therewith, and examine the' registration records of occupants maintained therein. ARTICLE XI Restrictions of Areas for Trailer Parks Section 1101: No trailer 15ark ground hereafter established Any violation or failure to comply with any of the provi- sions of this Ordinance shall be grounds for revocation oflicenae for operation of Mobile Home Park or Court. ARTICLE XX Ordinance Repealed Section 2001: Ordinance No. entitled: "An ordinance relating to health and sanitation; regulat- ing the parking of automobile trailer house cars used for resi- dential purposes and makAng re- quirements for such parking places." And all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. ARTICLE XXI Unconstitutionality Clause Section 2101: Should any sec- tion, sub-section, paragraph, sen- tence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance be declared unconsti- tutional or invalid for any rea- son such decision shall not af fect the validity of the remain- ing portions thereof. ARTI XXII Effective Dates Section 2201: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect after its passage, approval and legal publication. Introduced this 21st day of February, 1967. Adopted this 28th day of Feb- ruary, 1967. FRANK A TRAVIS Mayor ALMA K. CATTO City Clerk Approved as to form: B. F. HEUSTON City Attorney. $/2 It . Thursday, March 2, 1967. Shelton-Mason County Journal -Page 19