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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 2, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 2, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Judge Robert Doran Friday two counts of second-degree Jarrett, who represents for him to be examined by a Tile Mason County turned down a request for the burglary and one of Chamblin, asked that he be doctor. Commission at its meeting release of Steven Chamblin, 18, second-C-degree assault in released on personal recognizance The attorney said Chamblin Monday received a letter from S h e I t o n, o n p e r s o n a I connection with an incident at ill the custody of his parents, had lived with his parents until the Civil Service Commission, recognizance. Fir TreeParklastveek. Jarrett said Chamblin's recently when he joined the stating that ill line with the Chamblin is charged with Tumwater "/lttorney John mother had made arrangements Young Adult Conservation Release is denied for youth Civil service commission replies be included in the civil service classification plan and that the chief examiner would not certify any person in either of the positions on the monthly payroll letter to tile Civil Service Commission dated February 3, the positions of chief civil deputy and chief criminal deputy in the sheriff's office would not o Corps. He said the incident had Pipeline is discussed i:°uefislaisli!dCbi!aaiabpm°ili!it!2n]i,,o,,o, Guilty plea is given Two members of the Mason Information that the meeting was planning and some of the The attorney said Chamblin Floyd O. Ball, 18, P.O. Box Friday. November and December of last County Commission met with had been held came out concerns of the local planning needs medical treatment. 18, Hoodsport, pleaded guilty to Ball had been charged with year. representatives of Northern Tier Wednesday after calls from an and engineer's office staff. Deputy Prosecutor Gary two counts of second-degree breaking into the Lloyd C. Following his plea of guilty Pipeline and representatives of out-of-town media representative The planning and engineering Burleson told the court burglary when he appeared in Borders and James Grimes to the two burglary charges, the county planning and asking about the meeting. Local staff has been asked to review Chamblin's behavior at the time Mason County Superior Court residences at Tillicum Beach in another charge of possession of engineer's office at 2 p.m. media representatives were not th, proposal, of the incident had been quite before Judge Robert Doran stolen property was dismissed on February 16, it was revealed here notified of the meeting. Northern Tier Pipeline is a bizarre and that restrictions a m o t ion from Deputy this week. Local officials confirmed that group which has applied for should be placed on him so it i i t, Prosecutor Richard Adamson. Floyd Cole the meetinghadbeenheld, permits to construct an oil doesn't happenagain. UGN _____boclrd _.dJ cuss At the request of attorney andC°mmissi°nerSTom Taylor attended the The said the discussion was tanker port near Port Angeles Judge Doran, at the time S es Steve Henderson, Olympia, a meeting held in the regional largely on what Northern Tier and a pipeline tocarry Alaskaoil Chamblin was identified on the merger _ bility pre-sentence report on Ball was planning office, from there to a location in charge, had asked for a doctor's DossJ ordered before he is sentenced Minnesota. The proposed report before release was on thecharges. Beard growing contest pipeline would pass through considered. A report from a The Mason County United Brown said he could see no Judge Doran set bail at -- Mason County. medical doctor was presented to Good Neighbors board at a great difficulty with a merger as $1,000 with the provision that The Northern Tier proposal the court. $100 could be posted with the entry deadline Saturday made several years ago, but Judge Doran asked that a meeting last week voted to have far as the agencies which receive takes on added significance with psychiatric examination of Torger Lee, president Of the funds are concerned, since court clerk. Those interested in entering The beard-growing contest is the announcement last week by Chamblin also be made through group, appoint a committee to almost all of them operate in the Mason County Forest being sponsored by Sheltonville Canadian officials that they had the community mental health meet with the Thurston County both counties. Festival beard-growing contest Properties as a part of the rejected a proposal for the group and that a report be United Way to discuss the Brown said he was not must show up cleanshaven at the festival activities. First prize will installation of a tanker port in furfiished to the court, possible merger of the two pushing anything, but had been Sheltonville Properties Office, be $100 and a trophy, second British Columbia. U.S. The judge said the question groups, asked by Mason County UGN 703 South First, Saturday to prize $50 and third prize $25. Congressional action previously of release from jail could be The action followed representatives about the • I verify that they are qrnshaven Those mterested in entering banned construction of an oil taken up again after this report comments at the meeting by possibilities. Dave Brown, executive director for the start of the contest, the contest can fill out the entry tanker port any place east of is completed, of the Thurston County United Moustaches are exempt from blank below and take it to Port Angeles. Way. dlst ict the cleanshaven regulation. Sheltonville Properties Saturday Port r Pictures will be taken to or before. verify thecleanshave. Garbage ordinance petition Tenino music gets grant OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM A grant of $33,662 from the suit filed by the city festival set Department of Transportation to the Shelton Port Commission has Name information on whether or not a (Continued from page one.) W a s h i n gt o n" s p r e m i e r been approved, Senator Warren Address contract for the purchase of the old-time music extravaganza, the Magnuson's office in Washington, the petitions did not meet the new garbage system had been Tenino Old Time Music Festival, D.C. announced Wednesday Telephone. legal requirements of state law signed, is coming up on March 17 and morning. pertaining to referenda in regard F u I ler ad vise d t h e 18, with two big evening shows Tile grant is to develop a to the ordinance, No. 946. commission to make no already booked with top-quality master plan study for Sanderson Recent utility bills bring ,H0, had stated at the comment about that also since talent. Field. commission meeting Tuesday he had been contacted by the Both old and new faces in The port commission had crowd to city meeting that the suit was ready to attorney for the firm which the folk music field will perform, applied for the grant some time be filed and would be filed manufactured the garbage cans, including national and (Continued from page one.) approve the public works Wednesday morning, asking about payment for them international fiddle champions, ago. Engineers for improvement of recommendation and set apublic He also advised the and that this could result in a Both evening performances the streambed in Shelton Creek hearing on the vacation requests commission that since the lawsuit against the city. will feature a wide range of in connection with the flood far 7 p.m. March 28. garbage ordinance would be the The commission did state entertainment from fiddle and control project. Sandy Jones, a member of subject of the lawsuit, that they that no money had changed banjo to folk songs and . He said the forms had been the city park board, presented a should not make any statements hands as yet. barbershop quartets. Eighteen signed by all except four proposed ordinance setting rules about it while the court action is The bid for the new system acts will fill each evening with a persons, one of whom would not for the operation of the park pending, included both the garbage cans wealth of musical Americana. board. City Attorney Herb Fuller Peggy Knutson, one of those and the truck which dumps Evening performances on ws ttlk 'to,t.ok. over the who had headed the petition them. The city received the cans both Friday and Saturday night contacted, proposed ordinance and report drive and opposition to the new it had ordered several weeks ago, get underway at 7:30 p.m. at the He said the forms had been back at the next commission garbage system, repeated a but as yet has not received the Tenino High School Gymnasium. sent back by the corps office, meeting, request made last week for truck. asking that any person who had F u 11 e r r e c o m m e n d e d an interest in the property sign a contracting with Book Publishing right-to-enter form. Company for a study of what The commission, on Calvin's would be needed to update the recommendation, asked City municipal code. The east of the CONGRA TUIA TIONS l Attorney Herb Fuller to contact study would be about $1,600, he the corps office to see what can said. bedone. Fuller commented that he "Rod's Recliners" The commission voted to had been working on updating grant the city a right to enter its the code since he became city t nl / in own property for the stream attorney. VOIleyoall I egl ms work in accordance with the The commission asked the corps request, city clerk to check to see if Calvin told the commission money was available for the that he had received a request project and report back at the from two Tacoma men for next meeting. *:':!i:: TEAM Nee 1 Third Place Winners vacation of Eighth, Ninth and Fuller reported he was Tenth Streets between Satsop looking into the question of the and UniversityStreets. easement payment rate to Jack Nicklaus He said they own all of the Burlington Northern Railroad. property involved and plan to Mayor James Lowery Peg Stock build houses on it. announced the appointment of Robert Jones C o Iv i n s a i d t h e Richard Brewer to the city recommendation of the Public library board. Sandee Jones Works Department would be that He also announced that there Toni Ruhl Eighth and Ninth Streets be was a vacancy on the city vacated with utility easements planning commission and asked Chuck Ruhl retained, and that Tenth Street anyone interested in serving to Margo Otto not be vacated since it is on the contact city hall or himself. arterial street program, even He said one more name was Ran Otto though it has not been opened in needed for a committee of five Carolyn Olsen that area. persons to look into city office Chris McEIroy The commission voted to space needs and alternatives. Mary Penny Jim Penny STRAWBERRIES "" TEAM NO. 2 I IC,,ch $1%o._ Second Place Winner's 'ORTHWEST", "MT. HOOD" & , : "MARSHALL" Ellen Peterson lOtto. 99'0000 ' Jerry Peterson . Casey Butler ,356:s Gary Burleson Kathy Burleson ...o variety to pick from. Jeanette Whitcomb TREE ROSES eL/SEN Judy Stark II Jack Stark $ 95 Geri Burr Scott Ballantine Jim Weisenbach Jan Weisenbach 4Tn & COTA Page 2 .- Shelton.Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 2, 1978 certification• Tile letter als0 the civil assunles no numerical number of lieutenants which the county Tile county stated it was of sergeants to number The civil stated in its commission statute no duty rule or control personnel. Sheriff's Wednesday theY copy of the letter Service Cornmi= county received no county limitations on sergeants and $35,000 IS THE AMOUNT I MUST RIGHT NOW FOR OLD cOl I have collectors worldwide buy coins from me. In order to coins I realize I must pay price anywhere, and I will! Cc --- GREG ROHAN ROHAN NUMISMATIC I 426-5632 All valuables stored in bank vaults WITH LUMBERMI It's that time of the yea LUMBERMEN'S is ready to all of your gardening in and talk to Mary Helen our nursery manager...she any of your questions and great gardening tips. PRICES GOOD THRU MARCH  RE-PLANTER 2ye= roots FOOD 8Cuc, Sl" box.. 89CD0z,, Reg. $2.29 PACKAGED JERU CRIMSON RHUBARB ARTICH , • 1 lb. package $1 '° e L°w in col°ties I • Excellent potato $ pACGIE substitute • High in nutrition * JUST 11 • "JAN DeGRAFFE" • LILY OF THE • CANNAS • GLA • PEONIES • • CALLA • BEARDED Jachson & Perhins ROSES CLI $, SHELTON .426-26 Downtown • First and Pine Open 8 H.m..5:30 p.m. Mon.-Fri. 84:30 Sat. • 10-4:30 Sun.