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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 2, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 2, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Cub Scout pack has banquet meeting Cub Scout Pack 126 held its McElroy opened the meeting, Blue and Gold Dinner February 23 and observed the 48th birthday of scouting. After the pledge of allegiance and singing "Battle Hymn of the Republic," Cubmaster John • .id- -_ ------ --'-A-A - i Too Late to Classify :' 2 NANNY goats for sale, 1 Nublan and 1 Toggenberg. 426-6083 or 426-3904. R3/2 GOOD GRIEFI Buy four guaranteed retreads, or Dayton radial tires, and Mere Settle will give you a free front-end alignment for your car or light olckuo. Settle and Sons Tires, ]First and Cota, Shelton. 426-8104. $3/2 1967 PONTIAC Executive station wagon, $300. See at 1405 Railroad. 426-4377. Runs good, good work car. D3/2 '76 VEGA engine, runs good. 26,000 miles, GT cam, dual point distributor, Halley 2-bl. $400. 426-6507. M3/2-9 '68 FORD F100, $900; '69 LTD wagon, $800; '67 Datsun jeep, $600. 426-8870. H3/2-9 WATERFRONT-SEEKERS. 150 feet salt waterfront on Oakland Bay with like-new double-wide mobile home, 2 baths, and small guest cabin. Country setting and secluded. For only $34,950, terms. Shelton Land and Homes, 426-5555. $3/2 after which there was a potluck dinner. Special guests at the meeting were Robert Brigham, Mason County district commissioner for cub scouting; David Thacher, chairman of the Mason County Scout District; and Mr. and Mrs. John Cook. Cook is battalion chief for Fire District Five, which is the sponsor of Pack 126. Also a guest was Helen Estep, unit commissioner. Awards presented by McElroy were to Nathan Chapman, silver arrow; Jerry Tiggs, bobcat; Mike McElroy and Rabble Shepherd, wolf; Kevin Smith, bear. Those in the Webelos Division who received awards were Mike Deacon, athlete, aquanaut, sportsman and citizen; Mark Jewett, citizen, showman and sportsman; Patrick McElroy, geologist, athlete and showman; Kevin Smith, outdoorsman, aquanaut, citizen and athlete. Sonny Cook received a Webelos badge and Todd Hillbum received the Arrow of Light, the highest award in cub scouting. The program concluded with singing "Happy Birthday" and Faith Lutheran to dedicate new building Faith Lutheran Church will needed for the church to dedicate its new church on effectively reach more people in Mountain View at 3 p.m. March the community. 5. All interested people are Among those attending welcome to attend and share in Sunday's program will be all the event, three former pastors, besides The service will be the Pastor Kenneth J. Robinson, culmination of a project that who has served the congregation started officially on August 30, since 1970. The first and 1976 when ground was broken, organizing pastor was John The project really started two DeBoer, who served from 1949 years before groundbreaking until 1952. Pastor J.B. Bretheim when 'the church council had served from 1952 until 1959, decided that a new facility was and Pastor Carl Carlson from 1959 until 1969. GARAGE SALE at Vern's Auto Body, near Kentucky Fried Chicken. Thursday, Friday, 9-5. V3/2 GARAGE SALE. Signs posted 9 a.m. sharp, Saturday. Past Springwood on Spring Road by high school. Antique beds, dishes. $3/2 '71 TOYOTA Corolla, 4.speed. 426-9598 after 5. N3/2-23 LOCATIONS WANTED for the all-new, factory-built homes. Lots or acreage. Call Jerry, 426-3363, Century 21, Jerry Smith Realty. C3/2 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL, 1965, clean and dependable. 426-2590 or 426-2881. A3/2-23 V-8 FORD pickup, '67, with Cascade canopy, bunk and butane stove. Call 426-6045. $3/2 1970 SECURITY cab-over camper, excellent condition. Call 426-6045. $3/2 HELP WANTED, par t time, hours at the ONE COUCH, 1 Ioveseat, ] chair with ottoman, black vinyl, $250. 426-9297. P3/2-23 OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS when you buy four tires at Settle's. You get free front-end alignment, mounting and balancing with purchase of 4 retreads or new Dayton radials. Settle and Sons Tires, First and Cola, Shelton. 426-8104. $3/2 XIMEMA GUVINO, American Field Service exchange student here, and another exchange student from Brazil who lives with a family in Bremerton assisted with service at the recent AFS fund-raising dinner. Miss Guvino is from Quito, Ecuador. The dinner raised $280 for the local AFS chapter. About 120 people attended the dinner, which was held at the United Methodist Church February 23. the presentation of the cake. License approved The State Liquor Control Board announced this week that a Class E-F license to sell beer and wine for home consumption has been approved for Eugene G. Brown for Brown's Agate Store, Route 2, Box 692, Shelton. .lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlllllllnlUlllllllllllnl CWeatheF Pioneer: Levy meeting slated By CARMEN YATES The Pioneer School has set March 7 for a meeting to explain the need for a levy and at that meeting they hope to form a levy committee. A good turnout of the community is very much needed. The need for the levy and the reasons for that need c>00V/arzlagc 00Liccnses will be explained. Some of the choice to reduce the budget has been eliminated since the state has defined "basic education." The next school board meeting will be Monday, March 13, at 7:30 p.m. There are three additional dates to note this month, the first being this week. The sixth grade is collecting items for their rummage sale to be held this Saturday at the Pioneer gym. Items may be dropped off at the school through Friday. There will be no school March 17, which is a teachers' workshop. Since the following Monday is the beginning of spring vacation, it means students will have one additional day added to the usual one week and two weekends. Congratulations to Alec Applying for marriage licenses • in the Mason County Fahrenheit auditor's office this week were: High Low Precip. Tom Hallett, 27, McCleary, February22 54 41 .01 and Sandra Johnson, 24, February 23 57 46 .00 McCleary. February 24 46 39 .24 February 25 46 42 .70 David Trail, 20, Shelton, and February 26 50 39 .07 Sharlyn York, 17, Shelton. February 27 49 37 .02 February28 50 33 .27 Clint Kruger, 21, Shelton, 22 12 S 0 Do'g]s Ting'all, 22, 23 14 8 0 Febm; '24 8 4 6 Shelton, and Judith Gardner, 23, February 25 8 6 18 Shelton. February26 10 4 2 Robert Ingram, 67, Kelso, February 27 9 3 1 February 28 10 1 7 and Beulah Hill, 77, Kelso. Cool weather is expected on the Michael Short, 23, Shelton, weekend, with a chance of and Betty Lawton, 29, Shelton. scattered showers. High Michael Norwood, 31, temperatures will be in the 40s Shelton, and Phoebe Stolaas, 36, and lows will be in the 30s. Shelton. Sprouffski, who won the fifth grade Flag and Country Essay Contest sponsored by the VFW this year. The difference When a leader is in the Democratic Party he's a boss; when he's in the Republican Party he's a leader. Harry S Truman Fire districts get assistance The Fire Services of Mason County have been allocated $7,839 in highway and safety funds by the Washington Traffic Safety Commission. These funds are to purchase equipment used in removing people from wrecked automobiles or more correctly removing what is left of the vehicle out of the way so that rescue personnel can get to the victims and remove them from the wreckage. The equipment consists of such things as hydraulic jacking equipment, come-along cable winches, pry bars and accessory hand tools. Chief Richard Knight of Fire Protection District No. 5, who is project director for this program, points out that the funds are to be matched by local funds of the various fire departments participating in the program. The Shelton Rotary Club has also agreed to make funds available to assist the local departments to provide their share of the matching money. A request for price quotations from various suppliers is out at this time and actual purchases will be made within the next six months, Knight said. Fire departments participating in the program at this time are Fire Protection District 1, Hoodsport; Fire Protection District No. 3, Grapeview; Fire Protection District No. 4, Arcadia; Fire Protection District No. 5, Allyn; Fire Protection District No. 6, Union; Fire Protection District No. 8, Tahuya; Fire Protection District No. 12, Matlock; and Fire Protection District No. 13, Buck's Prairie. Other departments which may decide to participate in the next few months will be considered for funds, if any, which may be left over. Starting TUESDA Y, March 14, 1978 Tuesday Tuesday New Office Hours nly, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (former Tuesday hours were 8 a.m.-5 p.m.) Tuesday 0nly -- Other days still open 8 a.m. WE UNDERSTAND THAT THIS NEW TUESDAY SCHEDULE WILL TAKE SOME TIME TO GET USED TO. WE ARE SORRY FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE THAT THIS CHANGE IN SCHEDULE MAY CAUSE YOU, OUR MEMBER. YOUR BOARD OF DIRECTORS HAS APPROVED THIS MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATION FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1) To allow the staff some "extra" time in servicing you. 2) Without "work interuptions" to serve you at the loan counter, teller window, and over the phone, we will be able to better serve your "during'°ffice'h°ur" requests. 3) We will be able to have more frequent staff meetings to discuss and plan methods of better serving your needs. YOUR HELP AND COOPERATION IS GREATLY APPRECIATED I THANK-YOU I NEW OFFICE HOURS: Monday ................................ 8:00-5:00 TUESDAY ...................... 9:00-5:00 Wednesday ............................. 8:00-5:00 Thursday ............................... 8:00-5:00 Friday ................................. 8:00-6:00 i ! "'' I,l,I ........ j .................. ...... d ..... |ll Ill)ll NCUA J t t. tJllllllltl';lllll %;tll16¢hll I J¢lhl I Illlln lhtlltllll;ll11111 Ken lredson, Manager Shalton office: Ph. 426-1633 McCleary office: Ph. 495-3497 :onfusing, to street windshield the other says the Page 14- Sheiton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 2, 1978 The ONLY to have a NO IN II -- is at " e Comes close }S & Democracy is itself a religious 3rd & faith. For some it comes close to being the only formal religion "Where they have. E. B. White is guaranteed "-'---" Li! ,45oo FOR YOUR OLD VACUU00 A direct Facto. ry arrangement made it poss,ble for us to afrO.'r!  this chance to trade-in youli vacuum. Offer Good on!! make or model th4 judged by the factorY i to be repairable. Hu 1 Offer Good ThursdaY'S| Friday g Saturday 11 on most Hoovers in St° 1 (Celebrities, DiaI-A-Matics, Power-DriveS,[ Convertible Estates) 1978 MODEL HOOVER CONVERTIBLE 94.00 VALUE WITH TRADE = FULL EDGE CLEANING (gets right to the baseboards) = 4 POSITION RUG ADJUSTMENT • DURABLE ALL-STEEL AGITATOR COMPLETE WITH 5 PIECE POWER.SEAL ATTAetIINTS SHBLTON HARDW/k & FERGUSON FLOWItP00 103 Railraod Ave.