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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 2, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 2, 1978
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Thursday's loss to Elma ndaunted Climb they did not succeed their regular season in !r accustomed fashion, the hampion Shelton nevertheless are in driver's seat tonight as f begins in Lacey. 52-47 loss to Eagles of Elma did their egos - not when it happened In their own beloved but the Climbers held accountable for it. they take the court qVision One runner-up • (12 5 ) at 6:30 In St. martin s Pavilion, Will mean, relatively little. Shelton s league-leading oint they're all even, teams that escape at least once in two In this weekend's tourney will their jerseys again Over. T,S one experience nurston Rams this though SUccessful in ts hardly the lich psychological they prevailed 46-44, tile Climbers did so only by virtue of twice thwarting the visiting Rams' intended equalizer in the last 30 seconds of play. And, while they did manage to handle 6-6 center Jay Feeney in that game, forcing him out on louis before the big Ram ever really got into the game, the Climbers were victimized repeatedly by Thurston's other big men, senior forwards Dean Logue (6-6) and Jay Feeney (6-4). Of course, the Climbers at that juncture were without the services of ace junior Mike Ashley, the 6-5 wingman whose presence for the final eight games of the regular season has meant a decisive lift for Shelton in almost every phase of the game. He has scored in double figures on several occasions, once pumping in 24 points, and has averaged close to as many rebounds. His return, though welcomed, created a problem of sorts for Climber Coach Terry Gregg - though it is hardly the sort of dilemma coaches lament• It gave the Climbers at least seven bona fide starters, tested all. For the front line are Ashley, center Brian Martin and Todd Young. A talented swing man for the Climbers is junor Jim O'Dell. Tested guard veterans include Stan Bourgault, Bruce Dorcy and Les Smith. As a result, Gregg has both enjoyed and suffered the versatility - and temptation - of being able to play any one of a number of different combinations at any given time. It has given the team both unusual depth and, at times, a sense of misplaced cohesiveness. Actually, it was less Climber cohesivenessless than simple Eagle aggressiveness that did in Shelton last week against arch-foe Elma. The Climbers outshot the visitors 22-54 Io 18-58 but got beaten in the rebounding department and simply gave the game away at the freethrow line• Elma toed up for 21 freebies in the game and converted 16, while Shelton made just 3-8. As they have done so many times this year, Eagle sharpshooters Dave Glenn and Robbie Whipple got the job done when they had to. Glenn led all scorers with 16 points while Whipple tallied 15. Shelton led 14-8 after tile first quarter bul Hma came back with a 24-1x)int second period Io lead 32-24 at intermission. Thc hosts pulled to wilhin two at 36-34 early in the lhird but lhen Elma ran off 12 points to the Climbers' one and Shclhm never really recovered. Ahead 47-41 with about four and a half minutes r,emaining in the game, the Eagles went into a modified four-comer stall, and their pressure-packed successes at the freethrow line proved sufficient to hold the advantage as time ran out. For Shellon, Young led the way with 13 points, O'Dell had 12, Martin ten, Ashley seven and Bourgault five• Climber reserves Gary Orr, Pat Rhodes, Dorcy and Terry Brown played nonscoring roles. Should the Climbers prove victorious tonighl against the Rams as district play gets underway, they'll meet the winner of tonight's Hoquiam-Mark Morris clash for the district crown• The championship game is set to start at 8:30 p.m. Saturday at St. Martin's. _.L_.L_.LJ SHELTON'S JERRY Saturday en route to wrestling tournament• NEWCOMB (top) works over an opponent last his sixth-place finish in the prestigious state AA bermen's nabs title has repeated as champ. a 92.67 COUnt in league playoff Manke, e it six years Bob Miller, Mark COrey and Kevin powered to a in the game League set. is tryout day to play Little le, get their cer d. ule of play _ call Carol Keenan as right bend trlgge#. muffler, With Inch Ir and never looked back. Miller led the way with 19 points to Jonson's 17, Corey's 14 and Dorey's 13, while Steve DeMiero added eight, Frank Schmidt seven, Los Johnson and Warren Earl six apiece and Bill Bingham two. For Manke, it was Terry Peterson with 21 leading the way, while Rocky Nutt added 15, Bill Cox 11 and Dale Johnson and Drew Eked ten each. Darrel Andrews played a nonscoring role. In the only other action, Himlie nailed down third place with a 73-62 win over ITT. Mike Bariekman led the way with 33 points to teammate Todd Brewer's 26, while Kerry Miljour added six and Elmer Herrel and Bob Monger four each. For ITT, Mike Fox tallied 22, Jeff Christian 18, Jerry Mallory ten and Denny Temple and Jim Willis six, while Dave Woracek, John Friedhoff and Roland Eisner all played nonscoring roles. .: !1 '/. I/ Sports twenty-five years ago PREP BOXERS, MATMEN STAGE LIVELY OPENER Nine action-packed bouts and a lively tag team wrestling match kept spectators on the edge of thelr seats at the season's first smoker. Ray Tee 168 took a unanimous decision from D ' " ennis Yenter 165 in the main event. George McCoy, 155, came.from bdltnO dtrhOeP DentsD, aBduTdy 1Su2s, s foO;e a close, third round aries Hicks over Larry Anderson, Jan Bernie Howard Ch o H cks over Bill Smith, Cliff Nelson over John Strong, R y ............ Watters over Ron Parson, Frank bfmmu.= .. Kelth Crablll an ver Larr Gadroskl • , d Dennis Dudley o Y ". Settle &Oons Farst & Cote, Shelton 426 8104 Umpires to meet A meeting for prospective members of the Mason County Softball Umpires Association will be held next Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the IWA Hall in Shelton. Officers will be elected and scheduling for the coming season will be discussed. eye district crown WHAT THE OFFICIAL can't see won't hurt Climber guard Bruce Dorcy, here reacting to a call during a recent game in the Minidome. Bruce and teammates hope to enjoy only the sweet smell of success tonight when they meet North Thurston in round one of the district playoffs. 'Newk' earns six:th at state Shelton sophomore Jerry Newcomb ascended to sixth place in tile state AA wrestling tournament last weekend in Tumwater. The standout 108:pounder was one of five Climbers competing in the prestigious event. Others were Matt Kamin (122), Brian Willis (141), Rick Haskell (148) and Kevin Ridout (158). Newcomb had distinguished himself already, having become Shelton's first frosh state competitor last year, when he narrowly missed placing, but this time around he managed to post a victory in the opening round to put himself in the driver's seat. That one was a thriller, too. Newcomb and Mike Watte of North Kitsap were deadlocked at 0-0 after the regulation six-minute bout, but the scrappy Climber scored a one-point victory in overtime. In the second round, Newk guaranteed himself a place in the "money" by besting Doug Sitton of Sedro Woolley 12-3. In the championship semifinals, however, he got pinned by eventual state-runnerup Dale Huges of Sunnyside at the 1:23 mark, setting u*p his 8-0 rematch loss to Sitton in the battle for III Is it that turn signal not working that'= giving you the pain In your neck and the wet arm to boot? ' I fifth place• Blow-by-blow results for the other Climbers are as follows: Kamin (122)- Beat Greg Lomsdalen of Burlington 9-2, lost to Bill Gihnour of Cheney 4-5 and lost to Steve Davis of East Valley in Yakima 5-8. Willis (141) - Lost to Garry Raymond of Lincoln 3-5, beat Grog Edmonds of Tyee 5-3 and lost to Mark Feldhausen of North Thurston 1-2. Haskell (148) - Lost to Hoby Shelton of Mr, Si 4-6, beat Dennis Armey of Sedro Woolley 8-0 in overtime and lost to Terry Kinley of Tyee 0-1. Ridout (158) - Lost to Mike Williams of Othello 2-9 and lost to Kirk Call of Monroe 2-7. ir 11 . • ;: •i::7; : ,; ..... 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