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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 2, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 2, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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RAYERS are being said for Anthony little chance of surviva by his doctors. nity rclmily potluck led by youth group Wly formed of the group include Eric Youth Group is McHenry, president; Mike Willig, family vice-president; Joyce Duggan, at the MBC secretary; and Kelly Harris, 5 p.m. treasurer. The adult advisor to Group was the group is Gary McHenry. Orrned to provide Residents are asked to take a :tivities for the meal for their family Sunday. area The youth group will furnish The group has plates, utensils and beverage for plan open to those in attendance. If further Ughters of MBC information is desired, phone friends. 426-9092. The officers Urpose of the emphasize it is not necessary to dinner is for area be a member of the MBC Club meet and hear about to attend this community area youth. Officers function. Prayers said in many states for baby By JAN DANFORD this problem, and Mrs. Beasley states that only 150 cases have been diagnosed in the entire country. 'Doctors have told me," says Betty Beasley, "that they know of only one adult with this same condition. It isn't known whether this 21-year-old woman had the problem as a baby and survived, or if she developed it later." Anthony remained in Children's Orthopedic Hospital for two weeks. No cure is known for his condition, and no treatment was given. "He takes phenobarbitol and vitamins," Mrs. Beasley remarks. "He visits the hospital every month, usually for a two or three day period. But he's been in and out the same day on the last two visits. People of many different faiths and from many different churches throughout the United States have banded together in prayer in an effort to save the life of six-month-old Anthony Beasley. Three weeks after his birth on August 25 the son of Betty and Bob Beasley of the Dayton area was sent to Children's Orthopedic Hospital in Seattle. He had yellow jaundice. Blood tests and a liver biopsy disclosed a rare condition. An Alpha I Antitripson enzyme deficiency exists, according to the baby's mother, and Anthony's body lacks the gene to produce the enzyme. He is said to be one of only two babies in the Northwest to have ;:!! "MY BABY is in God's hand," says Betty Beasley. When It Comes To Real Estate Regulations, How Does Your Knowledge Stack Up? Have you read all the fine print? of real estate, including the fine We have , _ . We re the Neighborhood Hr°fessionals TM and we do a lot of heavy reading to keep up with the ever-changing rules and regula- tions that govern the sale of property. CENTURY 21 salespeople are Specially trained and experienced in all phases print, So, when you're ready to sell, sign up someone who's ex- tremely well read. CENTURY 21. JERRY SMITH REALTY We're the Neighborhood Professionals2 Each office is independently owned and operated. CENTURY 21 JERRY SMITH REALTY, 7th & RAILROAD, 426-9751. 1977 CENTURY 21 REAL ESTATE CORPORATION PRINTED IN U.S.A. EQUAL NOIIIIIKI 0eflIUglT¥ "Anthony doesn't act like a sick child," she adds. "He seems to be stable, both physically and mentally. If there is pain, he accepts it. Perhaps it is because he has never known anytbing else. "Doctors offer no hope for Anthony's survival. In January they gave him five months to live if his liver continued to wbrsen. If the condition remains the same or improves, they think he might live to the age of eight or ten years. "His body burns up energy and is unable to store away much fat. He weighed six pounds four ounces at birth, and now weighs 11½ pounds. "The condition," Betty Beasley continues, "caused Anthony's liver to harden. This was first noticed in December and became worse in January. There was no improvement until after his baptism." When Anthony was three weeks old prayers were begun for him in the First Baptist Church of Shelton. As his condition became known, more and mor persons added their prayers. Bob Beasley came to Wiiliam and Lorene Crutcher of Shelton, and the Beasley family was invited to attend the Full Gospel Church in Quilcene. "There," says Lorene Crutcher, "people gathered around and laid hands on the baby. After that my husband and I and also Mr. and Mrs. Beasley called prayer groups throughout the United States to enlist their aid." When Betty Beasley telephoned Oral Roberts in Tulsa, Oklahoma the operator recognized the number and engaged Mrs. Beasley in a conversation about her son. The telephone operator instigated prayers within her own group. She called ten other groups to ask their prayers, and these groups in turn called still more prayer groups. Rex Humbard in Akron, Ohio was contacted, and also Jimmie Swaggart in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Calls went out to the Crutchers' relatives in St. Joseph, Missouri where they asked for prayers in churches. Betty Beasley telephoned the 700 Club, a religious TV program. The club contacted a local member, Helen Giddings. She notified the Reverend D.J. Maddux, who visited the Beasley home to pray with them. On February 26 Anthony Beasley and his four brothers and sisters were baptized in St. David's Episcopal Church. Anthony has a nine-year-old sister, Laurie. His brothers are Christoper, Samuel and Bobby, who are four, seven and ten years old, respectively. Members of many churches witnessed the baptism, and in other Shelton churches group prayers were said simultaneously. Anthony Beasley was taken to Children's Orlhopedic Hospital on the following day. "Re had gained a pound," says his molher, "and the liver was much sofler and more normal." Bob and Betty Beasley are filled with gratitude for the "However, if God chooses to many prayers that have been take him 1 will know that offered in their baby'sbehalf. Anthony has served a great "i believe," states Mrs. purpose in bringing so many Beasley, "that my baby is now people of the United States in God's hands. His condition together in fellowship and closer has improved, to our Heavenly Father." 2121 Olympic Hiway N. Top of the hi//. 426-3341 OPEN MONDAY thru SATURDAY 9 to 9. SUNDAYS 9 to 6. Purina DOG FOOD Field-n-Farm Complete nutrition for all dogs. Sold only by Harvey's in Mason and Thurston counties. Reg. $8.62. BIG 50 LB. BAG • : .: SPECIAL s7009 Budded and Blooming PRIMROSES The first blooming fragrant perennials Reg. 79¢ Special € lea. All prices good Thursday thru Sunday ON THIS BIG FAMILY-SIZE REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER! NO-FROST, 2-DOOR ' 17.7 CU. FT. HOTPOINT PRICED TO SELL-OUT! [] 17.7 Cubic feet of storage space [] Adjustable meat storage compartment [] 3 Adjustable cabinet shelves [] Egg racks and covered butter and cheese bin compart- ments [] 3 Cabinet door shelves [] 3 Easy-Release TM ice trays and storage bucket [] Rolls out on wheels. Model CTF18EV justS4899s w/t SEE THESE OTHER GREAT HOTPOINT SALE VALUES! 'lt i storage space   Illi storage space [] 3 1 -i Freezer door snell -1}1[ Adiustablo,-..,^, .al []  Easy-Release'" i  ..... '*c-:- -m'"li sh'elves El"''w'i 1 .! ice trays El Proauce i crispers [] Rolls out .J  crisper. L]i[ on wheels o,:' ,  I ]  ,..4! Model CTF16CV '349"'w,, i00iI *469".. [IluE000000 • • _ George Valley -- Appliance Headquarters in Mason County for 32 years. Thursday, March 2, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 23