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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 2, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 2, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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umiiiuin| Lookin" for a Home 1 II I I I I III I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I IIIIII I I I I I IIIIIII III I I I I I I I IIII IIII I I I II I IIII I I II I I I I I I II THEIR MOTHER is an Irish setter. These two female puppies are six weeks old. One is pure gold and the other is a bronze-brown softly mottled with black. They have a gold-colored brother, and all three need good homes. Call 426-9443. Free Pets Australian shepherd-German shepherd crossbreed. Five-month-old male. An outdoor dog, good with stock. 426-1934. Toy poodle, black female. 898-2923 after 6:30 p.m. Miniature poodle, black male. 898-2923 after 6:30 p.m. Black Lab mix, black male. 426-5394. German shepherd-collie mix, female. 426-7493. German shepherd, female. Housetrained. 426-1961. Four Rhode Island red hens. 426-3687. Three cats. a male Morris look-alike, affectionate; a female angora; a female grey Persian. All housetrained. 426-5501. Toy poodle, spayed female, white. All shots. 426-6765. Cocker-terrilqoo mix. Apricot. Spayed female. All shots. 426-6765. German shepherd-husky male, dark brown. 426-2904. V Black Lab-St. Bernard-shepherd mix puppies, seven weeks old. 426-4823. Cocker mix puppies, six months old. 426-4823. To list a free pet in this column call Mason County Citizens For Animals at 426-9828 or 426-5005. Available at the city pound is a part pit bulldog. The four-month-old aale is dark brown and obedience training has been started. 426-444 I. Pioneer levy meeting set Pioneer School District The meeting is to organize a citizens are asked to attend a committee to support and levy committee meeting to be promote the district's May 16 held at the school March 7 at 8 special levy of $93,000. p.ln. Gommu00it00 "Galendar Today, Thursday, March 2 p.m., Timberland Library. PWP potluck, 6:30 p.m., Key Club, 7 p.m., SHS. fairgrounds. Hood Canal Improvement Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Club business meeting, 7:30 Ming Tree Care. p.m., Union firehall. Toastmasters Club, 6:45 City commission meeting, 2 a.m., Timbers. p.m., city hall. Kiwanis Club of Mason American Legion and County Seniors, noon, Senior Auxiliary, 8 p.m., Memorial Hall. Center. Lions Club dinner and board Clothing Bank, 10 a.m.-2 meeting, 7 p.m., Holiday Park. p.m., Collier Clinic Buidling. Jaycee dinner meeting, 6:30 Yacht Club dinner, 6 p.m.; p.m., airport clubhouse. business meeting, 8 p.m., Nimrod Club, 8 p.m., clubhouse. Dearborn clubhouse. Democratic Central Mason Youth Services board committee, 7:30 p.m., of directors meeting, 7 p.m., city courthouse, council chambers. Mason County Recreation Quilting group, 1 p.m., St. Association, 8 p.m., Colonial David's Hali. House. Chapter 24 Retired Public Hood Canal Lions Club, 8 Employes, 10 a.m., PUD. p.m., Fearless Freddie's. OES Social Club, noon, Planning meeting for SHS home of Doris Hillman. ClaSSp.m. ' TaylorOf 1958TownereUniOn,cafe " 7:30 Wednesday, March 8 SheI-Toa, home of Jeanette Progressive pinochle, 6:30 Gavin. p.m., Senior Center. Elks, 8 p.m., lodge. Friday, March 3 Kristmas Town Kiwanis Club, Chamber of Commerce board 6:50 a.m., Holiday Park. meeting, 7:30 a.m., Timbers. Skookum Rotary Club VFW, 8 p.m., Memorial Hall. breakfast, 7 a.m., Heinids. Saturday, March 4 Tops Washington Chapter Vegetarian potluck, 1 p.m., No. 313, 6:15 p.m., First Baptist Seventh-day Adventist School, Church. Shelton Valley Road. Soroptimist Club, 8 p.m., Card party, 7:30 p.m., PUD conference room. Harstine Community Hall. Board of Realtors, noon, Rummage sale by Mason Timbers. County Democratic Women's Port commission meeting, 8 ClUb,Lake firehall.lO a.m.-3 p.m., Island p.m., courthouse. Silver Star Saddle Club, 7:30 Sunday, March 5 p.m., PUD. Shelton churches invite you Christian Women's Club, to attend the church of your 11:45 a.m., Masonic Temple. choice. Beta Zeta ESA, 8 p.m., home PWP carpool at Thriftway for of Bey Holland. skating party and dinner at PWP Amigo meeting, 7:30 Olympia, 2 p.m. p.m., home of Don Clark. Monday, March 6 PUD No. 3 commission Thursday, March 9 meeting, 1 p.m., PUD conference Union Ladies Civic Club, room. noon, Union firehall. Clothing Bank, 10 a.m.-2 Christmastown Rounders, 8 p.m., Collier Clinic building, p.m., IWA hall. 10 a.m.,C°untYcourthouse, c°mmissi°n meeting, Clothing Bank, 10 a.m.-2 Shelton Bridge Club, 7:15 p.m., Collier Clinic building. .p.m,'l2D, * ,; .:, , Kiwanis .Club of Mason County Seniors, noon, Senior MemorialSimpsOnHall.pinochle, 7:30 p.m., Center. Ski Club, 7:30 p.m., Mt. Toastmasters Club, 6:45 View School. a.m., Timbers. Southside PTO, 7:30 p.m., Rotary Club luncheon, noon, school. Ming Tree Care. Mason County park and PWP potluck, 6:30 p.m., recreation board, 7:30 p.m., fairgrounds. county commissioners' room, courthouse. AARP, noon, St. David's Hall. Jobies, 7:30 p.m., Masonic Temple. Epsilon Omicron, 8 p.m., home of member. 426-9265. Tuesday, March 7 Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon, Heinie's. Overeaters Anonymous, 7:30 00_nnouncing CERTIFICATES Available now at your Community Credit Union. 7.75 Annual Interest Rate now being paid on $5,000 minimum deposits held for five (5) years. Dividends are calculated on the actual dollar value, compounded and paid quarterly. A substantial penalty is required for failure to comply with these requirements. Federal regulations prohibit payment of dividends in excess.of available earnings. Each member account insured to $40,000 by Administrator, National Credit Union Administration. Regular Share Accounts Still Paying 6¼% Annual Interest, compounded and paid quarterly. 521 Railroad Avenue Shehon, WA 98584 426-1601 New Belfair Center Beifair, WA 98528 275-6066 mason councU |etlmral ox, t:llt union  Bowling Results IiI SIMPSON WOMEN 2-9-78 13-7, Mason Lk. M. 13-7, Sh. Women s Hi Game: Doris Neff Apts. 12-8, Cub 11-9, H.C. 245 Campers 11-9, Quinault 8-12, Women's Hi Series: Doris Neff 583 Standings: Accounting 20-4, Planers 18-6, Power 16-8, Engineering 14-10, Sh. Veneer 13k-10V2, Methods 12-12, Four 12.12,1 2-12, cMResearch 11"13' 12"12'Boom Ggf,, pLgrggheriSg 9': 141k, Lu m berTh ree 8.16, 9"15' Dry S. 6-18. Accounting 3, Donna Walden 508; Power 1, Judy Coogan 448; Planers 4, June Lewis 528; Govey 0, Donna Coleman 534; ;gineeleg t hdsMag, e Marlene witcraft CauTePta g a814;5 h F°[e nl$ e rCl ° Dorothy Moore 454; Boom 1, 3M,,arluYg e Wheelerkike s 478; 481 ;LoggersResearchl, Joan Woods 508; CM 3, Juanita Hartwell 486; Three 2, Barb Frahman 422; Lumber 2, Beth Brown 474; Purchasing 3, Doris Neff 583; Dry S. 1, Genny Bourgault 457. SUNDAY NIGHT MIXED DOUBLES 2-12-78 Men's Hi Game: Terry Knight 204 Men's Hi Series: Terry Knight 558 Women's Hi Game: Debi Stone 175 Women's Hi Series: Debi Stone 440 Standings: Smith 14-6, Nine Jimmy's 8-12, Johnson 6-14, M&M 4-16. M&M 1, Alvie Warnes 422; Smith 3, Ray Peterson 428; Cub .1, 3, MattLee D:G°ad°eh 436; 432; QuinaultNine 3, ;J k,00mo'00s ' Campers M. 3, HarrYl, DebiCOOkstone537; 4HC J°hns°nApts " 4, 0 L.yD;g gs oMuatrht iron a 53  S h: SUNDAY NIGHT MIXED DOUBLES 2-26-78 Men's Hi Game: Terry Knight 203 Men's Hi Series: Terry Knight 547 Women's Hi Game: Diana Offerdal 200 Women's Hi Series: Diana Offerdal 516 Lk. Sta?d.js,: SmithNine 20-8,17-11,Mas°nH.C. Campers 16-12, Cub 14-14, Sh. Apts. 13-15, M&M 11-17, Quinault 10-18, Johnson 10-18, Jimmy's 10-18. 516;393; MSMAtsA, I Warnes R°n M°°re500; Quinault 0, Marion Robinson 452; Johnson 2, DaUB Martin 532; Smith 2,Steve Peterson 471; Jimmy's 1, Jerry Kinnaman 345; bCUbli3rgMatt De Joseph 447. "What business in this town needs is..." ...A good 5¢ cigar? ...A new !.i attitude? ...More custc Shelton-Mason County Chamber of Commerce. Heinie's Broiler Dinner 7 p.m. Business Forum Program, 8 p.m. FOR VALUE COME TO HEHDERSON MOBILE HOMES Thurston County's --Exclusive Bendix Homes.Dealer-- Brookwood Paramount Pacific Kozy With A Big Beautiful Stone Fire#ace While you are here, why not inspect beautiful MOUNTAIN GREENS ESTATES Terrific Deals on all 14' Wldes Fair, Friendly, Honest -- Above All i Service HENDERSON'S MOBILE HOME SALES, INC. 5140 Yelm Hwy. • Across from Capitol City Golf Course • 491-1222 Page 26 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 2, 1978 MERCER T.V. 217 W. Cota, Shelton, 426-271d General Electric Warranty Stahon : We service ANY make or of T.V.'s, Stereos, C. "For gracious living" 00bri00tma00 :Oil Quality built all custom homes unk set up in our all adu park or on your lot. Models to see & spaces available at 2fi51.1 .rtl! Ehirteettttl €llbilr 2 []ti-4 2 ti -2GStl