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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 2, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 2, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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The Maranatha Sounds Union: Club has newsletter By THELMA FLOOR The newsletter recently circulated to South Shore residents, regarding accomplishnlents of the Hood Canal Improvement Club, was researched and put together by a team of club members and historical buffs of the Union area. Responsible for conception, production and distribution of this letter were Helen Rudy, Karen James McCullough, Sally Fisher and Mary Margaret Beley. The Hood Canal Improvement Club, over the years, has been a catalyst between local residents and various government agencies and many of the improvements we enjoy in our community can be traced to the efforts of a few unselfish and dedicated persons Tracks are first made by a sighted skier, then each blind person has a guide skiing beside him as they race around a course the size of a horse-race track. They compete - not against each other - but against the clock and against their own built-in inhibitions. One woman, blind since birth, said, "1 have not felt so free since my parents took me as a little child to an ocean beach and let me run and run and run." It was like a sermon to all of us non-handicapped to see the enthusiasm and pure joy the participants showed in the two-day event. About 30 persons attended; some were guides and some a part of the support system such participation. LaNae Munsell and Rick Aho, two blind skiers, sang solos and duets and delighted everyone with their beautiful voices and performances. Tony Floor accompanied them on the piano and also played for community signing. Sunday Craig Johnson and Renee Miller of KING-TV and the AI Wallace "How Come?" show came to Trollhaugen and filmed the ski race and the presentation of trophies. Every blind skier received one of the trophies for their participation and their delight was something to behold. The program will be aired on "How Come?" and Johnston thought the date would be March 12. Coordinating the event were ELECTRIC MOTOR WE REPAIR • Electric Chainsaws • Skilsaws • • Electric Power Tools (of all We have new and used electric motorl for any purpose. If it's not in stock, CALL: Shelton Electric Motor 421 ,-4918 FENCI Protect your and your ATTRACTIVE CHAIN LINK who gave of their time and as preparing meals. Saturday Knut and Svea Karlsen of Good Prices-GoodMaterlals Singers to be at church talents to the benefit of us all. evening, after dinner and with a Seattle. Karlsen is district sports Appreciation of what this club big fire blazing in the open director for the Sons of Norway 456-4060 does for us can be shown by fireplace, an impromptu program lodges in the Northwest and after six call 491.5742 The Maranatha Sounds, a the Assemblies of God. Colorado, Idaho, South Dakota 16-voice choral group from Northwest College is fully and Alaska. Kirkland, will be featured in accredited, offering a junior Their musical presentation is concert at the Shelton Assembly college program and three-year, quite varied as it centers around of God Church March 5 at 10:50 four-year and five-year Bible a unique young people's a.m. college programs. Its 55-acre approach to Christianity and the This outstanding group of campus in Kirkland was the subject of life. The group has musicians and vocalists has educational center for more than been featured in colleges, traveled throughout the 700 students last year. auditoriums, high schools and northwestern part of the United Included in the Maranatha churches across the Northwest. States. Calvin White is the Sounds are students from The public is welcome to attend director of the group. Oregon, Washington, Montana, this concert. The members of tire Maranatha Sounds are all students at Northwest College o! Cub Scout Pack has Blue and Gold Banquet MAN ALIVE r. Are you missing something? Surely there is more to life! There is -- life can be tremendous! For a free no obligation booklet explaining write: Man Alive Booklet, 524 Dearborn, Shelton. Cub Scout Pack 112 had Bob Brigbam, district commissioner for Cub Scouting in Mason District: Warren Knutzen, institutional representative from the Kiwanis; and Pastor Kurt ttardenbrook and his family from the First Christian Church as special guests at tire Blue and Gold Banquet potluck dinner !helto n - Olympia ;,: DALLY EXCEPT SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS PASSENGER SCHEDULE Leave Shelton 8:45 a.m. 4:45 p.m. Arrive Olympia 9:15a.m. 5:15 p.m. Leave Olympia 9:45 a.m. 5:50 p.m. Arrive Shelton 10:15 a.m. 6:20 p.m. PARCEL EXPRESS SERVICE SHELTON DEPOT Senior Center 208 Grove Street Phone: 426-2910 OLYMPIA DEPOT Greyhound Bus Depot Capitol Way and 7th Phone: 357-5541 Cascade Trailways February 21 at Bordeaux School. The skit, "How to Grow a Good Cub Scout," was put on by Den 2. Green Thumb Gardeners were Dennis Stephens, Rabble Hunter, Jack Coots, Chris Kneeland and Billy Smetzler. The Sprout was Chris Hoff. Den 1 did the skit, "Echo Valley." Speakers were Tom Ryckmau and Mike Brown. Echo was Dave Vander Wal. Mark Sylvester and Ronny Whitener were props. Everyone watched a film to help promote SME. Jack Coots and Todd IT, hades, along with their fanuhes, became members of the pack by receiving their bobcat badges. Several boys are on the upward climb toward becoming a Boy Scout. Receiving wolf badges were Chris }taft and Chris Kneehmd. A silver arrow was awarded to Jesse Weston. Dave Vander Wal received a silver arrow for the wolf rank and was awarded his bear badge and a gold arrow for the rank of bear. One-year pins were given to David Sears, Jesse Weston, Matt Levitt, Dave Vander Wal, Billy Smetzler and Chris Herr. The next pack meeting will be March 21. Mason County Republican Precinct Caucus March 7, 1978, 8 p.m. PRECINCT NAME Shelton 1 Bernard Carlson Shelton 2 Frank Travis Shelton 3 Edna Loughnan Shelton 4 Shelton 5 Herb Vonhof Shelton 6 Madeline Ramsfield Shelton 7 Betty Jean Rotz Shelton 8 Shelton 9 Peggy Bennett Shelton 10 Shelton 11 Shelton 12 Shelton 13 Betty Jean Rotz Shelton 14 Lucille Nevitt Shelton 15 Ray Prouty Shelton 16 Ruby Hopper Airport Chloe Scales Allyn Arcadia Thelma Puhn Belfair 1 Carol Angus Belfair 2 Carol Angus Belfair 3 Carol Angus Belfair 4 Carol Angus Capitol Hill Bernhard Winiecki Ctoquallum Dayton Chloe Scoles Eells Chloe Scoles Grapeview Ann Wilder Harstine Mrs. John Lauback Hoodsport Isabella Kamilche Marguerite Bishop Kamilche 2 Marguerite Bishop Lake Jean Moore Lilliwaup Ed Olson Matlock Lottie Ford Mill Creek Richard Jenner Miller Helen Barkman/ Evelyn Rushton Mt. View Elmer Manke Northside Berwyn Thomas Pickering Potlatch Satsop Skokomish Harold Hunter Tahuya Carol Angus Union Lucille Livingston Westside Phillip Hamlin CAUCUS LOCATION 116 West Pine 502 Laurel 910 West Birch 109 Hawthorne 1202 Cota 423 Euclid 1519 Center 423 Euclid 122 East "D" Street 1519 Center 2214 King Street 285 Island Lake Drive Pioneer School Southside School St. Rt. 4, Box 45 (North of PUD) (North of PUD) (North of PUD) Sylvan Heights, Northcliff 285 Island Lake Drive 285 Island Lake Drive So. of Grapeview School Pioneer School Southside School Southside School 715 Mason Lake Drive St. Rt. 1, Box 25, Lilliwaup Rt. 1, Box 118, Elma Southside School Pioneer School 2214 King Street Pioneer School Pioneer School Rt. 5, Box 175 St. Rt. 4, Box 45 Casa de Canal Restaurant 109 Hawthorne Healthmobile schedule told The March schedule for the Rural Healthmobile Service was announced this week. Visits in Mason County during the month will be: March 6, Belfair Firehall. March 21. Hoodsport Fire Station. March 22, Grapeview Firehall. March 28, Agate Grange Hall. sending in the membership fee of was held with $1 per person per year. The next meeting will be held March 7 at Traffic tips: 7:30 p.m. in the firehall. A report will be given by the park planning committee at this meeting. Mitch Forrey, chairman, advises his group has been meeting regularly and is making considerable progress. A big "Welcome to our World" is extended to a member of a pioneer family of the Union area. Fritz Dalby, who grew up in the neighborhood, and whose mother, Ethel Dalby, still lives on the waterfront property owned by the family, is returning with his family to spend his retirement years in old, familiar surroundings. A new double mobile home is being moved in and positioned for a full view of Hood Canal. These folks will be a great asset to the community and we welcome them home. Over the past weekend Tony and Thelma Floor attended a Regional Ski for Light Meet held on the Trollhaugen property at Stampede Pass. "Trollhaugen" is a lodge, large enough to accommodate 60 overnight guests, built by Norwegians of the Northwest. All the creature comforts we are used t6 are availab!e at this unique mottiftan retreat and this past weekend was a particular treat because it was shared with nine young blind men and women of the Seattle, Kent and Monroe areas. "Ski for Light," sponsored by the Sons of Norway, is a program which teaches cross-country skiing to blind and otherwise handicapped persons. Roy Dove in the Navy Navy Seaman Recruit Roy K. Dove, son of Mr. and Mrs. Campbell C. Dove, Shelton, has completed recruit training at the Naval Training Center, San Diego. During the eight.week training cycle, he studied general military subjects designed to prepare him for further academic and on-the-job training in one of the Navy's 85 basic occupational fields. Included in his studies were seamanship, close-order drill, naval history and first aid. He joined the Navy in November 1977. IF YOU WON'T TAKE ADVICE, YOU CAN'T BE HELPED You have heard of people who don't visit a physician until they have to be carried to one. They fear they may hear unpleasant news. But usually, when they finally get to medical aid, sickness has so ravaged their body that a cure is difficult. Be wise. Don't wait. Get help quickly. YOU OR YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need a delivery. We will deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people rely on, us for their health needs. We welcome requests for delivery service and charge accounts. Neil's Pharmacy Fifth & Franklin St.--426-3327 Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 Saturdays-- 9:30 to 6:00 volunteer Alaska. Comments given on traffic violations By TROOPER VERN GIDDINGS Mason County Detachment, Washington State Patrol The following is extracted in part from the Motor Code section of the Revised Code of Washington State, R.C.W. 46.61.190. Vehicle Entering Stop or Yield Intersection. (1) Preferential right-of-way may be indicated by stop signs or yield signs as authorized in RCW 47.36.110. (2) Except when directed to proceed by a duly authorized flagman, or a police officer, or a fire fighter vested by law with authority to direct, control, or regulate traffic, every driver of a vehicle approaching a stop sign shall stop at a clearly marked stop line, but if none, before entering a marked crosswalk on the near side of the intersection or, if none, then at the point nearest the intersecting roadway where the driver has a view of approaching traffic on the intersecting roadway before entering the roadway, and after having stopped shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle in the intersection or approaching on another roadway so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard during the time when such driver is moving across or within the intersection or junction of roadways. (3) The driver of a vehicle approaching a yield sign shall in obedience to such sign slow down to a speed reasonable for the existing conditions and if required for safety to Stop, shall stop at a clearly marked stop line, but if none, before entering a marked crosswalk on the near side of the intersection or if none, then at a point nearest the intersecting roadway where the driver has a view of approaching traffic on the intersecting roadway before entering the roadway, and then after slowing or stopping, the driver shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle in the intersection• or:, approaching.m another roadway soeiosely as to constitute an immediate hazard during the time such driver is moving across or within the intersection or junction of roadways: PROVIDED, That if such a driver is involved in a collision with a vehicle in the intersecton or junction of roadways, after driving past a yield sign without stopping, such collision shall be deemed prima facie evidence of his failure to yield right-of-way. Violations of the above statute have accounted for many accidents in Mason County in the past, some of which have resulted in serious injury to occupants and in some cases death. When approaching such intersections it is necessary to exercise extreme caution, not only for your own safety and those of other motorists but because the law requires. This law, like the rest, was developed to protect motorists by providing definite guidelines for operation of vehicles in and around such intersections. By following the law as intended you are provided with the necessary time to evaluate the speed of any vehicles approaching on the roadway you intend to cross or enter and so determine whether or not it would present a dangerous situation if you were to enter the intersection at that time. A quick glance down the road indicates there is a vehicle approaching but you feel there is sufficient distance for you to pull out. Your experience from hundreds of other California stops at the same intersection tells you to go. Unfortunately this time the vehicle approaching is exceeding the speed limit and before you can clear the intersection... He was wrong, you may have been right - dead right. It only takes a second or two or three to stop and look and yield. How many of you have been victims of such an incident and wished that you could relive those few seconds so you could do it the right way? How many of our friends, neighbors or relatives have been killed by those same few seconds? Is the saving of those precious few seconds so important to you that you would jeopardize life itself?. What's your hurry? Driving can be hazardous to your health. By Realtor REID MITCHELL MASON COUNTY REALTY SOME BENEFITS OF AGE If you want more house for your dollar, you have good cause to look over older aouses. But there are other good reasons for shopping the old ones, too. For one thing, there are simply more old houses than new ones. For every new house that will go up this year there are some 45 existing homes already on the market. Many older homes, especially those built before World War II, offer more abundant space than new homes do -- a special attraction if you have a large and growing family, but a imited budget. Most old homes are in well-established, well-developed neighborhoods. There will be no waiting for streets to be paved, sewers to be connected or schools to be built. All that is going to grace the neighborhood is probably already there, so that worrying about the future will have been done for you already. If there is anything we can do to help you in the field of real estate, please phone or drop in at MASON COUNTY REALTY, 724 Railroad Avenue, Shelton, phone 426-4486. We're here to help. Installation Commercial g Residential "Insurance Is Our Only Let Us Save You On Your Insurance C • AUTO • BOAT • HOME OWNERS • LIFE • E • MOBILE Arnold 6t 117 East Cota Phone 426-3317 Our Annual Day of Pray er 2 No. 109 ....... It" my memory serves me correctly, it is first that I remember was the Pearl Harbor year.. was two years old in Europe. We mothers saw tn with aching hearts and now it is our grandchildren tragic, full-of-intrigue country and world. So it it up and pray for all concerned. What is more fitting than to consider the left [or us (Matt. 6:7-13, 24:20). "OUR FATHER WHICH ART IN HEA wonderful to address HIM as such, when we are among the billion-trillions of HIS vast universe Matt. 10:30, Is. 147:4). Let us contemplate " of GOD (1 Car. 2:9-12, Rev. 21:16-22) as is preparing [or a prepared people (Jn. 14:1-4). "HALLOWED BE THY NAME." With appear before HIM as Israel of old when H TEN COMMANDMENTS (Ex. 19:1-25, Heb. 12:18-22). "THY KINGDOM COME." Look with short time of trouble ahead (Dan. 11:44, 45, reward awaiting the faithful (Hosea 10:12, 2:7, 3:5, 12, 21). "THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH HEAVEN. "" "GOD'S clock is surely ticking, must play their part and be ready'and 3:4-10, 17-21, lsa. 61:1-3, Heb. 8:10, I1, Rev. 22:11-15). "GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY ; both kinds from Him each day, spiritually by guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT for the co against sin (JrL 8:34, Ram. 6:6, Ps. 119:11). this, our bread and water will be sure (IsaL 3 "LEA VE US NOT IN TEMPTATION, EVIL. " CHRIST has already prepared overcomer (Pray. 4:23, James 1:1-12, 13-21) HIS protection (Ps. 91). "FORGIVE US OUR DEBTS AS WE DEBTORS." We are to use HIS standard compassion, not only as an example but as promise (1 Jn. 1:9, Matt. 7:2, 18:21,35, 6:36-39). There is a spiritual meaning 8:12-23). "FOR THINE IS THE 'KINGDOM, THE GLORY." OUR GREAT FATHER GOD IS WHO invites us to reign with HIM IN AL Car. 15:24-28, Rev. 20:1-6, Isa. 24:18-23). Be sure and add, "IN JESUS' NAME,  REQUESTED BY CHRIST HIMSELF AT EARTHLY MISSION FOR IT WAS TO BE TO US THAT IT WAS HE THAT ALL WHO WOULD ACCEPT HIM, HIM AND BE REWARDED BY BOTH FA TILER A T THE TIME OF It was the use of HIS NAME that to their future work (Ps. 34:3, Isa. 9:6, MaL Jn. 7:31, Acts 3:16, Rev. 22:4). It was the use of HIS NAME in praying brought on the early persecution by the J* HE IS TRULY WORTHY for He LIFE, been accepted and anointed by His own Kingdom of Righteousness that the salvation of the whole world (Matt. 2 HE IS OUR JUDGE (Jn. 5:22, 3) as PRIEST WHO RECEIVES OUR THEM TO THE FATHER WHO 3:12, Rev.:8, 8:34). HE IS ALSO TR UL Y BORN-A GAIN 1:17-23, 5:27, CoL 1:5-21, Heb. 12:23-29). ' "AMEN" - SO LET IT BE. "'If thou confess with thy mouth and JESUS IS THE LORD, and that GOD THE DEAD: THOU SHALT BE SAVED, BELIEVING UNTO RIGHTEOUSNESS (Ram. 10:1-5, 13). Page 28 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 2, 1978