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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 2, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 2, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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it is requested for highway Crlmepreventi°ntlps: has been received The wo,*o 'a00 ",o r00nt, uono ov,o.,,,o,, o, ,,,e o,o Citizens are seeking U.S. ArmyCorps provide bank protection along archeological, scientific, office from the Highway 3. prehistorical or historical data State Department of Preliminary review by the may be lost or destroyed by Office of District Seattle District indicates that this work to be accomplished under Olympia, for a work will not significantly affect the requested permit. The work of the Army permit the quality of the human is not located on a property with Section 10 of environment. The preparation of registered in the National and Harbor Act of a federal environmental impact Register of Historic Places. 1899 for work in statement is not anticipated at The decision whether to issue near Shelton. this time. a permit will be based on an pson official predicts tinued strong markets Strong markets for all-time record. Oswald predicted percent in the past five years and products in 1978 were ted here Friday by 'imber Company -. Oswald. his optimistic expressing concern rates and the ]ng costs of doing '°UtlannkuWaS included in report to personnel. was a good reflecting conditions. Starts in the U.S. .million units, with ]on of those which are of lumber, nd doors.', The Starts were an 1.7 million total housing starts in 1978 with "good markets in the first half of the year with perhaps some decline in the last half." The company's total lumber shipments from mills in Shelton, California and Canada were "a record 467 million board feet, the equivalent of 42 rail cars each workday. That ranks Simpson 15th among all North American lumber manufacturers. Simpson's two Shelton sawmills shipped 180 million board feet of lumber. Oswald said that although markets are strong, controlling costs is essential. He said, for example, that Simpson's payroll costs per hour have climbed 71 tractors cost 85 percent more than in 1972. Highlights of the year in the Shelton Working Circle included: - The first helicopter logging in the Shelton Working Circle. (Costs were more than double conventional logging, making its use very limited.) - Investment of $1.75 million in lumber manufacturing facilities. - Construction of steam vats for plywood, which increase the amount and quality of veneer obtained from logs. - Major improvements at McCleary, including expansion and asphalting of the lumber storage area and changes to the dry kilns. I ngs are scheduled og export bill Congressman in the temporary ban. The Banker bill would insure to begin Banker said the main goal of that any timber cut from federal export of logs his bill is to take pressure off the lands which is exported has been impact of the proposed activity on tile public interest. That decision will reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. The benefit which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal will be considered; among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, historic values, fish and wildlife values, flood' damage prevention, land use, navigation, recreation, water supply, water quality, energy needs, safety, food production and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. Comments or, these factors will be accepted and made part of the record and will be considered in determining whether it would be in the best public interest to grant a permit. Comments should reach the Seattle corps office not later than March 27 to insure consideration. additional information By DIMITR! TODD, Crime Prevention Officer Mason County Sheriff's Office It is gratifying to the law-enforcement agencies that so many of the citizens in Mason County have taken the time and effort to find out more about the Neighborhood Watch Program and Operation Identification. Within the county several areas have developed a neighborhood program which has reduced home burglaries and in some instances have been active in providing the information needed to apprehend and convict burglars. The action of the trained citizen is highly desirable and, as in the cases of fire prevention, disease prevention, preventive maintenance of equipment, crime prevention is a tool by which you can safeguard your community. Recent training of people in CPR and EMT has shown the success of those programs. The training of crime prevention volunteers by the Mason County sheriff's department is beginning to show results, which is a step towards reducing crime within the county. Unlike so many preventive programs, crime prevention takes time and effort and requires constant vigil by all concerned. The crime prevention volunteers realize the importance of their work and, when you are approached by them, please take time to hear what they have to say. They have nothing to sell but give only a few proven ideas on how to improve your security and that of your family. The sheriff's department and the Shelton police department are interested in reducing crime of all types and, if you are interested in assisting,, contact them today and learn what you and your neighbors can do to help. Self-employed? Let me show you how to reduce your income tax while you build a bigger retirement fund. William F. Schultz New York Life Insurance Company  Govey Bldg. Suite 5 U 4th & Railroad, Shelton Phone 426-3443 HOOD CANAL TAX SERVICE Individual and Business Tax Return Preparation. Computer Assistance Available. IN HOODSPORT AT THE SEARS STORE For Information and Appointments Call 877.9727, CLOSED WEDNESDAYS Ch k your PRINT IN statement is being prepared, never quite understood their ...... en School of other meetings will be scheduled illness, you'll be interested in the i!iill Sponsored by as needed and upon request, next Community Health try Mirdsterial BLM is preparing the Education Forum being held at open for late environmental statement in its St. Peter Hospital, Lacey. School has two Oregon State Office in Portland. "Asthma - A Respiratory nd is set up so Questions involving the Disease That Respects No Age" tnts get the environmental statement should will be presented as a late and be directed to the Project community service on Monday, iiiill ecumenical Manager, Northern Tier March 13, at 7:30 p.m. in St. nvironmental Team, P.O. Box Peter Hospital's cafeteria. The are held in Saint 2965, Portland, Oregon 97208, program, the third health forum i Fourth and or to his toll-free number, in a year, is co-sponsored and ]]]:::::: from 7:30 800-547-5532. organized by St. Peter Hospital !iii!ii classes are A brochure describing the and the St. Peter Hospital iiiiiii and teenagers, environmental statement process medical staff, iiiiiii :::::; and and a small-scale map can be Seating is available for about iiiill Act of obtained on request. A detailed 150 persons. To make iiiiil acrifice: map showing the proposed reservations for the forum, or to i!!iil for pipeline route will be available ask information about future iiiill at the for inspection at each of the programs, call the hospital's !ii!il !iiii! in following scheduled meetings: Community Relations Office at ::::!i::] Hall next Port Angeles, Haguewoods 456-7258 between 8 a.m. and iiiiiii: classes. All Restaurant, Juan de Fuca Room, 4:30 p.m. i::ili!i Ptural and March 8, 7:30 p.m. Reservations should be :::::: ....... ::::::: are no fees Olympia, Tyee Motel, Big received no later than Friday, iiiii!i Chief Room, March 9, 2 p.m. March 10. !iili! iiiii! Fabric o stery From Yd. iii!: Northwest on timber supply for small mills processed in a domestiC: mill into e°mmittee which depend heavily, upon lumber or other finished ' R e I a°ft i othen s an afederal ........ timber for their sue_ply product. It would also phase out - I Banker- is a t ,, .'u neap to ,orotect .jobs in over a six-year period a loophole I1 - - he timber products industry, in the present law which allows a cu.mluct the PbeinC a re,,Tshhutn is that small mills finn to export logs from its !iiii Y • • • Site has yet No " g down in the private lands and then buy bill Would m rthwest, and part of the federal logs to supply a nearby tern,,ora-.  ake reason is log exports. When we mill. Since the private logs could i,,_t" ,y o an on export logs we also ex art " ." ,vll Cut on federal Banker s '" p jobs, have supplied the local mill, this ,.,'Several loopholes hen rings" plannedal(l ' '" e ffor:t Sadministration practice IS called "substitution.".,,,:,Bonker saidby hethefUllYto getSUpp°rtScarterthe : ......................  * 1"hen. ca [J the Journal s modern Japanese to buy more finished iil rln )eline proposal rou0t fom o  n ,a* ,4 his bill is a clear signal to the : ::::::::::::: t,n Japanese that we are serious i!iiiiiit!ili P g P , artment at naU--°f Land assistance of the t)ublic in ab°ut pr°tecting N°rthwest j°bs" ...... J .... 46-4412 oo_. ttlL.M) has identifying environmental "Hopefully, the Japanese will nalS,,°t,lnf°rmal concerns and sources of see that they must move more • "g me route information and expertise to aid quickly to lower their trade torthern Tier in preparing an environmental barriers against importing / The purpose of statement, finished wood products from the !!:/:!i::i!!i: ! to obtain the The proposed pipeline would United States," he stated. pass through Mason County. ke r=, m Crude oil brought by tan r I from Alaska and other sources to Program planned I Port An eles would be delivered I by the g re " ' to on asthma Cle " p posea pipedne Our commercial printing expert ill help you develop and design the arbrook, Minnesota. ental If you suffer from asthma, or As the draft environm know someone who does and iiiill printed piece that is exactly right for your business and see that it is !i!i ii!ill delivered promptly, iii!i :::::: !i!ii: t / talog i L h d ' C etter ea s a ues nvelopes Sales Books l00Statements Posters Business Cards Tickets 00/Menus 00/Programs t/Booklets Wedding Invitations i i!i! ..:.:.: Do-h. Yourself Supp!ies Cf,€ltol- Buttons, cording, locking strips, .[I/laS01"J _ springs, foam rubber, y  burlap. C°uJ'Jg/"( 3rd & Cota Draperies and Interiors iiiiiil I 1 3 S. Second Shelton •:i:i!:ii!!iii:!i!!!iiiiiii!!!ii!!!!:.:. >.+.........i!i:i:!:!:::::i::i:i:!iii:i:i:i:i:i:i:i::i:i::::::: :::::::::::::::::.:.:,:+:.:.:.:.:.: :.:.......,..........,........,..........,, ....... :....:."..:.:..x.x.:.:.:.:.:.>:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::!:::::!:i:i::!::!:::i:::i:!::::::::::::::::::::::i:i:i:i:i:i:!:i:i:i:i::. Thursday, March 2, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 29