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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 2, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 2, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Matlock" Permit is asked for shellfish Grange to hear prevention program seed hatchery in Hood Canal By DORA HEARING celebrated Jim Shaffer's and his at the Earl Walker home and There will be a Republican Application has been received hearing, may be relevant to the proposal public interest to mother, Mrs. Vessey's birthdays visiting friends here. caucus at the I.C. Ford home with breakfast at Snoqualmie Mr. and Mrs. Frank HoUatz March 7 at 8 p.m. Falls Restaurant Saturday. were Friday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier Mrs. J. Max Nilsson of Mrs. Elvin Hearing. attended the 40th wedding Seattle spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley anniversary party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin. spent Saturday evening with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. LesSer Crossan Mrs. Grant Siehl and Douglas Rodger Spalding and family. Saturday afternoon at the and Brian Fitting spent the Mr. and Mrs. I.C. Ford and Skokomish Grange Hall. weekend at Orting at the Gene Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier Mr. and Mrs. Dave Smith and Fitting home. went on the mini-bus from family of Hoquiam and a friend Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin Shelton and attended the of Kellie Ann's were overnight attended their cousin, Frank Hungarian Folk Dances at the guests on Friday and spent Spark's, funeral in Olympia Opera House in Seattle Sunday Saturday with Mrs. Archie Saturday afternoon, evening. Kelley. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker attended the funeral of Mrs. Walker's mother, Mrs. Eli Owen proposes legislation by the Seattle U.S. Army Corps of Engineers office from Sea Farms, Inc., P.O. Box 843, Poulsbo, for a Department of the Army permit in accordance with Section 10 of the River and Harbor Act of March 3, 1899 and Section 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act for work in Hood Canal near Brinnon. The work is to permanently moor a barge, install a saltwater intake and discharge lines and float, construct a pier extension, and place riprap for an oyster and clam seed hatchery. Mstlock Grange will meet at 8 p.m. this Friday. It will be open to the public as Dimitri Todd from the Mason County sheriff's department will talk on crime protection at 8 p.m. The Pinochle Club will meet March 4 at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Richard of Tennessee arrived last week to spend some time with Mrs. Richard's mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shaffer. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Rishel of Tacoma were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shaffer. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley and Mrs. Elvin Hearing spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Herbert Brehmeyer Sr., who is ill and at the McCleary Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shaffer, accompanied by Mrs. R.J. Vessey and Jack Shaffer of Montesano, In addition, the applicant may be required to apply for and receive a permit under Section 402 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 authorizing the discharge from the operation of the permitted structure. Furthermore, any such future application will be judged on its own merits, and construction undertaken pursuant to the terms of a permit issued, resulting from this application, is undertaken at the permittee's own risk and will not be considered in evaluating such will be considered; among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, historic values, fish and wildlife values, flood damage prevention, land use, navigation, recreation, water supply, water quality, energy needs, safety, food production and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. Comments on these factors will be accepted and made part of the record and will be considered in determining whether it would be in the best Bradshaw, age 89, who died near The evaluation of the impact applications .... San Diego, California last week. on setting utility rates of the activity on the public Presently unknown Mrs. Bradshaw was buried in Brad garbage pick-up than the interest will include application archeological, scientific, I of the guidelines promulgated by prehistorical or historical data minimum service charge prescribes. They are paying more to use less," Owen said. Currently the state constitution prohibits locally owned utilities from giving special consideration to anyone but the "poor or infirm." Publicly owned utilities are to base their rates solely on the cost of getting the service to the customer. The situation was brought to light recently when the state auditor found that the City of Ellensburg did not have the authority to charge senior citizens reduced rates for water. the Administrator, EPA, under authority of Section 404(b) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. Preliminary review by the Seattle district indicates that this work will not significantly affect the quality of the human environment. The preparation of a federal environmental impact statement is not anticipated at this time. Any person may request, in writing, within the comment period specified in this notice, that a public hearing be held to consider this application. Tacoma Saturday. We extend our sympathy to both families. Mrs. Garth Calkins of California is spending a few days Ill l I • 0PtN... WE'RE NtW00 MILL CREEK ENTERPRISES Just off Highway 3 on Mill Creek Road, Shelton Phone 426-5404 State Representative Owen, D-Shelton, has written to Representative Donn Charnley, chairman of the House of Representatives Local Government Committee, asking that the committee explore legislation which would allow local governments to charge variable rates for services and utilities. Owen, vice chairman of the committee, explained that local governments currently do not have the authority to use age as a criteria for setting utility rates. "It is particularly unfair for senior citizens who live alone and use less of a service like • Precision Machining, Light Welding and Parts Remanufacturing • Gunsmithing • Bearing Pressing OPEN MON.-SAT. 9 A.M.-5 P.M. Owen said this finding by the Requests for public hearings shall auditor, if it were upheld by the state, with particularity, the courts, could have a wide-ranging reasons for holding a public n, ff,on nio c**zns For example, Owen points   out that the King County's Metro bus system's senior citizen rate for anyone over 65 may well be found to be in conflict . with state law unless the I/rl.-- Legislature acts. Owen said a constitutional amendment may be required to rectify the law. He said that changing the situation would probably encourage more local MS, View governments to offer reduced Alliance Church Comments corps office not later 23 to insure Give Don't may be lost or destroyed by work to be accomplished under the requested permit. The work is not located on a property registered in the National Register of Historic Places. The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impact of the proposed activity on the public interest. That decision will reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. The benefit which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonablY foreseeable detriments. All. factors which First Baptist Church 5th and Cota Downtown Shelton March 5, 1978 A.M Rev. Talmage Wilson, guest speaker P.M, Rev. Talmage Wilson 9:00 a.m.. Awana Clubs & Sunday School • Property • Casualty • Commercial ..... • Auto • Mortgage • Life • Hc Dick Angle A AGE 4th & Railroad Church of Jesus Christ Latter DaY Connection & 12th Streets Priesthood Meeting ......................... Sunday School ............................. ' Sacrament Meeting ........... " Sixth and Railroad Saturday, 9:30 a.m. -- Sabbath School, 11:00 a.m. Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. -- Bible Study and Prayer Tim Gollaghor, Pastor Accountant 426-7553 , Repairing -- Major Overhauls -- Brakes & Ignition -- Welding & Tune-ups ld's Service 219 So. 1st. 424-1212 Backhoe Service lptlc Tank Installations Ditching Bonded & Licensed Dale Cameron 424-$9J9 Concrete ' I Moving & Storage J • Driveways, patios, sidewalks [ I *Local & long distance J • Retaining walls | J * Agent for Lyon Van Lines J • Saturday pours / I * Complete storage facilities i • Free estimate i i [ Bill Cox Concrete [ | Morgan Transfer / 11011 Buena Vista 424-5tS0 | | 121 hllroad Sholton 424-5555 Drugs --Helena Rubinstein --Cosmetics --Prescriptions --Hypo-Allergenic Cosmetics Nell's Pharmacy 5th & Franklin Ph. 426-3127 Electrical Bonded * Licensed " Wiring * Heotlng Fraser.Johnson Electric Furnace and Heat Pumps ° Underground ° Commercial Arcadia Electric Bob Taylor Office 424-9120 P.O. Box 839 Homo 42S-1938 I /"u'iBnW/BC! i w, r Ib_ox_J00' o,,.n L For oil your needs in music. 426-4302 Plumbing- LARRY'S PLUMBING Remodeling -- residential, commercial. Larry does all wnrk. Call evenings 426-2998. Bakery DOMINGE'S OLD FASHIONED BAKERY Now open with o full line. Formerly Harold's Bakery. Come in and meet the new owner, James Domlnge, at Shelton Foods, on MS. View. Electric Motor Repair Pump Motors, Electric Mowers, Electric Saws TOM BAZE, 426-4918 If no answer: 424-4479 Rentals Shelton's Complete Rental Store1 Tools & Equipment for Homeowners & Contractors IBarden's Rentals 1209 Olympic Hwy. S. 42t.1091 Beauty ' Complete Hair Care Wigs-Wiglets-Switches Merle Norman Cosmetics -- Pennyrich Bras Elalnets Beauty Salon 6th & Laurel 426.4582 I Body Shop AUTO BODY & GLASS 426-9020 Builder • Building * Remodeling • Cabinets Dick Wood at. 1, Box $98 424-3657 Mason Lake Drive, Grapeview Floor Covering --Linoleum -- Carpeting Tile  Formica Rax Floor Covering Mr. View Ph. 426.2292 i Floor Covering, , Expert Installation * Large Showroom * Notional Brands * Convenient Terms Viking Floor Covering 111 W. Cola Sholton 424-2916 InsuranCe Tired of shopping? Let us do it for you! Auto. Home-Soot-Life-Heolt h-Business.Prefer red Risk? We locate the lowest cost. Insurance is our only business. Arnold & Smith Insurance Agency 117 I. Cola 424-3517 Roofing BENT NAIL For oil your roofing needs. Call 426-9717 emode!ing TAUPdI| CONSTP,,UCTIH HOUSING • REMADE Rick & Dee Sperllng p.o. sex 148 1 (206) 898-3666 qgto., WA  I "Free Estimates" j Slaughtering CUSTOM FARM ILAUGHTIIRING $15 per head. J&T Northwest Slaughtering 426.8615 evenings. Cable TV For Service Call 426-1691 Concrete Ready-mix Concrete -- Concrete Culverts & Blocks Sand, Gravel, Brick & Stone -- Fireplace Screens & Tools Graystono of Sholton 7th & Perk 424-3144 THIS SPACE AVAILABLE $1.60 per week Page 30 - Shelton-Mason County Landscaping Ornamental gardens Native gardens Rock gardens  Lawns Irrigation systems Landscape design Rlckards Greener Greenery ATA Horticulture 426-8178 Lighting L00gcho tder UNION WA 90592 GREG LINDER Masonry * Fireplaces * Block Foundations * An'thing with Masonry John Klmmel Licensed, bonded and insured. Rt. 2, Box 947 426.1512 Welding Journal - Thursday, March 2, 1978 RICK WAKE WELDING ALL PORTABLE * Automatic Wire Feed TIg * Heliarc * Stick (Marine or land) PHONE 424-9128 Window Washing "I'/l bring clarity into your life" Rick Wokojance PROFESSIONAL WINDOW WASHER Woko's Window Service , 426-9354 - "Reasonable, Rates" THIS SPACE AVAI LABLE $1.60 per week rates for senior citizens. Evergreen sets event ...... An academic fair to introduce prospective students to spring quarter part-time studies at The Evergreen State College will be offered Wednesday, March 8, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. on the first floor of the Evans Library. Faculty members directing part-time programs will be on hand to discuss their courses and answer student questions in the evening session, designed to provide full details on the 50 academic programs offered by Evergreen spirng quarter for part-time students. Sponsored by Enrollment Services, the academic fair will involve representatives from the college's offices of admissions, registrar, academic advising, veterans affairs, f'mancial aid, external credit, cooperative education and career planning and placement. Advance registration for the part-time programs may be completed during the March 8 academic fair or weekdays between March 8 and March 17. Registration will resume March 29 and continue weekdays through April 5, the final deadline for payment of spring tuition and fees. Special evening registration will be offered March 8, 29 and 30 and April 3, 4 and 5 from 5 to 7 p.m. in the registrar's office. Full.time students new to Evergreen are invited to use the New Student Check In Center March 8 between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. in Room 1200 of the library. They may also participate in an academic fair for full-time study programs from 2 to 4 p.m. March 8 on the first floor of the Evans Library. [Husqvarna Husqvarna Washington & "J" Sts. Sunday, March 5th Sermon Topic: "Talk Back" Multi-Media Sunday School ................. 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship...... 11:00 a.m. Evening Service ........ 6:00 p.m. Family Night (Wed.) .... 7:00 p.m. Rov. BERT LINN, Pastor Pastor DENNY TYAS, Assistant Pastor 424-3294 Foursquare Church 910 East Dearborn LEWIS B. WYSONG, Pastor Sunday School .......... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ...... 11:00 a.m. Evening Service.. ...... 6:30 p.m. bible Study (Wed.) ...... 7:00 p.m. *11:00 a.m ..... Morning Worship 6:00 p.m .... Evening Gospel Hour Dr. Arlln M. Halvoreen, Pastor 7:15 p.m. Thursday Bible Study & Prayer Meeting *The Morning Worship Is broad- cast live ovorKMAS, 1280 k’.., ; Call 426-5336 or write: Box 88, Northside Baptist Church 123 W. "€" Street Pastor, Rev. Kenneth P. Herring 4t4-qm27 Sunday School .......... 9:4S o.m. Morning Worlhip ...... 11:00 o.m. Evening Worship • ...... 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Wed .... 7:00 p.m. Jesus loves you -- we do, tool S.R.C. Shelton Christian Fellowship ills West Franklin 426-27S8 BleU - OIMlSlIAllC - CNUHIgIlr Sunday 10 a.m ............... Bible Study 11 a.m .................. Worship 7 p.m ............ Home Meetings Thursday 7 p.m ................... Worship CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Fekllelelt & Hdmm 426-1298 Cad C. 6mN, Purer HOME PHONE 426-1985 Sunday School ...... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship... 11 00 a.m. Evening Service ..... 600 p.m. Faith Lutheran Church 7th and Frankl'in Family Worship -- 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Parish Education Classes -- 9:00 a.m. Christian Worship, Fellowship, Education, Service Kenneth Robinson, Pastor Phone 426-8611 I St. Edward's Catholic Church Father Michael Feeney 426-6134 3rd & PLne -- Masses Saturday ..................................... 7 p.m. Sunday .................... " .... 8 a.m., 9 a.m., 11 a.m. Mt. Olive Lutheran Church Missouri Synod 206 E. Wyandotte "Roland Huber, Pastor Sunday Worship, 10:30 Sunday School, 9:15 Lenten Service, 7"45, Wednesday Episcopal Church St. David's -- 4th & Cedar, i Sunday, 7:30 & 10:30 o.m., 7:30, Holy Caroler on I Sunday, 9:00 a.m. 420-4472 Come As You Are First Church of Christ, Sclel 302 ALDER ST. Sunday School 11:00 o.m. Wednesday evening testimony meetings, READING ROOM -- 302 ALDER Hours: 12 noon-3 p.m. Tuesday thru CHILD CARE PROVIDED UNITED METHODIST G and King Streets Dr. William Early Worship Service ................ .... ,,, Sunday School. Worship Service. '" ' FIRST CHRISTIAN Arcadia & Lake Boulevard Ku Bible School ........... 9:45 a.m. Family Service .... " Worship .............. 11:00 o.m. Wednesday -- Home Bible Study and Prayer "" COMMUNITY BIBLE The Friendly Church Dleclpllng the saved to abundant life and reaching 10 a.m ...................................... Evenings ................................ f ,1427 May St. Tom Banvick, Pastor 1008ilCl00C UOILCU CI00[ Six Miles South of Shelton on highway ' Non-denominational • Walt Wagner -- Pastor phone . . =e Sunday Morning Bible Classes ....... Sunday Morning Worship Service ...... " Sunday Evening Service ............... ' Wednesday Evening Prayer & Praise ..... ' The Church with M SHELTON ASSEMBLY .A. Younglund, pastor 521 Monroe Street MARANATHA Singing Group From Northwest Colleg e Sunday, March 5, 10:50 =' ..  S ,, unday School ........................ '., Communion Service .................... Wednesday Family Night ............. " REVIvALTIME, SUNDAY, 3:00 P. (Radio Voice of the Assemblies