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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 2, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 2, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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For Sale .,,BROWN suede seat, '. 426-4278. Kimball organ ", excellent i little. $700. BOSSED business 1,000. Call te Mud Bay uox 466-B, :/16-3/9 Embroide , VanderW I, classes f r 426-4538. Jack Frost Construction Licensed. Ban Remodelin- ded No • g and new. - Job too sm . tall for fre ..... all. =[|mate. 426-4227 tfn Public Auctions Thursday and 30 p.m. at the Shelton, Highway 101, Cl'f Nichols, Auctianeer tfn Carpet Layers carpet, $2.00 a yard. 426,3763 4,,,, Shehon 6/9tfn SPECIAL BUY POURs OME FCHED CKS LTON & Park Street 2/1 ltfn th finest in: VEL ,RGE :ROss RSE EVENINGs PHONE 12 For Sale AUCTION EVERY Saturday night, 7 p.m. Bring in consignments for quick cash. McCleary Auction & New/Used, McCleary, WA, phone 495-3541, 495-3454. Virgil Reading, Auctioneer. R5/5tfn DRAPERIES, READY to hang. Popular sizes, at rock-bottom prices. Kay's Draperies, 113 outh Second. K3/4tfn LARGE DINING room set, blonde mahogany. Includes 3-drawer hutch with sliding glass top, large table, two leaves, 6 padded chairs, 4-drawer chest with desk shelf. $400 or best offer. 426-4016 or 426-3883. B2/9-3/2 CLEAN, OIL and adjust your ewing machine, right in your ome. All only $9.95. Olympia, call 866-1621 for appointment. M2/16-3/9 RENT A Rinse 'n Vac carpet shampooer by Blue Lustre. Only $3.50 for 4 hours, Monday-Thursday. Or $12 day anytime. Coast to Coast, 123 South Second. 1/26tfn FREE -- ONE gallon of root beer to Robert A. Parker, 513 Pointes Drive West, Hartstene Pointe, from Mintor's A&W Drive-In on Mt. View. A3/2 FIREWOOD -- FIR, cedar, dry alder, by the cord or by the load. Delivered to Shelton, Union areas. Call 426-1300, evenings 426-7752. M3/2tfn Sailmakers- Upholsterers. Marine, auto, home. Your material or ours. Customizing restorations. If it is in canvas fabrics or vinyl, we can hand e it. Also, industrial aprons, tote bags, vests in stock or made to your order. Shelton, WA. 98584 426-2321 8 miles out on Bremerton Hwy. No. 3 _ tfn Bulldozing, land clearing, driveways, excavating, gravel, crushed rock. FREE ESTIMATES 27S-6666 tfn Island Plumbing New and Remodeling Repair Service 426-2458 426.6850 on Harstine Island 7/22 fin JX Brand Beef Locally grown, natural corn fed, custom cut and wrapped. JX Cattle Co. Skokomlsh Valley 426.3325 or 426.2806 Dave septic tanks dozing gravel otto field backhoe service 206 €. pine 426-t500 For Sale DATSUN "Z-CAR" radial snow tires, approximately 1,500 miles wear, mounted, balanced, $50. 426-5551 days, 426-9154 nights. E2/9-3/2 ALFALFA HAY for sale, bale or ton. 426-1446. J7/21tfn GOOD GRASS hay, large bales, $1.35 per bale. Call mornings or evenings, 426-6046. J2/16-3/2 JAN'S SECOND Hand Store -- 2215 Olympic Highway North. We buy and sell. 426-9950. J4/8tfn G.E. SQUARETOP 2-door refrigerator/freezer, $75; Sears Corningware stove with self-cleaning oven, may use any kind of pans, harvest,S375. 426-5275. K2/16-3/9 GEODUCKS, 60c pound. 9's Fair Harbor Marina, Grapeview. 426-4028, 275-6417. N1/12tfn MERLE NORMAN Cosmetics at Elaine's Beauty Salon, 6th and Laurel, phone 426-4582. 11/9tfn UPHOLSTERING TO fit all your needs and new custom-built furniture. Shelton Furniture Repair, 426-1858. S6/2tfn FOR SALE -- miscellaneous solid-core doors, 2'4" to 4'0"x6'8", door frames, wood casement windows, thin-wall conduit, pressed board, sheathing, oak-trim lumber. Call 898-3123 after 5 p.m. B2/16-3/9 FIREWOOD FOR sale, $40, split and delivered. Call Dave or Jerry, 426-7115. K2/16-3/9 19" BLACK-AND-WHITE TV, good condition, $70. 426-6378. M2/23-3/2 FOR SALE --good tansy-free rass hay/ $1.25 bale. Call 26-8778. F3/2tfn CHIROPRACTIC MATTRESS and box springs, new in wrapper, with 15-year guarantee. One-half original price. 1-858-3401. A3/2-23 SOFA SLEEPERS, new from decorator, never used. One-half suggested retail. You haul, no dehvery. 1-858-3401. A3/2-23 HOTPOINT PORTABLE electric dishwasher, aluminum extension ladder. 426-2826. H3/2 FIREWOOD -- TIME to buy next winter's alder wood. Dry alder by the cord. Call evenings, 426-7752. M3/2tfn COPPERTONE DRYER, $50, good. 898-4462. D3/2 SEARS 10" radial-arm saw. 426-5065. W3/2-23 TOP SOIL Supplied soil for 25 years. Skokomish Valley good, sandy loam or top soil. Also cow manure. Pick-ups welcome. Will deliver truckloads anywhere. Call 426-3735 or 426-8993. t Concrete Foundat/ons, slabs, walks, drives, waUs, etc. FREE ESTIMATES 27S 6666 tfn Coffee Creek Ranch Quality Locker Beef All beef U.S.D.A. inspect. ed. Grain fed. Custom cutting and wrapping. We deliver. Visitors welcome. 426-5131 tfn r00B's BOAT00 TOPS Have tools will travel. Custom made boat tops to fit your boat on land or sea. For Appointment Call 426-2806 Evenings Weekends Frank Bates Owner 30 Years ExPerience ttn For Sale CONDITIONED ALFALFA, $54 a ton; alfalfa mix, $60 a ton. Sequim 683-6754 or 457-6085. L2/16-3/9 i HAVE YOUR carpets cleaned with the Hydra-Master Cleaning Plant. Shelton Janitorial Service, 426-8936. S2/23tfn WHEELCHAIR $75; folding walker, $20; eg brace. 426-4643 afternoons. H2/16-3/9 GOOD GRASS hay, $1.35 per bale. Delivery available. 426-9579. L2/16tfn SEWING MACHINES, sales and service, most major brands. Free estimates. Central Sales, 877-5798. C2/16-3/9 NAUGAHYDE NATURAL daveno, $100, very good condition. 426-1496. T2/23-3/2 FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERA- TOR, coppertone, $125. Lady Kenmore washing machine, avocado, $125. 426-5044. M2/23tfn TRADE IN your old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 4/16tfn GOOD CLOVER and grass hay, $1.50 a bale or $50 a ton. Phone 426-8856. R2/23tfn COLOR TV, Sears Silvertone console, 21" screen, $250. Call evenings, 426-9021. P2/23-3/16 778' camper, sleeps 4, $1,075. 6-5329. W3/2-9 PIANO -- WE want to buy older upright or console as inexpensively as possible. If you have a piano you would consider selling, please call collect 1-377-8018. K3/2-30 2 RUGS, one 12'x25', as is. You haul. $21.50. 426-9929. W3/2 WEDDING RINGS. Beautiful Marquise diamond with two smaller diamonds, white gold, valued at $525. Elegant round diamond with half-circle swirl of smaller diamonds, whte gold, valued at $570. Handsome man's antiqued band with 3 diamonds, yellow gold, valued at $150. Best price offered. After 5 p.m., 426-4034. F3/2-9 SALETRADE 16' Combination boat or motorcycle trailer, good condition, for good table saw. Call after 5 p.m., 426-4034. F3/2-9 FOAM-RUBBER davenport and chair, excellent condition, $200. 426-6880. J3/2 EGG AND I country auction, Old Auction Hall, Quilcene, every Friday, 7:30 p.m. Juel Simonson, Auctioneer. 765-3720. Bring your merchandise here for fast cash! Or let us set up an auction at your location. R3/2-23 '69 Open Country 9%' camper with jacks, $775. Cab-high wide box, insulated cano 150 ,-,, . PY, $ . -wlae plywood garage door with hardware, $60. 15-h.p. electric start 1976 Evinrude boat motor. 4 mounted %-T. 5-hole wheels. Phone 877-9501. C3/2-9 TRAIN YOUR dog with love, beginning and advanced obedience classes, starting in March. Call 426-3716. C2/16-3/9 WELL-KEPT carpets show the results of regular Blue Lustre spot cleaning. Rent electric shampooer, $2. Coast to Coast. C3/2 FOR SALE -- Royal electric typewriter, office style, $125. 426-1838. Y3/2 OIL STOVE, incubator, gas PU m P_._._._L.426-6700. K3/2 REGULATION POOL table, $250 complete; Honda '65, like new,. $150; 56-1b. Browning hunt=ng bow, $45; 40-gallon aquarium, complete, $40; 55-gallon aquarium, complete, $130. 426-8158. K3/2 ANTIQUES AND old furniture. Open every day, 10-6. Shelton Furniture Repair, 426-1858, Route 1, Box 168. S3/2tfn TOOLS Power tools, shop tools, air tools, hand tools, all new, all name brands, guaranteed. $1000's of dollars worth of tools, go on the auction block at 7 p.m., Saturday, March 4th. McCleary Auction, phone 495-3541 or 495.3454. Mason Hardwood Company ALDER LOGS WANTED 6" and 7" $75.00 a 1000 8" and 9" $115.00 a 1000 10" and up $145.00 a 1000 CALL 426-3464 fin Garage, Yard Sales GARAGE SALE Friday, March 3, 9:30 to 3. 506 West "1" Street. Furniture and miscellaneous. G3/2 GARAGE SALE, 9-4, 305 East "1" Street. Saturday, Sunday. S3/2 GARAGE SALE, 2332 Madison, behind welfare building. Friday and Saturday, 9-5. Tools, saddle, miscellaneous. W3/2 2-FAMILY garage sale: Couch, Ioveseat,- freezer, platform rocker, some baby items, clothes, lots of miscellaneous. Dinette table. 640 Walnut Street, Capitol Hill. Friday, March 3, 9 a.m. C3/2 MOVING SALE, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 9-6. Rt. 2, Box 944, third house on left, bottom of Agate Road. Furniture, clothes, jars wood cookstove, antiques, miscellaneous items. 426-2551. S3/2 GARAGE SALE in alley. Saturday, 9-5, 1040 East Cascade. Aquariums, Hondas, macrame, tale painting, miscellaneous. K3/2 MOVING SALE. Color TV, old desk, tables, etc. 309 Kineo, just off Euclid Street. F, riday, Saturday, noon-? G3/2 GARAGE SALE, S'aturday and Sunday, 10-4. Furniture, kitchenware, tools, baskets, lamps, factory samples, lawnmowers. One box trailer. Back of Carlon Apartments, 120 Kneeland, two doors from Arctic Circle. R3/2 FLEA MARKET second Saturday monthly, 9-6, Potlatch Woman's Clubhouse. Hood Canal Lions. H1/12tfn v" =. v  - Used Cars FOR SALE -- 1965 Dodge Polara, good looking body, motor okay. Needs transmission. $200. 426-8527. K3/2-9 FOR SALE -- '76 Chevy van, 250, 6 cylinder, 3-speed, AM/FM, cassette, radials, more. Excellent. $4,000 firm. 877-5423. W3/2-9 1975 CHEVROLET Vz-t. truck, 4-wheel drive, 350-V8 stepside, 42,000 miles. $4,200. Phone 426-8023 days, 426-8287 evenings and weekends. M3/2 '69 IMPALA, 2-door hardtop, good condition. $1,050 or best offer.. 426-5566 before 5, 877-9416 after 6. H3/2 FOR SALE -- 1972 Pinto, $895. Call 426-6785 after 5. D2/23tfn '73 BUICK Century, 4-door, excellent condition. 426-4238. P3/2-23 1966 ECONOLINE 6-cylinder pickup with extra-heavy rack. Excellent throughout, $1,295. '49 Chev 1-ton dump truck, make offer. 426-5591 days, 426-2384 eves. B3/2 1975 GMC van, % ton, excellent. 426-2458. D3/2 1975 MERCURY Montego MX with extras. Must see to appreciate. $3,500. 426-7540. J3/2-23 '64 EL CAMINO for sale, good shape. New paint, new mags. $1,200 sharp. Call after 6 p.m. at 426-8114 or 426-4051. N3/2-9 '65 CORVAIR, runs good. $350 or best offer. 426-9300. J3/2 '55 CHEV %-ton, new tires, $595. '68 Ford V2-ton, good shape, walk-in canopy, $1,195. 877-9552. J3/2 FOR SALE --.1955 International 1-T. flatbed. Good hay or cedar truck. Call after 6, 426-9104/ C2Jtfn '69 INTERNATIONAL Travel-all, 1000D, V-345. Fair condition, rebuilt engine, trailer hitch, needs some work. $800. 877-5333. 02/9-3/2 '76 454 Chevy pickup, Cheyenne Dooley, 9500 automatic, auxiliary tank, extras. Almost like new. $6,000. 373-0716. T2/16-3/9 '76 GMC Jimmy, 4-WD, 4-speed, stereo tape, radials, 350 V-8, excellent. $5,500 or best. 877-5271. J2/23-3/2 '74 F-250 Ford Explorer, %-ton, automatic transmission, 390 engine, air conditioning, canopy, dual tanks, heavy-duty suspension, low mileage. $3,850. 426-9207. B2/9-3/2 EXCEPTIONAL BUY -- take over payments, no down, 1975 Toyota pickup. 14,000 miles, automatic. Call 877-9418. L2/23-3/16 1972 DELUXE Mazda,pickup w th canopy. Good condition, good tires, 58,000 miles. Phone 426-8734. A2/23-3/2 . _ ._ _ ___.  A ..- -- . Motorcycles 1975 HONDA CB 125, 3 helmets, $450. 426-1295 after 4 o'clock. J2/2tfn RATES @ Motorcycles HONDA S-90, runs. Good, low mileage. 426-4695 after 4 p.m. L3/2-9 1974 SUZUKI 100 T.M., excellent condition, $425 or best offer. 426-3158 after 4. H3/2tfn Help Wanted THE CETA Center offers vocational counseling and training programs for unemployed persons who meet federal poverty income uidelines. Outreach provided to helton, Kamilche, Skokomish and Belfair. For information call 753-8202 in Olympia or 426-9726 in Shelton. C3/2 PART-TIME driver, Seattle Times paper route. Call 426-1098. H3/2-23 RARE OPPORTUNITY in real estate sales. Join a dynamic new, locally-owned company with exclusive "Video Previews."® Generous progressive commission schedule gives you more mone, r sooner -- no waiting f r unrealistic sales goals. We .= looking for experienced salespeople who are willing t,) help build the leadtnl service-oriented real estate sale; office in Shelton. Ask for Mary at Preview Realty, now in our spacious new office in Olympic Gateway Center. Phone 426-9748. P3/2-23 WANTED -- RETIRED gentleman for car wash caretaker, Shelton area. Mobile home space available. Write c/o Journal, Box 4.2/23-3/2 REAL ESTATE sales -- your chance to be an independent contractor. Sell under a working contract where associates receive 100% commission after minimal income is earned on 50-50 split. Only hard-working, full-time licensed agents or those undergoing license exam school will be considered. This is not a new program but one which has been tested for over ten years. Call Reid Mitchell at Mason County Realty for interview, 426-4486. M2/16tfn START YOUR own business with Farmers Insurance help. Does owning your own business without investing capital appeal to you? Does influencing people give you satisfaction? Have you more-than-average initiative, self-discipline and stability? Can you budget yourself on $10 000 to $12,000 annua guarantee while acquiring the experience and knowledge to earn more? Complete training in auto, fire, life and commercial insurance. For a confidential interview -- call Russ Fry, District Manager, 943-9765 days. 866-7201 evenings. F2/23-3/2 GRAPEVIEW SCHOOL District No. 54 is presently accepting applications for the position of a teacher's aide to serve as lunchroom monitor and assist with supervision on the layground. Hours are 11:30 to :30. Application for the position may be made at the district office. G2/23-3/2 Department of Fisheries Two Scientific Aide I's, $670 per month beginning 4/1/78. Applicants must be residents of Mason County and eligible for CETA, title VI. Apply directly at Employ- ment Security Office, 5000 Capitol Blvd., Tumwater, WA 98502. 3/2-23 CAN YOU SELL? Your own full-time business, real estate, right in this area. National company, established in 1900, largest in its field. (Unlicensed? We give exam guidance.) All advertising, all signs, forms, supplies furnished. dessional training and instruction given for rapid development -- from Start to SucceSS. Nationwide advertising brings buyers from everywhere. Can qualify? You must have initiative, excellent character (bondable), sales ability, be financially responsible. Commission -- volume opportunity for man, wonlan, couple or team that can sell. Information without obligation, write STROUT REAt TY, INC. Mr. L. E. Hepler P.O. Box 60968-M Sacramento, California 98560 2/9-3/2 Thursday, Help Wanted CENTURY 21 Real Estate has opening for experienced salesperson or we will train. For details, call Tom Townsend, Century 21, Jerry Smith Realty, 426-3363, 7th and Railroad. C2/23tfn EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER. Accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll. Send resume to Box 43, c/o Journal. 2/16-3/2 20 SUCCESSFUL people interested in $42,000/year in 5 ears. Write resume, P.O. Box 57, Shelton, WA. 2/9-3/2 CHALLENGING CAREER in sales in Shelton. Available for qualified person. Unlimited arning potential, excellent salary program with complete training, no travel. 426-3443 between 9-3. S12/8tfn Wanted OLD DOLLS and doll furniture, any condition. Need a hobby. 426-8348. M3/2 FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE, mature couple wishes to locate party interested in loaning $12,000 @ 8% interest. Secured loan. References. Write c/o Box 1, Journal, 3rd and Cote, Shelton. 2/2tfn WANTED -- CEDAR saw IO?oS  green second growth Call current prices. Versapanel Inc., 426-5571. V 10/14tfn WANTED -- PONY cart or wagon, 2- or 4-wheeled, any condition. 426-1547. B3/2 WANTED -- 6' cordwood, any mix of fir, hemlock, pine or cedar. Minimum 3% inch top diameter. 25c each. Call Versapanel, John's Prairie, 426-5571, for specifications. V7/28tfn OLD LAMPS and parts. Aladdin, Rayo, Royal, Rochester, glass and hanging lamps, household estates. 877-5733, Jack Leimback, Hoodsport. L6/23.tfn STAMPS AND coins. As a collector, I can pay more than most dealers. 426-9085, 426-8007. P9/8tfn CASH FOR all cars, trucks, bodies, parts, Immediate pick-up service. Scrap and metals of all kinds. Newsprint and corrugated cardboard. Mason County Salvage, 426-8626. M7/15tfn D.H. KNUDSEN Pole Company, Port Of Shelton, John's Prairie. We buy poles, piling, stumpage and land. 426-6350, home phone 426-89]4, P.O. Box K, Shelton. K2/24tfn Wark Wanted WILL DO hauling, moving or dump runs. Also will clean, repaint and repair rentals or repare your home for sale. xperienced. If interested, call 426-9146. K2/23-3/2 MOTHER-DAUGHTER team would like to clean offices in evening hours. Call 426-2641. $2/23-3/2 WILLING TO do housework. Phone 426-1137. H2/23-3/9 LICENSED DAY care, infants to 6 years old. Pioneer School District, Timberlakes. 426-8140. C10/13tfn RELIABLE WOMAN would like to do housecleaning. Call mornings, 426-9374. H2/9-3/2 RELIABLE MARRIED couple will house sit or child sit while jyou're on vacation. Now until une 11th. 426-7121. M2/9-3/2 Mobile Homes 01, YMPIA MOBII.E HOMES, IN( MARTIN WAY OLYMPIA WA 9B1€ TEIHONE (20) 4,,51Sl Come to where the choices are! Mobile Homes PRICES SLASHED UP TO 20% ON USED HOMES • Freedom (12x60) 2 bedroom, electric. • Golden West (24x56) 3 bedroom with fireplace. • Carriage HoUse (14x64) 3 bedroom, 2 bath. • Brookwood (12x58) 2 bedroom, electric. • Ban Prix (24x44) 3 bedroom, electric. • Fleetwood (12x60) 2 bedroom, electric. • Ideal (8x21). • Rainier (12x52) 2 bedroom. • Skyline (10xS0) 3 bedroom, 1% bath. • Ardon (8x35) 5th wheel with tip-out. • 1959 Champion (10x50) 2 bedroom, electric. 0 I, YMPIA MOBII, E llOMES, IN(:. 6100 Mnrtin Wa. ()lynq)itl. WA 9,5()() 45h-5 i 51 FEATURING HOMES Listings wanted now. We get your price, you pay only $50.00. Call Uncle Joe your area representative. SPACES NOW FOR DOUBLE AND SINGLE UNITS New 24x60 skirted, landscaped. Move in now. All adult park in Shelton. For details call Joe Don 456-5550 426-26S0 12x56 2 BR. F/LR, ELECTRIC, SET UP IN SHELTON PARK. 995. 1100 S.F., 3 BR. F/LR, ELECTRIC, JENN-AIR COOK, SET UP IN SHELTON. $18,995. 4 SALE  Shelton Area 24x60, two bedroom, electric, fireplace, pool, double carport, on rented private property. Many other extras. $18,995.00 CALL UNCLE JOE SKYLINE 14x64 2 bedroom, upgraded carpet and drafts, GE appliances, front kitchen and utility room self storing storm windows. Now ;only $12,335.00. Serial No. 0455K. OL YMPL4 MOBILE HOMES; INC. 6800 MARTIN WAY OLYMPIA WA 98506 TELEPHONE (206J456.5151 March 2, 1978 - Shelton-Mason Count¥ Jo.rr,l - Page 3!