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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 2, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 2, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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For Rent space close II 426-4426. for a month. H5/26tfn WNTOWN able for next to See in Olsen D2/2tfn wtment 2 c heat, rapes. No Apartments, apartment, dult. n 1205, QUIET studio r single adult, te 426-5811 or Apartments, le home includes gas. No and last ance. Phone Dam home, !50 a re space ay 101, 898-3813. Wanted to Rent )M. house or in or near reasonable. ent Must be OpPortunities business Tom Jerry (206) Business CTS nOW s. Can Cull or visit gHAKLEE CENTER 00rvices job and Work nd Repair. n and 288. ng or repairs, L Work YOur and ious old bpies. "Your manent ving. 3344. fire! irQrd Services AUTO PAINTING, reasonable prices. Also trailers, etc. All work guaranteed. Phone 426-4322. 1201 Cote Street R7/20tfn MAC'S STUMP REMOVAL Stumps removed by • chipping, no holes to fill. No stump to get rid of. In fenced yard, next to building or walks. Contact Mac's Stump Service. Phone 426-8662 or 275-5256. tfn Legal Publications NOTICE TO CREDITORS NO. 4934 SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In The Matter Of The Estate Of JEAN NOBLE FARLEY, Deceased• NOTICE is hereby given that the personal representative named below has been appointed and has qualified as administrator of the estate of Jean Noble Farley, deceased• All persons having claims against the decedent are required to serve same on the undersigned or the attorney of record and file with the Clerk of the Court within four months after March 2, 1978, the date of filing this notice to creditors with the Clerk of Court and the date of first publication of this notice. /s/Michael D. Barckley MICHAEL D. BARCKLEY Administrator of the Estate FULLER & FULLER Attorneys and Counselors 114 W. 10th Olympia, Washington 98501 Telephone 357-8000 3/2-9-16-31 SUMMONS No. 13550 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY CERTIFIED MANUFAC- TURING COMPANY, INC., Petitioner, vs. SIGMUND and IRENE FREUNDLICH, joint tenants; VIRGINIA M. and FLOYD FULLER; GOLDBERG FURNITURE COMPANY; G.J. GRUEN III, LaVERNE HANSEN; MARIE M. HUDSON; JOHN KRUSKO; BERL and LEA LANDERER, as joint tenants, BERL LANDERER, as custodian for Issue Landerer, as custodian for Nafiaci Landerer, and as custodian for Rachel Landerer; SEYMOUR and EDNA LAPP, as joint tenants and Seymour Lapp, individually, ALEX and CORA MARIE LYGA; PHILLIP R. MclNTOSH; LINDA MAE RASMUSSEN, DAVID ALLEN RASMUSSEN, a n d LY N N L E O N A RASMUSSEN; MELVIN RING; MELVIN RING as custodian for Irvino RinD; SOLOMON and NETT SALLIVIAN, joint tenants; LARRY D. and tHOMAS L SKILLMAN; CATHERINE M. SOUTHARD; JACOB I. SPIEGAL; and KERMIT C. STICK, Respondents• THE STATE uF WASHINGTON to the above named resDondent(s)• SIGMUND and IRENTE FREUIILICH; G.J. GRUEN III; MARIE M. HUDSON; BERL and LEA LANDER E R ; BERL LANDERER as custodian for ssac. Landerer, for Nafiaci Lanaerer, and for Rachel Landerer; SEYMOUR and_EDNA LAPP; MELVIN RING, MELVIN RING as custodian for Irving ing; SOLOMON and NETTI s.LZMAN; CATHERINE M. SITHARD; and JACOB I. AL. You are hereby summoned and...required to serve upon P=uit=oner's attorney, whose auaress is set forth below, a copy of your written appearance • .u answer to the petition which !s:.,here.w!th served upon you lv;nln sixty (60) days after the tL e ot the hrs{ publication of nls Summons, to wit, with;n ixty (60) days of March -, =:.-o. I.T you fail to do so, juugment will be taken for the relief demanded in the petition, which petition has been or will be filed with the Clerk of the Court. t The object of this action is o determine pursuant to RCW 23A.24 040 the fair value of the shares of Certified Manufacturincj Company, Inc. and the rights at rseSP°nd.ents to payment Tar their o=m ,n Certified Manufacturing -Lpany, Inc. by petitioner. Up, TE. February 21, 1978 FOSTER, PEPPER & RIVIERA /S/Charles p. Nomellini Charles p. Nomellini Attorneys for Petitioner 4400 Seattle-F rst National Bank Building Seattle, WA 98154 3/2-9-16.23-30-4/6-6t • NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF MASON YOUTH SERVICE, SHELTON, WA. Notice is hereby given that the annual meetinq of th of Dir _ e Board Servi ectOrS of the. Mason Youth non- r T' one ton, We.. a held%°htj°r.ganization, will be ,,,arcn 6, 1978 at 7:00 p.m. at the Mason Youth Serv ce office, 902 West Pine, We. Shelton, New members will be accepted and new officers will be elected. Dated at Shelton We. 28th day of February/1978. this Helen Scott, Director Mason YOUth Services 3/2-1t Legal Publications NOTICE TO CREDITORS Probate No. 4933 (RCW 11.40•010) SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Estate of OLIVE B. CALLISON, Deceased• The undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as personal representative (PR) of the estate of the above named deceased. Each person having a claim against the deceased must serve the claim on the undersigned PR or on the attorney(s) of record at the address stated below and must file an executed copy of the claim with the clerk of the court within four months after the date of first publication of this notice or within four months after the date of filing of a copy of this notice with the clerk of the court, whichever is the later, or the claim will be barred, except under those provisions included in RCW 11.40.011. Date of filing copy of notice to creditors 2-9-78. Date of first publication 2-16-78. /s/Cecil P. Callison Cecil P. Callison 1901 10th E. Seattle, WA /s/Henry S. Callison Henry S. Callison 73-570 Joshua Tree Palm Desert, California /s/Robert D. Callison Robert D. Callison 1001 Broadway Seattle, WA Walter G. Clayton III of Trethewey & Brink Attorney(s) for the Estate 1500 Park Place Seattle, Washington 98101 206-623-6722 2/16-23-3/2-3t NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE PUBLIC WATERS STATE OF WASHINGTON, DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY TAKE NOTICE: That EMMET W. and EFFIE MAY LANEY of Shelton, Washington on February 23, 1978 under Application No. S 2-24792 filed for permit to appropriate public waters, subject to existing rights, from Mill Creek, tributary of Oakland Bay in the amount of 0.02 cubic feet per second each year, for irrigation during irrigation season. The source of the proposed appropriation is located within SWV4NEV4 of Section 29, Township 20N., Range 3 W W.M., in MASON County• Protests or objections to approval of this application must include a detailed statement of the basis for objections; protests must be accompanied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the Department of Ecology, Southwest Regional Office, Olympia, WA. 98504 within thirty (30) days from March 9, 1978. 3/2-9-21 NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the City Planning Commission of the City of Shelton, Washington will hold a ublic hearing at 8:00 p.m. nday, March 6, 1978 at the City Hall on the application for Conditional Exception for Lots 6, 7 & 8, Block 17, Original Town of Shelton (Capital Hill) to the City of Shelton, in accordance with Zoning Ordinance No. 682• James F. Hillier Planning Commission Chairman 3/2-1t NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT B Notice is hereby given that ayshore Inc., who is owner of t h e bel ow-described property, has filed an application for a substantial development permit for the development of multi-family structure located 3V2 miles north of Shelton, Govt. Lots 3-4-5 of section 3 of township 20N., Range 7 W.W.M• and Bayshore Estate Tracts in Mason County, Washington. Said development is proposed to be within Oakland Bay and/or its associated wetlands. Any person Legal Publications NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO APPROPR lATE PUBLIC WATERS STATE OF WASHINGTON, DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY TAKE NOTICE: That GEORGE E. MARTINEZ of Tacoma, Washington on January 5, 1978 under Application No. G 2-24763 filed for permit to appropriate public waters, subject to existing rights, from a well in the amount of 100 gallons per minute continuously each year, for community domestic supply. The source of the proposed appropriation is located within SEI/4NEI/4 of Section 3b, Township 21N., Range 2W W.M., in MASON County. Protests or objections to approval of this application must include a detailed statement of the basis for objections; protests must be accompanied by a two dollar ($2.00) recordincl fee and filed with the Depar[ment of Ecology, Southwest Regonal Office Olympa, WA. 98504 within thirty (30) days from March 2, 1978. 2/23-3/2-2t NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the City Planning Commission of the City of Shelton, Washington will hold a public hearing at 9:00 p.m. Monday, March 6, 1978 at the City Hall on the application for Conditional Exception for Lot 2, Block 27, Angleside Addition No. 2 to the City of Shelton, in accordance with Zoning Ordinance No. 682. James F. Hillier Planning Commission Chairman 3/2-1t NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Notice s hereby given that Union Marina, who is owner of the below-described property, has filed an app cation for a substantial development permit for the development of renovation and addition to public moorage located at Union, Washington at P.O. Box 86, 15 miles from Shelton, Washington with section 32 of township 22N., Range 3 W.W•M., in Union, Washington. Said development is proposed to be within Hood Canal and/or its associated wetlands. Any person desiring to express his views or to be notified of the action taken on this application should notify James E. Connolly, Planning Director, in writing of his interest within thirty (30) days of the last notice given pursuant to WAC 173-14-020. The final date of publication, posting, or mailing of notice is March 9, 1978. Written comments must be received by April 10, 1978. 3/2-9-2t NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the City Planning .Commission of the City 0T Shelton, Washington will hold a ublic hearing at 9:30 p.m. onday, March 6, 1978 at the City Hall on the application for Conditional Exception for Block 1, J.B. Shelton's Addition to the City of Shelton, in accordance with Zoninq Ordinance No. 682. James F . Hillier Planning Commission Chairman 3/2-1t SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION No. 13362 SUPERIOR COURT OF WASH I NGTON PATTI H. BROWN and WILLIAM ZAMMARCHI, Plaintiffs, vs. TIMOTHY PITTS, et el, Defendants. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON to the said: TIMOTHY PITTS and JANE DOE PITTS, his wife; You are hereby summoned to appear within 60 days after the date of first publication of this summons, to-wit, within 60 days after the 26th day of January, 1978 and defend the above-entitled action in the above-entitled Court, and answer desiring to express his views or the complaint of the Plaintiffs, to be notified of the action and serve a copy of your answer taken on this application should upon the undersigned attorney for the Plaintiffs, at the address notify James E. Connolly, Planning Director, in writing of his interest w!thin 'thirty (30) days of the mast notice given oursuant to WAC 173-14-020. =l'he final date of publication, posting, or _mailing of notice is March 9, 19J8• Written comments must be received by April 9, 1978. 3/2-9-2t NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBy GIVEN THAT the City Planning Commission of the City of Shelton, Washington will hold a public hearing at 8:30 P.m. Monday, March 6, 1978 at the City Hall on the application for Conditional Exception for Tract 1 of Govt. Lot 4, 18-20-3 to the City of Shelton, in accordance with Zoninq Ordinance No. 682. James I-. Hillier Planning Commission Chairman 3/2-1t NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBy GIVEN THAT the City Plannina Commission. o! the City o Shelton, Wasn.mgton will hold a public hearing at 7:30 P.m Monday, March 6, ]978 at the City Hall on the application for Zone Change for Block 10, David Shelton's 3rd Addition, South 20 ft. of Lot 4, all of Lots 5, 6 & 7 together with all of the west =/2 of the vacated alley in said Block 10, David Shelton's 3rd Addition to the City of Shelton, in accordance with Zonin Ordinance No. 682. James F. Hillier Planning Commission Chairman 3/2-11 below stated, and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you. This action is to recover for Plaintiffs their damages arising from your negligence in causinq an auto accident on June 6, 1§77. /s/Cynthia B. Whitaker CYNTHIA B. WHITAKER 2530 2d Ave. West Seattle, We. 98119 • 1/26-2/2-9-16.23.3/2-6t NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 4935 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of JANICE HENRICKSEN, Deceased. The undersigned is the appointed and qualified Personal Representative of said estate. 'ersons having claims against the deceased must serve the claim on the undersigned, or the attorney of record, at the address stated below and must file an executed copy of the claim with the Clerk of the Court within four monms after the date of first publication of this notice or within four months after the date of the filing of a copy of this notice or the claim will be barred, except under those provisions included in RCW 11.40.011. Date of filing copy Of notice to creditors: February 17, 1978. Date of first publication: February 23, 1978. /s/Sandra L. Rogers SANDRA L• ROGERS Personal Representative c/o ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law 125V2 N• 5th Street P.O. Box 396 Shelton, Washington 98584 2/23-3/2-9-3t L00al Publications SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NO. 13522 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF' THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON IN RE: THE MARRIAGE OF SCHNEIDER, Stanly Alvin, Petitioner, and SCHNEIDER, Catherine D., Respondent. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, to the said CATHERINE D. SCHNEIDER, Respondent: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this Summons, to wit, within sixty days after the 9th day of February, 1978 and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled Court, and answer the complaint of the Petitiorler, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for Petitioner at his office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court. The nature of this action is dissolution of marriage.- GERALD L. WH/TCOMB, INC., P.S. /s/By Gerald L. Whitcomb GERALD L. WHITCOMB Attorney for Petitioner ADDRESS OF ATTORNEY: GERALD L. WHITCOMB, INC., P.S., Suite 2, The Angle Building 103 South Fourth P•O. Box 869 Shelton, Washington 98584 (206) 426-5524 2/9-16-23-3/2-9-16-6 t NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the City Planning Commission of the City of Shelton, Washington will hold a public hearing at 10:00 p.m. Monday, March 6, 1978 at the City Hall on the application for Zoning Variance for Block 21, Dr. Callanan's Mountain View Addit on to the City of Shelton, in accordance with Zoning Ordinance No. 682. James F. Hillier Planning Commission Chairman 3/2-11 NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the City Planning Commission of the City of Shelton, Washington will hold a PMUblic hearing at 10:30 p.m. onday, March 6, 1978 at the City Hall on the application for Zoning Variance for Tract 17 of David Shelton's DLC to the City of Shelton, in accordance with Zoning Ordinance No. 682. James F. Hillier Planning Commission Chairman 3/2-1t NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the City Planning Commission of the City of Shelton, Washington will hold a ublic hearing at 11-00 p•m. onday, March 6, 1978 at the City Hall on the application for Zone Chane for Lots 5-6, BIk. 14, David Shelton's 2nd Addition and Lots 5-8, BIk. 22, David .Shelton's 3rd Addition to the City of Shelton, in accordance with Zoning Ordinance No. 682. James F. Hillier Planning Commission Chairman 3/2-1t SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION No. 13516 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY ANNE J. RICHARDSON, Plaintiff, vs. HIROTAKA J. ANDO and SADIE M. HIROTAKA, also known of record as SADIE M. ANDO, his wife, Defendants. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE SAID: HIROTAKA J. ANDO and SADIE M. HIROTAKA, ale0 known of record as SADIE M.. ANDO, his wife, DEFENDANTS. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear within sixty t(i6?s)t days after the date of the publication of this Summons, to-wit: within sixty (60) days after the 26th day of January, 1978, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled Court, and answer the Complaint of the Plaintiff, and serve a copy of your Answer on the undersigned attorney for the Plaintiff at his office below, stated; in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the Complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court. The purpose of this action is to forfeit your interest, as contract purchasers, in that certain Real Estate Contract dated July 11, 1971,' and forfeiting your interest in the real property which is the subject of said Contract, legally described as Lot 32 of Beard's Cove No. 6, as recorded in Volume 9 of Plats, page 1, records of Mason County, Washington. H. DONALD GOUGE, Attorney for Plaintiff 505-B So. Third St. PO Box 26 Renton, Washington 98055 Telephone: 255-5600 1/26-2/2-9-16-23-3/2-6t NOTICE OF HEARING A budget Extension for School District No• 402 Pioneer is needed. A hearing is scheduled for Monday, March 13, at 7:30 p.m. at Pioneer School. Any taxpayer may appear thereat and be heard for or against any part of such budget extension, r /s/B. Lupinacd Bill Lupinacci Secretary Pioneer School Board 3/2-9-2t A .. V - Legal Publications CALL FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 3 of Mason County, Washington does hereby invite sealed proposals for supplying transformers in accordance with Specification No. E3-78 obtainable from the District upon request. Proposals for furnishing these transformers must be sealed, marked Specifications E3-78 and filed with the Purchasing Agent at the District's office in Shelton, Washington by 1:00 P.M. Pacific Time March 27, 1978. Each bid shall be accompanied by a bid bond, in the amount not less than 5% of the amount bid, with a corporate surety licensed to do business in the State, and no bid will be considered unless accompanied by such a bid bond. At the time and place named, such bids will be opened and read and the Commissioners will proceed to canvass the bid and may let the contract to the lowest responsible bidder of the specifications. The commissioners reserve the unqualified right in their sole and absolute discretion to reject any and all bids, and to accept the bid which in their sole and absolute judgment, will under all circumstances best serve the interest of the District. PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO• 3 of Mason County /s/Lloyd M. Suhr L. M. Suhr, President /M. D. Parrett • D. Parrett, Vice President /s/Edwin W. Taylor Edwin W. Taylor, Secretary 3/2-1t NOTICE TO CREDITORS " No. 4936 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON Estate of JAMES W. LAYMAN, Deceased. The Personal Representative named below has been appointed and has qualified as personal representative of the above estate. All persons having claims against the decedent are required to serve the same on the personal representative or the attorney of record and file an executed copy thereof with the clerk of Court within four (4) months after February 23, 1978, the date of the first publication of this notice or within four (4) months after the filing of the copy of this Notice with the clerk of the Court, whichever is later. CARROLL L. LAYMAN Personal Representative Attorney for Personal Representative: JAMES B. SAWYER II Post Office Box 163 Shelton, Washington 98584 2/23-3/2-9-3t NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the Board of County Commissioners did, on February 27, 1978, adopt a Resolution declaring their intention to establish all roads dedicated to the. public in the Plat of Oak Park, Division II as shown in Volume 9, Pages 61, 62, records of Mason County, Washington; and FURTHER, said Resolution did declare the establishment of such roads as a public necessity and did direct the Clerk of the Board to set public Hearing thereon; and FURTHER, said Resolution did instruct the County Engineer to report on said road establishments and request the Prosecuting Attorney to review and give approval to the steps therein ordered. NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that said Hearincj will be held at the Office at the County Commissioners at the Courthouse in Shelton, Washington, at 11:00 A.M., Monday, March 20, 1978. All interested persons may appear at said Hearingto be held for the purpose or hearing the Engineer's Report on said County Roads. DATED this 27th day of February, 1978. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON As/By Peggy Cleveland uditor & Clerk of the Board 3/2-9-2t Harstine: Women's Club plans for regular meeting By CARMENYATES ending. The next morning Another month has come Maxine returned to the spot and gone once again and it's where she had lost the animal time for the March meeting of and, sure enough, there was the Harstine Women's Club. See Sassie. A little wet, a bit chilly ya' today at the Hartstene Pointe and whole lot lonesome, but Clubhouse with a brown bag otherwise in good shape. And it lunch. The gals will be selecting would be a toss.up as to which the site of the April outing at of the two was the happiest to this meeting, see the other! There is a sequel to last And speaking of lost animals, week's "lost dog story" this family is missing one ofl concerning the George Waites' their favorite animals, a male cat. puppy, Sassie. The missing He' turned up missing about the animal had caused her owners middle of last week. Woolie isa much concern over the long grayish color with an overlayer three-day weekend. Monday of black, white chest and evening both the dog and her undercarriage. But his two most owners were overjoyed to be distinguishing features are an reunited. However, the reunion unusually large face and head was short-lived, as Maxine called and a stubby taft with about to report the animal missing four "kinks" which are again a couple of days later. She characteristic of his breed, Manx. had taken Sassie and the family's We'd sure be mighty happy to other two dogs out with her have him back home. brushpicking. At the end of the Theo Waite Sr. ended Ms day the puppy turned up missing recent stay with his son, George, once again. Since she had been and daughter-in-law, Maxine, this picking brush near the road, past weekend. He'll be spending Maxine feared the pet might some time with his daughter, have been picked up. But, once Gerry Lewis, and her family near again, the story has a happy Portland, Oregon. Permit is asked for work in Hood Canal Application has been received by the Seattle U.S. Army Corps of Engineers office from Randall E. Updyke, Union, for a Department of the Army permit in accordance with Section 10 of the River and Harbor Act of March 3, 1899 for work in Hood Canal near Union. The work is to construct a pier and install ramp and float for private boat moorage. Preliminary review by the Seattle district indicates that this work will not significantly affect the quality of the human environment. The preparation of a federal environmental impact statement is not anticipated at this time. Presently unknown archeological, scientific, prehistorical or historical data may be lost or destroyed by work to be accomplished under the requested permit. The work is not located on a property registered in the National Register of Historic Places. The decision whether to issue Legal Publications INVITATION TO BID SHELTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 309, 8th & Pine, Shelton, Washington 98584 Sealed bids will be received at the Business Office, Shelton [iil School District No. 309, Shelton, Washington, until 8:00 p.m. March 14, 1978, for furnishing Building Materials in compliance food habits with specifications furnished by the School District. Food habits of a lifetime are The bids will be publicly opened and read aloud immediately after closing time for their receipt. All interested ersons are entitled to attend the id opening. Specifications ,may be obtained at the Business Office in the Evergreen School. The Board reserves the right to refuse any or all bids. By Order of the Board of Directors, February 14, 1978. /s/Louis R. Grinnell Secretary 2/23-3/2-2t BY ORDER OF ,THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON NOTIFICATION OF FINAL COST -- COUNTY ROAD CONSTRUCTION BE IT HEREBY ORDERED: thatthe•underslgned Board of County Commissioners of Mason .L;ounIyt w,)nln,.•aclqc In conformity with Chapter 156, Sessvons Laws Ot ZV , a e me to=rowing report on the final cost at roam projects: CRP ROAD NAME 826 North Shore Road 830 ,Shelton-Matlock Road (Goldsborough Bridge) 831 County-wide Traffic Control 832 County-wide Drainage 834 Victor Road 835 Old Olympic Highway 836 McReavy Road 837 Pickering-North Island Drive 838 Johns Prairie Road 839 Krabbenhoft Road 840 Shellgren Road 841 Daniels Road 842 Nalley Road 843 Belfair Park-Tahuya 844 Roessell Road 845 Little Egypt Road 846 Herrick Road FINAL ESTIMATE DATE 24,411•63 8-16-76 125,169.98 8-23-76 5,379.47 1-12-77 481.67 1-12-77 21,232.29 4-25-77 19,477.10 4-25-77 21,204.94 4-25-77 20,067.30 4-25-77 3,410•22 7-5-77 4,943.12 7-6-77 2,881.06 7-5-77 6,273.45 7-5-77 1,225.85 7-5-77 20,399.62 7-5-77 8,556.55 7-5-77 4,529.41 7-5-77 • 2,699.07 7-5-77 The preliminary cost estimate covering the above-named projects was156, formerlYsession Laws°rderedof 1949.°n the indicated days, as provided by Chapter DATED this 27th day of February, 1978. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/John Bariekman Chairman /s/Tom Taylor Member /s/Floyd C. Cole Member ATTEST: /s/Peggy Cleveland Auditor & Clerk of the Board CERTIFIED BY: /s/Marley L. Young Mason County Engineer 3/2-]t Thursday, March 2, 1978 - Shelton-Maso a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impact of the proposed activity on the public interest. That decision will reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. The benefit which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its, reasonably foreseeable detriments. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal will be considered; among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental , concerns, historic values, fish and wildlife values, flood damage prevention, land use, navigation, recreation, water supply, water quality, energy needs, safety, food production and, in general, the needs and welfare of ,the people. Comments on these factors will be accepted and made part of the record and will be considered in determining whether it would be in the best public interest to srant a permit. Comments should reach the Seattle corps office not later, I than March 27 'tO insure consideration. Comments ==de on .J n County Journ, . Page 35 usually formed in childhood, says Washington State University's Mason County extension agent, Ruth VanDeRiet. Parents can help their young children develop good habits by teaching them to eat and enjoy foods needed for good health and fitness. Most healthy children know when they are hungry and when they've had enough to eat. When the child is not hungry, don't force him to eat and try not to worry. Appetite may vary from one meal to another, and from day to day. The child's rate of growth, his activities, and how he feels all influence how much he eats. Each child has his own pattern of growth. Do not compare your child with others, as children at any age show individual differences. Every child has periods of rapid growth, followed by slower growth. During the periods when a child grows slowly, he may want less food. Be sure to set a good' example, as cldldren imitate attitudes of other family members toward specific foods. Usually a child's food habits are no better (they can be Worse) than those of his family. -! In the WO; ;. :;:,; :i.? ;;: or on the st6et' :' :;:'.L.  : Help keep Ami'ica ' looking neat! .Give a hootl [n't Imiletel