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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 2, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 2, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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p --- -k.._...d i¢=::::=:: 1€:::=:::: I¢:==::= K::::=::: By MARK LEE In a distant time, in a galaxy far, far away, spins a planet known derisively to seasoned interstellar travelers as "Stasis. " Inhabiting this attractive planet is a unique dominate-intelligent lifeform which defies all theories relating to conventional species progression and development. Although the customs of the planet's natives provide amusement to passing interstellar tourists, the lmperium directorship is currently debating what course of action should be pursued with Stasis. Millions of solar rotations ago, the First lmperium went to considerable expense to seed the emerging, fertile, class-A planet via hyperdrive robot ships. When contact was eventually made by an lmperium explorer ship, it appeared that the species was progressing according to expectations. ltowever, upon arrival of a second ship much later, development of the species appeared to have gone astray and the lmperium directors ordered a "doomsday" report. Apparently, the upright, type-42, biped creatures who have come to rule the planet originally progressed methodically and in close parallel with Rha Crimson's famous curve for species development. From flint arrows through nuclear arsenals, the sentinent beings stumbled through the typical species-threatening infancy of clan and racial holocausts. Then, just as their aggregate knowledge was about to shove them into the beginning of their "realm exploration" (aka Crimsons's thesis), ,their advances began to wane. Even in their mastery over technology, once considered the species potential forte, the creature's development began to stagnate. As in other emerging seed planets, its mechanical and social systems continued to grow more complex, but oddly enough the number of species members able to comprehend the evolving situation concurrently decreased to a miniscule amount. Revolution and upheaval became the norm as the planet slid slowly back into Crimson's "acquisition stage" of species progression. Whenever one group, usually composed of the species' youth, begins to collect knowledge, their learning is ; curtailed. This cycle once generated has graced the planet's : face for the past millenium. Controversy still rages concerning what caused this phenomenon, but research poirits to the native inhabitants' insistent emphasis on acquisition of physical resources. Most of the continental mass found on the planet consists of interlacing waterways formed by inlets and coves. The  bulk of a typical Stasis dweller's life is spent in hard work to gain a place of habitation along these waterways. Added to this push for what the natives call "choice property" is a seemingly overwhelming drive to possess  numerous and highly powerful terrain contact vehicles and ' ' ' 'r aquati c C. fl ..... L ...... r ' , '" " " ....... In fact, so much effort is put into the securing of such resources that the training, guidance and edification of the species offspring goes virtually unheeded. It is this neglect by the specie for its collective future that sets Stasis apart from any other planet in known space. It is also, claim Imperium scholars, the main reason that species is locked into a cycle below the "realm exploration" level. To be sure, the inhabitants provide what can only be described as minimal school. As little as ten percent of the species' available economic resources are channeled into educating its young. By comparison many Stasis dwellers spend up to 40 percent of their resource allotments on non-essentials. Some researchers contend that these "schools" are not really so much for developing the minds of the offspring but only serve the purpose of freeing the parents from their progeny. Adding to the de-emphasis in offspring schooling is the species' attitude of individual concern which continues and even intensifies with age. Once its progeny has left the care of a species member, the drive for acquisition usually increases and, unlike any other known sentiment beings, concern for the . development of other offpsring seems to be nonexistent. As a result of the species stagnation, extremist forces within the Imperium collectorate are campaigning for :: eradication of the species and a complete reseeding of the planet. These elements contend that such action must be performed because the species' cycle is depleting all the planet's natural resources without producing an evolved life form. Moderate factions holding power are calling for the : continual monitoring of the planet and the initiation of a :i 1,000-year probation period before reseeding is considered. But the Rotating Imperium Director has warned that unless the species shows a marked increase in the concern for educating its offspring within the next 250 solar rotations, then he will order the species removed from the planet and reseeding begun. "Regrettable, but necessary," he has proclaimed. iii|ttiiii Huckleberry Herald Post Office Box 587, Belfair, Washington 98528 Telephone 275-6680 Belfair office open 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Men. & Tues.; Wed. thru Fri. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. News and advertising copy deadline 5 p.m. Fridays. For your convenience there is a mail slot in the door for copy. Office located across from Belfair Texaco in Belfair. MARK LEE .................................. Editor CAROL WENTLANDT ............. Advertising Manager :Office Telepbone 275-6680 A section of the Shelt'on-Mason County Journal serving as the voice of Belfair, Allyn, Grapeview, Tahuya, Mason Lake, South Shore and North Shore. $$$$$ SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT Ray's Barber Shop Belfair Reid Realty When dusk comes, patient observers can spot this season's young fawns along most any road throughout North Mason. Open 7 Days A Week, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunset Beach Grocery South Shore 275-2500 1972 Olympic Trailer. 12x55, Very good condition, $6000.00. 275-6788 Healthmobile comes to Belfair On Monday, March 6, the Complications from months of age, immunizations Healthmobile will be at the diphtheria, pertussis or tetanus should begin. These are given in Belfair Firehall from 9:30 a.m. can be pneumonia, heart damage the form of a DPT (diphtheria, to 3 p.m. and death, pertussis, tetanus) shot, a MMR The rural healthmobile Although the incidence of (measles, mumps, rubella)shot, service reminds parents that polio has greatly decreased, the and oral polio vaccine. some 20 million American threat of these diseases is not Childhood immunizations are children are not fully protected over. available at no cost at all against measles, mumps, rubella For example, there were Healthmobile sites. (German measles), polio, 22,000 reported cases of measles They also are available with diptheria, pertussis (whooping in the U.S. during 1974 with a private physicians and at all local cough) and tetanus, jump to 41,000 cases of measles health departments. Measles can lead to in 1976. This is a significant retardation, deafness, blindness increase in the incidence of this and even death, disease. . Masonry ,.-,!l,ps,ean cause deness, Immunizations.. is  an easy * Fireplaces sterility in males and brain method of preventing these *Block foundations damage. Paralysis or death can diseases. * Anything with masonry result from polio. When an infant reaches two JOHN KIMMEL Jbrary .,o.n,..,.on....o.,.,,,,.. Friends of L ., .,.ox..,Shelton 426-1512 ! seek art sketches Bulldoze Fill Dirt for new calendar North MaHan's Friends of the previous calendars, exclusive of Library are soliciting new border (6¾" by 8"). samples of original art for their Pictures can be left at the 1979 calendar. Maxine Morse, Huckleberry Herald or the North calendar chairman, has Mason Library, Belfair. Art will B ,D announced, be judged for the 1979 calendar Contractors, Inc. Needed are black-and-white by a panel of Friends. sketches of the surrounding area Artists will receive CR5-2195 CR5-2113 drawn by local artists. "everlasting fame" and a free Art work submitted should calendar for their personal be done in ink, charcoal or contribution towards building a pencil with well-defined contrast new library in North Mason. for clean reproduction. Size For further information call should be the same as for MaxineMorse, 275-2420. LINCOLN REALTY Open 7 -',¢€,1.J, . Days A Week ] .. """t' ,,,,.urs. WOOD TRASH r " " 426-5924 Evenings BURNERS r Julius Stock, 275-2274,. Reg. $89.95  | ILy]l  ¢A,l  Jim Murdock, 4110 Kitsap Way Suite 100, Bremert0n, WA 479 -2764 iii i ir rl ' in KOMMUNITY KIDDIE KOLLEGE DAY CARE CENTER • 2% to 12 years • Full time -- Part time • Drop-ins • Hot lunches • State licensed • Across from elementary school 275-6315 12 GA., 16 GA., 20 GA. SHOT GUN SHELLS 4-5-6 Shot 275---Evenings .ow $45** 2 only  hurryl 20% BUILDING LOTS BARGAIN OF THE t MONTH Villi TRASH BAGS • Right on LakeLand Village golf course. All .  underground utilities, lots of trees, some view $77 $11,500 call Jim Murdock. ' l,l,, • 9 miles from Shelton with water, power, SAFETY PONCHO phone and septic system, access to beach and J€ ONION SETS boat ramp. Only $5,150, $300 down.Call Julius lg Each 79" Stock.. LAWN SEED Lb. • Near Shelton on Lost Lake Road, we have 5 20% Off GARDEN sEEDs ARE acre tracts or larger with power & phone. Some NOW HERE with view of Olympic Mountains, covered with  HARDWARE firs. A great retreat&room to stretch. Priced BELFAIR from $7,450 & up with $500 down. Call Julius Stock. ERNIE & HAROLD ARIES 275-2031  , Page 2 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - March 2, 1978 CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH AND RETREAT CENTER OF BELFAIR 10 a.m... Worship Service 10 a.m ..... Sunday School Come as you are -- Nursery provided % mile W. of Belfalr State Park 275.3354 Office 275-b950 Homo Donald G. Fossum, Pastor Sunday WINTER Ist Worship SerV. ce. ,': Sunday School.., 2nd Worshi COMMU P.O. BOX John Senn, Church phc Belfair * TIRES * BATrERIES • ACCESSORIES We can take care of all your car 275-2077 Minda & Buck Church VOTE FOR BASIC EDUCATION VOTE FOR NORTH MASON VOTE Belfai Chamber Paid for by North Mason Save Our Schools, Chairman, St. Rt. 1, Box 107, B DRAPERY CLEANING BELFAIR CLEA 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Man. thru Fri., 9 a.m. t°l 275-6110 L TONAL STRIPE SWEATER Sizes s, m, I. # r/.,. 275-2033 Mary Wright