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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 2, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 2, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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committee offers levy information For the past Jew me North masoJ" - nths the North Mason School District will $20,000 tile tax would then be responsible for the drop in By the end of October, .... n Save Our Schools be asked to approve a special levy $72.80. students. Families appear to be $34,371 was collected in IeOe! Com. mittee has been for $462,363. Fifty-five percent of the funds moving from tile district because individual donations, a raffle, • tmg Weekly at the h" h sc co ,,._ tg heel By state law only 60 percent available for the coming school of the limited program currently ._ ,&apos;vare in orm auction and rummage sale to pay Lvneerni, .,_ f aLien of the levy ($277,418) would be year will be needed just to pay off offered, especially the lack of the district's 20 percent of Ioyect ne Upcoming special available for use during the a projected $83,000 deficit for high schoolelectives, costs for the transportation The followin ar 1978-79 school year, while the the 1977-78 school year. The In addition, more seniors than remainder of the schoolyear. u,._ . g ticle is a ..... ,ury o! the information remainder would be collected for money is also required to balance usual are taking advantage of a A school district Budget .... 4¢ ........... . Provided by the u the 1979-80 school year. a 1978-79 budget which will school board policy which allows Advisory Committee, composed ., .1,i.,  , heetsp'L"--,,mOnaavT" gro .... P which For the taxpayer, the levy will maintain this year's programs at seniors to graduate early when of a cross-section of area /.ii.. ". 'oorn2of,_ . , .aup.m., m cost $3.69 per $1,000 of assessed next year's prices, they have sufficient credits to do taxpayers, gave "to and from" . ....... : : .... :: : : .:... .... n_ .." "e ng/= school: valution at 100 percent of true The projected deficit is a so. busing a priority second only to ,.*"":'" .:s" .... = - --:;:.:.. .......  ,,.,. ,b , "Uarch 14 the voters in the and fair value. ' For a valuation of result of the first drop in student If the district is losing the deficit and budget balancing. <!: ;:"'  "=: ' " :::: " enrollment in North Mason students due to a limited program The levy amount of $3.69 per - ,* =::'= ."!.'i:.,7.: .... schools in eight years. The district this year, can a turn-around be $1,000 was also an advisory "?.= ..... .*" . .- had originally predicted a growth expected next year? committee recommendation. This  ---.. D & G TREE SERVICE factor similar to that experienced Probably not. The district has is the maximum amount that the in recent years, but enrollment calculated a rise in costs of eight district can request under the new L  ' TOPPED, TRIMMED OR REMOVED now stands at the lowest level percent next year. 'In addition, "levy-lid" law. The committee FULLY INSURED since May, 1975. although the state has passed a felt that this represented a 2117 tou Dobbs TR 6-4783 Several factors may be "Basic Education Act" to fund reasonable assessment to present Belfai ecsetd ic CO llllll schools, the district expects to thevoters. decreases in both state and federal Many state school districts are BELFAIR support, requesting levies in excess of the r e Chamber of Comlneree This means that it will cost an levy lid law because they feel the We'll be ff/elcomesyou to additional $69,000 to operatethe state may lift the lid to Electric Dealers our next meeting current program, exclusive of compensate for the loss of food N.  • Discount Prices • Factory Service • Terms  Program transportation, sales tax revenues. The committee, "=, . .•Wetaketrade.ins. /11'J But onceagain, the state will rejected recommendingthatthe opening soon t,of,, tree delivery & normal installation. (11) Comprehensive plan not fully fund local school bus North Mason School District do J[. (=,x Bonded&Licensed MiLch Brown, service but will only fund 80 the same. 1," sllectrlcal Contractori  ' M.C. Regional Planning, percent. The remaining 20 Persons interested in knowing =it'.._  peclal Contractor Pricing. March 8th, 7 p.m. o  percent will require $49,900 or more about the SOS committee, V= block North of Thrlftway Belfair Cafe 18 percent of the levy funds the special levy or school funding available for the1978-79school in general should contact Hal in Belfair '   year. Smith, chairman pro-tern, -Katt'y's Hal There was not sufficient 275.3085;JackieAllen, treasurer, r Pinched on income available this year to 275-3518; or Gary Blankenship, support "to and from" busing at publicity, 275-2786. St. Patrick's the start of the school year. imited Formerly The Hare Hut Specializing in HIS and HER Blower Cuts • Tinting • Frosting • Perms • Hair Design Monday thru Saturday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. /,0CA,,, Evenings by appointment. "D IT THE NEW BELFAIR CENTER • Relax with coffee • Ample free parking K0000y,s Hair Unlimited Owner Kathy Carslin Da ®,,,,Yl Hallmark Cards, Inc Wear one of our cheery green Hallmark cloth buttons or pins to fend away the pinchers on Friday, March 171 Lots of party items and decorations, too[ BELFAIR DRUG 275-6161 OPEN SUNDAYS, 10 A.M. TO 3 P.M. BLOWN.IN ff INSULATION ;LOWER FT. 3.1" DEEP THE AVERAGE ATTIC TAKES ONLY 2 TO 3 HOURS OR LESS TO INSTALL WITH OUR PORTABLE BLOWER DON'T PAY SOMEONE ELSE IT'S SO EASY TO . . . 6UARD NN.AIR DO.IT- YOURSELF ,. The Same -Without DIMENSION LUMBER Quality of any house Is de- termined by the quality of lumber used. 2x4-12 Std. & Better KD Reg. $2.90 NOW s2°9 U-HAUL SUNSHINE PEAT MOSS 4 cu. ft. $4 99 Limited to stock on hand. ASPHALT IMPREGNATED SHEATHING 4x8 A" U-HAUL 0%o,,°... OTHER LILLY MILLER LAWN & GARDEN SUPPLIES IN STOCK open I to $:30 Oully, Saturday II to 4:30 North Mason High School News By Denise Hit_ H obbit comes to North Mason Spring will soon arrive once again and, as tradition has it, that means it's time for Terry Haydon and crew to produce, another play. This year J.R.R. Tolkein's, "The Hobbit," has been picked by sponsor Haydon. who feels this play has potential and can be "as good as the students want to make it." As any avid fantasy reader will tell you, "The Hobbit" takes place in another world called Middle Earth, which could be play's all about, Middle Earth will come alive on May 4, 5 and 6! Donations of material such as chicken wire and lumber, as well as labor, would sincerely be appreciated by North Mason Drama Club, which is producing the presentation. LOCAL SON-IN-LAW HELPS SAVE LIVES Coast Guard Subsistence Specialist Second Class Dean A. In the meantime, you can start earning high interest on any of our savings or certificate accounts by simply filling in and mailing the coupon with your check or money order. We'll send you all the information you need. Choose the convenient savings plan that's right for you. RATE TERMS ANNUAL YIELD 525 547 The most innovative, modern new full-service "70 • savings plan available. • ii 1 5.7500 6.0000 puts your funds to work with a ' minimum deposit of $100. this week and Haydon anticipates a large turnout for the part of Billbo Baggins, leading Hobbit, as well as the rest of the cast. According to Haydon, the play has a lot of "interesting characters" and should give students "a chance to show off their acting talents." Gollum, for instance, portrays a repulsive and frightening slimy water creature who goes "ssssss" all the time. Then there's the legendary Smaug, a vast red-gold dragon who breathes fire. Not your usual cast of normal characters for a play. If curiosity has gotten the best of you and you would like to find out what this legendary translated into a play in as many Harkins, whose wife Barbara is ' ' different ways as imagination the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nefl 6.50 l-Year Certificate Account* allows. McLean of Allyn, helped save six % lets your money earn more interest with a minimum % Casting for the play begins lives last year while serving as a deposit of $1,000. • iii i Menu for Grapeview School Mar. 6 thru Mar. 10 Monday: Macaroni & cheese, salad, pudding, milk. Tuesday: Vegetable beef soup, sandwich, cookies, milk. Wednesday: Hamburger on a bun, corn, salad, banana cake, milk. Thursday: Swiss st.eak, potatoes & gravy, salad, ice cream, milk. Friday: Toasted cheese sandwich, green beans, salad, brownies, milk. crew member aboard the Coast Guard cutter Point Ledge, homeported at Fort Bragg, California. During 1977 he and, his shipmates responded to 115 calls for assistance, assisted 174 people and saved property worth over eight million dollars. Additionally, he boarded 167 vessels, ensuring compliance with federal laws and levied fines totalling more than $15,000 to vessel owners found in violation. His cutter is an 83.foot-long patrol boat and carries a crew of 10 officers and enlisted men. She is outfitted with an 81ram mortar and two 50-caliber machine guns. He joined the Coast Guard in April 1972. Menu For North Mason Schools Mar. 6 thru Mar. 10 Monday: Beef noodle casserole, biscuit/butter, mixed vegetables, applesauce. Tuesday: Sloppy Joe, broccoli, french fries, dessert. Wednesday: Chili dog, tater tots, carrots, fruit. Thursday: Meatballs in gravy over mashed potatoes, peas, muffin/butter, fruit. Friday: Oven-baked chicken, mashed potatoes/gravy, hot roll/butter, green beans, camberry sauce. Puget Sound National Bank The hometown bank. I Ill 6.7500 Puget Sound National Bank The hometown bank. 2 l/2-Year Certificate Acc,,unt*,ZO 8 increases your earning power with a minimum deposit of $1,000 i 4-Year Certificate Account* lets you find out just how interesting money can be with a minimum deposit of $1,000. 75% 6-Year Certificate Account* A $1,000 minimum deposit gives you more than 8%. i ii i i *There is a substantial penalty for early withdrawal. Our savings account plans offered are subject to change at any time. Immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmll I Name I Address 1 z,0 ; Please open a % account for me. My check [] (money order) is enclosed. i .Please send me information about  ___ Please have a savings representative phone me at : : (Telephone#: ) : l'm interested in your new Prestige Statement Sav- I ings which gives me a Prestige Card and all kinds of ! free services as well as a high rate of return. I mmmmmmIiiiiI I i i mm mm m m m m m mm ou can Imy PRF_SHGE, but you can get it FREE at ) OLYMPIA FEDERAL SAVINGS Oldesl eslablished savln InsUtutlon In outlme ttbsJdlea . PO BOX 618, rO BELFAIR, WASHINGTON 98528 OPENING SOON in front of the Thriftway IN BELFAIR ¢ March 2, 1978 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3