March 2, 1978 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 2, 1978 |
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Happy Hollow permit sought
Application has been received
by the Army Corps of Engineers
from Robert W. Chittock of
Seattle on behalf of Verna K.
Thompson for proposed work in
Hood Canal in Happy Hollow on
South Shore near Belfair to
construct concrete steps, install a
buoy and float and remove a
Preliminary review by the
Seattle district indicates that this
work will not significantly affect
the quality of the human
Sudden infant
environment. The preparation of refer to the reference number death syndrome
a federal environmental impact 071-OYB-1-004626: Thompson,
statement is not anticipated at Verna K.-and reach the mee-'n-tig
this time. Department of the Army, Seattle
Adjacent property owners are District, Corps-of Engineers, P.O.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Sundquist Box C-3755, Seattle, Washington :
Sudden Infant Death Representatives
and Mr. and Mrs. Apipherd 98124 not later than March 20, Syndrome (commonly known as chapter and the
Masley. 1978 to insure consideration. SIDS and "crib death"), is the Regional SIDS C€
Comments on these factors At the county board of number-one cause of death of Children's will be
will beacceptedandmadepartof commissioners meeting on babies, ages one week to one answer questions
the record and will be considered February 27, Tom Taylor moved year. distribute literature.
in determining whether it would and the commissioners voted
be in the best public interest to unanimously that the Thompson It is neither predictable nor SIDS parents al
grant a permit. Comments should project be exempt from the preventable.parents of everyIt race,happenSreligiont° interestedare invited relativeSto attend
requirement of a county
shoreline permit for the and living circumstance. It does film showing and then
proposed construction " not show any symptoms. The and view a showing
exact cause of SIDS is not as yet "You Are Not
PORT OF GRAPEVIEW known, made specifically
COMMISSIONER NAMED The Washington State families. This film
Chapter of the National SIDS followed by a tithe
At their February 27 Foundation, with offices at and conversation.
meet ing, the county Children's Orthopedic Hospital in For further
commissioners received a letter
from the secretary of the Port of Seattle, wants to better educate contact the chapter
Grapeview informing the board the people of Washington State Bonnie Jackson,
that Kenneth S. Hansen has been ,::,, on this tragic disease by 634-5119.
. ,. sponsoring public film showings
appointed as the new port i: ,, throughout the state.
:. -* What it is
commissioner representing " ' *: In the Bremerton area,
District Three. " interested persons are invited to Drunkenness is
Hansen's appointment is on ,., ,.,;:., " attend a film showing March 9, suicide; the
CLOSE OUT an interim basis and will last ::,:''& "
i through the next general " . . - 7:15 p.m., at the Bremerton- brings is merely
Kitsap County Health momentary
SPECIAL 0,oo,io00, Thunder, a well-known resident of Grapeview's Stadium Beach area. makes Department, 109 Austin Drive, unhappiness..
LOST good use of last week's unseasonably warm weather. Bremerton.
,0 Ola00 00l..0 00ercur. = " n,, a
electric, full canvas E-Z loader trailer, 10' Smokercraft
boat. Coast Guard Red Cross offers
hu00,,o, swimming, first aid
M75C, lost from
_.'1 asses Small lakes formed in the that looks like a fishingthe pole enough,fromabUt he'd
"--''''O=aHU='= BOATS & MOTORS Sooth Shore. CoI instructors eyes of Mary Russell when she skimming through waters, pole
275-2714. I f the lady
was totally surprised by a golden don't lay off the buttermilk.
Kitsap-North Mason County For information about pool wedding anniversary party her This fellow from Oregon was out Falls who caught
Chapter of the American use fee, cost of books and children threw for her and husband fishing over the recent weekend out here a couple
National Red Cross located at registration, please call Myra at Roy January 29. Roy, the rascal, holiday using two poles. While give another
Thank You 605 Washington Avenue in 377-3761. The Red Cross does was in on the whole thing and checking one of the poles he let happy to print
FREE SAFETY CHECK Bremerton is presently taking not charge a fee for instruction, found it hard to keep from the other just rest on the bottom exploits.
For your help, prayers, registration for a multi-media prematurely busting the balloon, of the boat only to have a biggee If you don't
loan of equipment, first aid instructors' course. The ALLYN CONSTRUCTION but held out.
eight-hour course will be on APPROVAL SOUGHT Fishing out our way has take pole and all before he could children to hear
flowers, cords and Saturday, March 4, from 8 a.m. At their February 27 slackened somewhat; however, grab it. saying, pretend
That in itself was bad them.
so forth. Read until 6 p.m. m e e t i n g, t h e c o u n t y the "hangers-on" are still getting
parts . ..___.L. Isaiah 53:4 and 5. Persons interested in the commissioners received a letter one now and then. The bait
course must have a current first of intent from Steve Hansen of seems to have moved elsewhere, •
Edand Sally Plland aid certificate. Enrollment is Seaview Development Company, but perhaps the presence of nl,lm,r ,,,,L,,,,I:,,,,,,,
limited. You may register by informing them of his plans to many seal in this part of the 'inn'lqjvvI mmmuII
canal could be the reason Seals, In e
• Inspect tires l--I -- m,..- .... calling Myra at 377-3761. construct 400 linear feet of road • The State Liquor Control "c nse for Our
,....... r ou know are feat for just
• Inspect brakes and lines t"--..7. II • , , , , within the existing county bltmY the' bellyg out of "the Board has notified the Mason at Tal
Ill . | [b Kitsap-North Mason County right-of-way designated as Wheel "" g County Commission it has Shear,
salmon and for m on
• Inspect exhaust system ' I | ULIL ' Chapter of the American Wright Street, in Allyn.
Should you see something
• " transfer of a Class E-F liquor appro
• |n,ll¢*tt,I ., ,, ', .............. -,. Natton Red Coss is presently/[ ' The roadway is platted for g" g " .. received an application for . Th
.... ::'acobla ' • • qP| II • taking registration for a war r Allyn but has never been
• Inspect cooling sy,tem !1 ! / [ safety instructor course being constructed. ----
• Inspect all V_ .belts J& , p offered at North Kitsap Pool inwill meet from Contingent upon the rOadstandards, and that it Th,00 B th Jr!
• Inspect airf!J.ter , dk' qJWe want to thank all of theP Poulsbo. being constructed according to
• Inspect P.C.V. valve /. i |many people who gave soI The cou,s00 cou,,, _.. ers
dunstintingly of themselvesl 7:30.10 p.m. on Tuesday, March become part of the county road
• Check all lamps ._ . and their resources to help 7, and will run for ten weeks, system once completed, the
. "r . . . . . ]US during the illness and[ Prerequisite for the courseisan commission approved the H ar 1 Wedne
]mother,ldeath OfviolaOur I. wifeNewkirk.[andt advance lifesaving certificate..j_ construction request, e em
We will always remember
CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT 275-2128 land appreciate those very J n nn,m, E ,:
T O many kindnesses you oil
AT ALCKI ......
I gave to us during this very I . ,_ :
NOR N tN I1| j difficult and trying period, b 7 1.
The Newktrks
• MarionW., Herman ., |
Dorothy M. (Harper) IIAnILI ! I
• William D., J m,.n I
2Y1-212I ] Barbara J. (Eklund), and E
% mile w. of Bolfdir State Park Mj 2 A nnJGun2elmaj2, J
Reasonable prices
€" • Discount for senior citizens
v- Will make appointments
Location: 2 doors from Belfair Post Office. ,,,A
Open Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (f-r.
275-6400 Evenings 275.677
Bolfalr 275.2846
• Inspect shock absorbers
• Check front end for loose or worn
at Tahuya from
.Shearer to Bob
The count}
approved the
Maintain today's program
Interior Inns of America • Provide textbooks and supplies
• Improve maintenance ....
] WEEK SALE . Increase teaching staff /
."",iJ# 4 t. ! . II ', " =,=tat,1ws"lMy'tat'12-4 p.m. • Provide to and from /" [-----dN "
I. r l i
• Provide minimum I dLdl I k"
-=..=--..... ]I : , a.." equipment for I rl V I
( I'AOmNO )r HEYDAY s.,a t : Trident funded classrooms , ,
I al'' 0 0 ( .- % t 100% Nylon; s4" ) '- IF _.'
'--" " " ' COST ' '"
) Many Carpets $99 ,,,, Spon:ored by your community credit
Aslowas ......... Sq Yd- I " ..... ' It " '3
L " ...... " " ii 69 PER "1000 Wednesday, March8, 1978.
Two Performances: 7 p.m. and 9 p.m.
i ",l
LAKEVIEW - h Ikrtest Cerlnt, PIISIAN €OUITS--Amc ,.ien,d pri€99 i
Multicolored sculptured $A99 for the kitchen or EN DORSED BY Shelton High ,qh l_c__oo_
100% Nylon -- 6 color=, v recreation,---- ' " I BELFAIR-NORTH MASON
CAUULO--From Celumblo Carpets VISTA PLACE-hem Ludlow Carpets
durable 100% $r99 -10o% Nylon shag $=tt CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Tickets available at both branches o/your credit union,, Shelto, ?i
nylon in $ colors lF in 12 colors Credit Union Memlrs -- $2.00 '
,sin. su.,,,- ..... u ,uu,_., ... ,., - ,-, '6" NORTH MASON ,:.,, 0.,.,,, ,,00Non.Men,be. -- $5.00
100% Nylon in $B99 limited stock
7 earthy colors
..... , , Annual business meeting of the Mason County Federal Credit
[ FEATURING CARPETS From ALLOH I ,OUR Wednesday, March 8, 1978 at 8 p.m. -- Shelton High Audit°ria#
. ,,.,. ,.,,0__, • ,.=b.., SALE ATTENTION NO M)MIS$ION CHARGE
• Ludlow • Malland • Columbia ,,
_ _7_5 6400 Paid by: North Mason Save Our Schools, Hal Smith. teclera, r..Cllt union S21Railro..d .*.venue 1."
NtHd tO Pi10r JllJet Sulldlly 12-4 i Chairman, St. RI. 1, Box 107, Belfair, WA, 426-1601 .
Page 4 . Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - March 2, 1978