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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 3, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 3, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PERCY ' P I0 • (917 S F 8.T}! AVE $1001t " i LXIII--NO. t) r:.t,,(.t ,. .,,:,nd ,,. ,n.u(.,- at ,,1 ;ot ofnce SHELTON, WASHINGTON Thursday, March 3, l!t49. 8e PER COPY; $3.50 PER YEAR at Shelton. Wasl1., under Act of March 3, 1879. Voting ,Fever00High For School Election Everyone Urged To Cast Ballots 00INGS '(AS THEY M ,uced to words, 'what i]:tlf are thinking about, .,,lWhat some stuay and UBht bring out." , :?l=. 4uestion ha:q been plac- (itl"- '.p of the Wa.:h- te legislature with some . figures that sh(mht as- in making the determ- le facts h'a'vc to do with kIour state stand.q in the / of Public spend- income and wele provided by the State Taxpayers As- Establishing that six- states have a higher income than ours, and capita income m only 5% per cent national average the Only two other a greater percentage income in taxes; ilatate spends as much as does Washington: axes rose 148 per cent 41 an(t 1947 although other states rose as per cent and the na- Public Hearing To Consider Red Cross H ley Inlet M rch 29 Fund Drive ammers a Begun Here T H • The annual Red Cross Roll Call ax arv st ships will be started on Monday, ililzis12°i!!HW! hi:@' ! O F Bi 8 March 7, it was announced this morning by joint-drive chairman u¢ or .,.,, The drive is to be continued C p M ,.u the month of March but ro ar. 15 officialsMiiler, expeCtalso countyLhat thefundqUota of $3,007 may be secured within two weeks. ccnng rrfuetleP;°Vnle5°ee The tax crop is high, ripe and chair- man, declared this week that he wide from the entrance of the inlet almost ready for harvest,' with has a staff of over 100 volunteer to Shelton The project was eom- County Treasurer S. E. Smith solicitors and a house to house pleted in 1912, except for one shoal around w.hich there is a natural channel with a depth of 11.8 feet. This shoal, a "Sore thumb" to the ship navigators over the years, will be brought into considera- tion at the hearing here. "Interested persons are invited to be present or represented at the hearing March 29. They will be afforded full opportunity to ex- press their views concerning the character and extent of the im- provements desired and the need and advisability of its execution," Colonel Hewitt said. wringing his hands with anticipa- tory pleasure, Payment of real and personal property taxes will be due and payable on March 15 and the golden hoard of returns are starting to trickle into Treas- urer Smith's office at the court- house LAST YEAR 95 per cent of the total tax bill was paid and Smith expects and hopes to make even a better report this year, 1)e- cause the tax bills, minus the 20- mill school levy of last year, are less individually. canvass of the county will be made. A headquarters for the Red Cross will be located in the Hotel Shelton lobby and any person not reached by one of the solicitors may contribute at that station. With a slogan of "Give a Penny a Day in 1949," drive workers stressed the fact that fiftly * per cent of all funds raised in mason oounty will be used for relief work here. the remainder going for the world-wide activities of the association. Two new blood programs are being established in the Northwest and it is the hope Fo est F stiv I P incesses In School Election March 5 r € a r With two and three persons filing for single positions A e Ch g As Queens open for school directors within several of the county's,16 rural districts and in Shelton's District 309, campaign fever r armln among several groups is high for a school election. iiy -  Within Shelton where four a[::o, n:'?gFotd : ... nr  positions will be filled as are- tv,. =,l = ,,, ,.-., .1 JOITI]I] (]LQ suit of the March 5 balloting, Newman arid Chloe Dickinson .I# wi.wuw w ---- -J .... , ..... ten persons p_ave IlleQ fl01:lteB wouldn't hesitate to admit that j ]['lt II g'W*# ' of candidacy with Mrs. P. B. Mur- they all are queens by virtue of  E.fHK il.T.,"= Dhy, school board clerk. And tn their charming, effeminate, spark- . - lw .1,,. the rural school's 20 school diree- ling-eyed personality.  / ll'i tor jobs open, 24 persons have In the ballotting at Irene S.  .'])][]1"1 h filed. For some positions for which Reed High School that resulted JtlMp#y J- no candidates appeared there wiU in the final selection of the Persons voting in the school bewrite-ins. queens and princesses the count was very close on all four girls, elections Saturday may cast their This election has the appear- ballots in four different polling ance of being one of the moat ex- Any one of them can serve Mason places for Shelton's District 309, citing in years," Bill Goodpaster, coudty well in the role of am- or within any of the 16 school county superintendent of schools, bassadors to other cities, houses of the various districts in QUEEN MARY'S latest achieve- which they live. meat was the playing of a In Shelton the polls will be Negress in the senior class play, open from 8 a.m, until 8 p.m. "Night of January 16," presented Saturday, March 5. Mrs P. B. to Shelton audiences last week. llENIOR PRINCESS for the The princesses, later to be I Murphy' school board clerk said. Forest Festival celebration May joined in regal tradition by a stu- ] In the 16 rural school districts 13 and 14 is Mls Ghioe Dick- dent from Mary M. Knight school, the polls will be open from 1 p.m. In,On, 18-year-old native of abel- all have pleasant and vivaciousd until 8 p.m. Saturday. ton. The daughter of Mr. and persnnalitles. While chatting with The four poling paces for the MrS. A. O. Dioklnson, ehe was them one morning in the high asShelt°nfollowsSCh°°l: board election are born in January of 1931 in this school principal's office, your cit' where she has put in all Journal scribe observed that they Lincoln schooh city precincts 1, her school years, said. "Everyone is strongly urg. ed to consider the candidates and then get out and vote." The complete list of candidates for Shelton District 309 is as fol- lows: Jesse Baxter and Mrs. P. B. Murphy, three-year term in direc- tor division one; Herbert q-,oop, Charles Walton, Bernard Winiecki and Earl Mallinger, two-year term, division two; Oliver Ashford and A. L. Glenn, one-year term, division three; J. E. Jeffrey and William McCann, three year term, division five. Loop's name unwittingly was left out in last week's paper. In two rural districts the citi- zens will vote on ten-mill levies. District 312 is asking for ten mills for a general school fund, while district 45 seeks a ten-mill levy for building fund. The listing of candidates for the rural districts are as follows: District 2: Walter Simmons, three year term. District 3: There were nb fil- ings; write-ins will keynote the election, three-year term. District 4: C, E, Buxton, three years. District 10: Patrick D. Smith, three years. District 11: Mrs, Grace Petty and Leonard E. Colg, for one three year term. District IE: ,Clem Sargent and Earl H. Anderson, three year term. District 20: Theodore H. Blair, three years; no filing for a peal. tion open for one year. District 42: Frederick A. Weat, fall three years. District 45: Oscar Miekelson, A. E. Bard and George W. Jone a three year term. District 52: No filings received for one three year term and for one one-year term. District 54: H. M. Strickland, three year, • ,Dts,let : Edward B Amp eth and Everett G, Weave, years; Leslie Younglove, one yl, District 302: MIss Olive MoCay, two years; Sybil Glllette, years. .District 311: Mrs, I. C. Ford rid Tuman E. Myers, three year District 312: T. R. Sheldon and Robert M. Smith, three years. District 400: Eric Sjoholm and Mrs. Anita Dugger, three YVVS, all modestly showed keen inter- 2, 3, 5, 6 and 8, the part of West- Among her hobbies is that of eat in the Forest Festival and side precinct that lies in Shelton colht©tlng old coins. She enjoys their duties in its preparation and Valley, and a portion of Dayton Ill,age was 58 per cent; While taxes are due on March of Rl Cross officials that this ptrets0 traveling and all out- presentation. Their refinement precinct. F:tate operates as liberal "SPONSORS of the improve- 15, they may be paid in install- contributig can be provided door activities, one of which is was obvious. Bordeaux hool: city precincts meat are urged to present perti- meats with the first installment without charge, skiing. Chloe is vice president "WE ARE VERY happy to have 4, 7 and 9, Isabella, and portions Z of public welfare; only nent factual material bearing up- due on May 31 and the final pay- ] -- I of te Glrl$' Club, and secretary been selected for ,the honors the of Arcadia, Kamilche and CIo- states payteacher sal. P. aR0000dl; 4 H i er than Washington s. on the general plan of improve- ment on November 30. If taxes I ' in R. W. Otiman's office during other students awarded us," the quallum precincts. ,[ary declared that in on- ment desired and economic justi- are paid on or before March 151 enjysher atudYcommerclalPeriod. BeoaUSework, =heshe juniOrman, said.ClaSs BettyprincesS'hasBettYblue NeW-eyes, CapttolCaPit°lhlllHlUonly,(C°mmunity hall): r states is the eombin- (Continued On Page Six) the taxpayer may deduct 3. per --, Mounlain View (Shelton Lum- nd local tax levy as cent from his total bill. This is' plans to contintm it after' she brown hair and a disarming smile. in our own state, the last year that such a deduc- graduates in June. Ella Mac Noble, youngest prin- bet Co.) : portions of Capitol hill Her eyes are hazel and her cess, displays those hopeful, alert and Westside precincts that lie is revealed that no Many PersoHs tion will be allowed, for the legis-Group Holds 1 levies taxes as high lature has recently enacted a bill hail' dark. She is five feet and and enthusiastic qualities found on Mountain View, Eells and ;ton's per person. The excluding that saving for tax- thrum inches tall. Next week among typical high school sopho- Northside precincts. will be pictured Betty Newman• mores. "Gee, it will be fun taking All residents in Mason county and the only relief Attend PUD payers. Annual Confab o.. in the Forest Festival." are urged to vote in the school for the hard press- TREASURER SMITH has sent Miss Noble dlso has blue eyes. elections. Cast your ballot early. is that legislators will out statements for a total county L00kwood I ju d Her hair is a light blond. ear on the presstire tax bill for all purposes of $415,- n re Senior class princess, Chloe '=   ,,, Meet Monday '"" individ- Officers were elected and busi- I[ Ca Accid t Dieklnson, a refined y'ottng lady Mason County Voiture pet projects, and that uals and companies of Mason ness of the association was dis- r e having hazel eyes and dark hair, ")n is put on a basis county to that govern- cussed when a board of trustees, judiciously expressed that after 40 Et 8 Meets Tonight ment needs may be supported dur- meeting and the annual member- 011: Highway 101 the queen and princess p00gram T,e m.t00, mt.g and not political ex- Nearly three cozen persons at- ing the year. A total of $249,- ship meeting of the Panhandle has been formulated by the or- of ltOmon County Voiture No. _ -- • tended the weekly P.U.D. 3 com- 385 99 on a valuation of $6,083,- 4-H Association was lzeld at the Robert Lockwood: 26, of Pot- ganizers of Forest Festival they 185, Forty d Eight will be .:.Y'a)'s a  ,  missioner meeting Monday night 520'00 has been billed to Mason lake Saturday, February 26. Trus- latch, received a broken nose and would do their best to follow their held tonight at the 40 and 8 tees of the association received head injuries when his 1946 model duties, club rooms at Hotel 8helton. A a vote of confidence for their ad- pieR-up truck went off the road Their ambassador duties will frehment and get-together ministration of tle affairs of the about 5 p.m. Friday and smashed not begin until several weeks be- hour shall be held at 6:$0 association and of the Panhandle up on Highway 101 south of Shel- fore the Forest Festival begins o'clock and before the dinner ia Lake 4-H property, ton, Randy Jordan, Mason County on May 13. And during the pre. served, & bmdntu ssion shall All officers who were elected State Patrolman, reported, sentatlon of the pageants May 13 foUew the dinner. All members last spring when the association LOCKWOOD was taken to St. and 14 they will occupy corn- ace urged to atend. was formed and the property was Peter's Hospital in Olympia fol- manding thrones in royal finey. - .......... -=-=-==-="- .......... iT'" purchased were returned to their lowing the accident. He was ...... positions at the head of the board, knocked unconscious in the wreck- ,, Reelected officers were Mrs. Fred age, Jordan said, - • ,.=, Cotey, Elms, prldent; Mrs. Ed . Mojng north toward Shelton, , Bnnell," .Sheltdh, Vtcpmmtdt the V1hiele. lt o,. 0ttof. ................... ; never h .... to Lwb, residential and indutrial.|to th. hopi.1 "atu lay. , , Eugene LaBreck, Montesano, see-. right-hand turn. The accident Importnnt To All IIed in ,ppen again. Discussion on possibilities of/of Tuesday night was much im- retary; and Andrew Kruiswk, occurred between the Thurston- i Service m ermanism, starting a retirement-fund pro-/proved, according to Mrs. Deer. Jr., Shelton, treasurer. Mason county, line and Kennedy Jl[ping th-Cmm .wehare grkm within the P.U.D. brough[ | A small brush fire at 915 Rail- Other members of the board of creek, about ten miles south. "ea. That promems of 22 power employees to the meet-f road avenue caused the only ex- trustees, composed of five mere- Damages to tle pick-up truck (EDITORIAL) i. d lhe no:.a. s thcjn: ing to listen to an official of the.' cttement, but the blaze was al- bern from Mason and five from amounted to approximately $500, [][ TITH ten Shelfon citizens seeking four positions Grays Harbor county, consist of Jordan said. VV on the school board at Saturday's election, the :iue¢ on u,ve oenum state retirement organization and ready burning itself out when the Talmon Hall, Sr.. Hunters Prairie: ...... " " interest and the responsibility of every con- .......... pag` 7! ....... " (Continued on page 4) I five ruck appeared. Mrs. Glen Rose. Montesano; Floyd DURING WINTER'S hazard- G ----= .... F. Svinth, Montesano; Mary Hunt- Gun driving periods when me and scientious voting citizen of this community is ehal- Jamaica Peoples Activity i er' Shelton; Grace Petty, Shel-snow made ski runs out of high- langedsothatedueation of ouryouthshallbeproperly :; OUTDOOR • ton; and Lee Huston, Shelton. way slopes, Mason county real. administered by the most efficient board of directors In the recent election of board dents drove with sufficient cau- it is possible to select from the large field of candidates, DEMOCRATS SLATE members, Talmqa Hall/ Sr., was lion that there were no serious behind the hen •  • • elected to succeed himself for a traffic accidents. But as soon as The Journal has no interest in the election of any indi- ANNUAL DINNER wl'Sh rubbish collected r gmaz|n- o'- i i|s|¢ S- V! !-s-tors three year term. Mrs Glen Rose the warm sun cleared up slide haz- vidual oll Saturday, hut it believe that no orgallized EWEN' [21kRCH 17 was elected as an alternate direc- ards, many motorists gleefully, minority should prevail in the naming of an entire slate Democrats In Maman County nter, remember the tor. succeeding Edward Damitio, and foolishly, started out teeing that would constitute the board, have slieduled their Jeffet- Oakville, /tar re required in the Editor's Note" The writer, semi-tropmal mana, wth an aver- 1 Mrs. Bunerl and Mr. up higher speeds than is safe, TaultCt Fire Warden publisher of the" Journal, con- age temperature of 85 degrees a] Huston were also elected to suc- Randy Jordan observed. The education of 09r young people, what with all Jack=Gaol dy linner for the ev ./" sons *; ....... lth o ,h.,t i" ° gerlea nis clme or year. haven't yet axlulred & lutli, , ' f ' " ...................... b | ceed themselves on the board, Mr. All motorists are cautioned to Of the present day efforts to implant subversive ideas ning March 17, but tly ' ire se ........ o • -,-qcles re,,rdi- *ha (h, iliz- It is mace more pleasant Y Huston as an alternate member, use care on the highways. Even in their training, has a most important connection with nouneed Charle Svage, chal- '7,, and Will ^--. g  ,,,, ..... ,I o,,t, .... • ,h ritih the fact that the heat is tempered) Mrs. BunneU and Mr. Hall were though fine weather gives every- , uoncmue un .......................... sincere efforts to continue our way of living under a ms. of Mason County Demo, 'i1_ 5. Durin ,-- ' • : West Indle in he Co,dbbean by cooling breezes off the sea, I year members of the board one a touch of spring fever that !' burnin w ."m penes where n .... ,mdltlons plenty of shade from the luxuri-I °he cratlc Central Committee. :t b'tnm g fll requi, se . , ative co , elected to serve three year terms, starts the blood boiling and the constitution that has proven itself superior to any other Main peaker for the a,ffalr the city of 8hel stand in harp contrast to the Gun foliage trees, and with the I In one more year all directors car motor humming, it would be set of regulations that govern any people of the world, wm l Chale Hodde, aptaor =i"I season is A ri comparative luxury of the fall of the big red sun over the will be serving three year, stag- well to remember that serious ac- The Journal believes that from the ten people seeking ot the Hou of Reprme.tatlvt 'S'- Western rim at night comes a I gercd terms, cidents can occur under perfect places on the school, board, four should be selected with and former lecturer O! WM, 15.I P 1 1 un- Puget Solmd region, period of almost chill that makes[ Bill Moshier, farm program di- :highway conditions if speed is ex- inton tate Grange, svge fire permits, sleeing a pleasure and a comfort I rector of radio station K JR, Seat- cessive, qualification of intelligence, integrity and interest in d. 'qWe also may have pra s,. e. post card or By Wiff Jesup under bedclotldng. Like all tropi- [ tie, attended the meeting and re- WINS SCHOLARSHIP AWARD schools and the youth that will serve all to satisfaction t Senator ]mcJa Pear " .'lii .u co give (1) the It is a common practice of most cal climes, rainfall is not an in- [ corded a panel discussion of the ptatives Gordon Sundl* :", °nSubdivision instead of just one segment of the community. It is ,0lllip, r _ ,sec- people, the writer included, in frequent occurence, but its exist-l origin and development of the Winnifred Collier. daughter of "x ,,.. aage-(2) postal pursuit of vacation activities Lo ence is short stayed, and the sun,Panhandle 4-H Camp. The record- )r. and Mrs. B. . Collier, was important that every man and woman voter interested ion, Edward BUe ad George ;l,-ro:',"'"er, (3) name undertake in strenuous programs quickly dries up what moisture ing will be broadcast over KJR awarded the scholarship cup of her in our schools, our government and our children should Adams, to extent that the return home t towef. re Warden the orority, Delta Delta Delta. at take time to go to the polls on Saturday so that the ,,u .. - ne permit, is welcomed principally for the op- has been provided, at 12:15 p.m. on March 7, 1949. re Whitman College. Miss Collier will of the majority shall have named those who serve hall is located portunity that is provided for rest. BECAUSE OF THAT, vege- Swimming facilities and the use ration is lush and those parts of of camp hy outside groups were had the highest grade average of "Y Port. Visits to big cities provide a look the island not under cultivation (Continues on page 7) the sorority, such an important function. at night life, theatres, nightclubs quickly b e c o m e impenetrable L joyable,and otherbut enervating.eXperiences that are en-Jungle. Sugarcane grows to grcat Warmer Weather Gives oprty00--'n- rrtn'ev'ew M00o. District Scout height qth .thick stems, while Meeting Set For Mar. 7 OF IN JAMAICA a vacation is other produce grows quickly and W be what thewordmeans, eventhough to great proportions. The island's Begin Work On Streets A. Mason Distrtct scout meeting ar rg you can kick tle gong around if As City Crews will be held at 7:30p.m. March that i.q desired. Weather is mag- pineapples are the juiciest and 7 in Memorial Hall to consider best flavored, and are served at regular business, Bill Hawkins, nificent, particularly when home- every breakfast in big dripping town mail, which comes to you. segments or made into ice cream, business district ae making ap- chairman of the group, has an- Judging from the double-crosses': :Youth And Spring! only after a two or three day in- pttddings or other desserts. The pulled on county residents by the! pearanee after their winter's hl- nounced, "All cubbers and scout- terval, speaks of snowdrifts, fro- Continued On Page 11) weatherman auring the past four bernation, o era are invited." zen water pipes and the other months, the chiefs of Shelton's Whether a "sneak preview" of ' , " , '  . . "----'---':-- _-'-:7--- things that of the past Winter Hoodsport Library street an. water departments They Are Here-- a spri., and a long hot ' will be remembered for many o.o., .r.,.., o.r.- Meat Spec,als years in the future as '"the Big took no cnances regarding oppor- Summer or whetlter it is in mock- Winter." Life is lazy in that To Open March 4 tunities zor work offered by the Laugh o to storm-wearied people, the I past two weeks of decent weath- , Live recent warm spell was a welcome City crews By Barbara plemons relief to everyone. It offered a " 's Store pairs. Sunshine at last! Around the change for the city to start long- The Hoodsport Public Library, SPENDING A GOOD share of Junior High School students have delayed construction projects. THURSDAY . FRIDAY . SATURDAY a. branch of the Regional Public their time during the deep freezes .been taking advantag of the sun Library serving Thurston and Ms- checking flooded basements, re- by bringing their cameras. Here son counties, opens Saturday, pairing broken water lines, sand-,and there you'll hear "smile" if Restrictions Eased SKINNED HAMS Whol. or ..I, Cameras and March  in the Hoodsport M:er- ing and c,ear, ng streets, city wa- you go outside, ty's BACON SQUARES cantlle. This ne, branch library ter and street employees are now The boys Iave started playing On Coun Roads Frying or ....,.. 29 ¢ will be open every day from 8 plunging into construction work baseball on the field at noon, with ' u ta" a.m. to8 p.m. to give free public along Railroad avenue, ome of the girls and boys cheer- While restrictions were remov- PURE LARD 2"lb. 33 ¢ Photographic library service to the residents ,' Cross-walk stripings were paint- tng them on. Some of the students ed from traffic over Mason coun- ' ..... Supplies Mason county, ed across Railroad avenue at the are thinking of summer and who ty roads this week, travel shall FRESH SIDE PORK ,, 49* A constantly-changing collec- most aangerous places, and more will be the first ones to go swim- be accompanied by discomfort over damaged sectibns which GROUND BEEF all beef Ib 39 We are devoted entirely to tion of some 600 books will be on patntUg will depend on, you :iaing. - - , your photographic needs, the shelves in the Hoodsport Mer- guessed it, the weatherman. On-. hearlt reallYthe birdsSeemSsingingg°°d andt° seeflyingand foremUSt repairsaWalt fOrcangOOdbe made.WeatherDam-be" BEEF HEARTS or 1"ongues lb.  --€ Everything for the ama- cantile. There will be books to ker Erlckson has his city street age to roads because of thc se- teur and professional pho- read for pleasure, novels, rays-crew busy rerilllng with cement Jn the sun. COLORED FRYERS 5S' tographer, teries, westerns, and love stories; the electric-conduit along the  , vere winter conditions is general, For better finiihing of books to help you in your work south sidewalk of Railroad ave- - and some sections will have to Farm Fresh LB, your Kodak snaps see and with personal problems; books hue, while E. E. Brewer's water that many are stir commenting undergo the applications of corn- SLICED BACON 5S' about hobbies and books for all department personnel are install- an the changability of our fickle plete new surfaces, while others, Good quality LB, ages and for varied tastes. Addi= ing water, zountains, climate. Wouldn't you like to less serlously damaged may be Our Own Boneless Steer Briskets tional books will be available up- THE D It I N K l N G fountains, know what next week end's wen- patched. on request. Once a week a trained purchased by the Kiwanis Club, tler will be like? We would too! Before repairs can be made, the Corned Beef SS* LB. '' librarian from the headquarters arc being erected In front of the Plants and animals appear to road surfaces and chuckholes Steer Beef St_00aks ............................................ .. S?* in Olympia will fill requests and 'Shclton Hotel and in front of the be taking the weather changes must be thoroughly dry and that ANI}REWS STUDIO bring other new books to change Chatterbox CafconRallroadave" more instrideherethanmankind, will depend upon the vagaries of Rib,$wlk, Club L ' the collectiov, nue. The fountains will be some- igne A. Kneeland reports from the weather, a courthouse spokes- Residents of Mason county ny thing new in downtown Shelton, Shelton Valley that her daffodils mm said today. A reason for the get library cards without charge, and an added improvement to the are beginning to bud already, and widespread damage to county I'-lll SD°lt[°;g HOUSe et The same hbrary card may be cig the hardwood trees and bushes roads was given as being caused 124 North SeCond Street Phone 152 used in the Hoodsport Branch e increased zest for "outdoor around the Shelton postoffice are by poor oz" insufficient drainage i Library and on the bookmobile work was started by warm sun- beginning to develop heavier buds. that allowed the water to cecum- when it starts running on its reg- shine that came so quickly on EVEN THE USIAL number of ulate under the surfaces and ular schedule on the roads of Ms- the last gasp%of a sloppy 'Winter dogs which lazily sojouned last caused them to break when the 411 RAILROAD PHONE 21 son" county beginning March 21. week end of ruary 19 and 20 Fall along the sidewalks of the thaw came. , ...... ........ ,