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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 3, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 3, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 2 .......... I I i i i Jill I i SPECIALS FRIDAy &amp; SATURDAY -- At Grapeview One41top Store • Large Fresh RANCH EGGS 55¢ Doz. i CRISCO " 3 LBS. 92¢ NALLEY'8 Lumberjack Syrup . 31€ Mayonnailm Pint 42¢ Q 2 cas 25¢ WINES Island Belle (Unfortified) GRAPE JUICE St. Charles gal 98¢ e fifths 79¢ Red & White elle l!te COFFEE fthl 60¢ l-lb. 49¢ 2.1b. 97¢ PORK CHOPS ............... lb. 59¢ WEINER8 ..................... lb. 49¢ YLINT.Y KIST'S CREAM CORN .................... 303 can - 2 for 29¢ KOUNTY KIST'S W,K. CORN ........................ 12-oz. can - 2 for 29¢ A Delicious ,Atlas No. 1 Tires 4-ply - 1.Yr. Guarantee 600X16 - 2 for $29:00 Home Style Peach No. 21/'l Can 2 for 49¢ A LINE OF GROCERIES, MEATS, HARDWARE, FISHING EQUIPMENT, HAY, STRAW, FEED, GAS, OIL £RAPEVIEW RED & WHITE STORE € Stock Brothers  Grapevlew, Washington ,i , i i i I I I SHEI,TON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL I ii , i m " t i , [Maintenance Takes SHELTON SPLITS WITH OLYNPIA, HOQUIAM; 'CATS HERE TUESDAY [1 Rayonier Lead RAYONIER LEAGUE  S.'.W. PREP BASKETBALL fox' game honors, but Petersol won Maintenance ................ 39 30 Supervisors ............... 38 31 Office .......................... 38 31. Research Girls . ........ 36 33 Chemists .................... 33 36 Guttersnipes ................ 33 36 Grease Bails .............. 30 39 Bleach Plant .... - ......... 2[} 40 Hi series--Joe Holt 573 lq'i game .Joe Rank 21}3 i Maintenance moved into lone i possession of first place in Ray- I enter bowling conlpetitiQn Monday l night blmlking the Chemists be-, hind Joe Rank'a 571 series and 203 [ game, the latter best of the night., I Supervisors slipped out of the first place tie and into a second place knot with the Office by win- ning a 2 to 1 verdict from tailend, Bleach Plant while the Office was 'shutting out the Grease Bails• Joe Holt led the Office offense with the night's best series at 573. pac- ing a team scoring spree which topped 900 in every game and hit a 2802 total. Clyde Fagergren geared the Supervisors wins, one of which was seven pins. The Research Girls kept pace , just three games behind Mainten- ance by blankh]g Guttersnipes as Miriam (lristian and Gloria Mays bolstered their averages. SHOP OLYMPIC WHEN YOU NEED - AUTOMOBILES (new or used) AUTOMOBILE FINANCING AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING AUTOMOBILE BEPAINTING All Types of FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT AIRCO WELDING & CUTTING EQUIPMENT and SUPPLIES GATES TIRE'S AND TUBES Wrecker Servlee . . . Steam  ;-..ean... LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE LOADED t .......... Storm BOOTS 12,1n. TOp' FOrm Fitting ........... 6.91 SHOES FOR WORKING MEN ClOg atqqntl X%nO X^eSH (northern division) W L pf pa Olympia ............. 13 0 769 468 Aberdeen .......... 11 2 568 423 Centralia ............. 9 4 537 458 SHELTON ............ 7 5 466 492 Montesano ............ 5 8 439 453 i Hoquiam ............. 4 S 516 500 Raymond ............ 2 11 402 594 Elms ................... 0 1.3 334 611 (James Friday Shelton at Elma Montesano at Olympia Raymond at Hoquiam Games Tuesday Aberdeen at Shelton Centralia at Hoquiam Latest Scoreu Olympia 62, Shelton 51 Aberdeen 60, Elma 33 Montesano 46, Hoquiam 42 Shelton 57, Hoquiam 54 Montesano 45, Raymond 31 Olympia 45, Aberdeen 44 (at) Centralia 48, Elma 24 Montesano 29, Raymond 28 Centralia 50, Raymond 31 HIGH - GEARED Highcllmber scoring pushed past the 50-,point mark twice against Big Four op- ponents over the weekend and it the ball game for Olympia. TllEIR FINEST offensive per- formance of lhe year produced the Highclimber victory over Ho- quiam, in which Bob Tobey and Wayne Clary carried the brunt of {he scoring load. Tobey racked up 18 of lab: total of 23 tallies m the first half as the Climbers held a 29 in 24 ad- vantage, and Clary bagged 11 of his total of 19 in the second half as Shelton came fronl hphtl3d I1 the final quarter to win. After leading in the opening quarter by ]5 to 12 and by that five point margin at the half, Coach Chet Dombroski's lads fell behind at the third quarter inter- mission. 37-41, and were trailing even farther, .t3-49, halfway thru the last period when Clary arid big Norm Buck started lo coma- ter. Clary scored ten points in the fourth quarter. At the three-minute mflomntie timeont the Highclin]bers hld roared back to tie the score at 50-50 and from there rml it to 57-51 before Hoquiam scored on a field goal and foul shot in the last four seconds of play. FROM A defensive standpoint, i i Grocers Leading Research On Top Feminine League After Tight Nod WOMEN'S BOWLING LEAGUE SIMPSON MEN'S LEAGUE V L le., ';.u'ch 1 I 7 (Ta.q h Croeel'y ......... 40 '2{! tiff ice ..._ 1: ,q Mac's Ci)Fnel' :',€I :{i) I lilh'eVS ........ ]2 9 Oht Mill ............ :9 30 lhc,d Mill 1 ........ 11 10 l;ields Auto Parts 36 ,L, Ivc(l Mill ') l0 :ll Pastime ......... :5 :.I \\;Vf)o(ii'i})el ....... 9 12. Ritner's Corner . ....... 3:; :;6 I,unfl)e]'{len's Met,' g 13 leConkt!y ]'h;*rIINlvV ,;1 : ()lylll]) (" ]Cly%voo(l N 1:) I):lrltm.ium (:lo:mers :!:; ,16 Ill ::(,ries M:lrl¢ |Jr(,Klson 59',I I-li s,r'ies Rubye bl'i.q)';('l/ 52:1 Ili ,"lnlc l';lut I,')'ei'tson -,>.''\>') [li {'iI110---]YICZ l)((t(:4 2t):J -. Matches Tuesday LAST FRAME m'm'ing settled fAnlltlP, l JSH'II 'l'ot,rmlnll,ilt) jtisl hnlf lira deci.<;ions m tile Simp- 7 liilner.<\< t)NDtliFillnl, l,'i.',lds, ,%oll l?lPTl'kl })I)v]i)l icn2uo last week (]voeery. lhmoal'eh Rained s[fle pfssession 9- Pastime. Mac's. Mc(:(nakev. of first place by e(IK.iiw" tlw Office. ()hl Mill 2 Io 1. ill lheh' (t wl i,)l' tile op ..... runv, I)reaking the lh, which ad Shelton Cash Clrocory took pos- exi,;ted going ilito tte p,i: ich. Nick session of the top seat in worn- ].)itviscollrt Was the lriffverman ,.n's league bowling with n '2 t) ] for Rcse:u'eh. his 19(i anchorii1<A it verdict over last place Panto/'iunl 15-I)in victory ill tle set;trod gr,lllle. while Mac's Corner wr,:; I(isiil, the CLOSEST GAME of the night odd game to iitnez"s Co]'m'r. was the L.M.-Reed Mill l tie in Old Mill moved inl< a second their opener, i, he 5,'h'rks winning lflace to with Mae's by ,m,orin,,-, the roll-off by nine pins fro' limb' )ver Fields 2xlltO Parts, "2 to I. he- hm(, victory of tilt? I]lali'b despite hind the, strong t)III\\;VOII{ (If iuez the fact that Paul l,'redson hit a I)odds. who joined the 200-chlb for 232 for tiw ni4ht's t.ol) gHin(? ff, l' lhe year with "] 203 opt,nor, thv nllllmen. Jack t;iMmp :lll(! Ray Rubye Frisken hil llw night's Scott folh)wed np It* ive Mill I best series at 523 but it raih,d h) the last ],air. \\;vin for Mac's. who (.otildn't nmteh leed Mill 2 anti tit(, Engineers S.p00ial =3.95 Ne have in addition five other models which give us th( nest selection of work shoes in town. Esry pair is a mv|ng to you, RAIN PARKAS &; PANTS was good for victory in one case but not tn the other. Norm Buck's play was tilt. out- Nmily Kier's wtwl( for Fitaer's. were other ','. to 1 vich)rs, tile for- Wayne Clary and Bob Tobey standing feature o.f the game on Min J)urand. (lwcn 5',1¢, i::ey and met ovt.r Woodfil)or as Mark Fred- scored 32 point apiece in the two either team, the big Shelton con- Ann . Anderson all h,lpe, I ('ash son 1)()sit,(! a 59:; for high series gamin as the Higliclimbers staged ter sweeping both boards with Grocery's cause, of the nigiit, the latter ()w,r Olym- ma#or under to whtn" Ho-utam ! brilliance and controlling the re- Pastime edged MeConkey Phar- I pie Plywood on .lh)ndii Pcterson's a r- r "= , lna(y 2 to 1 in tilt f illI[h nl t(ll ) ( t( ) 57 to 54, at Hoquiam Friday night, i bounds considerably more often ; , • , " " ' '  .  , oDen(r and a stl' nlg . ,tln i (q'forin- g g' , . , ;i....." ...... ; ,. • • and made rthe'unlefeated, three-I than Hoquiam did.  behind bi- 'lines by P uline St 1- ;., ;, th, fin < le time champion Olvmnia Bears et The victory was Shdton's sec- ey and Marie Schuffenhaner. i ............................ down and work for a 62 to 51 de- [ end over Hoqumm this year, the Next Tuesday's play will con- I  .... ,4-,., (l,.h h,d;,-,, cision Tuesday in the Shelton gym.[ first seasonal sweep tlae High- I slst of the annu'tl women's 'tssoc- k'Ulv 'lu# Ilt,v*,a The Bears Were fortunate Tobey] climbers have scored over !. F, ig I iatiml tournament. Scheduled This lLvenmg was far off form Tuesday, and that ] Four foe m the hmtory of the ..................... F:lectim of refleers will be '4he Dick Peterson was on their side. / northern division. 'WOODFIBER LEAD nain btn:iin('ss .for mealbers to at- Tobey couldn't hit the floor with/ Tl Climbers close their season l[xrm ITI/_)li/I[i tend to at tlw reuhu" meeting of his fiat against Olympia, getting ITuesday, h entertaining Aberd((en olat#Jo Ilv, za**.- t,e Mason Cc>lmt.v Sp,,rts & Skeet only two field goals after his 23/in the S elto gym, after go ng SIMPSON LADIES LEAGUE Club tonivht iTimrsday/. point spree at Hoqulam, else the' to Ehna Friday. W I ........... '. ............... : ..... story might have-been different.* Olympia (62) Shelton (51) eVoodfiber . .................. 36 21 Clary, too, couldn't find the range Peterson 17 f Tobey 9 Lumber ...................... 32 2 against the Bears until the final Rockey 23 f Ashley 7 Olympic Plywood .... 30 a0 quarter, when he caught fire to McClay 9 e _uck 6 Partlow 4 g Clary 13 DeGarmo 2 g ,, Wells 9 Subs: Olympia-Morton 4, Jor- score 12 of his 13 total, the THE SIX-FOOT-eight-inch Pe- terson was the difference in two ball clubs, his tremendous height allowing him to control the ball effectively and to score 17 points. Dean Rockey was eadly from both sidelines and tallied 23 ;ARMY WOOL SHIRTS , , , ,, Walter L. Marble Representing the METROPOLITAN LIF INSURANCE' COMPAN' Life and Personal Accident and £Iealth Insurance 1904 Stevens Phone 854 WRIST WATCH WH LE THEY LAST Ill illl • LUMINOUS DIAL %uS= • SWEEP HAND 1 YR. WRITTEN GUARANTEE & SAT. ONLY Fur Collar ill dl! I I._ Alpaca Lined ........................ ONLY ................... ill;illli I STAG CHOPPER JACKETS i 0o% Wool  illll Black and White ......................................... Each a[ WIHTE HANDKERCmEFS [ 7 ,o. ................... ......... i: ........... ; ........ 2;,.001 RD CAS Forelt  Gmn, Long ring : Sanforlied, Ideal for wok ............ SPECIAL .,. SHORTS Briefs Only , " genson 3. Shelton--Vasbinder 7, Skagen. Cole, Getty, Gohrick. Sheitoil (57) lloqulanl (54) Tobey 23 f Murphy 4 Ashley 1 f Elway 15 Buck 9 c Earley 1,1 Clary 19 g Hi llstead 6 Wells 1 g Hazetquist 10 Subs: ShelLon ..... Cole 1. Vas-' binder 3. Hoquiam--Nichnlson 3, Ray, Johnson. B-Team Loses To Olympia, Hoquiam B TEAM STANDINGS " - oo% w,! B L A N K E T S I NeW Maroon and Blue ............................................ IF L pf pa Aberdeen ............ 10 2 517 384 Hoquiam ............ 8 4 451 358 Olympia .............. bl 5 ,/,tl 380 Montesano .......... 8 5 422 376 SHELTON ............ 6 6 406 419 Centralia ............. 6 7 364 399 Raymond ............ 3 10 311 412 Elma .................... 1 11 328 d26 Latest Scores Olympia 42, SheIton 34 Aberdeen 62, Elma 47 Montesano 45. Hoquiam 41 Hoquiam 56, Shelton 43 ' 5 Aberdeen 38, 0!mpm 3< Montesano 4, Raymond 19 Centralia 43, Elma 35 Montesano 37, Raymond 25 Raymond 40, Centralia 28 Running out of steam in the sec- ond half on both occasions, the Little Climbers dropped to n 50- 50 position in the B team stand- ings with six wins and six defeats after losing to Olympia, 42 to 34. and. to Hoquiam. 56 to 43. Shelton topped Olympia at the first two quarterly pauses. 1,1 to 9, and 23 to 18, but were trailing by 30-34 at the close of the third quarter. Tile LITTLE Climbers were unable to keep Hoquiam's pace in the second half after sticking close throughout the opening two quarters. Hoquiam led at the first pause, 15-7. at the half, 25- 20, then roared away in the third canto for a 44-32 margin, out- scoring the Shelton Bs 19 to 12 in that period. Ted Dale continued his brilliant scoring for Shelton, tacking an- other 13 points to his season's to- tal, nine in the second half. ulmai (56) 8tbellon (43) Klock 10 f Heuer& Nelson 6 f Richert 2 Wieland 10 c Getty 6 Kilcup 12 g Dale 13 aon 9 g Davidson 6 Subs: Shelton--Eacrett 2. Aim- tin 3, Hawk 2. Morton 1, Lund, Chapman. Hoquiam--Estabrook 2, I-/yde 5, Lwrcnce 2. Olympia (42) Shelton "(34) M2tchell 14 f Heuer 8 Carr 10 f Richert 5 Muller 4 c Hawk 1 Purchasing .................. 29 :{1 Accounthg .................. 27 :;3 Engineering ................ 26 34 Hi series---Dorothy White 459 Hi game---June Bell 17[) Woodfiber doubled its advant- age over second place Lllnlber by winning the odd game from last place Nnginecring while Lumber was being blanked by Purchasinff in Simpson ladies lea,tnle bowlinv play Stanley evening. Olympic Plywood moved into third place by shutting ()tit Ac- counting behind I)orothy White's ,i59 sries, the league'8 best for the night. Purchasing scored its goos-egg on scoring by Dorothy Sehweiter- ing, Vera Thomas - and Shirhw I)ittman, while Woodfiber he!st- ored its lead bchind Jmmie Cart- er's pin spilling, wimfing the last game despite the 175 roiled by June Bell of the hsers for the xfight's top single game. "" BABY GIRL Mr. and xvn's. Leon M. Scott, 1709 Holman Street. became par- ents of a dauffhter born February 27 at the._Shelton Gmeral Hospita!. 8helton Lodge No. 1684 LOYAL 'ORDER 'OF MOOSE MEETINGS HELD EACH 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the Month 8 p.m.--Eagles Hail Marvin Leman, Governor W. D. Coburn, Secretary I © Ray's 117 Cota INTO • .. In fresh Bring your SUt 'n' everything Belfair "OK SON  YOU'VE GOT OUR ANNIVERSARY This Week LUBE JOB. OIL CHANGE, CRANK WASH JOE}, RADIATOR FLUSH, There are some noises we can't stop, coming from the body or chassis of your ly can. BILL MILLER'S Richfield Products St-II?]LTON'S FRIE elson 3 g Dale 8 Long g Davidson 10 I SWEAT S![! Subs: Shelton---Eacrett 2. Olym- t Hre pia-:--Abshire 2, Harding 2, LyonK ............. 3, Budsburg 4. GAMES IN OLYMPIA HUNTING KNIVES omplete with Scabbard ............................................ 79€ RUBBER GLOVES ,rmy Green Gauntlet Rubberized Canvas ...................................................... JOHNSON SEA-HORSE QD * 10.00BC certified brake harsepower at 4000 r.p.m. 00310.00 All Hardwood ,,7.95 --FURNITURE -- Twin Bed • Chest of Drawers Complets with 0oll Spring & Matt.. ................ 18995 Bunk Beds Occasional Chairs Double- Bunks oomplete With 2 Mattresses .: ........ 16.95 1st a S Ell Vl C E ME N'S M Ell C T I LE St. ,,, 'iVtrhere Prices Are Low" Phone 748 OLYMPIA NO-HANDICAP LOOP *Shelton (Pastime) 20, 4 Capital Cigars ......... 15 9 Steak House ............. 15 9 Chicken Coop ........... 13 11 Tranums Service ...... 9 15 Round Table .............. 0 24 Pastime booted its lead to five games in the Olympia no-handicap bowling circuit Monday night by wtnning three from Chicken Coop while second place Capital Cigars lost a pair to Tranum's Service. Percy Funk and G. A. Gustaf- son each hit 235 games, Gus added a 214, Ado Koppermon a 211 and Mark Fredson a 203 to the Pa- time cause with Gus Winding up with a 610 series. Shelton Runnerup In Rayonier Pin T,..,urney" Led by Ernie Lemley s 5a0 ser- ies. Shelton division finished sec- ond to Port Angeles tn the an- nl.Xal Rayonier inter- divisionai' bowling competition, held last Saturday at Port Angeles. Joe Rank, Lee Friend, Jo Holt. Tiff Skelsey and Lemley compos- ed the helton division lineup. Grays "Harbor and Headquarters division also competed in the four tem competition, A new khd of outboard motor- design, in performance. Packs the ]lorsepowed: And it trolls, 40 ing Gear Shift Control You've got to it. Deliveries now being scheduled Also Non-Gear 2 • 5-horsepower ..<. ':! :!' ["[7;: ":"; :'':!: :.<: :.. ,.. .. ,. '":;:' ": .:,.<, ...,. Established 1895