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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 3, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 3, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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March 3, 1949. SHELTON-MASON CO[NTY JOURNAL ........................................................ . ..................................................................... , .......................................... &apos;__ ...... : ............ !! ...... ...: ..................... .J .......... MAKER OF N00'r00OHALLY i00NOWN MATTRESSES IS L "mtY'mOttres much Casb ;t. . Ses! Too Oqr Go h. ,e¢ up/So SPrit) £. _. Undreds ^r g" dlea = ' "" all Faro mat:resses.. @UARANTE r l O N A t t y ED! So hurryt Hurry/Hurry/fo- se " hanoi Savings/ , nsa. (SUbject to prio r Sole} SPRINGs TO MATCH VERy S#ring s to Matc00.. 37.70 "00:CUL4r¢ zox00: Y ' SLIPCOVERS- FLOORCOVERINGS FURNITURE DEPARTMENT Lumbermen, s Mercantile Established 1895 p, - 1.1. ,C ,.J I I Ill ll I I I;'OR SAI.Xh l> bv c-i;L c01 ".lelo WlI)I draft protectors, $20. ,',t,qu LarlD' lllay Too Late to Classify i p. *lh pad, ,Jk,, ,i,,, l t:, . 1 141ghes, Airport Apt. No, ",'I)3. III I IIII Ill I II I IIII I II I' FOR SAt.E: $2950 cmdl rot" eqlitv in 17flL[l'--"l'-e;r{ 4-rotmJ .teat heated cottage, right downtowl. tiuod Canal property near Union. Ideal for wor (ng COll![ le, P|IOnP b9, Alud(!rll 3-i'oolll hullle V,'itll firep]at:0 aa(] 1.1 llS Ll I'p/1 stl('d % i(' ¥. f l"it t.  ,(J, I3** HOX 599, Sleltun ur phun(! Union 289. 3-3-17 i,'()r sXttci iw,; i;;i;:ts: $3f, diil hit ,o ['*'W (()IIS Iin),qe lilly. ()[ltl't'll(N? WlU- :ll. Phi)he 2111-j-4 weninl4s. 3-3d0 i£GAL PUBLICATIONS i NO. 2oJ N(ITI('F TO ('RI,il)ITOR, TII PRESENT AND FILl'; ('I,AIMS IN 'FtIE SUI'ERI()I{ COUF'P (b' STATE OIP WASIIINGTON FOR MASON ('t)UNT ¥ (IN I'IIOI|ATE) In thp Matt(,l' (d' tho Estat,: t)l' Myr- lit' M. ())t.111¢111, _leut,;i?,t.ll. NOTICE IS IIEI{EBY GIVEN that Ih*, lllldOt'Higllt.d, [;IIl(Iolph W, ()ltlllall, has |lopn al'q)oinlpd alltl has (tllalifh'd as Ex('('III(I' (if the Last Will ;-tIt(L T()- IalllOnl and of tho (!star(' (If Mvrtle M. O]tlll:lll. de('eam'd ; anti thal all i)(,i'Si)llS )lll%'illg t:lllillls kl g a ill.'t, th(, sahl estah, tit' tlw said dt,t't'tlst'd :ll'(' hi,roll}" FPqtltl'ed Ll) st,rvo tit(' saDl(, duly tt,t'ifi(.d ill dul)lh'at(' with lib' ile(,ossary VOUt'hI'FS attachod, Ii p(lll tho UlltJ('I- slgn(*d JY X(t'ut t')l ' t)l' LliS al [Orlll'y k)(" ret:t)rd tit the law ufficv (If I. Fl'tlll]t- lin II.llstou. Angl)" Iluihling, She,lit)n, Was|llngIoil, alld flip d/li'h cJailtlS h)- vthpr with I)t'ooll i)f S(q'VICO with lhP, Ch'rk of the ;th,,vt, ('hi|tied Court withia six 16) anonths after the dah of the first l)ublicatiOll (if this m)th:e, t )-wit: March 3rd, 1!).19, or till elulnlS 11)1 so IH't'$£'lllt'll alltt fih'd will be fur- uver |)al'l'ed. RI;DOLPII '%V. OI,TMAI. l!]xet'tltl)l' (J(' tilt' Estate ,)f Myrth, M. (.Jltman, tit,ceased. Add r¢,ss : 619 Cascade Sht,I t tin, .W txshi n gI un IL FRANKLIN HEUSTt)N, Atlo)'ltcy for said Estate Allgle Building, Sheltun. Wash. 3-3-10-17-2.t--41. .................................... Nil, :1158 NOTICE TO ('REDITOR, TO I)REENT AND FII,E ('I, AIM$ IN THE SUPE.I.I(}R COURT Ol e TttE STATE OF' WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (IN I)ROBATF) In t}le I%atter t)f Lhp F:stat(, of (Taro- lint, StellsageF, Deceased, NOTICE IS IIEREHY (lIVEN thai tht' undersigned. O. I[. St,n,uger, has lilt'It appoJllh'd and ]ltl.,l qualtf|et] aS Exet'utt)r /if tll(, Last Will and Testa- lll('nt alld of ||it' ,.st;it,, of (':tlrt)ilno Slensa,r, dt't'.as(,d; ttll¢l that all t)or - .OIIS havillg vlaJlllS agltillSt th(' said estate tn th<+ said dt'pt:,ast,d [tt'o hPrt't)y I't'qllirl'd I<) S('I'VO tilt' .altle thllN xt'rl- fled ill dlllh'ah* wllh Ill,' IIt!COSSlII'y 1'( )UC ] IPI'S lit taehed Ut)On 1130 undPl'- $11llP(| I]x or'tit O f )r hi#l altol'lloy Of r('('ord :it the law ()(fit'+' of It. li+l+aElt- Jill I-][OUHI(In. Angh, [Illil(lilltt-, Sh(lt()n, Was}lingl.oll, lln(t fib! ,tlch cla.illlS to- ,'thet' with |fro(if of s+.'ivit, P with tilt! Clcrk tf Ill(' n b()v(, ('llli| h,d Cour| within ,'ltX (6) llton|hs aft('r th(, date ol tilt' first |)uItlittalion )|' lids lit)lt0o, to-wit: March 3yd. 194fl. i,) all clainla llot Sit pres(qltod and filed will bt fOl +- ever barrvd. () II, STENSAGEI'I Ex('eutor of the Est:lto of v-6k-SXC: :--i+;FCK: ff;t -75 ,T -6To-Uk t tt:,emlfly, Will fit Up to anti n- r'hl(linK 1[)41}, C(niph,t (,1 v r(!l)llilt. Cht*ap, Doll leay, 659-W. 5JSl, i l)ark . Str,,et, 3-3-17 'X N T E I+i 7 -i1"3 ii "15 "+ ;/ii-7-1}Tii-(i+ I labur t)r odd jubs. Phone 227-R. j L3-3 FOR RENT SEWING MACHINES BY THE MONTH In Your Own Home Reasonable Rates Deliveries Made in Shelton on Mondays SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 510 East 4th Olympia, Wn, Phone 7586 From Wettings To Weddings She leaves the crib and grows up, almost . . . CIlrt)]lnt Stensager, d,'('oaed, A d d )'(,ss : . Sta," tt,,(tt. I before ff I FRANKLIN I+IEUSTON. Att<,rnoy t't)r aid E,-tate you AILgle Ehfilding, She]t())l, %Vash. 3-3-I(}-17-2 i+-4t, ................................... know "., . SI'MMON, I¢O|I PI:III,[('ATiON t .  k IN THE SUPERIOR C()UF1.T (IF TIIE I i STATE OF WASHII,,GTON FOR MASON COUNTY. IN I' LtOIIAT E LEO rims FI.ICK, Plainliff, ' ' Through the ycars, you can ANN, "i'I,T('R'. I')+'f'+'nd:II). TIII,3 STATE OF ,VAS]fIN(;T( N t.(i c0kl,qt o US fcr tile finest the said AIIIDI lelick I)lQ'('l't(tllll: Yi)t! nr(, hOt'+r) by }qlllllYIolle¢ It) :,):p,'n ' in brandcd products to pro- '.vithhl 60 da.Nri after tl)c dai+, )" lh, fir:.t]jt.ati(,n +)t' this Ui);t),,ll.: L. tCC hcr halLh. " witl W|II1 tll)' llaY ft 4h<. "l(ff.h' day r)f Fehi'u,,u'y, 1949, and d,,f,,nd tho +ditty(, entith',i aclh+)n in I!h' a[<,V er- tith,tl court and rm:!',ve)' t w .o<l np allt "A Healthy Child of Plaintiff l)ld PI'Vt' a t')t)V +)l' youl' HllSWI'I' LIpOI1 tile I 11 t d t' I '.qi/,." IIJ/I [- tornt,y for Plaintiff aL his (if'rico l)elow I3 a Happy One" ltl|+'(l ILIl ill (',q.4' Of VOIlI' J+tlilllt*0 Mt ,o++,+,,,.,, .... ++" PREPP'S *tKahls(. YOil ae, corilillL to I It! (lorlll4! dS wJlh tl"t(' C"t'k r')f" t+ai<l r'+)tlrl, 'I'11,! oh+ Ject of Plafntlff's acIit)ll j:: to :4eCLIl'O ,L dlv)l'Cl, fl'orll [)C fo II (l Jlllt llDt)n M';'¢ ,ll lids of dOT('l'( Jt)rl alld a 1)f nt +ll - IIH'llt and faiiIlvP t.O I|ve t()gt,the' for uiore tha.ll fly(, y(,ar hist ita.t CIIAS, R, LEVy'iS. m Pl/linti ff's Art ol'lt(,v. P,,.t on'Ice and 0flit,,, Ad- DRUG STORE 1t )'e. S : }3o11 T]uilding, J19 St). 16".urth PHONE 89 Street. )l]lon M:IsOIl (-otlnty, Washingt c)n. 2.-J0-J7-24. 3 .-.-I D-17-2.1- 71 .... .=.= Goodbye to that Me,sy Job of Loading Oroase Guns/ Available Nowl New A]emlto Loader Pump) and both Lever.Type and Push- Type Hand Guns equ,ppcd with LOADIiR VALV . . . Now Ortau) Guna Ae Easy to Fill . . , operator s/reply places gun oa loader Wive amd pumps lever Is own...This permits , refilling ofns without haadlig lues ... otimlnatts neod f0r disutembling guns for loadtng... levenr air pockets ) .., load- ins equipment prevents coam- tnatlon of dust, dirt, or other abrasive foreign matter.., it's barral-to-bearing protection... Oet €omp/ete DetaUl On this new Alemite Equipment... lso learn how you can convcrt your present Alemite guns by simply adding a loader thting. i i mll It I I II • HEADOuARTERs FoR LUBRICATION SUPPLIES LOGGERS, CONTRACTORS, MILL SUPPLIES Steel onstruction Materials, Wire Rope, Tools, Re-lnforeing lron, Pipe Fittings, Heavy Hardware LUMBEI{MEN'S MERCANTILE WHOLESALE DffBON 606 South First St., Shelton -- Phone 805 /