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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 3, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 3, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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" SIiTON-N[ASON COUNTY JOURNAL W. F. M00CANN lEA CANDIDATE FOR SCtlOOL DIRECTOR (School District No. 309) Directors District No. 5 Former city ct&gt;uncilman and well acquainted with admintstrationai work. Has always taken a lively in- terest In public affairs for the sake of the average citizen. Has had 4 children graduate from Silelton High School. Shelton is fortunate to have a man of McCann's caliber willing to assume the burden of a School Directorship. (Paid for by Friends of W. F. Mc, Cahn) € DI LORETO FURNACE and SHEET METAL Now Open Now Offering COMPLETE FURNACE AND OIL BURNER SALES AND SERVICE AGENTS FOR Sunglow Furnaces Equipped With Star Oil Burners The star performer in quiet, clean, comfortable, reliable, economical heat! 415 South First Street- Phone 208 Across from Lawton Lumber) - _ - _ - • • _ H0sp!ta! Notes SHELTON GENERAL P'dieP.ts 1. ill(, Shclton Oellel'l]l t{o;pit;d this weclc i[|- t chl(lcd I.mi. (L [;ar fa:ed Linton. Mrs. I. }{. Woods. ,hflmny Co, ok, l(;ithle(,n Archer, V¢illianl }rary, (:henc,. lqea/a':mp, Kels,'y Ton- n(.r, Mr.'; Norman Nmsby, George lkl.tStOnC, Mrs. Allen l<intlmll tp.d ]l'rN. (eol'c ][alttlnlall lJi:;cllar)'ed lhis Tel; were Don- aid (;lark. l:hdert E. Miles. t3.tby f{(,;alw Mead. 1 mnaht ,4tacy, ,l{lnles ('on WilWy, bewis ,inlpsou, Imv¢- renco .h)lmsml ;m(t Mrs. h'lizatK, lh Philin. CLINIC IIONI'ITAI, Admitted for treatment at the Clillic Hospital (iurirtg the last week were MTs. Lulu Smith, T. E. Deer, Ernest Dahlgren for sur- 'gery, Mrs. Laur'] Thomas, surgery, Mrs. Albert Schiller. surgery, Claude Ri(:kards. ton.ilectomy, RlIss(ql McMillan of McC eary and Clyde McKesson of l,illiwaup. Amdng patients discharged this week were Ben Pe(kham. Mrs. Gladys White. William Austin Roy Kimball. Mrs. Gerald Hill. McCleary, and Mrs. Bell Bishop of Lilliwaup. _ -_ _ - • Planning A Trip? We save you all the Incon. venience of rating and ticketing, on Plane, R.R, or Steamship. No Service Charge World-Wide Connections Call Olympia Travel Service ely. 6226 OLYMPIAN HOTEL, Olympia, Wn. - -- - _ • Our School Administration Needs A Vote of (D FIDENCE VOTE FOR C L. WALTON FOR SCHOOL DIRECTOR Mason County School District 309 Three children in schoolresident of ShelJn for 19 years jPlant Manager Simpson Woodfiler Division. (Paid Advertisement) AMONG YOUR MERCHANTS Future merchants and studying the intricacies ,)f retail m,lling; at Irene S. lh,ed High School under instructor C', E. llawkins will have opportunity Alar,'h 12 to get the "h)w-([own" o11 tP, e actllal operation of , brge stm-(. They will take over for the (me Saturday the nlanilgcnqent of J C. Pcnnoy's establishment ,'It Second and Cote streets. TIlE ,TI)DEN'.rs who will ac- tllally work on the floor tlld be- hind the counters have indicated in their academic preferences a (lcsire to learn newspaper adver'- tieing, store window displays, re- tail selling and managing. Sixteen ,tudents are enrolled in the retail selling class, a course which was started a! the high school in Sep- tember of 19,i6. The center window display for the March 12 period that stu- dents take over J. C. Penney's will be "the history of retail selI- ing in Washington." This will be the first time that practical ex- perience has been afforded the ('lass in window design. 'rile MANAGERIAL and per- sonnel set-up as arranged by the students themselves is as follows: Lois Rayburn, manager; Eh, anor Carlson. assistant manager; Doris 'Lidyman, shoe department mana- ger: Harley Wivell men's depart- nwnt chief: Olive Parr, left de- rtment of the store, and Le- 'ma Dunbar. right department. The d'ly has been long in plan- ning by Bill Hawkins. manager of the J. C. Penney concern here, and C. N. Hawkins, high school instructor. Both believe that stu- dents will have a chance to learn by experience the things they have been studying from books. One year ago Bill Miller joined Shelton's businessmen with Ue opening of his Richfield service station at First and Railroad Ave- nile. To show hls appreciation for the fine patronage his business has en- joyed during its first yeai . Bill is offering weekly specials during the month of March, the first of which is listed in his advertise- meat on page two Of today's Jour- nal. Forty-nine 'cents may bay some- thing worth $2.50 or more at tile Fir Drug Store starting today; but the enjoyment of purchase will come from the surprise of not knowing what you're getting. Manager Russ Hunter has fixed up a "grab bag" sale in which he haq filled bags with items of vary- ing values from 75¢ on up, with purchasers grabbing a bag for 49¢ and taking their chances on its contents. The odds of getting value re- ceived are 1009;: in favor of the customer for every bag contains items considerably in excess of the Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kimbel planed to San Fran('iseo Tuesday night .... and will retm'n tile same way late this week-- to get a preview of the 19.1, €) Chrysler ears which will be shown at the Kimbel Motor (iisplay rooms next week. Chrysh, r dealers of tile western states congregated in S.F. for.the preview. The first public showing of the 19.|9 Chryslers in Mason County will bc the occasion for open house at. wlfich Mr. Kimbel will introduce his beautiful new automotive building at First and Mill streets to the residents of this community lCriday, March 11. Faster service on all types of electrical wiring and appliance in- stallation and servicing is now of- fered by Killme,' Electric with the addition of Vernon E. Bell, for- merly of Seattle, as head of its service department. Mr. Bell is a licensed and bonded electrician who supervised a crew of 15 men on electrical mainten- ance and installation work for a large Seattle firm for a number of years. Smith Candidate For Director By Fran(,eu Radtke Don't forget to vote in the school election to be held at the Hoodsport s(:hool between the hours of I p.m. and 8 School district 312 is fortunate in having Robert Smith as candidate for school direc.tor from the Potlatch district. Mr. Smith owns his own home at Potlatch and he has spent most of his life on Hood Canal attend- mg local schools and later the Irene S. Reed high school in Shel- ton. lie is a veteran of world war II and is now employed in the pRlp mill laboratory in Sheltom His boy Jimmy enters the first grade this fall. Robert Srnitlt and his wife have been enthusiastic supporters Of the Hoodsport Nursery School project which has been under way for the past wo years and is be- ing held this year in the school play basement. Our district is glad to see this type of parent willing to assume the duties of a school director. The school and its problems will mean much to him during the next eight years while his son is being taught there. Mrs. Dess Haines was taken to the Shelton hospital for medi- cal attention last Thursday. Mrs. Flora Lockwood is also in the Shelton hospital recovering from pneumonia contracted more than a week ago. Mrs. Ella Lunt is feeling much imp,'oved and able to be about the Annual Orthopedic Meet In Seattle Tomorrow, March 4 The 4st annual business meet- ing of thd Children's Orthopedic Hospital Association will be held at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow IMarch I, at the Moore Theater in Seat- tie. Interesting activities have been planned f0"r the day including a fashion show hmc.heon in the Spanish Ballroom of the Olympic Hotel. Spring fashions will be displayed by tile Ben Marche. Shelton women, active in or- thopedic work, who plan to at- tend the meeting include Mes- dames Roy McConkey, Winston Scott, Paul Schlosser, Louis Key- ser, B. B. Forman, Pauline Har- ris, Richard Grenberg, Frank Hawks, William McKenzie. George Cropper, Lawrence Carlson and Maurice Kinsey. Many Attend PUD Session Monday (Continued From Page One) to air their views. No steps had been taken, as employees Znd of- ficials plan to consider all angles before making any sort of agree- ment, COmmissioner Earl Carr, announced. "The retirement ques- tion will be taken up again at the March 7 meeting." IT fAS NOTED that Mason county now has a retirement pro- gram for its employees. The City of Shelton, however, does not come under coverage of the plan, as established by statute in 1947. City commissioners considered the move last week but decided its cost to taxpayers probably would not justify it. Donald O'- Neill, city commissioner of fin- ance, said. To be eligible for the retire7 ment benefits, Mr. Carr explained, ao employee must reach the age of 05. During his period of er- ployrhent he would pay into the fund five Per cent of his earnings an an amount up to $300 a month, and the P.U.D. would match this money. If the employee were to cease Wo/k before he became eli- gible for his pension, he woulc] be able to draw this money. Th6 rtirement fund plan amounts, in other words, to a compulsory sav- ings system. "EIPLOYEES are talking the plan over. and commissioners are taking it under advisement," Earl Carr said. Further discussion will begin at 8,p.m. March 7 in the P.U.D. building. Power consumers in Mason county were commended by the P.U.D. commissioners for their ef- forts to conserve electricity dur- ing the critical periods of Winter when ice froze the water poten- tial. "The people did a very fine job here." ,l##tt' IIARDWARE J's Belfair Hard Phone 5-3031 Why You'll Get Better Repair RAY'S RICHFIELD 1i- WE'VE "GOT THE 2 WE'VE GOT THE WE'VE GOT THE Important -- Our Parts De Open Evenings and sale l)ricg ia value. ............................. hous e more.  ] WE CARRY GUARANTEED REBUILT .......................... : ...... Mrs, D. Mathews is home from ll I her trip to the hospital and re-[]] _ = _ I FUEL PUMPS, GASKET SETS, BRAKELIN! '  cuperattng nicely. Ill ]][) Ai Ill MUFFLERS, KING BOLT SETS, IGNITIO • ' I SPORTB''- ...... * .......... -11 p,iG,00, it ,,o Large Assortment of :essori' ......... ---"" .... REIIR[LD ---",--" ,I RAYS Y  MT. %P1EW ADDITION PHON| r M B [] l iI   1 [] B []  ]tot/'ney Which is payed o ha d'- .............. I       [] []  leap and over the 0-hole route, was,   -.,=,, ,...--== -,m, ] postponed during the winter. ' The following are pairings for the coming week's play: Everyone's got the same good word for that road-proven new 199 m[BtBBY Station, Wagon! They say it looks • . . it rides . . . it feels--solid! Solid through and through! Owners claim there isn't a stauncher, sturdier Station Wagon built! And there isn't! THAT'S WHAT OWNERS SAY ABOUT THIS H00G, BRAWNY, NEW t940 STATION WAGON! THE 1949 MERCURY SATION WJ, GON While side-wall fires ore optional ii] !] I00lJ !]!' YO CAN be sore you're getting America's safest, inca comforwhle, most dependable Station Wagon when you get the 1949 Mercury[ For the ]949 Mercury's ah'eady been road. proven for millions of miles[ What's more, this big eight.passenger Statiou Wan has an all.steel top and all.steel sides under it rich hardwood aide panels. It's built with two oversi doors, 4/ ft wide! A safer, more beautiful all.sled ]mdy design. You ha'e over 9 feet of loading platform when rear seats are removed and tail gate is down. 'rhe's Mercury's new "" ride ; . . "super-safety" brakes . . : and rmwerfully thNfty new ll0.horsepower, [ cylind'er, V-type engine to cmmlder, tool Come in. See this big, beautiful new Station Wagon--and you'll say: "It's Mercury for rod" JAY HALL MOTORS INC. \\; LINCOLN - MERCURY 521 Legion Way Olympia " Phon 7707 ............... i ii i | Scott- Lovell. Carlson - Forman, Frar/k-Gilmont. Huerby-McCnk- ey, geySer-Halbert, Hilderman- Hooper, Ritner-Jack S t e w a , Price-Durkee, Carlson-Kelly, . Stewart-Cropper, Gavareski-Bay- Icy, Murphy-McDonald, Ashbangh- Kneeland, Weeks-J. Stewart, R. Gustafso-Drummond, oHoway- Hansen, Kieburtz-Catto, Winger(i- Fredson, Bacon=Parrett, . Jeffrey- Oburn, Dotson-EIliott, BurgOyne- Correa. Hawks-MiIler. G. Gtmtaf- son-Bye. The two-bail foursome scheduled for Sunday will be postlned for two weeks. This will enable all those interested to sharpen up on their game and also glv t]'/6 Course a chance to get in better shape. SheltOn Moose lSet Brenetoh ]bothts Shelton Moose lodge succe- fully defended i claim to boWI- ing championship among inte- lodge cortq>etttto Sunday by de- featin Brethert0n Moose here, 2278 ;[0 2173, in d hree-game , ._ xxroods, five-raSh-team rna£cK Don , 505 spakd the Shelton effort. WE ARE NOW IN A POSITION TO GIVE WIDER, FASTER, FINER ON ALL RE$1DENTIA AND COMMERCIAl .=,,d. ¢t)N|I00NI:TIII00 MOTOR REPAIR, RANGE SERVICE, ALL TYPES OF AND OIL HEATER SERVICE Thr0gh the Addition of 00g00NON R. BELL, LICENSED, BONDED ELECTRICIAN New Hed of Our Service Deimrtment Mr. Bell's Additio to Our Staff also permits us to otr customers a better sales service on our nationally appltdnces. Hee#y Flo0r Furnaces l#d,ch 1ganges - WoOd-Electric - Combination C,C_ ShelVador Refrigerators- Ranges - Radio Conon Ironers Apex Washers, Monitor Atttor Thermsdor Wall Hestters you and tile kids Carl flaY6 a go'd, hearty, well bal- anoed diet. But don't take our word--bring Morn in for a test first. She'll call it a swell treat to eat * HEINIE HILDERMAN'S CHATTERBOX CAFE Heinie Hildermaft, Chef Third and Railroad SEIDELHUBER, NATIONAL, FOWLER, AND THERMADOR HOT WATER TANKS LIBERAL TIrADE-IN On Any Used TANK OR RANGE WE All of KILLMER ELECTRIC 207 COTA STREET PHONE