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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 3, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 3, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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March 3, 1949. JESSE BAXTER FOR SCHOOL DIRECTOR (School District No. 309) J Directors District No• 1 Has a keen interest in juvenile problems that makes him a natural for School Director. Former Boy Scout executive. Active and interested in sports. Has 2 children in school, Member of Moose and Mason lodges and well experienced in organizational work. Very*popular in his community. i Paid for by Friends of Jesse Baxter) EVERGREEN RIDERS PRESENT BENEFIT DANCE AT DELIGHT PARK Good Music - Admission $1•00 Dancing 9:30 till 2:0(]1 SATURDAY, MARCH 5 00helton Lumber ]r Company SANDERS FOR RENT In Our Locatiotl on ON THE OLYMPIC HIGHWAY MAILING ADDRESS m P.O. Box 598, 8helton Charlee Welrauoh PHON E 657 the Date • • • $ MARCH 11th W 9 Want YOU -- And You'll Want To -- ATTEND ouR -- OP_EN COSTUME DANCE .;: = , ml  | ][ ....  = , I[,   Appiying, f0r marriage licenses WASHINGTON DAY :!: €3b I I r" v e n I: s .oo00 • a*'ndmo " v v  -  =  v v -- " !; of Mrs, SUs|PaIeY, county aud- Thele was a l 1]"t{ LL  '  * Washm ton B rthday Mas- :i: Barbara Nelson, Society Editor • '. Phone 100 t it0r, We're the following couples: at the ,. g . . _ €• mmr'tde Dane c whmh was gtven .:• .... ....• • ••,•.. • .., •.... ,..•,.._•,.•...,......,•,,..,t.........,,•.••**...,....:..:•..*..:.:•.:,: -l-'-- ' ' ,) r )%** $  * t - - • *- --• "• • •- 9 • @ O • *O''t '  t''•-• " v . v , by the Shelton General Velfa  • •";*""•""';'"'•;"";'"'••'•' ................ Club February 26 at the M.m t- KYI ....... __ ! T i • ..=.J - , - unymplc renlnsma l)lStrlc£ txaruen ial Hall. qany UlUlsual costllInes "V(l'e worn by those attending. The first l)rizc was won by Mr. and Mrs, Morri:mn, wh() represented "Martla and Gee'go Washing- ton." Second prize was received by Mr. Oscar Wilkie and Mrs. b]mma Hartcr, who were dressed as "Gypsies." Third prize was won by Mr. and Mrs. D. Cole who were dressed as "Clowns " The door prize was won by Mrs. May Burgess. Next SaLurday, March 5, the club will hold its regular public dance. The club wishes to thank Mr. McCuteheon for his attractive dance posters, which are now on display in store windows, 'W. S. C. Notes Clubs Set Busy Spring Sclmdule A bu:y spring scledule has Wormer Of POrt Angeles, has been appointed by Mrs. AndreWs as one of the judges for thls year. been phmned for the Olympic Peninsula District of garden chzbs. Members are asked to re- member the dates of the variolls interesting activities that have been schedtflcd. The annuat conservation lunch- con which was postponed has now been set for 12:30 p.m., April 4, at the Colonial House in Shelton. Guests for the affair will be sew oral state federation officers and th(, president, program chairman and secretary of each club in the district. In the event that the aforementioned officers are unable to attend, they may send another member in their place. A tour of green hoffses in the Olympia vicinity will be made by the Shelton Garden Club members on March 21, the date of the reg- ular.meeting. Two copies of the year book of By Marjorle Ann Valley ]eaci club are to be sent to Mrs. Dick O]tman was mitiated into Boyd Andrew. 80t O':F'arrell St.. the Washington State chapter of I in Olympia. hy March 15 fox' ?hcta Chi fraternity in formal judging. An Olympic Peninsula ceremonies held at-the chapter district woman, Mrs. William house there Sunday morning, Feb- ruary 20. Dick's father, R. W.' Oltman is also a member of the I GIRL 4S SCOUT Jo Rucker has been chosen in the Junior Advertising Club style show which wiR he present- ed on campus tn March. The style show features clothes and accessories which are furnished by the major stores throughout the state. M, arjorie Ann Valley is the new home economics editor for the Washington State College maga- zine, the Washington State Agri- culturalist. The magazine pre- viously has been published twice a year. The new staff is being chosen now to represent all phas- es of agriculture and home econ- omics field& and the rna'gazine GIRI SCOUT NEWS ................ A lovely kiLehen shower was given m honor of Mrs. Allen Hix- on by the Girl ,couts of Troop 2. The party was held at the Lit- tle House. Girls attending were Karen Baker. Lynn Wagner, Louise Young. Karen McKinney, Barbara Bell. M(llie Leeberg, Jan- ice Brown Refreshments were served by the girls assisted by Mrs. Wen/lell Young. A meeting of all registered will begin publication issues in the fall. The North house-Kappa Delta concession at Guhmdasprung last[ week won first prize. The ma- chinery for the concession, which was a giant one-arm bandit with' pretty girls instead of apples in- side, was designed by Keith Her- zog. Allan Brumbaugh was seen cleaning up the Alpha Gamma Rho concession after the carnival. Allan is a pledge of the fratern- ity which also claims Douglas Larson in its membership from Shelton. The AGR booth won lmn- orable mention.- I Peggy Klassel Dosskey was tak- I ing her young son Sandy to nur- [ scry school in the college of Home Economics Tuesday a f t e r noon. Sandy is really growing taller these days. Merridee Wivell Guyer and Edie Lauber Larson can be seen most any afternoon energetically typ- ing in the Women's P. E. depart- ment offices. Merridee works htttf a day there and tJe mornmgs she works for the agricultural depart- of eight I adults In Girl Scouting will be held at the Little House on Thurs- day, March 10, at 8 p.m. Plans for forming a Mason and Thurston county area will be dis- cussed by the group. ] Brownie Troop 7 members are learning the Beaning of being a Girl Scout. They are also prepar- ing "fly up" and are working for their tenderfoot badges. EAGLE AUXILIARY The Eagle Auxiliary drill team will rnee for practice at 8 p.m. ]tonight, March 3, at the Eagle Hall. DAYTON COMMUNITY CLUB It has been announced by the preside.nt, Mrs. Thelma Loert- scher, that the Dayton Commun- ity Club will meet at 8 p.m. March 4 at the Dayton Community Hall. done in pastels and the pleasing colors are accented UY indirect lighting. The pleasant surround- ings of the building actually make it enjoyable to go to lectures, meat at SpiIlman hall. Incidentally, the building was One of the most beautiful class- named for C. C. Todd of the de- room buildings in the entire state (of course we could be prejudiced) partment of chemistry. This is part of the new program whereby was recently opened on campus, living peoRle who have done great It is Todd hall, the new office services to the college are hen- and classroom building. The style loped. Other buildings on campus of the architecture for the build- I which have followed this program ins is modern and the halls are are the men's gym which is nam- wide and specious. Each room is  ed for Fred "Dec" Bohler and the new library, under construction, which is named for President Em- eritus O. H. Holland. VISITOR FROM TWISP Mrs. Herbert M, (Incz) Dam- man of Twisp is a guest thi week at the home of her mother, Mrs. Amanda Osterberg. VISIT IN OLYMPIA Mr, and Mrs. Walter Day of Union drove to Olympia last Sun- day to visit Mrs. Day's son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Jensen and family. DAUGHTER BORN Mr. and Mrs. Morris Ellis, Jr., Bog 42. became parents of a daughter born February 25 at the Shelton General Hospital. HOUSE Lester E. 1cVey, 21, Span,way, and Doris L. Iffarnel, 28, Spans, way. James Ciiff0rd, 20, Kelso, and Marlene Orennan, 1S, Castle Rock. E. G, Willis, 36, Montesano, and Dorotlee B. Monticello, 33, Mon- tesano. CANDATE FOR SCHOOL DIRECTOR (School DistriCt No. 309) Directors Diserict No. 2 EARL MALLINGER * First Showing Of the New * 1949 CHRYSLERS In Our New Automotive Building At First and Mill Streets I(IMBEL MOTORS Chrysler - Plymouth - International Trucks VOTE FOR MRS. PHIL MURPHY DIRECTOR • 3-YEAR TERM • Masbn County School District 309 QUALIFICATIONS: 6 years experience as school director-clerk; 7 ears ex- perlenoe teaching in this state, fPald Advertisement In connection with judging, the Capitol Distrlctf is hDlding its 2rid jtidging school on March zz, a and 24 at the First Congrega- tional Church in Tacoma. Those interested in attending are to no- tify Mrs. Killian J. Well,r, 915 South 3rd, Tacoma. With the lovely gardens being planned far spring arid summer enjoyment, clubs are asked to send the .names of those wfth garders that would be interesttgg to tsi- tors tO Mrs. James Conrad, RFD Port AngeleS. Several individual gardens in: ghelton as well as the park have been placed upon the visiting garden list. The WeSt Coast has been chosen for the honor of having the Na- tional Council of Garden Clubs /nnual meeting taking place in Portland. The meeting" has been scheduled for the last week in May. Pullman has been named as 'the site of the Washington State Fed- eration of Garden Clubs annual meeting which will take place June 26 and 27, First on the agen- da of the business session will .be the election of state officers for the next two year term. Many activities have also ben plmmed in the entertainment: line includ- ing a tea at the home of Mrs. Wilson Compton, wife of the pres- ident of Washington State Col- lege and a dinnei" to be given by the Pullman Chamber of Com- merce jn honor of the garden club delegates. Mrs. George Cropper, district director would like one representative from each. club in the district to attend this meet- ing. Those planning to attend are asked to contact Mrs. Croppr. The ex:ct date Of the ]3;hpic Peninsula District meeting, which has b$en. tentatively set for the first part of May, will be an- nouned laer. The' meeting will be held at Aid,i-brook Inn on Hood Canal. Robert T. SHELDON OF POTLATCH For Hoodsport Scho#l Director College graduate, war veteran, successful buslneman, h a s children in school. (Ad Paid by his Friends) Ailard R. Johnson, 20, Potlatch, and Gloria D. Gray, 20, Hoodsport. Divorces A final decree of divorce was signed for" Opal Thompson from George Thompson in the superior court of Judge Charles T. Wright on February 26. Shelton's popular newspaper distributor is well experienced in organizational work, Member of Eagles lodge, Has 3 children in school and 1 graduated, Has that necessary capacity for hard work and'ability to plan ahead, Respected in his community. (Paid fox" by Friends of Earl Malllnger) WHICH TWIN HAS THE TONI? (See answer belOw ) • EaSy as rolling your hair up on curlers but tie wave stays in for months. • Yes, your Toni Home Permanent will last just as long as a $I5 wave. • No Mzzy stage. No brittle ends. Your Toni wave is o smooth and natural. looking. • The twins pictured above are Lucerne and Suzanne McCullough, well.known New York artists. Susanne, the twin at the right, has the TonL Refill Kit complete oxcept for curlers Regular Ki! with fiber curlers DELUXE KIT WITH FLASTIC CURLERS All prices plus tax U n , , , , , -,---r --" tT, r PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FLOUR ,'=?" $1.s7 12-Ounoe Bottle Standby COCKTAIL SAUCE .. 17' KITCHEN CHARM VAN CAMP WA.X - PORK 'PJD PAPE ' ;: BEAN ,..oo. Is= 2 ROLL T,S FOR$  CLOROX GAL. r= " ua es lb. , Pure Lard • : ....... 2 lbS. Best In Town Grosnd Beef ........... lb. 39 € MefloWe=t Cheddar Cheese lb 45' • , * • . • • e Sliced Luncheon Meats lb 49 € • • • . . , • • I ] " Save Enough Mone On Meats Here To . I I  Y Ticket to "The Wee Pots" J :" = .... ' ' '" I AIO, GOOD, GRADE BEI, FOR DELIC OUS ROASTS AN0 STEAKS  AB§ITS * COLORED FRYERS Buik Kraut- Bulk Pickles AVACADOS The Aristocrat of Salads 19€ each CABBAGE 7’ lb. NO. 2 , SPUDS SO Ibs. 1.45 GRAPEFRUIT PINK WHITES '6 For 39* LARGE FLORIDA ORANGES' POUND 9 ’ 4 For 29' OaO"a MSAT V PHON -- CAU yon UNT,L 7 P.M. Shop Where Your Food $$ Have More €’ Needham Food BIGGEST FREE PARKING LOT IN MASON COUNTY MT. VI]$W James K. Needham, Prop• PHONE199 I III II I  [ I I t