March 3, 1949 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 3, 1949 |
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__ur'dny., :qarei *, 9'i.0. SHELTON-MA,ON. COl 7NT¥_ JOURNAL
(School District No. 309)
l)irectors District Nol 3
"Blacky', Glenn has been a resident of Shelton for
30 years and knows the score. Has had 2 children
graduate from Shelton High School. Has the coura9e
to openly face and overcome difficult situations. A
leader in his community.
(Paid for by Friends of A. L. Glenn)
It is gratifying to see people of Shelton
chool District 309 taking a much greater
lan usual interest in the school election to
e held this Saturday.
Several Very capable people have filed for the of-
fice of Director. In the interest of the welfare of our
Children I have studied the qualifications and back-
ground of all candidates and can wholeheartedly rec-
,Ommend the following candidates who aFe all oldtimers
in Mason County who now have children in our schools
or have had children graduate from the Shelton schools.
I recommend them because I believe they will most
adequately represent the piople of Dist'rict 309 and
give the most impartial efficient administration.
ar Director District No. 1 Jesse Baxter
0r District No. 2 Earl Mallinger
0r District No. 3 A. L. Glenn
ar District No. 5 W. F. McCann
This is an important election and no citizen who
i.!nterested in our schools and the welfare of our
mtOren should fail to vote Saturday.
Sincerely yours
r tor thc youngsters, witi fun and
, prizes I'n' all. The grange will
i idsn hold a St. Patrick's dance
OU March 12.
: The money from tile parties will
i he used to put a new fhmr, badly
i needed, in the hall.
A grange committee met at the
E. W. Taylor home to discuss
I t)lans for reorganizing the dis-
i tricts hnd.building a new school
m Kamilehe. Those present were
' Mr.- Goodpaster, E. V¢. Taylor,
i tert Rau, Row Carr, R. Kelly, Dan
i Woods and Lcn Cole. Coffee and
(,ake were served later in the
Mr,' and Mrs. Glen Ellenberger
i*md children of Renton were vis-
, i itmg Mrs. G. Ellenberger to help
! her celebrate her birthday. Later
I it, the day they had birthday cake
at the E. W. Taylor home. Mr.
and Mrs. Welter Ellis of Seattle
helped on the occasion as they
were at the Taylor home over the
week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Buzz Cole and
daughter of Tacoma were visiting
over the week end at the Len
Cole home.
Mrs. A1 Schiller re-cntered the
Clinic Monday for an operation.
Mrs. W. Origgs passeti away
early Monday morn!rig after a
long illness.
Mrs. E. C. Taylor is visiting a
few days in Seattle with her sis-
ter, Mrs. J. Arnold.
The Fifth Degree Team will
practice in its hall Thursday at
8 p.m.
More people in Kamilche re-
ceived phones this eek and are
very happy to have them.
Mrs. Orace Petty and Mrs. L.
Cole are runntng in the Oyster
Bay district for school director.
LOST SOMIiYrHING ? Recover. it
through a J'ddrnal CLASSIFIED
'Kamilche Grangers TRIllS/IS THEY SEEM
("t l -] I D** i ((2¢mtinu,'d fr, ml l)a;4e l)
* i 1)||| 0 the An(q can Legmn tl fm th(
;,crte(lul g , . • ' : .... ,
: past 30 .years, .... those l)ri 1. .I>lcs.
o...+., n. March 4 l.*,,,e been ,,,,,sol. ,dhe,'od t,.
I(iIL.I Ult ' /Many l)coplc hav( ('rit, iciz,,d Le-
! A Bingo party will be held on glen members :is b('inK tmdis(.i-
i March .tth at 8 p.m. at the Pro- plined and too fun loving; (thet's
gress Grange hall. have said that the orgnnization's
i There will be a special table;leadership was iml)elled I)y poli-
i ileal motives, while st ill <Khel's
have aceuscd vett.ralls ol treasul.y
robbing, hilt the }listory of 30
years of effort by the L('gion ill
Shelton stands in answer' to the
critics. Many Rood things for the
COlnnlunity have conic as a reslllt
of their idealistic ambitions and
certainly the cause of American-
ism have been advanced by their
acts and example. Slclton's Fred
B. Wivell post on Tuesday night
honored their 30 years of organ-
ization here and the men who
have served as post commanders
during that long period.
IXTEEN years ago Franklin
D. Roosevelt was given pow-
er as Presideut of the Unitecl
Statc after he hilled the people
of the nation by his dulcet tones
that said: wages were tom law
for the workers, too many were
ill housed and ill clothed, the
farmer was ill treated and with-
out the modern facilities possess-
ed by other and more fortunate
citizens, monopolists were starv-
ing out the little fellow, and many
I of our people should be assiste(l
With social gains, He had sixteen
years in which to correct those
abuses and ,hortcomings, and the
New Deal made such progress,
besides changing the characters
bf people to the extent that many
are nov" convinc.ed that the gov-
ernment will take care of them
through any circumstances. Now
comes President Harry Trulnan
in his January 5 State of the Un-
ion message which outlines his
"Fair Deal" program. He says in
effect :
"We are suffering from exees-
siveiy high prices.
"Ore' prochmtion is still not
l large enough to satisfy our de-
"Our minimum wages are tom
"Small business is losing ground
to growing monopoly.
"Ore" farmers still face an ira-
certain future, And too marly of
them lack the benefits of modern
"Some of our' natm'al resources
are still being wasted.
"We are acutely shm, t of ('b,o-
tric 7Dower. although the means
for developing such power ore
"Five million families are still
living in slums and fire-traps.
Three million families share their
homes with others.
"Our health in far behind the
progress of medical 'science. Pro-
per medical care is so expnsiv(
that it is out of reach nf a great
majority of our citizens.
"Our schools, in many locali-
ties, are utterly inadequate.
"Our Democratic ideals are of-
ten thwarted by prejudice and in-
Panhandle Group
Holds Conference
i d SCtlS;CC;;: '' }',',2'"';12;;7;,' ' +m-
mer cam]) dates were set; at ',hllv
18-22 and the Mas(m cmmt.y dates
were set for.July 25-29. Menlbor:
decided timt because of illsltrall(:e
restricti(ms the canlp slmuld nev-
er be rente(l to any outside grOllp.
Bill Looney, leader of the two
coulli ieS llow 'l-It forestry pro-
gram made a report on ftlturc
plans. The first camp, which had
been originally scheduled f(>r Jan-
uary bllt postponed becallSe of
snow, will be hehl Saturday and
Sunday, March 19 and 21). The
forestry program will 1)e eon(hlct.
ed for 4-H boys from the two
Cotlnties who are 14 years or
older. Looney is a forester at the
South Olympic trec farm.
Other guests at the meeting in-
cluded Oscar Lcvin of the South
Olympic tree farm; Dave aame
editor of the Simpson Lookout;
and Robert Trcnckman, St'., from
the Satsop Valley.
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Northncss
of 2028 Hay Street b(,came the
)arents of a son born Fcbrlmry
24 at tile Clinic Hospital. The new
arrival weighed 8z pot|nds.
Representative of
Life Insurance & Retirements
Aldercroft Nursery
Phone 591-W
Make Such a Difference
In Your ttome's
To Harmonize Best In Your Home From
Our Fine Stock of
Enamel FLoor Coverings
Asptmlt Tile Rubber Tile
New Plastic Linoleum
Imported Burlap-Back Scotch Linoleum
Easy Terms -- 3 Years to Pay
Lawton Lumber
Owned anti Operated by Everett Dilhm and Joe Simpson
420 Sourly:First St. Phone 56
'---- i i i i
the most magnificent array of sport shirt ¢olors
you've ever seen
Soft pastels. Colors that sparkle like a gem. lqaming 9.95
hues as briglt as a sunset. They're all here in our famous
Stradivari Shirts. Pick several for different occasions...
subdued tone5 for leisure..• brighter tones for golf and
F a m o u $ • sports.., high colors for hunting and resort wear. But
Firestone T"°S w°rds c°m'g 'r°m the color isn't dm whole story. The Stradivad Shirt is
champion of the modern "Fair qtudity-plus. The cream of American ,ihirting fabrics.
Deal" sound so much like those
that came from the originator of Piped seams. Meticulous care in buttons, needlework,
the "New Deal" of sixteen :vars ' ..... i .+ i: , ,
STANDARD=, " =. v..=,,TIRE ago, that most people are ioing ,; and all dctai/s. Itrs a shirt you*II,wear with pride for 5, )
to wonder just what has been town or country, business or leisure. ®
hi ii'l=h accomplished'during the past six-
teen years and when the eorrec-
tlon of such abuses and improve-
DURING OUR LEADERSHIP SAtE meats of our American system Your Choice of 19 Colors t J (::US
and situation was it, the 'hands ' Fine at :,i1:(,l,
YOUpay iii1. = of Mr.of Roosevelt and Mr. Tru- Miller's Men's Shop
man. Just how long the Ameri- i
can public will follow th*e 'Pied I 'Ca,,g'kfa,'
Piper such promises is hard to t ,
Only Plus Tex understand and determine, but[
some return to individual initative I Sfielton Hotel Building Phone 609
• 6.00"16 seems necessary or we will go
SaveSave--Save at thie reduced like other nations who depended
price! There's no inflation, in
Firestone Tire prices ! You et silent
tread ! .C,,ve-|,ipping "aatety
suonlde;! Famous Gum-Dipped
eor ooy! Lifetime Iguarantee!
Buy aud save today . . . and you'H
etiH have new three on your ear
OQ' next spring.
• Reg. $309 Bueksaw, wi, th 30-in. blade .......... $1.69
Trade.In Reg. 98¢ ThermometerS, indoors or outdoors 59¢
Reg. $5.95 -Piece Knife Set ..................... $2.69
d..pLOW&N¢li i" TOUH. OU.A.LE. SER,.CEALE '1
D Yottt. aid ]Battery " For oupes, uoacnes and Sedans "
[°=-a., .ram '8.4.5 to $14.S !
00.'e$t0.e st= Tn=s= "A-DWAR| VALUliS!
' '11 : ....... tt ]
i.A T T E R Y >:::::::s ...... . ..... ......... , .....
........ :..,.. :s:...R,'....
......... ,.::.,...',::. :::: Get this 14-eiece %,I$c1,
Big 15-Piece
1/4n. Square Drive
Square Drive
'ormrZy Z3.95
Reg. 16.95 Value 8€tl
• no= o,ay
ational Reduction
I Famous Gilbert
'lrly Sell .for 2.39
so strongly on their leaders,
Ii . i ii
Oldsmobile Means More Car For Your Money
-Futuramic Design, Hydra-Matic Drive,
and High.C0mpressi0, "Rocket" Engine!
:= , _====--
tI, IVlIRII--We will deliver all W O.!ohis at
be lieat imibl date el with lUteduetlo,.
ICII--We w;ll charge no nto than the delivered
prices susgested by klsmoJafle,]lo of Genersl
Motora. Buyer will reeeiv¢ au lzJm=e Dill o1[ sale.
II!IADIIN$--We will tak your order and deliv
yohr ear without requiring a trade-in. However, we
have many vahmd used car cttomers we woldd like
to eupply, and we will give you a fair and reasouahle
allowance on your present car.
FINANCING--You ;nay pay cash for y,)ur new Olds-
mobile or finance it wherever yo] wish. We will be
glad to furnish low cost tinance and insurancc. terms.
ACCD$ORI|$--All cars are delivered with accessories
as ordered, and prices are tigured to cover these.
We will add no "extras" except timse customer orders.
0 L D S M O B I L'E D|AL|R
At these Shelton
Del. Station Wagon , 3355.1(]
Series "98"
Club Sedan ......... Y,7959.10
Deluxe Club Sedan . 3033.10
Sedan 3033.10
Deluxe Sedan . 3107.1(]
Del. Convert. Coupe 3486.15
Delivered Prices !
Peel off Your Car's Winter Rust
and Mud with
Now Only
Reg. 98¢
Underhood Light
- , 59€
Lumbermen's Mercantile
1Fitesfone00 DEALER
311 Railroad Avenue Phone 305
7 "
Prices include radio, Condition-Air
heater, defroster, rea¢ fender panels,
turn stgnol, de luxe steering wheel,
horn butlon, electric clock, automatic
glove box tlghtond, on Series "98,"
Hydro-Matte Drive and oil filthY.
Series "7G"
State and city taxes, if any, extrc Club Coupe ..$2250.4S
Hydra-Motlc Drive optiona at e,tr Deluxe Club Coupe ....... 2343.10
cost on the Series "76." White side- Club Sedan .......... 2280.80
wail tire; Optional at extra cost on Deluxe Club Sedan ...... 2370.10
Town Sedan ........... 2339.45
oll models. All prices sublet, to chang Deluxe Town Sedan.._2433,10
without notice. Prtcos may vary s(ighIly Sedan ......................... 2350,45
in adioing communities becaus oF Deluxe ,edan ....... 2442.10
transoortatlon chorues. Convertible Coupe ....... 2608,10 t
Phone 777 or 778 First and Grove Streets