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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 3, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 3, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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..... :ii:il ¸ iiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiii!ii,' Nlarch 2011 Where caring counts. Feel the differe ncej00 South Entrance :i!! pus Renewal & Construction Project-i MGH's c0nsii'Uction project is scheduled to officially begin the end of March, according to curient plans. At t[iat time, preparation to relocate the mobile MRI site to the lower east parking lot will begin. After the MRI relocation, the building's South Entrance (employee entrance) will be closed and moved to the side door by the Administration department. The ADA parking stalls located at the South Entrance will be closed throughout construction. New ADA-accessible parking has been added at the northwest corner of the building near ICU. Normal staff parking in the South Entrance will still be available. All patients and visitors to MGH should continue to use the North Entrance (Main Entrance on Mtn. View Drive) for parking and entry. Once inside MGH, circulation throughout the hospital will remain the same. In January, preparation for construction began with the removal of the 143-year old Japanese Maple that has graced MGH's South Entrance since 1968. This memorable "icon" of MGH has been transplanted to another area on the MGH grounds - until the Campus Renewal is completed. At that time it will be relocated to the South Entrance - which will become MGH's "new" Main Entrance. For more information on this project and important updates, go to • Congratulations to MGH "Employee of the Month" for February - Jenny Wallace, diagnostic imaging. • The Shelton Hospital Association (SHA) recently donated $58,000 to Mason General Hospital towards the purchase of a new MRI to be added to MGH's collection of diagnostic tools in 2013. Pictured above with the CT scanner are Bruce Jorgenson, president of the SHA (second from left) who recently presented the check to Hospital representatives - Bob Appel, MGH CEO (right); Don Wilson, president of the Board of Hospital Commissioners (far right); and Eric Moll, MGH CAO, (far left). Over the years the SHA has donated more than $1.3 million to MGH to be used for equipment and programs. "The SHA was started with assets from the sale of the Shelton Hospital in the sixties," said Jorgenson. '/ve invested the proceeds of $250,000, which has grown to a portfolio worth more than a $1 million." Jenny Wallace, diagnostic imaging o District No. 1, which includes Mason General Hospital and it5 family of clinics. .......... 0 rt-00 • Continuing Education classes offered for Mason General Hospital employees, medical staff, and the community during the month of March. • Orientation for New Employees • Strong Perifax for Obstetrical Staff • Mock Adult Code Blue Skills for Clinical Staff • Malignant Hyperthermia Drills • Online Hospital-Wide Yearly Safety Program • Basic Cardiac Life Support Course for Clinical Staff • Online Cognitive Competency Development and Evaluation • New RN and Current Nurse Skills Orientation • South Puget Sound Nursing Student Orientation • Pediatric Emergency Assessment, Recognition, and Stabilization Course (PEARS) • Pediatric Advanced Life Support Renewal Course • Pre-Advanced Cardiac Life Support Course for Initial Providers • Advanced Cardiac Life Support Renewal Course • Non-Violent Crisis Intervention Program • Community CPR Course • Mason County EMS - Emergency Medical Technician Course • Basic Life Support for MGH Eye Clinic • Adult Diabetic Orders Overview for Clinical Staff For more information, contact Tom DiDonna, R.N., MSN, D.H.Sc., and MGH director of education at (360) 42 7-3609 (AUyn (360) 275-8614). • :::ii!::i::i:: ::..::.::::. • • Cooking With Xinh Set for March - Sherwood Guild, an affiliate of Mason General Hospital Foundation presents "Cooking with Xtnh," the annual dinner and lively cooking demonstration featuring award-winning chef, Xinh Dwelley of Xinh's Clam and Oyster House, Shelton. Tickets are $50 per person, and include a cooking demonstration, dinner, dessert, and wine, beer, or soft drinks. "Cooking with Xinh" will take place on two nights: Sunday, March 20 or Monday, March 21, starting at 6 p.m. at Xinh's Clam and Oyster House, 221 W. Railroad Ave. in Shelton. Seating is limited, so reserve tickets now by calling (360) 42 7-4522 or (360) 427-3623. All proceeds raised by Sherwood Guild support Mason : General Hospital and Public Hospital District No. I. ' ........  ' • Register Now for the "Quality Care Golf Tournament... Mason General Hospital Foundation's annual golf tournament is now accepting registration for ,_. its shotgun Quality care Golf Tournament, / set for Friday, June 24, 2011 at Lakeland Village  Golf Course, AUyn. Falcon Financial, Inc. is the Tournament Title Sponsor. The handicap and . non-handicap tournament starts at 10 a.m. and z the cost is $140 per player. There are five players / per team and the registration deadline is / Wednesday, June 1. To make a corporate / sponsorship or to register, please call the / MGH Foundation at (360) 42 7-3623. ,Z • If diabetes is a part of your life, plan to attend Mason General Hospital's next two-day session entitled, "Living Well With Diabetes" on April 19 and 20 from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the Ellinor Room at MGH. To register, call Sue Barwick, R.N., certified diabetes educator at (360) 426-1611, ext. 3301 (Allyn (360) 275-8614, ext. 3301 ). Diabetes education is a covered service under most insurance plans. • "Counting Carbs When There Are No Clues" - March Topic for Shelton Diabetes Support Group Meeting... Keeping track of your carbohydrates is vital to healthy diet manage- ment for someone with diabetes, but carbo- hydrate information is not always available when you need it. "Counting Carbs When There Are No Clues" will be the topic of discussion at MGH's next Shelton Diabetes Support Group meeting set for Thursday, March 17 from 1 to 2 p.m. in the Ellinor Room at the Hospital. MGH Dietitian, Candy Mattson, RD, CDE will show how to count carbohydrates whenever a nutrition label is not available - such as in home recipes, at dinner invitations, restaurants, buffets, etc. There will be time set aside for questions and answers. Family members are also invited to attend the meeting, to understand the dietary needs of loved ones with diabetes and also because carbo- hydrate counting is beneficial to the whole family! The MGH Diabetes Support Group, affiliated with the American Diabetes Association, meets at the Hospital every third Thursday of the month from September to June. It is free and open to people with type 1 and 2 diabetes, their friends, and family. For more information call Sue Barwick, lN., CDE at (360) 427-7332 (from Allyn (360) 275-8614, and ask for the Diabetes Wellness Center). • COMING IN APRIL - A Coronary Health Improvement Program (CHIP) that is a nationally-recognized, scientifically-based program to improve your health. The 16-session program focuses on lifestyle management for the reduction of health risks such as diabetes, coronary and peripheral vascular disease, stroke, obesity, and cancer. Shelton Seventh Day Adventist Church is the sponsor, in cooperation with Mason General Hospital. It is recommended for all ages and open to anyone interested. There will be a FREE informational session about CHIP on Thursday, March 31 at 5:30 p.m. and/or Monday, April 11 at 6:30 p.m. in the Hospital's Skokomish Room. Come and investigate how this program can help you decrease or prevent your dependence on medications that treat hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, etc. The program is also for those not yet on these commonly prescribed medications, to help reduce the risk of future lifestyle-related illnesses. For information and registration go to www. Shelt°nAdventistChurch'c°m/or call (360) 426-2776. Also see php for additional information about this simple and effective approach to healthy living. ...... :,i , Approved by )': the Joint ..... Commission ER200/7 LEVEL 4 TRAUMA DESIGNATION 2010 ,.:/::•" .•J ,•.,•.:...• ,.:.%::• /V . , ,  . DoaPhysician i Ji  Search at our 00ebsite, Our Mission Statement / We take every possible \\; action to protect and ri_ promote the health of the people in Mason  LCounty while extending respect and compassion as we serve each individual. .:ii.: ' ,: . ,  Where caring counts. UI 1 Fed the difference. . .:::: ,. . .:1.,:: ...... :\\; Shelton: (360) 426-1611 • Allyn: (360) 275-8614 TI'Y/TDD: (360) 427-9593 • Equal Opportunity Provider Translation Services Provided • Se habla espafiol Page A-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, March 3, 2011