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Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 3, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 3, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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What do you think about the growing number of medical marijuana dispensaries in Mason County? Jack Armstrong Gary Garff Greg Linder Nancy Andy "I don't approve of.them." "I'm not too much aware of them but I don't think it's a good idea." "It doesn't really bother me as long as it's reasonably well controlled." "If they're well controlled I think they're a good idea." Man get,; two years for se: :ual assault By KEVAN MOORE A Shelton man was sentenced this week in Mason County Superi- or Court to 14 months in prison for third-degree assault with sexual mo- tivation. Ryan Bert Rose, 40, of the 500 block of Holly Lane was arrested on December 16 of last year by Shelton police for second-degree rape. He pied not guilty to that charge on January 3, but went on to enter a plea of guilty to the lesser charge of third-degree assault with sexual motivation on January 31. According to court records, officers responded to the Capital Hill resi- dence of the victim at h49 a.m. on Oc- tober 18, 2010. The woman "stated that a subject she knew as 'Ryan' sexually assaulted her." She then led officers to his Holly Lane home in an effort to locate him, but no one answered the door. The victim told police that prior to going to Rose's home they were send- ing text messages back and forth on cell phones. She told police that after getting to his house, she was using a computer in Rose's bedroom and he came up behind her and grabbed her around her waist. The woman said she stood up be- cause she didn't like the way Rose was touching her. She said he pushed her against a wall, punched her shoulder and then forced her face down onto his bed. Rose then forced his hand down the backside of her pants and sexually assaulted her before she was able to get him off of her and run out of the hosue. The woman said that she left her purse containing her wallet and a knife, a sweater and an iPod in his house before she fled. That property was later recovered at his residence. A database showed that Rose was associated with the residence and the Woman positively identified him as her attacker from a photo lineup. When first interviewed by police, Rose admitted to knowing the victim, but said that she had never been in his house. "Rose stated originally he was not home during the incident and was out all night at the Lucky Dog Casino and then the Little Creek Casino," a police report states. Surveillance video and other evi- dence, though, showed that Rose had not been at either of the casinos on the night in question. "Rose was reinterviewed and he admitted that he lied about being at the casinos that night;" a police report states. "Rose stated he was at home and (the victim) was outside his house but he wouldn't let her in." Rose then denied any sexual con- tact with the victim that night and was arrested for second-degree and booked into the Mason County Jail.  ',, + i , .......... Sheriff - Casey Salisbury  ;' r t ' , ,l,' 00'0000SHERIFIe- SEX OFFENDER INFORMATION BULLETIN LEVEL 3 NOTIFICATION OF TRANSIENT STATUS l)ate: March 2, 2011 Prepared by: Detective William Adam Bulletin#: 11-09 The Mason County Sheriff's Office is releasing the lbllowing inli)nnation pursuant m RCW 4.24.550 and the Washington State Supreme CouJl decision in State v. Ward. which autlnu'izes law entbrcement agencies to infom the public of a sex offenders release when; in the discretion of the agency, the release of inlbrnuaion will enhance public salary and protection, The individual who appears on this no|ilication has been convicted of a sex ollbnsc that requires registration with the Sheriff's Office in the county uf their residence, Further, their previous criminal history places them in a classitication level which reflects the potential to re- oflnd. This sex offender has served the sentence imposed on him by the courts and has advised the Mason County Sheriff's Office tlmt he will be living in the location beh)w. HE IS NOT WANTED BY THE POLICE AT THIS TIME. THIS NOTIFICATION IS NOT INTENDED TO INCREASE FEAR, RATHER, IT IS OUR BEt.lEE THAI" AN INFORMED PUBLIC IS A SAFER PUBLIC. The Mason County Shcri|Fs Otfice has no legal authority to direct where a sex offender may or may nol live. Unless court ordered restrictions exist, this offender is constitutionally fi'ec to live wherever hc chooses. Sex offenders have ul'*ays li'cd in our conmmnities, but it wasn't until passage of the Comnmnity l)mtection Act of 1990 (which mondtth,. .ox O[]t'tl¢]t'l" i'.gi.lrdlion) that la cnl)lCenlcnl e',eo kne'*', v, herc they vere li,illg. In many cases, law enlorcement is now able In share that intbrmation with you. Citi.,en abuse of this inlbnnation to threaten, inmnidate or harass registered sex offcnders ill not be tolerated, further, such abu:,e could potcnlialL end la cnft*rccmcnt's abdity to do conuuunily ootilications. We beliex e the only person v, ho ins if community notilication ends is the sex ullbnder, since sex oll:nders deri c their po¢r through secrecy. If you have any inforqlitiun rt.eardln, current criminal activity of this or an'.' other offender, nlease call 91 !. For other sex offender intbrmation, htlp://$o.eo.ntaolt.wli+tlS/. ROBERT EUGENE VANDERVORT WHITE MALE - DUB: 01/04/86 5'-08"-223 LBS.-BROWN HAIR & BROWN EYES Robert VANI)ERVORT has recently been released li'om the Mason County Jail and has registered as Transient/Homelcss within Mason County. He is required to register as a sex offender due to a 09/28/05 " conviction of Indecent Liberties without Forcible Compulsion, Mason County Superior Court cause #05-1-00349-9. This sex offense i conviction stems li'om when VANDERVORT was 19 years old, he was convicted Ibr having sexual intercourse with a 5 or 6 year old little girl who was a friend of a friend. VANDERVORT stated that the rape never occurred, but that he pied to his lesser charge instead of Rape of i a Child. VANDERVORT also has a criminal history to include i burglary, theft attd assault. Due to these factors, he is considered a level 2, which is a moderate risk, but duc to his Transient/Homeless status, VANDERVORT is a lever 3, which is a HIGH RISK. VAN DE RVORT is on Dept. or Corrections supervision and is required to stay away |'toni where nlinors congregate. ANDERVORT is assessed by the Mason County Sheriff's Office as a Level 3 Sex Offender due to being transient. This is the highest level [ given to a Sex Offender, meaning that this registered sex offender is at 'J a HIGH RISK to re-t) fiend. VADERVORT has iven his status Witll[ll [ason County as: Transient/Homeless within Shelton, WA Reader's Bonus! included with your IW Shelton-Mason County 11[ Mason County Real Estate Guide Local home selling and home improvement ideas, published every other week. Healthy Living Every month, covers health, senior and active lifestyle news and features in Mason County Mason County Outdoors Recreation, fishing & hunting in Mason County's great outdoors. Biweekly. I I es. Art • Music. En Timber Who SAYS there's nothing to do around Mason County? Timber Entertainment & Dining is a monthly reference, with a handy events calendar and features. Young, fun and just a bit quirky, with content found nowhere else. Enjoy these extra bonus publications that don "t cost you extra! To advertise or subscribe, call (360) 426-4412. ALL INCLUDED FREE WITH YOUR JOURNAL SUBSCRIPTION! Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 3,2011 - Page A-5