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Golf tournament
and dinner auction
benefits Love, Inc.
Alderbrook Properties
and world famous singer -
Pat Boone are presenting
the "First Annual Love, Inc.
Golf Tournament and Din-
ner Auction", Monday, July
18, at the award winning
Alderbrook Golf Course in
Union. All proceeds go to
Love Inc. of Mason County,
a 501 C (3) which mobilizes
the local Churches in Ma-
son County to assist those
inneed, l ,,_,. INC
The scramble format .jdtkTd.
event will start at noon,
followed by a catered din-
ner of specialty barbecue by
Smoking Mo's Kitchen. The cost to play is $100 per player
and includes green fees, tee packets, dinner and auction.
Carts are extra. To register a foursome for the tournament
go to
"Pat is a great supporter of the services provided by
Love Inc. and said he would be here if he can keep his cal-
endar clear," said Bill Kendrick, chairman of the golf com-
mittee and President of the Alderbrook Golf Club. "But
we are counting on this to work out, as he loves to come
here." Love Inc. was originally started by World Vision
and has since broken away to be its own non-profit corpo-
Sponsors and hole sponsors are still needed. If you would
like to help support this event as a sponsor, you can for as
little as $150 (per hole). To be a hole sponsor, call 426-7842
or 490-0616. Love Inc. operates a Clearinghouse to verify
the needs of the clients and assist those with legitimate
needs. Shelter, food, utility assistance, firewood, clothing
and many other basic services are provided through Love
Inc.'s network of Churches and Volunteers. Support of
Love Inc. allows the transformation of lives and communi-
ties. To date there are 15 local churches supporting Love
Inc. and the list grows weekly. For more information on
Love Inc. go to
MARCH l0 TM 4:00 pm -7:00 pm
FOR 2011-2012
Full Day K & Grade 1
(combined class) (LIMIT 12)
By R. Jeanne Rehwaldt,
Program Coordinator
It is the first week in March and
what a crazy weekend of weather
we just had. There was snow and
ice on the ground, then rain and
snow at times. The forecasters pre-
dict warmer weather with plain old
rain for the week ahead. I guess by
the time this column is printed we
will know if we are out of the woods
as far as snow is concerned. Gar-
dening is weather dependent. We
can give general instructions about
what to do at certain times of the
year, but the gardener has to be
the one to judge conditions in your
area. March is the time to give your
garden a shot of slow-release fertil-
izer and to prune roses. Cut roses
back, cutting out any dead, weak
and crossing branches. Look for the
big, healthy basal canes that formed
last year and remove any old wood
that is interfering with them. Then
prune what is left down to 12-18
inches. Climbers bloom on year-old
wood, so wait to prune them until
after bloom.
Now is the time to plan for your
raised beds for growing vegetables in
this spring and summer. The Mason
County WSU Master Gardeners en-
courage those interested in learning
how to build raised garden beds to
join us at Catalyst Park (West Har-
vard Avenue and South 8th Street)
on Wednesday, March 16 from 10
a.m. to 2 p.m. for a free workshop.
Master Gardeners will be on hand
with other volunteers to build raised
bed frames for our new 12 plot com-
munity garden and to answer any
questions you might have about the
park! Learn the correct technique to
drive nails, stagger boards, and sup-
press weeds, grass, and unwanted
When is a good time to divide perennials in my garden?
March is a good time to divide perennials that bloom in
mid-June. Dig and divide them and replant them in your
yard or pot them up for sharing with friends or donation to
an area plant sale.
plants in your beds. Looking for a
place to garden this spring? There
are still beds available for rent at a
nominal fee for the upcoming season;
if you're interested in joining the
community garden, please contact
the Master Gardeners at 427-9670
ext. 686 or e-mail Katie at kathryn.
Compost is one of the best ways
to "stay green" and fill your garden
with organic .matter while recy-
cling garden and kitchen waste. The
Master Gardeners will be hosting a
Country Living Workshop on March
19 to teach :you how to make com-
post. Please contact the WSU Ex-
tension office at 427-9670 Ext. 680
for more information and to regis-
ter to attend. The instructor will be
Paul Feenan, former WSU Master
Gardener Program Coordinator in
Thurston County and past Shelton
School District Horticulture teacher.
If you have gardening questions
please contact the Master Garden-
ers on Mondays from noon to 3 p.m.
at the WSU Extension office at 303
N. Fourth Street in Shelton, or give
them a call at 427-9670 ext.687.
Library crlill chaser
Warm up to good books
and join in Timberland
Regional Library's 14 An-
nual Adult Winter Reading
Program, running through
Tuesday, March 15. The
program offers the chance to
win prizes just for reading
and staying snug all winter.
Brochures with complete
rules, entry forms and prize
lists are available at all
Timberland libraries. Ba-
sically, for each five books
or audio books you finish
during the program period,
complete a form and turn it
in at a Timberlard library
by Tuesday, March 15. Par-
ticipants must be 18 or older
and have a current Timber-
land library card.
Grand prizes, including
overnight resort getaways
and book bags filled with
an assortment of treats,
and prizes from Timber-
land branch libraries have
been donated by businesses
and Friends of the Library
Mt. Olive
Lutheran Church
Missouri Sylxl,l
206 East Wyandotte Avenue
*Contemporary Service .......... 8:30 am.
Christian Education ................. J:45 ant
Traditional Worship ............... ll:00 am
Office 426-6353
Daycare 427-3165
Grace Baptist Church
... for the faith of the gospel
Times of Services:
Sunday School ........................ 10 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship ...... 11 a.m.
Sunday Evening Worship ........ 6 p.m.
Wednesday Prayer Meeting..... 7 p.m.
Resumin 9 sices in the neH,ly renovated t
Agate Grange Bldg. on Agate Loop ld,
Contact us:
Mailing address:
PO Box 1025, Shelt0n, WA 98584
Phone: (360) 46.-1611
. E-mail:
g ",v,gbcshelt0 n,0 rg
.... ii
. & Listen on
' Sundalt 9:30- lO:OOam
/.+". CrossPoint Serv'ice Traditional Service ..... : ill
...... l:,:;,, . .l' A It,el ...... l,.n,porary ....... lit, A ....... lrodiiional ...... ,w / til
[ \\;" .......... ...... " .l'rdisell,ttld • I'l-dise'l{,anl 10:45 AM vm
- ('ontenllx)edr v Me;dge Choir '
I Children and Adult Sunday School 9 AM • Cbildcre both services
Sunday Services
9:00 ,xl [ Celebrdt IOIlt Service
10:30 ,xl I celebr,ltlon Service
Attended Nursery
Children's Classes
4:00 eM I Freedom In Recovery
( 'hlhh., I.rovlH,d
(dn '
ii) Wednesday Nilht Service
7:OO i,x [ Mid-We-ok ervlce
Nttrsery to 2 Yell's,
Children's Cttsses
SouLFIRI YOUTH, bill 2111 Grade
The purpoge or Lft is to llelp
/} pc, ple h ¢)ne Ot&ll ( tiwough VVohil),
%Vaness> Warlearm, ,and Work [or His Kingdom,
ADDRESS 140q N 71 h t. Nheltotl PHONE 131M)-426-278 WEOSITE I l,tewci:conl
Page B-2 - She[ton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 3, 201 1
Christ Lutheran Church
3701 NE Northshore Road. Belfair, WA 98528-9434
(360) 275-3354
Worship Service: 10:00 a.m.
Childcare: 360-275-0499
website: clcbelfiar@macc0m
..ST. OAx/It_ CUlaCJ-I
A Progressive EpLvcopal Church
324 W Cedar St., Shelton
7:30 & 10:30 a.m.
Office phone: 426-8472
New Commnn.ity
[ Church of Union
I Sunday Gath, erings
8:30 and 10:30
at the
Union Fire Hall
50 E. Seattle St., Union 98592
iSHELTONFIR'S'''''"BAPTI.S wwvv. stdavido fwales, or web site:
i L::Z.::L:a%='o;L:;:Z_ I Faith Ludleran Ulurehi
www.sheltonfbc.or9 sB0426-8461 A Christ-centered Church i
i • Sunday Morning Worship 9 + 10:30 am
I. ;;;'h'0000Chhur°00l¢:';l;es419W00a'im'dAve &l
I " 0omlngoLalgle$ianautlsinlm ll I i h"clitiOnal-8lSam } I1--\\;
, s=oooo00.o.h00 ,., i 21k0000:_
] Youth Church. AWANA K Add, CI ..... -'1 & Brian Welnberger :.
7 I" Junvas6 pm i orupo de los Lfilir0s JO ..... 1 "°:
Refreshed - Restored - Renewed 12",_2 Connecl SI,
in Rivers of Grace Slon. WA
S/elfin/17/n?me for raer (3603 4:-.611
Sunday Night Worship 6 p,m, * s'
Worship forallages • V0th ctMtl
Senior Center • 826 W Railroad Ave • t:aitJCun7
Chitdcare Cere (M#
438-8531 (3'6 ::
(200lv00r 9 Cih00pcl or00hclto00
SUNDAY, 9:30 a.m. at the Civic Center
525 Cota St.
WEDNESDAY, 7:00 p.m. at Hope Chapel
(2 blocks behind A&W)
Please join us for worship and chapter-by-chapter Bible teaching
For more information call 866-0996 • Youth classes at both services :
Shelton United Methodist Church _
Youth Grolp
(hildren' Acti¢itis
Spiritual Growth Classes
Adult Choir
Slt Gmup.
BII {:hi<
IntlrSener#ltional Ministries,
Dyami, c, "Voship Et'eriec¢
f)lrtt ]J¢lrtx. ()pen ind,. £'n detain,
I'll" P¢/I,: !(j',q/l;;,*n I /n.t¢'d [¢t/,:'.ist ('t\>l:J,