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Randy Estelle, internation-
al concert pianist and vocalist,
will be appearing in concert
from 9 to 10:30 a.m. on Sun- Randy Estelle
day, March 6 at Gateway
Christian Fellowship, 1405
South Seventh Street, Shelton. He will also be joined by
numerous regional worship leaders for an evening of wor-
ship at 6:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 6 at the Shelton Pres-
byterian Church, 1430 Shelton Springs Road.
His credits include 11 solo recordings, more than 120
personal appearances yearly, producer honors on numer-
ous recording projects for other artists and an extensive
background in praise and worship ministry. With presti-
gious credentials in classical performance, he is also con-
sidered one of Christian music's premiere innovators in the
areas of jazz, blues and other eclectic styles.
Estelle has appeared as a soloist with the Billy Graham
Association, the Third World Leadership Conference (Nas-
sau, Bahamas), the Joshua Awards and as a session pro-
ducer/musician with many artists including Bill Gaither.
He and his wife, Lisa, are founders of Courtyard Media
Ministries and they have also written more than 50 songs,
including four full production musicals. In addition, he has
written and recoded film scores for Star Productions and
Humor-filled, dynamic, power-packed, anointed and up-
lifting are all words used to describe this concert experi-
ence. The public is invited to attend, for more information
call 426-2758 for Gateway Christian Fellowship or 432-
8696 for the Shelton Presbyterian Church.
Young Artists' Spotlight
Mason County Concert Association
(MCCCA) is extremely pleased to fea-
ture young, local talent in its Young
Artists' Spotlight at the Shelton High
School Auditorium at 7 p.m. Thurs-
day, March 3. MCCCA is donating
$1,000 to the Shelton High School mu-
sic department to be divided equally
between the choir and band programs.
The concert band and chamber
singers will present a wide variety
of vocal and instrumental selections.
The program includes American, Scot-
tish, Welsh and Hebrew folk tunes,
world music from Brazil, barbershop
and some modern classics for wind
bands and chamber choirs.
Some of the Shades singers will col-
laborate with two all-state choir final-
ists in a special vocal quartet. Vanessa
Gilbert, Jake Juhl, Zach Leonard and
Sabrina McGlothlin won second place
in the Regional Solo-Ensemble and
will perform a saxophone quartet. Ad-
ditionally, the program features stu-
dent Christine Johnson directing the
woman's vocal ensemble The Embers,
in Gershwin's summertime.
Premiering in the fall of 2006,
chamber singers have become the
flagship ensemble of Shelton High
School's choir department. The cham-
ber singers have been invited to sing
for numerous state events in the capi-
tol building, OSPI building and gov-
ernor's mansion. In addition to their
regular school concerts, the chamber
singers have performed locally for
Kiwanis and Rotary Club functions,
Soup and Sound and with the Anna's
Bay Chorale. This is their first concert
with the Mason County Concert Asso-
ciation. The Chamber Singers regu-
larly receive ratings of superior and
excellent at regional and statewide
choral festivals and will be traveling
to the Pacific Lutheran University
Choir Invitational on Friday, March 4.
The Concert Band placed third at
the 2009 Harvest Marching Band
Festival in Yakima under Ward's
direction. It prides itself on being a
well-rounded program, receiving'high
ratings at concert band and jazz band
festivals as well as marching band
competitions. The program strives to
offer students opportunities in all ar-
eas of a band program.
Recently, the band has had the
pleasure to receive coaching with such
esteemed music educators as Jim
Rice, Ted Christianson and Jud Ed-
sole. The band will also have the op-
portunity to perform a piece of music
written by Dr. Elaine Ross at their
March 10 concert. Dr. Ross will work
with the students during the day and
conduct her work at the concert that
Students within the band program
recently performed at the regional solo
and ensemble contest where all stu-
dents received excellent ratings. Two
musical groups, soloist Jake Juhl and
the SHS Saxophone Quartet, were se-
lected as alternates to participate in
the State Solo and Ensemble Contest
in April. In the fall, three students
participated in the Western Interna-
tional Band Clinic in Seattle. These
students were able to work with col-
legiate educators and composers fror
around the world."
Leading the artists are choir di-
rector Paul Nakhla and band direc-
tor Chris Ward. Nakhla earned his
Master of Music from the University
of Washington and Ward earned his
degree from Central Washington Uni-
versity. Nakhla has been on the music
faculty at South Puget Sound Com-
munity College and currently teach-
es as an adjunct music instructor at
Olympic College.
Individual tickets are $10 and are
available at Lynch Creek Floral and
at the Shelton High School Audito-
rium door. Brochures for the next
season are available at this show and
new memberships purchased for next
season will include Jim Witter's per-
formance as a bonus concert. Mem-
berships are available at the door or
by calling Larry Swift at 426-8159 or
Becky Schuyten at 426-1842.
Alice in 0000onderland being cast
Hood Canal School stu-
dents have an opportunity
to participate in Disney's
"Alice in Wonderland."
We will spend ten weeks
after school learning sing-
ing, acting, and dance
skills, which will culmi-
nate in performances for
our school, family, friends
and community.
Auditions are March 7
and 8 from 3 to 4:10 p.m.
At auditions, students
will sing a small part of
selected songs. They may
also be asked to learn a
short dance or cold read
selected sections of text.
All students must have
parent/guardian permis-
sion to audition. As this is
a large commitment, it is
absolutely necessary that
parents/guardians be on
board with their child's
decision to participate and
commit to rehearsal/out
of rehearsal homework.
Parents will be needed to
help with home memori-
zation of their child's part.
It is also crucial that if
students choose to audi-
tion that they stick with
the rehearsal process. A
show is not something
that can easily deal with
student's quitting/bailing
mid-rehearsals. Becoming
part of the cast is becom-
ing part of a team that de-
pends on every part.
The performances of
the show are on May 20
and 21. If your child will
not be available for these
dates, please refrain from
auditioning. However,
perhaps they can help
during the rehearsal pro-
cess as a stagehand or
manager, see music teach-
er Jacklyn Kellogg
Kellogg is more con-
cerned with how you be-
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have than how well you
sing, act, Or dance. Is your
student dependable? Can
we count on them learn-
ing a part, showing up,
and carrying through
with the role given to
them? Our rehearsal pro-
cess will be work-intense
and everyone needs to
give their best, prepared
to work with no behavior
issues. Grade checks will
also be important to the
casting decision. All cast
members must hold the
minimum GPA required
to participate in extra-
curricular activities.
The cast list will go up
on Thursday, March 10
and rehearsal schedules/
calendars will also be
passed out. The announce-
ment of the cast can be
a difficult time since the
role offered may not meet
your child's expectations.
If your child is upset about
the casting decision, em-
power your child to talk to
Ms. Kellogg one-on-one to
discuss the decision and
how to enhance future au-
ditions. Please trust the
audition panel's judgment
and know that every role
has something extremely
important to contribute
to the overall show. There
are no small parts, only
small actors.
Our first rehearsal,
read/sing through, and
passing out of scripts will
be held after school Mon-
day, March 14. We will
rehearse Monday through
Thursday from 3 to 4:10
p.m. (in order to catch the
activities bus.) Not ev-
ery actor will be required
at rehearsal each day; it
depends on what part of
the show is being worked
on. A rehearsal calendar
detailing who is needed
and when will be passed
out at the beginning of re-
hearsals. Please be avid
about checking this with
your student so that they
are available and present
when needed at rehears-
als. Closer to the show
dates, most of the cast will
be expected at rehearsal
for the entire week to run
the whole show Monday
through Thursday.
If your child is cast in
"Alice and Wonderland"
we will be having a parent
meeting at 6 p.m. on Tues-
day, March 15 to go over
expectations, costuming,
show dates and other in-
formation. Please make
yourself available for this,
as it will provide impor-
tant information and al-
low me to meet you and
get to know you better.
With any school pro-
duction, any volunteer
help that you can provide
is greatly appreciated.
With your help, this show
can be truly fantastic. If
you have experience in
stage production, or know
of others that would like
to contribute, please con-
tact us.
If you have any ques-
tions, comments, or con-
cerns, please feel free to
contact Jacklyn Kellogg,
music teacher 877-5463
ext. 226.
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Auditions for Children's Theatre
Auditions will be held for
the Missoula Children's The-
atre (MCT) production of Pi-
nocchio, on Monday, March
21 at 4 p.m. in the Student
Union Building of Shelton
High School. All area stu-
dents are encouraged to
audition and should arrive
promptly at 4 p.m. and plan
to stay for two hours. Some
of the chosen cast members
will be asked to remain for
a rehearsal immediately fol-
lowing the audition.
Among the roles to be cast
are Pinocchio, the Blue Fairy,
Jiminy Cricket, the Fox and
Cat, Candlewick and crew,
Urchins, School Kids, Pup-
pets and Toys. No advance
preparation is necessary.
Assistant Directors will also
be cast to aid in rehearsals
throughout the week and to
take on essential backstage
Pinocchio will be present-
ed on Saturday, March 26
with performances at 3 and
7 p.m. at the Shelton High
School Auditorium. Tickets
are $5 and available from
Shelton Kiwanis, Sage Book-
store, or at the door. This
yearly event is sponsored by
the Shelton Kiwanis and be-
gan 16 years ago.
The Missoula Children's
Theatre, based in Missoula,
Montana is the nation's larg-
est touring children's the-
atre, and has been touring
extensively for 37 years. A
tour team arrives in a com-
munity with a set, lights,
costumes, props and make-
up, everything it takes to put
on a play ... except the cast.
The team holds open audi-
tions and casts 50 to 60 local
students to perform in the
production. The tour actors/
directors for this year's pro-
duction will be Margie Mills,
who has a BFA in theatre
performance from Virginia
Commonwealth University,
and Anna Newberry, who
has a BA in theatre from
Central Washington Univer-
All MCT productions are
original adaptations of clas-
sic children's stories and
fairytales. Also included are
three enrichment workshops
presented by the tour actors/
Creativity, social skills,
goal achievement, communi-
cation skills and self-esteem
are all characteristics that
are attained through the
participation in this unique,
educational project. The mis-
sion of Missoula Children's
Theatre is the development
of life skills in children
through participation in the
• performing arts.
All you can eat...
Saturday, March 12
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 3, 2011 - Page B-3
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