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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 3, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 3, 2011
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HGHSCHOOLSPOTLIGHT Singing senior wants to study pharmacy and nutrition Bryanna McLean By DEAN SIEMON Bryanna McLean began singing in choir when she was in the third grade, up until the seventh grade. Because there were no choirs at Oakland Bay Junior High School, McLean did not sing until last year as a junior at Shelton High School. "I've always been into music," McLean said. The singing senior is in not only the concert choir, but also the Cham- ber Singers and Illusions. "I really like Illusions because it's jazzy and it's a small group so we're close," McLean said. "Plus I also like the pieces in Chamber Singers." In addition, McLean was taught how to play the saxophone by her brother, Trevor. But while music is a part of her life, it isn't going to be her main focus after high school. "I would like to keep with it, but it isn't something I'd like to make a career out of," McLean said. The senior said she is interested in pursuing studies in phrarmacy and nutrition when she attends college. "Pharmacy allows me to help peo- ple," she said. "Nutrition because I don't like to see all the obese people and I can help them reach a healthy weight in a healthy way." Part of her reason for wanting to major in pharmacy was her mother recently being diagnosed with stage one breast cancer. "It's what made me decide on it more," McLean said. McLean said her mother continu- ing to smile and remain happy dur- ing all the treatments has also been an inspiration. "It makes me look up to her for how positive she is," she said. McLean said she is going to attend Arizona State University in Tempe. She was also accepted to Washington State University in Pullman. "It [Arizona State] does provide an excellent pharmacy and nutrition program," McLean said. "I wanted to go somewhere different than here." McLean said she is excited about going to school outside of the Pacific Northwest. "But I'm also really nervous be- cause I don't know anyone else going there," she said. Among other school activities, McLean has been a member of Stu- dents Against Destructive Decisions (S.A.D.D.) since her freshman year. "I saw so many kids making de- structive decisions and I wanted to be a role model for my family and friends," she said. McLean is also a member of the high school's French Club and takes part in the Knowledge Bowl and girls tennis teams. Out of the classroom, onto the water By NATALIE JOHNSON "We learned a lot about "Not many women work Students from Roy Conover's ninth grade Ca- reer and Technical Educa- tion (CTE} Natural Resourc- es Earth Science classes from Oakland Bay Jr. High went on a cruise on Febru- ary 8 and 9 on Hammersley Inlet. The kids weren't cutting class, however. They spent the day on the Service Ed- ucation Adventure (SEA) boat, Indigo, learning about the Puget Sound, how to preserve it, and possible ca- ,'eers m that field. "Any tune you can make education fun it's more ulemorable," Couover said. Conover% student seemed to agree with that statement. "It's fun to get out of the classroom and have hands- on experiences," Rilee Vil- lanueva said. Other students comment- ed on what they learned during their adventure. the pollution - everything we do pollutes [the Puget Sound]," Brynnen Beierle said. On the boat, students learned about what exactly pollutes the sound, and how they can prevent that pol- lution, like washing cars in a commercial carwash so soaps don't go directly into storm drains. "I learned that there's microbeads in soap - they end up in the ocean," Scan Kealy said. The CTE program is fed- erally funded, Conover said, and through programs like this, exposes the students to careers they may not nor- mally see in 8helton. "CTE pays for it all," he said, "It's designed to show students a full spectrum of careers." Conover said that the trip showed a classroom filled mostly with girls that a career path that was tra- ditionally male. in that career field," he said. "These ladies were exposed to another type of career path." While students collected saltwater samples to study in class, they were also tasked with looking out for larger forms of life, like birds and seals, and also got to pilot the boat, un- der supervision, of course, Conover said. After the students got back to their classroom at Oakland Bay Jr. High, they studied their samples un- der microscopes, and shared their findings with their. fellow ninth graders who didn't go on the trip. Conover said that he hoped his students would draw on the lessons learned and excel in school and be- yond. "I think there are some kids in here that are going to go to college and do great things," he said. COLONIAL iiiiii iiii!i!ili!! 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Find us on facebook , Affordable Retirement Living for Independent Seniors Age 62 and Over Page B-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 3, 2011 Septic workshop slated WSU Extension will be presenting a free septic maintenance workshop in part- nership with Mason County Public Health on Wednesday, March 16 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the PUD 3 auditorium (307 West Cota Road, Shelton). Every person who attends will receive a coupon, discounting their next septic system pumping or operation and maintenance service. To help homeowners avoid flushing money down the drain, experts will ex- plain what can be flushed safely, how sep- tic systems work and what to do to protect this very valuable feature of every rural home. The workshop describes the basic components of septic systems and pro- vides participants a chance to ask ques- tions specific to their own needs. Those at- tending will receive straightforward infor- mation on a variety of topics to help them maintain their septic systems. Attendees will learn what they can do on their own and when to call in the experts. Along with a discount coupon, everyone attend- ing will receive a useful printed manual they can use as a resource at home. For more information or to register, please call WSU Mason County Extension at 427-9670 x 680 or 275-4467 x 680 or e- mail Build Your Business education series The Chamber presents a new opportunity to network while learning and sharing useful information that will help you build your busi- ness. Timely topics are meant to encourage inter- active sharing and learn- ing. The monthly series will be held the first Friday of each month at 11:30 a.m. at Grove Street Brewhouse and Tea (233 S. First St., comer of First and Grove in downtown Shelton). Ar- rive at 11:30 to allow plenty of time to order lunch. No reservations required. Topics and facilitators change monthly, look for fu- ture listings in the Journal. March 4: Mike Whyt- sell, Primechoice Media - Marketing Using Mobile- Local Search. Learn about emerging marketing tech- niques that will boost your business using Mobile-Lo- cal Search technology, so- cial networking on steroids. We deliver EATING IL COMPARE OUR LOW PRICES! We carry kerosene. Located at Sanderson  .. -- Industrial Park 8084 8761 have fishing supplies! Skokomish Indian Tribal Enterprises (S.I.TE.) STORE & DELl 19390 North U.S. Hwy. I01 Skokomish Nation, WA 98584 At the intersection of Hwy. 101 & Hwy. 106 minutes north of Shelton on the Skokomish Indian Reservation Located next to the Lucky Dog Casino, 427-9099 .,, usch & Compile Bud & Bqa|]Bi000000t | .   " Busch hght: a-= ............ $ 99 'iS4025 18 pk. 12 oz. {! I I 2 J I