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Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 3, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 3, 2011
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Mason County Chamber 2010 awar, l[ winners Vickie Gonzales Susanna Samuelson 2010 Volunteer of the Year Susanna Sameulson is the Chamber's go-to volunteer. She always makes herself available when a call for help goes out on short notice as well as for long term projects. Susanna is present at almost all Chamber functions ,greeting new members and help- ing them feel welcome and con- nected to other members. As chair of the Chamber Am- bassadors, she has grown the committee into a strong core of volunteers - always present and available to provide a warm wel- come to all who attend Chamber events. She never fails to show appreciation to other volunteers for their time and effort. Her gra- ciousness fosters volunteerism among other chamber members - encouraging others to get in- volved and participate in all our activities. Susanna's spirit, enthusiasm and southern hospitality is conta- gious and plays a significant role in establishing the Chamber's reputation as a comfortable and welcoming organization. The Chamber staff is extreme- ly grateful to Susanna and the role she plays in creating a posi- tive experience for other volun- teers and the Chamber member- ship as a whole. Congratulations and thank you Susanna Samuelson, our 2010 Chamber Volunteer of the Year. 2010 Citizen of the Year 0 It's almost impossible to be in- volved in volunteering in Shelton- Mason County and not run into Vicki Gonzales. If you go to a 40 ET 8 meeting, she's there wrap- ping Christmas presents for kids or helping at a fundraiser for some wonderful cause. Gonzales has served on the Re- lay for Life committee for 11 years and has served as chair for the last seven. She is at the Relay for Life, all 24 hours, every year with a positive and enthusiastic attitude that ensures the event will be a success in raising funds to fight cancer. She also served as co-chair of the 2010 Christmas parade while assisting other Peninsula Credit Union employees pass out cof- fee and cookies to parade attend- ees. She chaired the Kristmas Town Kiwanis efforts at Oyster- Fest, again with a spirit of enthu- siasm, organization and personal effort helping make that event a success. Years ago at a dinner at the Elks, we looked into the kitchen and there was Gonzales, a non member. So we asked what she was doing in the kitchen? Her answer was typical for Gonzales "They needed help". Gonzales lives by the saying it's better to give than to receive. She gives her time, energy, expertise, good humor and love of our com- munity and does it without ever asking for anything in return. Frank Bishop Lifetime Dedication Award This year the Mason County Chamber of Commerce created a new award, The Lifetime Dedica- tion Award, because of the many citizens, businesses and volun- teers that we have in Mason Coun- ty. This category is intended to be awarded every five years and we feel that our first recipient is the model for lifetime dedication. Bishop was a Cub-Master and Scoutmaster with the Boy Scouts of America. He has hosted "Kids With Conservation Knowledge" on his family's farm, Little Skookum Shellfish Growers. He has been a Lions Club member for decades and was the used eyeglass collec- tion coordinator for years. Frank is a builder. He has built a commemorative wall plaque for Nita's Restaurant, repaired pic- nic tables at Shelton's Post Of- fice Park, and he built a section of mountain trail that connects Ste- hikin to Cascade Pass in the North Cascades. Frank has contributed finan- cially to many groups, causes and events. A short list of what he's contributed to is replacing a dry well for a community club, pur- chasing a miter saw for Habitat for Humanity, helping raise a consid- erable portion of the construction funds for the Shelton branch of Olympic College, matching funds for Mason County Explorer Search and Rescue, sponsoring a group of players in the 10th Annual Cys- tic Fibrosis Charity Golf Tourna- ment, and purchasing bricks for the Clock Tower on Railroad Ave. Frank is also committed to the arts. He has donated the instal- lation cost for Olympic College's bronze sculpture "Journey" and sponsored refurbishing and relo- cating the "Kimberly T" statue to MGH. He hosted a singing cere- mony attended by Gov. Gregoire, Chairman Billy Frank Jr. and Congressman Dicks among oth- ers. He's spearheaded a two-page spread in Northwest Art Guide, he has written five books and he was a source for two other books. He's served on the Mason Coun- ty Planning Commission, was a Friend of Olympic College, a PUD Sewer District Commissioner in addition to managing his family's tidelands. He is a visionary who has given his time, sponsorship and passion to seeing our community become a better place. Photos courtesy Cooper Studios Chamber 2010 Nominees 2010 Business of the Year Nominees EFI (Exceptional Foresters ) Quality Appliance Center 1030 S Radio Pantorium Cleaners Falcon Financial Our Community Credit Union Steph's Espresso 2010 Citizen of the Year Nominees Stephanie Fyfe Vicki Gonzales John Eaton Dr. Gary Olson Allison Wagner 2010 Chamber Volunteer of the Year Nominees Allison Wagner Carisa Kunkle, left, Kirsten Loertscher, Mackenzie Loertscher, Carley Kunkle Color Guard has Sgt. Major Dan Hernandez at Oakland Bay Junior High is seeing double these days. He has two sets of twins on his freshman Color Guard in the Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps. (NJROTC). They are Carisa and Carley Kunkle and Kirsten and Mackenzie Loertscher. This Color Guard presents the colors at Oakland Bay Junior High assemblies, unit events, two sets of twins community parades, the Memo- rial Day service at the cemetery and at the Forest Festival Car Show. Carisa and Carley followed their brother Garrett into NJROTC and Kirsten and Mack- enzie followed their brother Eli. All four cadets also compete on the 19-member Shelton High School Armed Drill Team. For information about ad or news submissions, )lei Shelton Goodwill GRAND OPENING March 3-6 Melanie Bakala, Agent 821 West Railroad Avenue Shelton, WA 98584 Bus: 360-426-2428 NMLS # 314927 I'm your agent for that. Having me as your agent means having a real person there to help you when you need it, So when accidents happen, you have someone you can trust to get the jO b done right, and right away, Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there:' CALL FOR A QUOTE 24/:7. -00StateFarm 8, 1[: Shelton-Mason County J le,urn00 By MAT TAYLOR Advertising Representative Ad Budgets & Rationale In this current economic cli- mate, local newspaper advertis- ing fills urgent needs for both readers and advertisers. Readers are looking for products and services closer to home and/or at more affordable prices. Ad- vertisers are looking to target their spending as efficiently as possible, preferably toward in- dividuals with more spending power. Newspaper readers are more highly educated, have higher than average income levels, and also are more in- formed and active locally than their counterparts. This ratio- nale makes the Shelton-Mason County Journal a great media choice for advertisers because it has excellent paid readership (about 25,000 readers), local content (published in, by and for Mason County) and reason- able rates. Ad budgets for most compa- nies are based on a percent- age of sales which, depending on the business category has a normal range between one and 15 percent. No two situations are the same, but in many cases advertising is tax deductible, so keep tearsheets (the entire page with your ad on it, including the dateline) and save your receipts and bills for your accountant. I'm always happy to work with you to customize your ad size and run schedule to fit your budget. Call the Journal office at (360) 426-4412 or e-mail me at any- time. Page B-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 3, 201 1