March 4, 1921 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 4, 1921 |
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PGE.FOUR, THE .¢rASON, CO¥0, ,IL, -' " FRIbAY, MARCH' 4 , I922
LJl I I I ...... I I
................ - A --ds .... ..............
daily, delivered. "Mrs. ,0. A. HOW ABOUT THAT
=- .......................................................................................... 00,oo00o, 00ho,00on. ,-,,t. PICTURE FRAHING
o 00ows ono One cow. New Suit for Easter
comm fresh next month. Geo. and Holstein; if taken at once calf
• mmDvr of Washington State Ples and Waahtngton Newspaper AJsoctatlons Halbert, Route No.l, Phone 52F3.
goes with cow. Cart's Ranch, This is the time you have been .,, ,
]l]ntered as tlecond-c.lass matter at the imstoince at Shelton. Washington 3-11-3t Kamilche. 4-11-2t. waiting for--p r e-w a r prices, ':,--
Published every Friday morning, FO]{. SALE Edison Phonograph, $200 STRAWBERRY PLANTS FOR pre-Warcome inqualitY'today and have that 11'1 ,' ' ':'.:'
Subscription* Domestic. $2 per year. Foreign. $2.50 in advance model, also $100 worth of records. SALE: Gohl Dollar, $4 per thous-
(All papers dmconttnued one month after delinquency) Machine fumed oak finish. Good and, good roots and healthy flants. DomeasureIt" taken. "Let George ,i .x
condition. $125 for quick sale, in- H. Lorenzen, Harstine, Wash. " !':"::, , " ,
YOUR HOME TOWN quire Merritt Johnson. 3-11 3t 3-18-3t. i;i:',
..:. , .. ,
There is something the matter with the man who HOUSE FOR RENT--Six-roomhouse SITUATION WANTED: Anyone 9 ., :,., .... ,.
newly refinished i nsi(le. Phone in nce(l of tn honest woman for She leon (!i
desn't care for the place he lives in; who do,:sn't come Schmidt's mill or 94 Shelton. work of any kind, write stating .], zi ,,--
back to it with some degree of rapture and rel'ef. The 2-25-3t wages to E. H. Palmatier, Route A .--', , :. ....
world citizen, who boasts that all i)kees are alike to him, FOR SALE: 500 feet second hand
that any place where he hangs his lint is home misses oori.g, $1o. See C. F. Wilson, FOR SALE i//'/],)ii[i;;:
one of the first and strongest incentives to decency and Shelton. 3-4-1t. butOnelittle;g°°d2 two-horseSet farmwalkingharneSSplows;USed THE LAW SAYS: ']1 ' 'ffl&
duty--which is the desire to win th general esteem and SEED OATS AND FARM IMPLE- 2 one-horse plows; 1. farm wagon 6 "LET THE PURCHASER 1
MENTS FOR SALE--Fine sample with double box and spring seat; 1
good opinion of the community in whichone dwells. No o White Banner free from smut iron wheel truck; I four-year-old BEWARE" A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF
reward in money compares in value with the golden an4 obnoxious weeds. Also 12-16 cow Shorthorn, Jersey, all- UP TO DATE MOULDING
treasure of a good reputation. If a man cheats and lies in. disc harrow with 3-horse evener; year round milker and a good one, But there is no need for the
also" John Deere walking plow; coming fresh April 10th.--W. G. Rex, purchaser of real estate to "beware" TO SELECT FROM.
and steals and bears false witness, he may build up a also heavy and light harness. John Rexome, Shelton. 3-18-3t. of anything, because he can protect
great fortune and still be plagued at night with the G. MacRae, box 74, Shelton. Phone .hmself certainly and fully by having The
73F3. 3-4-3t I FOR SALE--Canvas violin case, the title to the real estate he is
knowledge that those about him hold a low opinion of his practically new, $1.00. This office, buying insured for the amount of the Heckman Photo Shop
worth and works. Dr. Eliot of Harvard has told us that BULL FOR SERVICE--High gradel . purchase.
Holstein, at George Jassarnick s on CUT FLOWERS and wreaths for No delay--no abstract required--
it is the favorable opinion of a man's home town that is John's Creek near Shelton. 3-4-3t funerals; bulbs, trees and shrubs no annual premium--and it costs '
,worth earning and retaining. One of the neighbors of all kinds, can be had of Mrs. less. "Pencils, Beats All, with eraser..
might be wrong; but if we take the summation of what LOOSE HAY for sale at She|ton. Esther Munson, Shelton. Rush or- Regular pce 3 for 10c, 35c a dozen,
G. C. Angle. ders receive prompt attention. Special Saturday, March 5th, 25c ,
many are saying, we probably shall arrive at a :ust esti- Mason County Abstract & dozen to any one bringing this slip,
mate. FOR SALE by owner: Large tract, H. SAUER Journal Stationery Shop.
finest berry and garden ]and in
Merely to live in a place doesn't make one a citizen. Washington, 3-room house, fine PRACTICAL PAPER HANGER Title Company PIGS WANTED: Wish t buy ten
Your heart will be where your work has been put in to flown well, all under one roof. AND DECORATOR (Under State Supelwision) small pigs, .Oakland Ba Logging
Barn and chic!en house. 2Z Co., Route 2, Shelton. 3-11-3t.
help forward any good thing that is going. Of course, blocks from Intearban station. Phone 71F6. P. O. Box 465 Shelton, Wash. FOR SALE, Brown Pantosote win-
one must be true to the immediate family circle and look .,000 cash or $700 on terms. C. E. I Shelton, Wash. (tow seat for bav window. In good
Voss, Shelton. 2-25-4-1-6t. J 1
well to the rooftree and the dooryard of one's own house- 4-22 condition. Phone 193. t-f
hold first of all. But that intimate indoor devotion,
commendable as it is, may become a selfish sentiment
that takes no thought for those measures of public wel-
fare in whose benefit we all share. Fault-finders stand
ready with harsh censure and snap judgment upon what House artxng
the toilers are doing. The toilers are too busy doing the
work of the fault-finders. They cannot stop to explain.
Wh* eerv plantation of human beings is in need of if it
is to .lour{sh, is a group of men who love others better
than they love their own ease aud quiet and spend them-
selves in selfless endeavor. No man gets the name of (, .,,. _
civic patriot by doing the things simply for himself. He
must serve the public interest in the general good, not
h,s own pocket; while the range of his charity may cover
the whom world, t should, m the homely phrase, come
lome to roost" in his own town.--Philade]phia Ledger. i i i
Most Shelton people who are fairl3; rooted have no
desire to change theil pleasant urban lives for the veneer
and glamor of the bigcity, andas a rule are probably as ' , .
contented and prosperous here as they would be else- '
where-hbut what an exodus there'd be if no improvement We have received news that our Spring Goods and Shoes are on
was ahead. •
With so substantial a foundation there is room to their way, so we are going to have a house cleaning to make room for them. Every one of the fol-
build a little city of about three thousand people here, but lowing are real bargain's. No sale goods will be returnable.
to bring this aboutneW industries working up some of
the raw material will benecessary. .....
A doubled town would bring increased business, new ": MEN'S ALL WOOL UNDERWEAR
li:nes Of service and more work for everybody, but better Men's Wool Underwear, mid-weight, very good quality. Sale
till, it would create a worth-while market for the farm- .price, per galanent .................................... $1.50
in.g industry of Mason County. A town does not fill its , MEN'S COTTON UNDERWEAR
rmssion or amount to much unless it is a real community Men's Cotton Underwear, heay weight, sale price, per gay-
center; neither town or County can prosper without the ment ................................................... 75c
other--hence the needler team-work for mutual advan-
> What shall we make of 19217 .... ' , Men's Outing Night Shirts, regular price $3.00, now ...... $1.75
:i¢ " " ' ' - ' MEN'S ALL WOOL IRON CLAD SOX
Some back-number legislator, of course from King en's all wool Iron Clad Sex in black, blue and gray. Sale
County, has introduced a bill legalizing betting at horse price, by the box, six in a box. ' .$3.00
races under the "pari-mutua!:sytem." The dy of the MEN'S WATER REPELLANT COATS LADIES WHITE HOSE
"tin-horn gambler" is iSt,-aithGugh there always will be _: Men's light weight Water Repellant Coats. Sale price. $3.75
gambling on the sly, and meg" a'e ever. ready to hazard z':, " Ladies' White Cotton Hose
their money on the turn of a card or:the little cubes, M.N'S IDE DRESS COLLARS Sale price..2e
the races or ball games. Open gambling and the open . _ Men's Ide Dress Collars for 15c, two for .................. 25¢
aloon are two ew'ls ,that the new generation will learn -
: , ,,:r, ,,.. ....... '-t LADIES' CHILDREN'S, DRESSES
of only through hi,to , , " : " I:.,. , .,- ..... , .... "' : " " HOUSE DRESSES
..... ., ,..: ,..,: ; ..:;' ..... . r, All Chlldre's Dresses .made of finest
., .,-./.. ,:,:.,:m: ' .... '""'- "' "': ..... :.: All Ladies' House Dresses for
Ginghams. Sale :price .............. TL00
, :'i'""" ..... ' .......................... $1.50 LADIES SHOES
Baby Dresses made of White Lawn. Sale
Cuthbert's recent talk to the Corvallis commeria] . NIGHT GOWNS Shoes, in black, brown or white. Sale price
club contains so much in diagnosis of community ills and Ladies' Outing Night Gowns, price ......................... $5.00 ................................ 50€
suggestions for community health that!t is published on regular price $3.00, sale price .... CHILDREN'S GINGHAM PLAY SUITS
page two for local information.!cated, the recipe $.5o Another broken line of Children's Ox-
.......................... fords and Shoes. Sale price....$1.50 Children's Gingham Play Suits. Sale
for community growth and prosperity calls for co-oper- uce ...................... 5o¢
ative effort rather thanmich money from the individual : '
citizen. It's a "cure-all" that always brings results. =
Conditions in this state, as over the country gener-
ally, are not so very g.ood just nOW; but having a stable LADI.S' SiLK V.SS
financial foundation will brighten with the weather. The AND TIGHTS .
exception is North Dakota which will be long in recover- Ladeis Silk Vests and Tights. Sale
ing from its crazy Non-partisan spree, price 75e
• , .. r.Y';;&:;r..#.',:":.'f ........... • ....... - ........
A clean and wholesome town with progressive people
may not attract much attention, but an untidy, shiftless
town with an indifferent citizenry, gets plenty of free
advertising that doesn't help the community any. BOYS'
Today, March 4, 1921, is the longed.for day when Re- Boys' Outing Night Shirts, regular
publicans return from eight years' sojourn m the wilder- EN'S DRESS SHIRTS $2.50, sale price ....... $1.25 CHILDREN'S GINGHAM ROMPERS
Men's Dress Shirts, large and ....... Children's Gingham Romper Suits. Sale
ness, and President Harding tackles the biggest house- man sies, se nce ...... $Loo ¢e ............................... $L00
cleaning job in the history of the United States.
Does t]ae honorable legis.lature intend any reflection The Lumbermen s l00ercantlle Co.
on our public officials when t exempts them, along dth •
the insane and feeble-minded, from paying the new poll
taxes? ....
• .---- ; -: ' "The House of Service and Quality" '
One half of the world doesn' know what the other ' ..
half'is doing and often doesn't care. It is likewise not .
always anxious to advertise it own acts:
........................................ _ .................................... _=. ........................................................