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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 4, 1921     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 4, 1921
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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RIDAY, MARCH 4, 1921 ....... i I I 1 BABY DAUGHTER DIES - . .' ;n s - 00WTER LONG ILLNESS; Local ana rersonat |l TWIN YET IN DANGER == ' -f=- HOLD SERVIC%-00-TN OLYMPIA ll'H'''i''I SUNDAY FOR THE LITTLE "R C Angle spent several days in Inauguration Day. [ DAUGHTER OF MR AND Seattle" last week. [ MRS.- PERRY BAf(ER [ County Commissioners meet Mon-[ Th , .. 7-Z----E,, . .. Mrs. Ray Sorts of Enumelaw has (lay. " ] e (eam m l)orony, one oi me been visiting here with Mr. 'and Mrs. [eighteen-months-old twin babies of E. E. Storts. I School elections over the county vlr. an(! Mrs. Per'y Baker, occurre(] --   I Saturday afternoon, ast rmay in spie of the skirt ann Mr. and Mrs. Roy Greenwood of ' Kamilche made a trip to town !Ionday. Mrs. Chas. Murphy of Tacoma was visiting her brothers, Ass and Ar- thur Ward, in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. Cal Rodenburger left last week for California where they intend to make their future home. Judge Wilson came from Olympia Saturday, but found only a few pro- bate orders awaiting his attention. Miss Majorie Latham left last Sunday for Tacoma where she has begun a course at Beutel Business • College. Miss Winnifred Brown returned last Friday from Portland, Oregon, where she has spent tvco weeks with Mrs. Bruce Ambler. Ferdinand Schuma'cher left Mon- day on his retrain to Wrangell, Al- aska, after spending the winter among relatives here. Miss Myrtle Kjome, former local girl is making a name for herself in athletics as a members of the Seattle Girls Hockey Club team. Clifford Wivell returned home last week from the State College at Pull- man, and will spend the last semester in practical work on the Wivell farm. H. R. Dickinson of Hoodsport, was a town visitor yesterday. Mr. Dick- inson is planning the building of a new home at that place in early spring. Mrs. H. K. Blake returned to Fris- ken Y Tuesday with little Rae Blake who'has been sick with pneumonia at the Becker home here for the past month. Rev. J. C. Dorwin and Mrsi Emma Tidd of Tacoma and Mrs. L. H. Me- Clay of Seattle, were-among the old familv friends called to Shelton for the Tegtmeer funeral. Miss Emma Pydee of Seattle has been visiting the past week with Mr. and Mrs. George Jasal:ick at John's Creek and spending sofne time with friends in town. ' Dr. 't3olton, of Tacoma, was in town this eek in the interest of the Pu- get Sound College, which is seeking a large endowment for. the building of a greater educational intltuti0n in that city. Ed. F. McReavy, after spending a month visiting in Tacoma, was in town this week on his way to Ho- quiam, where he will "mak his home and help out in the new store con- ducted by Charles McReavy. A delegation from Kam]lche, in- eluding Mrs. George Griggs, Jr., Mrs. H. E. Martin, Miss Ahna Riet- doff, Mrs. Dave Ellison and daughter Minnie, were over yesterday to at- tend the Economics Club meeting. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Robison and the latter's mother, Mrs. Kane, were visitors in town from "Union City Monda,y. They were accampaniedby Mrs. Howard of Vancouver, B. C., who is visiting her sister,,: Mrs. Thomas Purdy, at Union. . Olof Possum was a visitor to town yesterday. Mr. is an-old North Bay resident, but last year purchased the camps abandoned by the I)eiiance Logging company and a stri] ,of waterfront at Eberhardt's Cove which he is working back into a farm.. Mr. rind Mrs. L. W. Thomas, or Tacoma, spent several days this week visiting Mr. Thomas' arents, Rev. and /r$. Thomas. They returned home Wednesday, accomuanied by Mrs. Richards, of Coupeville, who has also heen enjoying the family re- union." H. L. Leonard this week moved his family down from Seattle and has taken uD his new work as mechanic for the Wallace Johnson Motor com- pany. x Leonard comes direct from Myers nd Baird Motor Company; an authorified Ford agency in Seattle, where he has been employed. J. F. Moore, a former commel'cial teacher of the Shelton schools, was private secretary to A. J. Rhodes, the prominent merchant who died in the East, and has in .charge the set- tlement of the large estate. Mr. Moore was married to Miss Hayward, also a local teacner, and their homo is in Seattle. Henry Lorenzen was in town from ttarstine Island Monday, and an- nounced that the Lorenzens are through with logging for a time and he will devote hm attention to ber- ries, in which there should be more" profit. He specializes on strawber- ries, but also grows black and logan- . berries. He says Harstine Island folks are planning bigger things for the future in, both berries and poul- try. Mrs, .John Pugh and daughter Mil- dred, Who have spent th-]ast thr.e months at Bishop, Cal., foI me lat, ter's h.alth, returneti "liome last Frz, ,day fd the summer." Bib.hop is in the mountains near the Aflz6na" line and quite dry although some rain fell during 'their stay anti[ also one fall of snow, but nothing green was in sight. The farmers had fair crops l last season and are not complainlng, J but hvldfng their wheat f0r be tt prices. " ..... care on Dr. William Beach is the proud possessor of a new Chevrolet road- ster. Dr. Gage says today ought to be a legal holiday, so people couhl cele- brate properly. March opened with some real sun- ny days aml the itch for gardening is breaking out. A. C. Kent and Frank Livingstone have gone to Camp 2 to do some grading work for the Peninsular Railroad. .John Kubik has completed the re- duction of his factory building and now has two neat cottages on Pine street nearing completion. The Methodist Ladies' Aid post- poned its meeting on account of the funeral Wednesday until next Wed- nesday, March 9th. wlmn it will be held at the Methodist parsonage. All business in Shelton was closed during the hour of the Tegtmeyer funeral service Wednesday afternoon in honor of the first Ma'son County boy, dying overseas to be buried in the home cemetery. Mrs. R. ]I. Daniels left yesterday for Wenatchee and Mr. Daniels ex- pects to fllow within the next few clays. ibey have moved their house- hold goods and will make their home there in the future. County Assessor J. B. Shelton be- gan work this week equipped with his black bag and the necessaT blanks to do the field assessing for this season, expecting to cover tie entire county alone within the three months period. A. N, Ward and Chas. Runacres spent last week in the several camps of the Simpson Logging Company, making out income tax returns for the employees, over half of whom have 'c0nt:ibutions to make to the government. The Shelton Home Economics Club held its meeting at the Town Hall Thursday afternoon, with a number of visitors present from .other county clubs: -The club is eonstderin the preparation of a revised edition,' of the Mason County Cook Book, larger and more up-to-date than the origin- al book issued in 1912. The Wallace Johnson Motor Com- pany has taken the agency for the Utflitor, the ideal light tractor for small farr/fing and berry cultivation. Equipped with plows, harrows, discs and weeders the little machine does the same work as the heavier tractor outfits, but is adapted to a one-man job. The baby tractor was tried out at Earl Kneelands' berry tract and proved that it had ample power to handle the various tools with ease. Now that the weather is beginning to break away after the wettest winter season in years the roads are getting back to "normalcy" again, and in most directions there is less complaint than usual. On the Olym- pic highway south of Shelton road sqpei'visor Roy Carr is taking advan- tage of the dry spells to drag the roads and the good effect of the road is being commented upon by travel- lers,,who note the great contrast betWeen the Mason County section and that in Thurston County. COUNTY 'NURSE REPORT Report of Mason County Nurse for the month of Febrnary: VISITS: Tuberculosis, 1; Co-oper- ation, 10 Health Talks, 1; Home Visits, 4; SChO6T§/2;: Physicians, 3; Referred for Relief, 1;-Other Calls, 5. New Cases, 1. Attended Public Health Conven- tion at Everett. Work is more or less hampered by lack of sufficient transportation. ANNE E. McMAHON, R. N." County Nurse. SHELTON AND MATLOCK MODERN WOODMEN FROLIC Some 45 members of the Shelton .'amp of Modern Woodmen of Amer-. ca ('eturned the fraternal call of the ¢Iatlock camp last Thursday and en- oyed a pleasant evening at the Mat- ck hail. The meeting was largely social, including a play, dancing and a big banquet at which about 150 Woodmen and their families partici- pated. The Shelton visitors all re- port a grand (line. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Real estate transfers fmished by the Mason County Abstract & Title Company. Richard B. Cookson to W. A. Morris, wd, lot 1, blk 5 and lot 10 blk 8 Union City. Con. $10. John A. Burnett and w to Victor ,[era.rd/ wd lot 1 blk 1 Frances Shelton s ad. Con. $10. B. E. Eldred and w to B: r O.. Lee, wd, lots 4 to 10 incl blk 32 Second add to Detroit. Corn $10, Call For Bids 1Bids are hereby called for he .sup2 yJf sixty (60) cords of four-foot wood. aadt (50)ricks of.two-foot Wood, ee fir, need'n0t be ree .;' from ]mOtsf"piled in-shed at school muses before Seutember 1st, next. Bids to be opened March 15th, 't9. {ight is reserved to reject any aiid 11 bids. School District No. 309, F. C. Mathewson, Clerk, ";..  ' Shelton. devoted to the babies during their long illness of five weeks. The burial was leld in Olympia on Sun- day afternoon, following service at the Mills Chapel. The twins were first stricken with measles and had ahnost recovered when overtaken with other complications. The bereaved parents are still wor- ried over their baby Doris, who is not yet out of danger, and have the sympathy of friends in their afflic- tion. • THE MASON' COUNTY JOURNAL I CHURCH NOTES BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Morning service at 11:00 a. m. Young People's meeting at 6:30 p. m. Evening service at 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting on Thursday night at 7:30. There will be preaching at Dayton schoolhouse Sunday aftenoon at 3:00 o'clock. Evereyone invited to attend these i services. Addison Self, Pastor. M. E. CHURCH AMERICAN LEGION PLANS ANOTHER BIG SMOKER SOON At the meeting of the Fred B. Wivell Post, American Legion, held Morning Sunday School 10 o'clock. Preaching 11 o'clock. Evening services at 7:30. Preaching at Skokomish first Sun- day of each month at 3 p. m. Prayer Meeting 7:30 Thursday evening. The public is cordially invited to] thest meetings. W. H. Thomas, Pastor. i- CATHOLIC CHURCH here Wednesday night plans were "St. Edward's Catholic Church" formulated and committees chosen to On 2nd Sundays first Mass is at put on a second big Legion Smoker. 18 a. m. and second Mass at Skoko- The (late has not yet been definitely mish at 10:45 a. m. set but the affair will be staged Qn fourth Sundays mass at 9 a.m. sometime this month. Father Benedict Schweizer, O. S.B. The committees are now busy framing the bouts and indications are that there will be-some great contests. Tle last smoker given by SOCIAL the Legion as a big success and it is expected that this one will go one A social will be given on Wednes- better. The boys feel that having clay evening, March 9th. at 7"30 at had the experience of the first one the Odd Fellows' Hall, "Shelt(in, by they will • now be able to put o one the Black Bear Patrol, Troop No.1 timt will be a world-beater, i of the Boy Scouts of America. Sand- Definite plans and the (late willbe wiches and coffee will be served. published next eek. . Come and enjoy a good time. Ad- mission 25c. The proceeds are to be READY TO BUILD DOCK used for the purchase of equipment needed by the Troop. J. P. Hart, of the Hart Construe-, 14 Paramo-nt ,eco,s, ,:ate thi ,,,ti°n Company,t.   ....,; ., __Tac°ma' was in town and songs, special Saturday, (lanceSMarch l)'u'ilcl"tle "eivi"crokenle:°he°new [ 5th, 60c, regular price $1.00 and $1.25. • -. ". ; .... 0keh records closing out at "]5c Only Planct ont:mptaeCara eneWraPa-ia few left. Journal Statmnery Shop. provement of its plant in Shelton ......... Mr. Hart has other work in prospeetl . and plans to,send over both water.==--=- ..... - ..... - ...... and land pile d:ivers for contract., [ • here. The company makes a spec- LYRIC ialty of brMge, dock and heavy con- truction. and has equipment at Olym- pia as we,, as Tacoma. :T H E A T RE TAKE TRIP TO MEXICO Mrs. Fred Willey of Oakland Ba returned last week from a visit t Seattle, where she saw he r nece Mrs. iHannah B artesic, and husbdni off.,on a trip to Mexico for ah in- definite stay. Mrs. Bartesic is well known here as the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ireland of Utsaladdy, and niece of Mrs. Willey. She was married last Thanksgiying, and her health not being of the best, the Barsics decided on a trip to Mex- ico. -- .L ADVENTIST MEETINGS. Series of meetings are being held each evening except Saturday at tim Adventist church by C. A.,Wyman of Olympia. He is iseussing a num- ber- of great questions affecting the church and the world. He has had 35 years of Bible exposition and the scripture instruction and historical data given are valuable to every in- quirer after tth. Invitation is ex- nded to all to attend these services. e privilege is extended to ask questions for information and an- swers will be kindly gven. 7:45 p.m. STUDENTS VISIT LEGISLATURE Superintendent H. E. Loop and several high chool teachers accom- panied the junior and senior classes eSterday on .a visit to the state gislature at Olympia. The group visited both th House and the Sen- ate and spent several hours learning how. laws are made; / INLEYoAUSTIN _Rev. Thomas 0n perform- e me weaoing service for an out- side couple, Omer Porter, of Austin,( and Blanche Inley, of Freeland, .Pierce County, who were accompanied by friends from Kamilche. I Show s tai'ts at 8 p. m. sharp. SatuiMy, March 5th . Paradunt Artcraft Picture DOUGL,s McLEAN and .... DORIS MAY in 23 HOURS LEAVE• And FOX WORLD NEWS :' I a  Sunday, March 6th ,Metro Pictures Corporation presents The Screen's Greatest Artist • NAIMOVA in THE RED LANTERN and A Christie Comedy Wednesday, March 9th First National Pictures Present KATHERINE McDONaLD in THE BEAUTY MARKET Don't fail to ,see the screen beauty in' this play and A FORD DUCATIONAL WEEKLY ThursdaY, March 10th Samuel Goldwin and,Rex Beach ;present Leroy Scot, s Famous Story PARTNERS OF o THE NIGHT A Great Mystery Drama and A FOX WORLD NEWS REEL i Spring Millinery Opening N..- PAGE l PUTNAM Straw Hat Dyes Colors old and new for Straw Hats, Straw Goods, Wicker Furniture and Baskets. But the main point is that it will make your old just like new. DULL BLACK PURPLE BROWN NATURAL FIR DRUG STORE HOME COOKING QUALITY AND SERVICE THE BEST PLACE TO EAT IS AT Paine's Restaurant SBORT ORDERS ICE CREAiq QUICK SERVICE AND LUNCHES PEERLESS HARKET A GOOD PLACE TO BUY GOOD ...... MEAT , Boiling Beef, per pound ......... 15c' T Bacon .......................... 25c Hams . ................. 25c and 35e Pickled Pork .................... 25c Corn Beef .............. 15c and 25c GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEAT CARD OF THANKS . [ CARD OF THANKS ,g" " I , ....... ,i, ' Again, dear, kind friends of Shel-, We wish to express our deep ap- toh we come, our hearts filled wfth preciation for the inany kindly set- gratitude, to thank you for your con- vices rendered us during the long stant watching and for delivering to illness of our twin babies, and re- us the remains of our dear boy. We turn our heartfelt thanks to all, and lso wish to thank you for the floral especially for the flowers brought Offerings and for the kindness and for the funeral of baby Dorothy. sympathy accorded us in our sorrow MR. AND MRS. PERRY BAKEE and anxiety anl also for the wonder- ful courtesy shown our son Alfred and family while they were in Shel- ton. May Heaven's greatest bles- sings be yours. MR. AND MRS. H. B. GEHRI AND FAMILY. Brunswick Phonographs and rec- ords at Journal Stationery Shop. W. R. C. MEETING MARCH 4TH, The W. R. C. will meet at" the .... I. O. O. F. hall next Friday, March 4th, and serve dinner to all G. A. R. men, W. C. R. members and their families . A good attendance is de- sired and a good time promised. CONTINUING ANOTHER WEEK me, D We are continuing our sale which includes our entire stock of Men s Women s and Chil- dren's Shoes, for one more week. in order to give everyone a chance to take advantage of me pmce reductions. . . In the $1.00 bargains you will find many fine selections in Sandals, Mary Janes and White Canvas. If your size is there you will be pleased with your purchase. NEW SILKS. ,. In brown, blue and black Taffetas and Satins, ' 36 inches wide, yard ........... 3.00 , ' . ' , . • • , $ McDONALD & CO. '  " Shelton ' , ,,lq